Cynthia Gaffney
Associate Teaching Professor,
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: 602-543-6609
FAB S 147 PHOENIX, AZ 85069-3251
Mail code: 3051Campus:
Long Bio
Cynthia Gaffney earned her master's degree from Arizona State University in 1998. Her thesis titled "Sleeping Among Thorns and Blossoms: The Narrative Weave of Sexuality, Voice, and Action," discusses how narrative, specifically in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty," instills a passive silence in women's voices.
Professor Gaffney has been teaching undergraduate courses centered around message construction, persuasion, leadership and nonverbal communication since 1999.
- M.A. Arizona State University 1998
- B.A. Arizona State University 1995
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 353 | Professional Communication |
COM 309 | Rhet/Interp/Methods-Commun |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 207 | Intro to Communication Inquiry |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
COM 225 | Public Speaking |
COM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 353 | Professional Communication |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
COM 353 | Professional Communication |
COM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 342 | Oral History and Storytelling |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 353 | Professional Communication |
COM 207 | Intro to Communication Inquiry |
COM 309 | Rhet/Interp/Methods-Commun |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
COM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 342 | Oral History and Storytelling |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 353 | Professional Communication |
COM 207 | Intro to Communication Inquiry |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 230 | Small Group Communication |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 207 | Intro to Communication Inquiry |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 494 | Special Topics |
COM 100 | Intro to Human Communication |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 309 | Rhet/Interp/Methods-Commun |
COM 317 | Nonverbal Communication |
COM 316 | Gender and Communication |
COM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
COM 342 | Oral History and Storytelling |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
COM 207 | Intro to Communication Inquiry |
COM 230 | Small Group Communication |
COM 342 | Oral History and Storytelling |
COM 382 | Classroom Apprenticeship |
COM 494 | Special Topics |
COM 493 | Honors Thesis |
- Lambda Pi Eta, Kappa Zeta Chapter, ASU at the West Campus, Faculty Advisor (2014 - 2018)
- COMM Club, Faculty Adviser (2011 - 2013)