Karen Saewert
Phone: 602-496-0856
Health North 550 North 3rd Street 303 PHOENIX, AZ 85004
Mail code: 3020Campus: Dtphx
Karen J. Saewert, PhD, RN, CPHQ, ANEF
Clinical Professor | MY (FSC)
Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Chair, Mary Killeen Program for Educational Excellence
Edson College Endowed Fund
Barrett Honors Faculty, ASU Honors College
Edson Liaison to ASU Office of Interprofessional Continuing Health Education (OICHE)
Appointed Member, ASU OICHE Advisory Committee, ASU Office of the University Provost
Program Accreditation On-Site Evaluator, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), American Association of College of Nursing (AACN).
Joint Accreditation Surveyor, Joint Accreditation™ Interprofessional Continuing Education (JAICE), Advancing Healthcare Education by the Team for the Team
Grant Reviewer, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)/Bureau of Health Workforce/Division of Independent Review (DIR)
Founding Evaluation Lead, ASU Center for the Advancement of Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research (CAIPER)
Dr. Saewert champions leadership and quality-focused initiatives to advance nursing and health professions education and improve healthcare quality and safety. She joins colleagues in national and international efforts to demonstrate how the collaboration of practice and health professions education can lead to improved healthcare quality and outcomes in emerging team-based practice models.
Education and Certification
- Post-Doctoral Certification
Certified Nurse Educator (2006 - 2016)
National League for Nursing Academic Nurse Educator Certification Program - PhD - The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ - 2003
Clinical Nursing Research (Major)
Public Administration and Policy (Minor) - Post-Master's Certification
Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (1996 – present)
Healthcare Quality Certification Board of the National Association for Healthcare Quality - MS - Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Community Mental-Health Psychiatric Nursing, 1990 - Post-Baccalaureate Certification
Certified Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse (1984-1993)
American Nurses Association Division of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice - BSN - Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ - 1977
Specialized Preparation
Interprofessional Education and Practice
ehpic™ - Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care: Advancing the Future of Healthcare through Interprofessional Learning – A Certificate Course for Health Professionals, Educators & Leaders (2017); Centre for Interprofessional Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Advancing the Future of Healthcare through Interprofessional Learning: A 3-Day Course for Health Professionals, Educators & Leaders [ehpic™: Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care] (2016); Centre for Interprofessional Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI®) Coach Certificate Program (2017); The Leadership Challenge®, LPI® Coach Training, San Diego, CA
Evaluation Master Class (2017); Arizona State University Wrigley Institute [Michael Quinn Patton, PhD and Jennifer Jewiss, EdD], Tempe, AZ
Utilization-Focused Evaluation, and Evaluator Competencies for Diverse Settings [Michael Quinn Patton, PhD] (2014); Minnesota Evaluation Studies (MESI), University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Healthcare Improvement
Quality Management, Patient Safety, Leadership, Patient- and Family-Centered Care, Managing Health Care Operations; Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School Certificate (2012), Cambridge, MA
Evidence-Based Practice
Advancing Research & Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) Evidence-Based Practice Mentor (2006); Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP), Tempe, AZ
Research Administration
Sponsored Research Administration (2001-2002); ASU Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development
- Instrumentation
- Outcomes Measurement
- Development of Prototypical Outcomes Systems
- Science and Practice of Healthcare Quality Management
- Nursing Education Research
- Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
- Systematic Program Planning and Evaluation
- Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice
Select Publications/Creative Works
- Calacci, M., Morris, B., & Saewert, K. J. (2025). Codes, nodes, and frames, oh my! [Manuscript in preparation]. Arizona State University.
- Saewert, K. J., Peterson, K. S., & Fogelson, K. H. (2025). Evaluating nurse-led innovation event learning outcomes: An academic-practice partnership. [Manuscript in preparation]. Arizona State University.
- Ramella, K., Félix, K. N., Harrell, S. E., & Saewert, K. J. (2025). Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW): An innovative framework for interprofessional community-engaged learning with vulnerable populations. [Manuscript accepted for publication]. Arizona State University.
- Saewert, K. J. (2024). Program evaluation. In D. Hagler, B. L. Hultquist, & D. M. J. Bradshaw (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (9th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Saewert, K. J. (2023). Beyond professional socialization. In E. E. Friberg & K. J. Saewert (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 27-32). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Saewert, K. J., & Lamb, G. (2023). Nurse as interprofessional collaborator. In E. E. Friberg & K J. Saewert (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 123-131). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Harrell, S. E., & Saewert, K. J. (2023). Trauma-informed care. In E. E. Friberg & K J. Saewert (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 264-272). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Kopolow, A., Almanza, R. M., & Saewert, K. J. (2023). Health care quality and safety. In E. E. Friberg & K J. Saewert (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 282-293). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Saewert, K. J. (2022). Program evaluation. In & B.A. Staffileno, M. M. Murphy, & S. Buchholz (Eds.), Research for advanced practice nurses: From evidence to practice (4th ed., pp. 275-300). New York, NY: Springer.
- Saewert, K. J. (2021). Program evaluation. In M. J. Bradshaw, B. L. Hultquist, & D. Hager (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (8th ed., pp. 420-429). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Saewert, K. J. (2020). Beyond professional socialization. In E. E. Friberg (Ed.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (7th ed., pp. 30-36). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Sanborn, H., Cole, J., Kennedy, T., Saewert, K. J. (2019). Design and delivery of online interprofessional experiential learning for health professions students using virtual simulation. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2019.01.010
- Saewert, K. J. (2018). Leading interprofessionally. In J. A. Adams, J. M, P. R. Ponte, & J. Somerville (Eds.), Lead like a nurse: Leadership in every healthcare setting (pp. 101-121). Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.
- Leon, R. (Producer). (2018, February 16). Formative assessment [Audio podcast.] Retrieved from https://conhi.asu.edu/academic-innovation/teaching-learning-and-technology/instruction-design-podcast [Special Guest: Saewert, K. J.]
- Lamb, G., Moramarco, M. W., & Saewert, K. J. (2018). The Arizona nexus: The first five years. Journal of Interprofessional Care, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2018.1505715
- Saewert, K. J. (2017, May). Four Habits of High-Performance Teams & Teamwork from a Person-Centered Perspective (Y. Price, Designer). [Interactive video module]. ASU Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix. https://ipe.asu.edu/curriculum/elearning-module-four-habits-high-performance-teams-teamwork-person-centered-perspective
- Saewert, K. J. (2017). Program evaluation. In M. D. Foreman, M. M. Murphy, & B. A. Staffileno (Eds.), Research for advanced practice nurses: From evidence to practice (3rd ed.). New York: Springer.
- Saewert, K. J. (2016). Program evaluation perspectives and models. In M. H. Oermann (Ed.), A systematic approach to assessment and evaluation of nursing programs. Washington, DC: National League for Nursing.
- Saewert, K. J. (2015). Beyond professional socialization. In E. E. Friberg & J. L. Creasia (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (6th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Saewert, K. J., & Hagler, D. (2015). Generating the education evidence: Measurement and evaluation of quality teaching and learning. In T. Brown & B. Williams (Eds.), Evidence-based education: Promoting best practice in the teaching and learning of health professional students. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Radcliffe.
- Saewert, K. J. (2014). Program evaluation. In M. A. Mateo & M. D. Foreman (Eds.), Research for advanced practice nurses: From evidence to practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.
- Hagler, D., Kastenbaum, B., Brooks, R., Morris, B., & Saewert, K. J. (2013). Leveraging the technology du jour for overt and covert faculty development. Journal of Faculty Development, 27(3), 22-29.
- Saewert, K. J., & Rockstraw, L. (2012). Development of evaluation measures for human simulation. In L. Wilson & L. Rockstraw (Eds.), Human simulation for nursing and health professions. New York, NY: Springer.
- Saewert, K. J. (2011). On change: An exemplar for using student evaluation to demonstrate effective teaching. Teaching evidence-based practice in academic settings. In B. M. Melnyk & E. Fineout-Overholt (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice (2nd ed., pp. 322-323). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Saewert, K .J. (2010). Socialization to professional nursing. In J. L. Creasia & E. E. Friberg (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (5th ed., pp. 42-70). St. Louis: Elsevier.
- Saewert, K. J., & Yarbrough, S. S. (2009). Evaluation of clinical performance. In T. M. Valiga & N. Ard (Eds.), Clinical nursing education: Current reflections (pp. 91-101). New York: National League for Nursing.
- Oermann, M. H., Yarbrough, S. S., Saewert, K. J., Ard, N., & Charasika, M. (2009). Clinical evaluation and grading practices in schools of nursing: National Survey findings part II. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(6), 352-357.
- Oermann, M. H., Saewert, K. J., Charsika, M., & Yarbrough, S. S. (2009). Assessment and grading practices in schools of nursing: National survey findings part I. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(5), 274-278.
Select Research/Grants/Projects
- Innovation Challenge: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method Approach Applied to Self-Efficacy of Using GAI to Generate Healthcare Simulation Scenarios for Future Student Learning. [M. Calacci, PD/PI; B. Morris, Co-PD/PI; K. J. Saewert, Co-PD/PI] ASU IRB STUDY00020741 Approval Effective: 10/30/2024
- Healthcare Simulation Case Generator. AI Challenge, ASU Office of the Provost in collaboration with ASU Enterprise Technology. [M. Calacci, B. Morris, K. J. Saewert]. 05/13/2024- 08/09/2024
- Arizona Nursing Faculty Expansion Project (AZNFEP) (Senior/Key Personnel). Funded by U.S. Department of Labor: Employment and Training Administration (ETA) ($5,061,164). [H. Sanborn, PI/Project Director]. 06/01/2023-05/31/2028
- Interprofessional by Design: Meeting at the Crossroads to Accelerate Leadership Competency and Readiness for Transition to Interprofessional Practice (Co-PI). Support from the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at the University of Minnesota; Funded through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The John A. Hartford Foundation, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation ($100,000). [S. Harrell, PI/Project Director]. 2016-2018
- Interprofessional Practice-Provider Training Program (Co-Investigator). Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care ($140,000) [G. Nelson, PI; Co-Investigators: G. S. Lamb, S. Harrell, L. Manson]. 2015-2016
- Interprofessional Primary Care Curriculum: Implementation and Evaluation (Co-Investigator). IRB Protocol #: 1304009052. [PI: G. S. Lamb; Co-Investigators: D. Velasquez, R. P. Bonifas]. 2013-2016
- Integrated Interprofessional Primary Care Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation. (Co-Author, Co-Investigator, Project Evaluation Lead). Funded by Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation ($836,714). [PI: G. S. Lamb]. 2013-2016
- Blackboard Urgent Care Clinic (Co-Investigator). IRB Protocol #: 1303008998. [PI: J. Senecal]. 2013
- Integrated Interprofessional Curriculum Model Planning Grant (Curriculum and Evaluation Consultant). Funded by Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation). [PI: G. S. Lamb]. 2012
- Critical Appraisal by Nursing Students of Health-Related Websites: A Comparison of Select Teaching Strategies (Co-Investigator). IRB Protocol #: 0910004449. [PI: S. Stillwell; Co-Investigators: B. Fargotstein, J. Pickens]. 2009
- American Indian Students United for Nursing (ASUN) (Co-Author, Co-Investigator, Project Evaluation). Funded by IHS/Office of Clinical and Preventive Services/Division of Nursing Services ($1,700,000). [Co-PIs: B. Warne; M. Killeen]. 2008-2013
- Leveraging Educational Technology for Evidence-Based Practice (LET-EBP) (Evaluation Consultant). Funded by DHHS/HRSA/BHPr/Division of Nursing (Grant No. D11-HP-09753, $1,259,903). [Project Director: D. Hagler]. 2008-2012
- Nurse Educator EBP Mentorship Program Evaluation (Co-Investigator). IRB Protocol #: 0806003060. [PI: E. Fineout-Overholt; Co-Investigator: S. Stillwell]. 2008
- Integrated Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Curriculum Influence on EBP Beliefs and Implementation (Co-Investigator). IRB Protocol #: 0609001092. [PI: E. Fineout-Overholt; Co-Investigators: S. Stillwell, B. White]. 2006
- Financial Aid for Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Scholarship Endowment (Co-Author, Co-Project Director). Funded by the Helene Fuld Health Trust, HSBC Bank USA, Trustee ($550,000). 2006-2010
- Expanding RN-BSN Enrollment to Meet Workforce Needs (Co-Author, Program/Grant Coordinator). Funded by DHHS/HRSA/BHPr/Division of Nursing Basic Nurse Education and Practice Program (Grant No. 1-D11-HP-00219, $973,239). [PI: M. Killeen]. 2001-2005
- Meeting Workforce Needs Through Advancing RN Education (Project Coordinator). Funded by DHHS/HRSA/BHPr/Division of Nursing ($389,314). [Co-PIs: M. Killeen; P. Komnenich]. 1998-2001
- Nelson, Glen R*, Harrell, Susan Elizabeth, Lamb, Gerri, Saewert, Karen J, Shaw, Lesley Manson. SHOW Interprofessional Practice Workforce Development Project. (6/30/2015 - 6/30/2016).
- Lamb,Gerri*, Bonifas,Robin P, Saewert,Karen J, Velasquez,Donna Marie. Interprofessional Primary Care Curriculum: Implementation and Evaluation (ASUF 30005487) Yrs 2-3. ASUF(4/1/2014 - 3/31/2017).
- Lamb,Gerri*, Bonifas,Robin P, Saewert,Karen J, Velasquez,Donna Marie. Interprofessional Primary Care Curriculum: Implementation and Evaluation (ASUF 30005487). ASUF(4/1/2013 - 3/31/2014).
- Morris, Brenda C*, Hrabe, David Paul, Killeen, Mary Lee, Saewert, Karen J, Stillwell, Susan B, Warne, Beverly Mae. American Indian Students United for Nursing (ASUN). HHS-IHS(9/1/2008 - 9/14/2013).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 548 | PSHQ & Informatics |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 548 | PSHQ & Informatics |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 548 | PSHQ & Informatics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 548 | PSHQ & Informatics |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 548 | PSHQ & Informatics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 593 | Applied Project |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 593 | Applied Project |
NUR 593 | Applied Project |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 529 | Prac:PT Safety&HC Quality Lder |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
NUR 670 | Curriculum Development |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 523 | InterprofessionalCollaboration |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 529 | RolePracticum:PSHQ |
Calacci, M. M., Morris, B., & Saewert, K. J. (2024). Today's Innovation, Tomorrow's Care: AI-Powered Nursing Education, (Podium), Transform 2024: Transforming Academic Nursing - Leading Change with Creativity and Courage; December 5-7, 2024; New Orlean, LA.
Saewert, K. J., & Bontempo, W. (2024). 310: An Introduction to Program Evaluation (Invited Professional Development Webinar), Mountain Measurement, Inc.; June 3, 2024; Bend, OR.
Saewert, K. J. (2023). Fundamentals of Quality Improvement (Invited Nurse Residency Workshop), El Rio Health; October 12, 2023; Tucson, AZ.
Saewert, K. J., & Bontempo, W. (2023). 310: An Introduction to Program Evaluation (Invited Professional Development Webinar), Mountain Measurement, Inc.; June 5, 2023; Bend, OR.
Saewert, K. J. (2022). Fundamentals of Quality Improvement (Invited Nurse Residency Workshop), El Rio Health; October 6, 2022; Tucson, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2021). Fundamentals of Quality Improvement (Invited Nurse Residency Workshop), El Rio Health; October 21, 2021; Tucson, AZ.
Harrell, E., K. Ramella, K., Saewert, K. J., & Félix, K. N. (2021). SHOW Experiential Learning 3-Course Series: Activating Community-Engaged Interprofessional Practice through Innovative Interprofessional Education, (Seminar), Working Together in the Nexus: National Center Virtual Summit; September-October, 2021; Minneapolis, MN.
Yee, A., Saewert, K. J., & Harrell, E. (2021). Interprofessional Education on Substance Use and Stigma. (Online Poster Session), Beyond Flexner Alliance: Transforming Health Professions Education - Social Mission, Equity, and Community; 2021 Virtual Conference; April 26-28, 2021; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2019). Evaluation by Design (Invited Faculty Development Workshop), Teaching & Learning Center, A. T. Still University of Health Sciences; April 24, 2019; Mesa, AZ | Kirksville, MO.
Saewert, K. J., Lamb, G., Ervin, B., & Harrell, L. (2018). Leading Interprofessionally: Preparing Students for Practice Transformation, (Workshop), National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Nexus Summit 2018 - Creating Results: Interprofessional Vision to Action; July 29-31, 2018; Minneapolis, MN.
Harrell, S., Rogers, O., Garcia, K., & Saewert, K. J. (2018). Interprofessional by Design: Meeting at the Crossroads to Build and Innovative Interprofessional and Substance Use Disorder Training Practice Environment of Learning and Care, (Workshop), National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Nexus Summit 2018 - Creating Results: Interprofessional Vision to Action; July 29-31, 2018; Minneapolis, MN.
Dearman, C., Colosimo, R., Saewert, K. J., Pelletier, J. M., & Bontempo, B. (2018). Linking the QSEN Competencies to the NCLEX® Examination, (Podium), 2018 QSEN International Forum – Oceans of Opportunity: Evidence-Based Practice to Improve Quality and Safety in Education and Practice; May 30-June 1, 2018; Bonita Springs, FL.
Sanborn, H., Cole, J., Kennedy, T., & Saewert, K. J. (2018). Virtual Interprofessional Simulation Design: Design, Delivery, and Impact, (Concurrent Session), National League for Nursing/Sigma Theta Tau International Biannual Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC) 2018: Generating and Translating Evidence for Teaching Practice; April 19-21, 2018; Washington, DC.
Saewert, K. J. (2018). Evaluation by Design (Invited Workshop); Inaugural Arizona Nexus Regional Conference – Teamwork and Collaboration for a Healthier Arizona; Arizona Nexus; Mesa, AZ. (Hosted by A.T. Still University)
Baldwin, C. M., Quan, S. F., Cabrera de la Cruz, C., Reynaga-Ornelas, L., Ambriz, L., Kenney, K., Saewert, K. J., Caudillo-Cisneros, C., & Márquez-Gamiño, S. (2017). Su Sueño/Su Vida: Sleep Health Promotion and Equity in Mexico, (Poster), American Academy of Nursing: 2017 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference; October 5-7, 2017; Washington, DC.
Harrell, S., Rogers, O., Kennedy, T., & Saewert K. J. (2017). Interprofessional by Design: Meeting at the Crossroads to Build and Innovative Interprofessional and Substance Use Disorder Training Practice Environment, (Concurrent Session), American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative 6th Collaborating Across Borders Conference (CAB VI): Exploring New Heights; October 1-4, 2017; Banff, Albert, Canada.
Kennedy, T., Harrell, S., Senecal J., Lamb, G., Saewert, K. J., Harrell, S., Karamehmedovic, N., Moramarco, M., Price, Y. (2017). Achieving New Heights in Interprofessional Clinical Sites: Developing Core Models of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, (Interactive Poster Session), American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative 6th Collaborating Across Borders Conference (CAB VI): Exploring New Heights; October 1-4, 2017; Banff, Albert, Canada.
Senecal, J., Saewert, K. J., Karamehmedovic, N., Lamb, G., & Price, Y. (2017). Distance Learning that Works for All Professions: A Model of Student and Faculty Engagement, (Concurrent Session), American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative 6th Collaborating Across Borders Conference (CAB VI): Exploring New Heights; October 1-4, 2017; Banff, Albert, Canada.
Senecal, J., Sinclair, L., Kennedy, T., Saewert, K. J., Moramarco, M., Lamb, G., Vilhena, B., Harrell, S., Denny, L. (2017). Designing Team Training for Sustaining Impactful Academic-Clinical Partnerships, (Workshop), Learning Together at the Nexus: Provocative Ideas for Practical IPE; Minneapolis, MN.
Lamb, G., Saewert, K. J., Manson, L., Harrell, S., Nelson, G., Price, Y., Senecal, J., Moramarco, M., & Karamehmedovic, N. (2017); Navigating the Nexus in Real-Time, (Invited Workshop), Learning Together at the Nexus: Provocative Ideas for Practical IPE; Minneapolis, MN.
Baldwin, C. M., Saewert, K. J., Diaz-Piedra, C., & Quan, S. F. (2017). Outcomes of an evidence-based sleep education and promotion program for community-dwelling older adults, (Poster) American Academy of Sleep and the Sleep Research Society: SLEEP 2017; Boston, MA.
Bontempo, B. D., Wilson, D. J., & Saewert, K. J. (2017). Using the NCLEX-RN® Test Plan and Content Dimensions to Understand the Challenges and Opportunities Identified by the NCLEX® Program Reports; NCLEX-RN® Program Reports (Professional Development Seminar, Invited); Los Angeles, CA.
Senecal, J., Lamb, G., Saewert, K. J., Karamehmedovic, N., & Price, Y. (2016); Student voice: Engagement and empowerment in interprofessional education curricular development, (Nexus Fair Kiosk), Inaugural Learning Together at the Nexus: National Center Summit on the Future of IPE; Minneapolis, MN.
Lamb, G., Saewert, K. J., Manson, L., Harrell, S., Nelson, G., Price, Y., Senecal, J., & Karamehmedovic, N. (2016); Navigating the nexus in real-time. Inaugural Learning Together at the Nexus: National Center Summit on the Future of IPE; Minneapolis, MN.
Saewert, K. J., Lamb, G. S., Karamehmedovic, N., Bonifas, R., Harrell, S., Hines, L., Kennedy, T., Lundy, M., Velasquez, D., Mangold, K., & Samples, S. (2015); An Evaluation Framework for Sensing the Tides, Riding the Waves, and Rippling the Impact of IPE, (Podium), American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative 5th Collaborating Across Borders Conference (CAB V): The Interprofessional Journey – Advancing Integration and Impact; Roanoke, VA.
Lamb, G. S., Saewert, K. J., & Karamehmedovic, N., Bonifas, R., Harrell, S., Hines, L., Kennedy, T., Lundy, M., Velasquez, D., & Samples, S. (2015); Beyond Time and Schedule: Strategies for Robust and Sustainable IPE, (Podium), American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative 5th Collaborating Across Borders Conference (CAB V): The Interprofessional Journey – Advancing Integration and Impact; Roanoke, VA.
Bonifas, R., Lundy, M., Hines, L., Kennedy, T., Velasquez, D., Lamb, G. S., Saewert, K. J., & Harrell, S. (2015); Interprofessional Faculty Coaches: Advancing the Journey to Intersect Students’ Classroom and Clinical Experiences, (Workshop), American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative 5th Collaborating Across Borders Conference (CAB V): The Interprofessional Journey – Advancing Integration and Impact; Roanoke, VA.
Baldwin, C. M., Kenny, K., Saewert, K. J., & Quan, S. Q. (2015); Implementation and Evaluation of Sleep Education in a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, (Poster), 29th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies: SLEEP 2015; Seattle, WA.
Lamb, G. S., & Saewert, K. J. (2014); Developing and Sustaining Strong Clinical Partnerships for IPE, (Podium), The 7th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education: All Together Better Health VII (ATBH VII); Pittsburgh, PA.
Saewert, K. J., & Lamb, G. S. (2014); Evaluation of Collaboration Readiness for IPE, (Poster), The 7th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education: All Together Better Health VII (ATBH VII); Pittsburgh, PA.
Velasquez, D., Lamb, G. S., Saewert, K. J., Bonifas, R. P., Lundy, M., Thompson, P. M., & Bae, C. (2014); An Innovative Strategy for an Interprofessional Primary Care Curriculum, (Poster), The 47th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference: Taking it Global – Research, Conference: Taking it Global – Research, Practice & Education in Nursing; Seattle, WA.
Saewert, K. J. (2013); Professional Program Academic Quality Assessment Practices in Higher Education, (Invited Panel); Vocational and University Leadership and Innovation Institute [VULII] Quality Assurance Institute, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Higher Education Engineering Alliance Program (HEEAP)**, Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training, Arizona State University, Global Outreach and Extended Education; Tempe, AZ **2015 Recipient of President’s Award for Innovation https://asunews.asu.edu/20150414-presidents-recognition-reception
Senecal, J., & Saewert, K. J. (2013); Blackboard Urgent Care Clinic: A Just-in-Time Faculty Support Model, (Online Poster Session), 6th Annual International Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Joint Symposium of the Sloan Consortium and MERLOT; Las Vegas, NV.
Olsen, J., Saewert, K. J., Brooks, R., & Kastenbaum, B. (2012); Using Visual Displays and Patient Stories to Complete the Picture of Patient Safety for Pre-Licensure Nursing Students, (Concurrent Session), Innovation to Transformation – 2012 Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) National Forum; Tucson, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2012); Assessment and Evaluation: It Doesn’t Have to Be a Game of Whack-A-Mole; (Invited Keynote); Public Health Nurse Leadership Workshop; The Rusinak Group, LLC; Phoenix, AZ.
Hagler, D., Kastenbaum, B., Brooks, R., Morris, B., & Saewert, K. J. (2012); Creating a Preferred Future in Education through Technology Communities of Practice, (Professor Rounds Session), Nurse Education Today/Nursing Education in Practice (NETNEP) 4th International Nursing Education Conference: Changing the Landscape for Nursing and Healthcare Education – Evidence-Based Innovation, Policy, and Practice; Baltimore, MD.
Hagler, D., Kastenbaum, B., Brooks, R., Morris, B., & Saewert, K. J. (2012); Creating the Preferred Future through Simulation Communities of Practice, (Poster), 12th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2012): Simulate the Possibilities; San Diego, CA.
Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S. B., & Saewert, K. J. (2011); The Effect of EBP Integration Across a BSN Curriculum: Shaping Care Providers for the Future, (Symposium), Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International 41st Biennial Convention: People and Knowledge - Connecting for Global Health; Grapevine, TX.
Saewert, K. J. (2010); Evaluating a Nursing Program: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility, (Invited General Session Podium); 2010 Annual Statewide Educators Conference: Challenging Times – Changing Solutions, Arizona State Board of Nursing; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2010); Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Academic Settings Pre-Conference, (Invited Workshop), Arizona State University College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) 11th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference: Translating Research into Best Practice with Vulnerable Populations – The Role of Technology in Advancing Evidence-Based Care; Phoenix, AZ.
Stillwell, S. B., Saewert, K. J., Fineout-Overholt, E. (2010); The Effect of Changing the Focus of a Research Course to Critical Appraisal: Does it Make a Difference?, (Poster), Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International 21st International Nursing Research Congress: Global Diversity through Research, Education and Evidence-Based Practice; Orlando, FL.
Saewert, K. J. (2009); Low Budget, High Impact: Strategies for Enhancing Evaluations in a Down Economy, (Invited Panel), Arizona Evaluation Network (AZENet), Phoenix Area Cluster; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2009); Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Academic Settings Pre-Conference, (Invited Workshop), Arizona State University College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) 10th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference: Translating Research into Best Practice with Vulnerable Populations – Innovations in Evidence-Based Practice; Glendale, AZ
Saewert, K. J. (2009); The Impact of an Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Teaching Baccalaureate Nursing Research, (Symposium), Arizona State University College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) 10th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference: Translating Research into Best Practice with Vulnerable Populations – Innovations in Evidence-Based Practice; Glendale, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2008); Making it Real: Teaching Strategies to Apply EBP Principles in Nursing Curricula, (Invited Workshop), Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) Nurse Educator EBP Mentorship Program©, Residential Program for Diploma/Associate Degree Nurse Educators; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2008); Teaching How to Develop Evaluation and Synthesis Tables, (Invited Workshop), Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) Nurse Educator EBP Mentorship Program©, Residential Program for Diploma/Associate Degree Nurse Educators; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2008); Making it Real: Teaching Strategies to Apply EBP Principles in Nursing Curricula, (Invited Workshop), Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) Nurse Educator EBP Mentorship Program©, Residential Program for Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Nurse Educators; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2008); Questions are the Answer: Evidence-Based Practice, (Invited Concurrent Session), Maricopa Community College District Nursing Program, Chandler-Gilbert Community College (Pecos Campus), Professional Development and Career Day; Chandler, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2008); Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Academic Settings Pre-Conference, (Workshop), Arizona State University College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) 9th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference: Translating Research into Best Practice with Vulnerable Populations – Acting on the Evidence to Impact Outcomes; Glendale, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2007); Appraisal and Evaluation of Quantitative Studies, (Invited Session), Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) Mentorship Program©, Residential Program [Clinical Focus]; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2007); Evaluation and Synthesis of Evidence, (Invited Session), Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) Mentorship Program©, Residential Program [Clinical Focus]; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2007); Evidence-Based Practice Pre-Conference: Integration of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Lessons from the Literature, (Workshop), National League for Nursing Summit 2007: Evolution or Revolution - Recreating Nursing Education; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2007); Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Academic Settings Pre-Conference, (Invited Workshop), Arizona State University College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) 8th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference: Translating Research into Best Practice with Vulnerable Populations – Translating Research into Best Practice with Outcomes; Glendale, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2006); Arizona State University/Maricopa Nursing Alliance Partnership, (Invited General Session Podium), Maricopa Community Colleges University Initiatives, Working Session, Rio Salado Conference Center; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2006); Paving the Way to the Road Less Traveled: RN-BSN Education – ASU/Maricopa Nursing Alliance, (Invited Concurrent Session), Maricopa Community College District Nursing Program, Chandler-Gilbert Community College (Pecos Campus), Professional Development and Career Day; Chandler, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2005); Testing a Systems Research Organizing Model for Behavioral Health [SROM-BH], (Poster), 2005 National Nursing Administration Research Conference (NARC): From Nursing Science to the Nursing Workplace – Creating New Pathways; Tucson, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2004); Testing a Systems Research Organizing Model for Behavioral Health [SROM-BH], (Poster), 2004 National State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research: Nursing Science – Working Toward a Healthier Nation; Washington, DC.
Saewert, K. J. (2004); Kids Into Health Careers [KIHC], (Invited General Session Podium), ENLACE: Engaging Latino Communities for Education, Metro-Phoenix Mid-Year Evaluation Conference; Tempe, AZ.
Saewert, K. J., Killeen, M., & Stengel, J. (2003); A Return Journey: Paving the Way for the Road Less Traveled, (General Session Podium), 2003 Associate Degree Nurse Educator Conference, Continuing Education Consultants, Inc., and the Healthcare Institute at the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J., & Killeen, M. (2002); Education-Service Partnerships: Building It Is Not Enough, (Poster), American Association of Colleges of Nursing 5th Annual Baccalaureate Education Conference; Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Killeen, M., Komnenich, P., Saewert, K. J., Hrabe, D. P., & Roe, S. (2002); Right Sizing: One Size Does Not Fit All, (Poster), American Association of Colleges of Nursing 5th Annual Baccalaureate Education Conference; Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Saewert, K. J., & Hrabe, D. P. (2002); Facilitating the Education of RN-BSN Students through Preparation and Recognition of Master Clinical Mentors and Nursing Faculty, (Poster), Mosby’s Faculty Development Institute 2002: Nurse Educators – Building Bridges to the Future; Scottsdale, AZ.
Killeen, M., Komnenich, P., & Saewert, K. J. (2002); Expanding RN-BSN Enrollment to Meet Workforce Needs, (Symposium), Arizona Nurses Association/Arizona Organization for Nurse Executives Symposium: Arizona’s Response to the Nursing Crisis – Capturing Innovation and Creativity; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2002).; Expanding RN-BSN Enrollment to Meet Workforce Needs, (Invited Presentation), Healthcare Institute at the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, Advisory Board; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2001); ANA Nursing Report Card Project: Who was on first? Where is second? How do we get to third? Where is home plate? (Invited Presentation), Beta Upsilon Chapter, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (2000); A Field of Dreams: Building a RN-BSN Program So They Will Come, (Concurrent Session), American Association of Colleges of Nursing 3rd Annual Baccalaureate Education Conference; Chicago, IL.
Saewert, K. J. (1999); Arizona Nurses Association: Nursing Report Card Project, (Invited Presentation), Arizona Nurses Association, Chapter 2, Spring Issues Forum; Tucson, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (1999); Meeting Workforce Needs through Advancing RN Education, (Concurrent Session), Yavapai College H.E.A.L.T.H. Institute, Associate Degree Nursing Education Conference; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (1998); Measuring and Moving Quality Indicators, (Symposium), 1998 American Nurses Association Biennial Convention: Uniting Nurses – One Strong Voice; San Diego, CA.
Saewert, K. J. (1998); The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Phenomenological Studies of Nurses’ Experiences Providing Care – The Essential Structure of the Lived Experience of Health Care Quality, (Symposium), The University of Arizona College of Nursing 24th Nursing Research Conference: Research for Clinical Practice; Tucson, AZ
Saewert, K. J. (1998); RN-BSN-MS Program: Meeting Workforce Needs through Advancing RN Education, (Invited Presentation), Samaritan Health System, Nursing Leadership, Faculty Forum; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (1998); Patient Outcomes Initiatives: The AzNA Nursing Report Card Project, (Invited Panel), Arizona Nurses Association and Arizona Organization for Nurse Executives: Meeting the Millennium with Advocacy Practice Symposium; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (1998); Arizona Nurses Association: Nursing Report Card Project, (Invited Presentation), Navapache Regional Medical Center, Nursing Staff and Leadership; Show Low, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (1998); Arizona Nurses Association: Nursing Report Card Project, (Invited Presentation), Maricopa Health Systems, Nursing Leadership; Phoenix, AZ.
Saewert, K. J. (1997); Voluntary Individual Regulation: Certification, (Invited Presentation), Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ), Colleagues in Caring, Nursing Regulation Work Group; Phoenix, AZ.
Ludemann, R., & Saewert, K. J. (1989); Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Activity and Perceptions Related to Practice Autonomy: Autonomy Scale, (Concurrent Session), Arizona State University College of Nursing 2nd Annual Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Conference; Tempe, AZ.
- 2022 ASU SUN (Serving University Needs) Award recognizing Exemplary Service and Supporting Student Success; Edson College Academic Operations
- 2021 ASU SUN (Serving University Needs) Award recognizing Supporting Student Success; Edson College Academic Operations
- 2018 March of Dimes Arizona Chapter Nurse of the Year Award: Education.
- 2015 President's Medal for Social Embeddedness, Your Sleep/Your Life (Sue Sueno/Sue Vida) Bi-National Evidence-Based Train-the-Trainer Program to Promote Healthy Sleep, Arizona State University.
- 2014 ASU SUN (Serving University Needs) Award recognizing Continuous Improvement, Customer Satisfaction, Excellent Performance, Fostering Cooperation, and Promoting ASU; ASU University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness.
- 2010 Fellow, Academy of Nursing Education, National League for Nursing.
- 2007 Outstanding Team Builder Award, Arizona State University, College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation.
- 2005 Excellence in Nursing Education, Arizona State University College of Nursing.
- 2005 Outstanding Poster Award, 2005 National Nursing Administration Research Conference, Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing (CGEAN).
- 2004 Outstanding Alumni Award, Arizona State University College of Nursing Alumni Association.
- 2004 President's Award, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc., Beta Upsilon Chapter.
- 2002 Excellence in Mentorship Award, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc., Beta Upsilon Chapter.
- 2024 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award Nomination, Arizona State University, Faculty Women's Association Awards Program.
- 2024 Faculty Marshall, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Spring Undergraduate Commencement and Edson College Convocation, Arizona State University.
- 2018 National League for Nursing (NLN) Mary Adelaide Nutting Award Nomination for Outstanding Teaching or Leadership in Nursing Education
- 2018 Faculty Representation, Nominating Committee of the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- 2017 National League for Nursing (NLN) Mary Adelaide Nutting Award Nomination for Outstanding Teaching or Leadership in Nursing Education
- 2016 Faculty Representation, Nominating Committee of the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- 2015 Dean’s Nomination, The Macy Faculty Scholars Program 2015, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, Arizona State University, College of Nursing & Health Innovation.
- 2005 Last Lecture Series Nomination for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching, Arizona State University Student Development Co-Curricular Projects.
- 2004 Centennial Professorship Award Nomination, Arizona State University Associated Students of ASU.
- 2003 Mary Opal Wolanin Outstanding Dissertation Award Nomination for Excellence in Nursing Research Among Vulnerable Populations, The University of Arizona College of Nursing.
- 2001-2008 Convocation Pinner, College of Nursing Convocation, Selected by 12 of 14 RN-BSN Student Cohorts and 1 Traditional Pre-Licensure Baccalaureate Program Cohort. Arizona State University.
Friberg, E., & Saewert, K. J. (Eds.). (2023). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (8th ed.). Elsevier.
Editorial Board
2014-2020 Journal of Nursing Care Quality: The Information Leaders in Patients Safety and Quality Care, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- 2017-present Journal for Healthcare Quality, Wolters Kluwer.
- 2015-present Nursing Administration Quarterly, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- 2014-present Journal of Nursing Care Quality, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- 2013-present Journal of Holistic Nursing, SAGE Publications.
- 2009-present Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, SAGE Publications.
- Elsevier [St. Louis, MO, USA]
- Radcliffe [Abingdon, United Kingdom]
- Prentice Hall [Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA]
- Arizona Nurses Association (AzNA), Nurse Educator Chapter
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing (Member School); Faculty Leadership Network (FLN); Organizational Leadership Network (OLN)
- American Nurses Association
- Arizona League for Nursing (AzLN), NLN Constituent Affiliated League
- National League for Nursing (Member School) (NLN)
- Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTTI), Beta Upsilon Chapter
- Nurse Educators Community (formerly) International Academic Nursing Alliance (IANA) (STTI)
- 2023 Director-At-Large (Elected), Board of Directors, Arizona Association for Healthcare Quality (AzAHQ)
- 2021-2022 Treasurer (Appointed), Board of Directors, Arizona Association for Healthcare Quality (AzAHQ)
- 2021 Director-At-Large (Elected), Board of Directors, Arizona Association for Healthcare Quality (AzAHQ)
- 2009-2013 Founding President and Founding Member, Arizona League for Nursing (AzLN), National League for Nursing Constituent League
- 2005-2008 Chapter President, Board of Directors, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Upsilon Chapter
- 2004-2006 President-Elect, Board of Directors, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Upsilon Chapter
- 2004-2006 Scholarships Chair, Board of Directors, Arizona State University College of Nursing Alumni Association
- 1999-2003 Archivist, Board of Directors, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Upsilon Chapter
Nursing Education Leadership:
- 2009-2011 Chair (Appointed), Evaluation of Learning Advisory Council (ELAC), National League for Nursing (NLN)
- 2007-2009 Chair-Elect, Evaluation of Learning Advisory Council (ELAC), National League for Nursing (NLN)
- 2006-2009 Member, Measurement and Evaluation Advisory Council (MEAC), National League for Nursing (NLN)
- 2006-2007 Chair-Elect (Appointed), Measurement and Evaluation Advisory Council (MEAC), National League for Nursing (NLN)
Nursing Leadership:
- 2005-2007 Chair, Committee on Bylaws, Arizona Nurses Association
- 2005-2007 Communications Chair, Region 2; Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International
- 2004-2006 Communications Committee Member, Arizona Nurses Association
- 2003-2006 Archive Committee Member, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Upsilon Chapter