Rebecca Lee
550 N 3rd St Phoenix, AZ 85004
Mail code: 3020Campus:
Rebecca E. Lee is a professor in the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation and previously served as founding director of the Texas Obesity Research Center in the Department of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston. Dr. Lee conducts translational research emphasizing innovative, fun, participatory interventions (e.g., gardening, dancing, singing) and contextual factors (e.g., policy, built environment, group dynamics) to increase physical activity and improve dietary habits in Hispanic and Latino children and adults in the U.S. and Mexico. She oversees the Access, Community Capacity, Equity, Sustainable Opportunities (ACCESO) research team, where she aims to provide innovative, theoretically-derived, trans-cultural, and community-based approaches to improving health to the science and community alike.
Dr. Lee, a community health psychologist, specializes in research with underserved populations using innovative strategies, incorporating social cohesion, ameliorating social injustices, capitalizing on innovations in technology and improving the quality of neighborhood environments. She has been consistently funded by the National Institutes of Health for over two decades and is principal or co-investigator for numerous federally and privately funded research grants focusing on social, environmental, community and virtual interventions to increase physical activity and improve healthy eating. She authored, "Reversing the Obesogenic Environment" (Human Kinetics, 2011), the authoritative text in the field. She has been a leader in the development of ecologic theory, techniques and applications of physical and social environmental factors that contribute to physical activity, healthy eating and related chronic conditions.
Dr. Lee is the former chair of the Houston Mayor’s Wellness Council Public Policy Committee, where she worked with the Council to improve the health of Houstonians. She is an associate editor of Translational Behavioral Medicine. She has authored and co-authored more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed publications, and served as a charter member on the Community Level Health Promotion Study Section for the Center for Scientific Review at the National Institutes of Health. She has received many honors and awards, including the University of Houston College of Education Research Excellence Award in 2005 and 2008, the Award for Outstanding Achievement from the Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Stroke, the 2013 Distinguished Faculty Scholar award from the University of Houston Council on Women, and she is a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. She has been twice selected as a Fulbright-Garcia Robles Scholar to Mexico in 2011-2012 and again in 2019-2020, where she partnered with the University of Guadalajara and the National Institute of Public Health to help build capacity around physical activity and healthy eating promotion in Mexico.
- Postgraduate Course on Research Directions and Strategies in Physical Activity and Public Health (“Seapines”), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, University of South Carolina 2002
- Postdoctoral Fellowship. Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Stanford University Center for Research in Disease Prevention 1998-2001
- Ph.D. Human Services Psychology, dual emphasis of Community Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, University of Maryland Baltimore County 1998
- M.A. Psychology, San Diego State University 1994
- B.A. Psychology, with Distinction, San Diego State University 1992
For a current list of publications and research activity visit
- Larkey,Linda Kathryn*, Lee,Rebecca Elizabeth. Physical Activity and Meditative Movement to Prevent Weight Gain in Latina Breast Cancer Survivors. MAYO CLINIC SCOTTSDALE(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2015).
- Lee,Rebecca Elizabeth*. CORD Best Evaluation Tools and Techniques for Effective Recommendations for Policies (BETTER Policy Decisions). UNIV OF HOUSTON(9/30/2013 - 9/29/2016).
- Lee,Rebecca Elizabeth*. Social contectual and environmental predictors of PA in sedentary minority adults. (7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
HCR 280 | Team-Based Research Practicum |
HCR 480 | Adv Team-Based Research Pract |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
HCR 480 | Adv Team-Based Research Pract |
NUR 602 | State of Science in Nursing |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 602 | State of Science in Nursing |
HCR 493 | Honors Thesis |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
HCR 480 | Adv Team-Based Research Pract |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 492 | Honors Directed Study |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
HCR 280 | Team-Based Research Practicum |
HCR 480 | Adv Team-Based Research Pract |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
HCR 493 | Honors Thesis |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
HCR 492 | Honors Directed Study |
HCR 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 690 | Reading and Conference |
HCR 294 | Special Topics |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 618 | Research-Based Health Policy |
HCR 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 602 | State of Science in Nursing |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 618 | Research-Based Health Policy |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
NUR 799 | Dissertation |
2016 Serving University Needs “SUN” Award: February 15, 2016; May 12, 2016: Continuous Improvement, Creativity, Excellent Performance, Fostering Cooperation, Promoting ASU, Valuing Diversity; Arizona State University, Barrett Honors College
2015 Brennan and Smith Lecturer in Health and Human Performance; Texas State University
2014-2016 Senior Sustainability Scientist; Arizona State University, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
2013 Distinguished Faculty Scholar; University of Houston Commission on Women
2012-2013 Teaching Excellence Award for Group Teaching; University of Houston, Center for Teaching Excellence
2011-2012 Fulbright Core Scholars Program Award; Fulbright, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Institute of International Education
2010 Provost’s Travel Award; University of Houston, Provost’s Faculty Travel Fund
2009-2017 Fellow; Society of Behavioral Medicine
2009 Award for Outstanding Achievement in CVD Health Promotion for SAving Lives, Staying Active (SALSA); Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Stroke
2009 National Minority Cancer Awareness Week Research Award; Center for Research on Minority Health; Department of Health Disparities Research; University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
2008 Travel Award; University of Houston, Provost’s Faculty Travel Fund
2008 Research Excellence Award; University of Houston, College of Education
2006 Faculty Mentoring Award, Nominee; University of Houston, College of Education
2005 Research Excellence Award; University of Houston, College of Education
2003 Faculty of the Day; Medical Student Association, University of Kansas Medical Center
2002-2007 National Health Disparities Scholar; National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities
2002 Faculty International Travel Award; University of Kansas School of Medicine
2001 Who's Who in America
2000 Training Fellow; American Heart Association, 26th Ten-Day Seminar on the Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Lake Tahoe, CA
2000 McCormick Travel Award; Stanford University School of Medicine
1999 Dissertation Award; University of Maryland Department of Psychology
1998-2001 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institutional National Research Service Award; National Institute of Health - National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
1998 Dissertation Award; University of Maryland Graduate Student Association
1997 Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges
1997 Travel Grant; University of Maryland Graduate Student Association
1995-1997 National Student Representative; The Society for Community Research and Action
1995 Travel Grant; University of Maryland Graduate Student Association
1991-2017 Member; Psi Chi—National Psychology Honor Society
2015-2017 Associate Editor. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Research, Policy and Practice
2010-2014 Member, Editorial Board, Health Psychology
2010 Special Issue Editor, International Journal of Exercise Science
2006-2017 Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Health Promotion
2008-2017 Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Women's Health
Society of Behavioral Medicine International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Academic Service
2016; 2017 Member, Qualifying Examination development subcommittee for the PhD in Nursing and Health Innovation
2016 Member, Research Faculty Search Committee, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University
2015 Member, Manuscript Option Dissertation development subcommittee for the PhD in Nursing and Health Innovation
2014-2017 Member, Executive Committee, Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University
2014-2017 Chair, Tenure, Tenure-Track Personnel Advisory Committee, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University
2013 Ad hoc member, Personnel Review Committee, School of Health Solutions, Arizona State University
2013 Member, Tenure, Tenure-Track Personnel Advisory Committee, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University
2012-2013 Chair, Graduate Research Degrees Committee, Department of Health and Human Performance, University of Houston
2012 Member, Ad Hoc Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, University of Houston
2012 Member, Department of Health and Human Performance Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, University of Houston
2012 Chair, Ad Hoc Doctoral Obesity Studies Curriculum Revision Committee, Department of Health and Human Performance, University of Houston
2010-2011 Member, Faculty Governance and Advising Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, University of Houston
2009 Member, Obesity Studies Faculty Search Committee, Department of Health & Human Performance, University of Houston
2008 Member, Biomechanics Faculty Search Committee, Department of Health & Human Performance, University of Houston
2008-2010 Member, University of Houston, College of Education, Promotion and Tenure Committee
2007-2010 Member, University of Houston, Food Services Advisory Committee
2007 Member, Obesity Research Faculty Search Committee, Department of Health & Human Performance, University of Houston
2006 Chair, Obesity Research Faculty Search Committee, Department of Health & Human Performance, University of Houston
2005-2006 Member, University of Houston, College of Education Research Committee
2005-2006 Member, University of Houston, College of Education Graduate Council
2005-2009 Member, University of Houston, College of Education Faculty Executive Council
2005 Member, University of Houston, Library Committee
2005 Chair, University of Houston, Department of Health and Human Performance Ad Hoc Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee
2004-2005 Member, University of Houston, Department of Health and Human Performance Master of Education Committee
2004-2005 Member, University of Houston, Department of Health and Human Performance Graduate Research Degrees Committee
2003-2004 Member, University of Kansas Medical Education Counsel Nutrition Subcommittee
2002-2003 Member, University of Kansas Medical Education Counsel
2002-2003 Member, University of Kansas Year 1 & 2 Medical Curriculum Steering Committee
2001-2003 Moderator, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity (PANUTO2) Interest Group
2001-2003 Moderator, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity (PANUTO2) Interest Group
2001-2003 Member, KUMPH Standing Committee on Research
2001-2003 Member, KUMPH Self Study Student Committee
2002-2003 Member, KUMC Department of Preventive Medicine New Faculty Search Committee
2001-2002 Member, KUMC Department of Preventive Medicine New Faculty Search Committee
2000-2001 Coordinator, Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention Method Seminar
Series, Stanford University
1999-2001 Coordinator, Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention Postdoc Roundtable Research Series, Stanford University
1999-2001 Member, Stanford University Postdoc Social Action Committee (PSAC)
1996 Coordinator and Participant, Graduate Student Grant Writing Seminar; Department of Psychology, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Professional Service
2016-2017 Learning Community Mentor, Society for Behavioral Medicine Leadership Institute.
2015-2017 Associate Editor. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Research, Policy and Practice
2015-2017 Member, Arizona School Garden Network.
2014-2016 Track Co-chair. Environmental and Contextual Factors in Health and Behavior Change Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Scientific Sections.
2013-2016 Member of the Advisory Panel for the Public Health sector. U.S. National Physical Activity Plan Alliance Board.
2013; 2015 Chair, Study Section for National Institutes of Health Limited Competition: Addressing Health Disparities in Maternal and Child Health through Community-Based Participatory Research (R03)
2013 Ad hoc grant reviewer. National Institutes of Health Community Level Health Promotion Study Section.
2012 Chair, Texas Obesity Research Center Biennial Conference
2011 Ad hoc grant reviewer. National Institutes of Health Community Level Health Promotion Study Section.
2010-2012 Member, Planning Committee, International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Conference, Austin, TX, May 2012.
2010 Ad hoc reviewer, Community Based Participatory Research Special Emphasis Panel Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health
2009-2011 Steering Committee member, Texas Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Partnership
2009-2012 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Adherence Tract, annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
2008 Moderator, Changing the environment to improve health, Houston Obesity Summit, Houston, TX, November.
2008 Speaker, The University, The City, and Community Health, University of Houston Department of Sociology discussion, Houston, TX.
2008-2010 Steering Committee Member, Texas Heart and Stroke Prevention System Partnership
2006-2008 Track Chair, Environmental and Contextual Factors in Health and Behavior Change Track, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Scientific Sections.
2006-2010 Grant Reviewer. Charter member of the National Institutes of Health Community Level Health Promotion Study Section.
2006-2008 Member, Planning Committee, Active Living Research annual conference, San Diego, CA, February 2007, 2008.
2005-2010 Member, Houston Mayor’s Council on Fitness and Chair of Policy Subcommittee
2005 Grant Reviewer. Ad-Hoc member of the National Institutes of Health Community Level Health Promotion Study Section.
2004-2005 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Environmental and Contextual Factors in Health and Behavior Change Track, annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
2003-2010 Grant Reviewer. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Active Living Research Program; Salud American Research Program
2000- Ad-Hoc Manuscript Review:
American Journal of Health Promotion
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
American Journal of Public Health
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
BMC Public Health
Health and Place
Health Psychology
Health Education & Behavior
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Medicine & Sports Science Reviews
Medicine & Science, Sports & Exercise
Preventive Medicine
Research Quarterly for Sports and Exercise
Translational Behavioral Medicine
1997-1998 DJ at WUMD, University of Maryland Baltimore County
1997-1998 Internet Web-page Development Consultant, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County;
Co-Creator and Administrator: Health and Addictive Behaviors; Investigating Transtheoretical Solutions (HABITS) Home Page
1996-1998 Internet Web-page Development Consultant, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association; Co-Creator and Administrator: The Society of Community Research and Action (SCRA) Home Page
1993 Workshop Participant; Becoming an Advocate: Legislative strategies for community psychologist: Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action; Division 27 of the American Psychological Association; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
1990-1991 Radio Reading Volunteer, KPBS, Radio Reading Service for the Visually Impaired, San Diego State University