Joan McGregor
Phone: 480-965-5028
Discovery Hall 272D Coor Hall 348 TEMPE, AZ 85287-4302
Mail code: 4302Campus: Tempe
Joan McGregor’s current research interests are focused on a number of questions in moral and legal philosophy.
McGregor has been working on a project entitled Reclaiming Moral Capital, which evaluates the problems caused by the loss of shared norms, such as norms of civility that make pluralistic democracies flourish. That project is focused on universities being institutions where virtues can be cultivated, particularly the civic and epistemic virtues. McGregor received funding for this project from the National Institute for Civil Discourse, the Center for the Study of Religious and Conflict, and the Mercatus Center program entitled Pluralism and Civil Exchange. Those projects resulted in the successful collaborative multi-year grant project funded through the Wake Forest University Character Initiative: "Cultivating Civic, Moral, and Epistemic Virtues Among Undergraduates in Arizona’s Public Universities"
Bioethics and environmental ethics join in research on the moral issues in sustainability. One of the most pressing sustainability questions pertains to modern food systems. Contemporary food systems are complex and multinational, involving workers and consumers from diverse cultures and economies. These systems must be capable of feeding large culturally varied populations without compromising social justice, human health, and the health of the planet. These questions are multifaceted and require approaches and methods from a variety of disciplines.
Furthermore, McGregor was PI on three NEH Summer Institutes with faculty from around the country, taught over 20 workshops with judges on ethics and the law, and ran two year-long workshops with faculty integrating ethics across the curriculum. She is
also doing research on the virtue of ecological humility and its role in solving the climate crisis.
McGregor directed three National Endowment for the Humanities summer institutes on sustainability, “Fierce Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and the Foundations of the Land Ethic” in 2009 and in 2011, “Beyond the Land Ethics: Sustainability and Humanities”, "Extending the Land Ethic."
- Ph.D. Philosophy; minor in Law, University of Arizona 1985. Dissertation: A Critical Analysis of Coercion and Its Application to Contract Law. Honors: Woodrow Wilson Foundation: Charlotte Newcombe Fellowship. Dissertation Directors: Joel Feinberg and Jules Coleman
- M.A. Philosophy, University of Arizona 1982
- B.A. Philosophy (Honors), University of California-Davis 1979
Ethics of Sustainability, Food Justice, Legal Philosophy, Practical Philosophy
- Moral Capital, Civic Grace, and the Role of Education” in Education, Inclusion, and Justice edited volume under review Springer
- “Free Speech, Universities, and the Development of Civic Discourse” Democracy, Populism, and Truth editors: Mark Navin and Richard Nunan (2020)
- “The Intersection of Environmental, Climate, and Food Justice”, invited chapter Food Justice, the Environment, and Climate Change eds. Erinn Cunniff Gilson and Sarah Kenehan Rowman & Littlefield (2018)
- “Towards a Philosophical Understanding of TEK and Ecofeminism” in Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Learning from Indigenous Methods for Environmental Sustainability Edited by Melissa K. Nelson and Dan Shilling, Cambridge University Press (2018)
- “Public Interests and the Duty of Food Citizenship” in Citizenship and Immigration editors Ann Cudd and Win-chiat Lee Springer Press (2016) 71-88.
- “The Legal Heritage of the Crime of Rape” in The Handbook on Sexual Violence eds. Jennifer Brown and Sandra Walklate. Oxon: Routledge, (2011)
- “Rethinking Research Protections for Tribal Communities” Joan McGregor and Rebecca Tsosie. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 2021, VOL. 21, NO. 10, 30–32
- “Gendered and Racial Injustices in American Food Systems and Cultures” Sally Kitch, Joan McGregor, G. Mauricio Mejía, Sara El-Sayed, Christy Spackman, and Juliann Vitullo Humanities 2021, 10(2), 66; (registering DOI)
- “Apnea Testing is Medical Treatment Requiring Informed Consent” Greg Yanke, Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 20 Issue 6 2020
- “What Do Philosophers say about Eating Meat” Newsweek 7/18
- “Values on your plate: Dinner 2040” Resilience 4.2 (Spring 2018)
- “Public Interests and the Duty of Food Citizenship” Citizenship and Immigration - Borders, Migration and Political Membership in a Global Age Editors: Ann E. Cudd and Win-chiat Lee, Springer (2016)
- “Force, Consent and the Reasonable Woman,” reprinted in Sexual Ethics: An Anthology (first edition) John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (July 2016)
- Joan McGregor. "Eating Right: Eating Local or Global". Social Philosophy Today (2014).
- Joan McGregor. "Enhancing Humans and Sustainability: The Reunion of Bioethics and Environmental Ethics". De Ethica. A Journal of Philosophical, Theological and Applied Ethics (2014).
- Joan McGregor. "Eat Right: Eating Local or Global". Societas Ethica's Conference Proceedings : Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings (2014).
- joan mcGregor. Commentary on Nathanson’s Terrorism and the Ethics of War. Social Philosophy Today, (2012).
- Joan McGregor. "The Legal Heritage of the Crime of Rape. The Handbook on Sexual Violence eds (2012).
- Joan McGregor. "Transhumanism and Obligations to Future Generations". Building Better Humans: Refocusing the Debate Transhumanism (2012).
- Joan L. McGregor, Mohamed Y. Rady, Joseph L. Verheijd. Can we justify organ donation without the dead donor rule?". APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine (2010).
- Joan McGregor. "Racial, Ethnic, and Tribal Classifications in Biomedical Research and Group Harm". The American Journal of Bioethics, (2010).
- Joseph Verheijde, Mohamed Rady, Joan McGregor. "Seeking to Reconcile End-of-Life Organ Procurement for Transplantation With the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA)" letter to the editor. Critical Care Crit Care Med (2010).
- Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor. "Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Challenges of End-of-Life Organ Procurement in Emergency Medicine". Resuscitation (2010).
- Aaron Rizzieri, Joseph Verheijde, Mohamed Rady, Joan McGregor. "Ethical Challenges with the left Ventricular Assist Device as a Destination Therapy Philosophy". Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, (2008).
- Joan McGregor. "Reconciling new organ donation laws with the patient’s autonomy and rights to self determination of medical care at the end of life" letter to the editor. Mayo Clinic Proceedings (2008).
- Joan McGregor. "Why John Stuart Mill Would Support Restriction on DTC Marketing of Genetic Tests". The American Journal of Bioethics, (2008).
- Joseph L. Verheijde, Mohamed Y. Rady, Joan L. McGregor. "Do donation after cardiac death protocols violate criminal homicide statutes?". Medicine and Law Journal, (2008).
- Joseph Verheijde, Mohamed Rady, Joan McGregor. Catherine Frederich-Murray. "Enforcement of presumed-consent policy and willingness to donate organs as identified in the European Survey: The role of legislation in reinforcing ideology in pluralistic societies". Health Policy 2008: (2008).
- Mohamed Y. Rady, Joseph L. Verheijde, Joan McGregor, . "Organ Procurement after Cardio circulatory Death: A Critical Analysis.". Journal of Intensive Care Medicine (2008).
- Joan McGregor. Undue Influence as Coercive Offers in Clinical Trials. Coercion and the State (2008).
- Joan McGregor. Genome Justice: Genetics and Groups introduction and one article "Ethical Implications of Genetics Research with Groups". Law, Medicine, Ethics (2007).
- Joan McGregor. Research Ethics for Genetic Research for Native Americans. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (2007).
- Joan McGregor, Frédérique Dreifuss-Netter. France and the United States: The Legal and Ethical Differences in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Medicine and Law Journal (2007).
- Joseph L. Verheijde, Mohamed Y. Rady, Joan L. McGregor, . "Defining the Scope of Implied Consent in the Emergency Department: Shortchanging Patients’ Right to Self Determination". American Journal of Bioethics (2007).
- Sandra Woien, Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor. Organ procurement organizations Internet enrollment for organ donation: Abandoning informed consent. BMC Medical Ethics, vol 7, 2007 (2007).
- Joan McGregor. Does the use of human subjects in research in developing nations violate their human rights? Is so, are Reparations an appropriate response?. Journal of Social Philosophy, (2006).
- Joan McGregor. Does the use of Human Subjects in Research in Developing Nations Violate their Human Rights?, If so, are Reparations an Appropriate response?". Journal of Social Philosophy (2006).
- Joan McGregor. No Moral Absolutes. The American Journal of Bioethics, (forthcoming) (2006).
- Joan McGregor. This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. A Philosophical Reflection on Natural Rights to Property and Environmental Regulations (2006).
- Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor. Organ Donation after Circulatory Death: The Forgotten Donor?. Critical Care 2006; 10:166-160 (2006).
- Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor. Recovery of Transplantable Organs after Cardiac or Circulatory death: The End Justifying the Means. Critical Care Medicine (2006).
- Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor. Recovery of Transplantable Organs after Cardiac or Circulatory death: The End Justifying the Means., letter to editor. Critical Care Medicine, 12/2006 (2006).
- Mohamed Rady, Joseph Verheijde, Joan McGregor. The Importance of Being dead. non heart beating donation. Canadian Medical Association Journal, letter to editor (2006).
- Joan McGregor. 'Undue Inducement' as Coercive Offers. The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol 5, no.5 2005 (2005).
- McGregor, Joan Lucy. Acquaintance Rape: Taking Women's Consent Seriously. (2005).
- McGregor, Joan Lucy. Is it Rape?. (2005).
- . . War and Border Crossing: Ethics when Cultures Clash (2005).
- Joan McGregor. Culture Clash in Bioethics. Culture Clash (2004).
- . . Civility and its Discontents (2004).
- Joan McGregor. Law's failure to PRotect Women's Sexual Autonomy as Injustice. Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (2003).
- McGregor, Joan. Law's Failure to Protect Women's Sexual Autonomy as Injustice. (2003).
- . . Review of: Genes and Future People (2002).
- . . Review of: A Most Detestable Crime (2001).
- McGregor, Joan Lucy (Author) . Group Values and Liberal Democracy. Groups and Group Rights (2001).
- McGregor, Joan Lucy. Value, Ethics, and Personal Responsibility. (2000).
- Joan McGregor Jameson Wetmore. "Researching and Teaching the Ethics and Social Implications of Emerging Technologies in the Laboratory". Nanoethics Volume 3, Issue1 (2009) (0).
- Joseph Verheijde, Mohamed Rady, Joan McGregor. "Brain death, states of impaired consciousness, and physician-assisted death for end-of-life organ donation and transplantation". Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy Volume 12, Number 4 / November, 2009 3 (0).
- Joseph Verheijde, Mohamed Rady, Joan McGregor. Presumed consent for organ preservation in uncontrolled donation after cardiac death in the United States: a public policy with serious consequences. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2009, 4:15 (0).
CGF-GFL Seed Grant Global Syndemic: Tracing roots of inequities and mapping the emergence of food-sovereign economies of well-being
2020 IHR Research Cluster Grant: Food Sovereignty and COVID’s effect on Food Systems
2020 CSRC Seed Grant Proposal: The Role of Moral Capital in a Pandemic: A Comparative Inquiry
2020 CHCI Global Humanities Institute on Climate Justice and Problems of Scale
2019 Swette Center Seed Grant “Beyond Mapping: Community Specific Solutions to Food Insecurity”
2019 National Institute for Civil Discourse “Recovering our Moral Capital”
2018-19 Outstanding Public Humanities Scholar, Arizona Humanities Council
2018 Arizona Humanities Council Grant (submitted) “Traditional Ecological Knowledge and our Future Sustainability”
2018 NEH collaboration grant (submitted) “Humanizing Health”
2017-18 IHR Research Cluster, "Food and well-being in the Anthropocene"
2016 DECISIVE projects (submitted) Turning Innovation into Progress: Addressing Hazards of the Sustainability Sciences (Progress) Team Members: Gary Dirks, Sally Kitch, Joan McGregor, Cynthia Selin, Xin Wei Sha
2016 MacArthur 100 and Change (submitted) “Innovation without Progress: Addressing the Hazards of Problem Definition and Proposed Solutions in the Sustainability Sciences (Hazards)”, leadership team for proposal
2016 Roddenberry Prize (submitted): “Innovation without Progress: Addressing the Hazards of Problem Definition and Proposed Solutions in the Sustainability Sciences (Hazards)”
- Kitch,Sally L*, Adamson,Joni Lynn, Broglio,Ronald, Chhetri,Nalini, Chhetri,Nalini, Chhetri,Nalini, Cruz-Torres,Maria, Hirt,Paul Wayne, Lussier,Mark Stephen, Mcgregor,Joan Lucy, Minteer,Ben A, Simeone,Michael Paul. Integrating the Humanities across National Boundaries: the Promise of CHCI. DUKE UNIV(7/1/2013 - 12/31/2015).
- Mcgregor,Joan Lucy*, Shilling,Daniel Dale. Rethinking the Land Ethic: Sustainability and the Humanities. NEH(10/1/2010 - 12/31/2012).
- Herkert,Joseph Raymond*, Allenby,Braden Richard, Bennett,Ira Mccoy, Canary,Heather Elaine, Ellison,Karin D, Guston,David H, Mcgregor,Joan Lucy, Posner,Jonathan Dov, Wetmore,Jameson Michael, Williams,Joann Clara. Integrating Microethics and Macroethics in Graduate Science and Engineering Education: Development and Assessment of Instructional Models. NSF-SES(10/1/2008 - 9/30/2012).
- Shilling,Daniel Dale*, Mcgregor,Joan Lucy. A Fierce Green Fire at 100: Aldo Leopold and the Roots of Environmental Ethics. NEH(10/1/2008 - 12/31/2010).
- Mcgregor,Joan Lucy*, Mcgregor,Joan Lucy*, Allison,Maria Teresa, Zatz,Marjorie S. Transforming the Research Culture: Moving From a Compliance Model to Embedding Responsible Conduct in Research. CGS(10/1/2004 - 9/30/2005).
- Maienschein,Jane Ann*, Mcgregor,Joan Lucy. WORKSHOP: HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC REALM. NSF-SBE(9/1/2003 - 5/31/2005).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
LIA 494 | Special Topics |
LIA 394 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHI 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
HUL 598 | Special Topics |
HUL 494 | Special Topics |
EDU 494 | Special Topics |
PHI 494 | Special Topics |
PHI 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
SOS 594 | Conference and Workshop |
PHI 493 | Honors Thesis |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 420 | Topics in Philosophy |
PHI 521 | Bioethics |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHI 420 | Topics in Philosophy |
PHI 320 | Bioethics |
PHI 320 | Bioethics |
PHI 792 | Research |
REL 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
REL 599 | Thesis |
PHI 522 | Ethics of Sustainability |
BIO 312 | Bioethics |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
REL 792 | Research |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
REL 599 | Thesis |
PHI 320 | Bioethics |
BIO 312 | Bioethics |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
PHI 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
PHI 598 | Special Topics |
HUL 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SFS 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI 792 | Research |
REL 792 | Research |
PHI 799 | Dissertation |
REL 799 | Dissertation |
PHI 599 | Thesis |
REL 599 | Thesis |
- “Structural Injustices as Causes on Climate and Food Injustices” Global Humanities Institute at the University of Pretoria, August 2022
- “Values on Your Plate: The Future of Food” Panelists: Joan McGregor, Rebecca Tsosie, Christy Spackman, Melissa Biggs Global Humanities Institute at the University of Pretoria, August 2022
- “Wrong without Wrongdoing: The Structural Injustice of the Food System” Benjamin Distinguished Lecture, Michigan State University, 10/16/20
- “Moral Capital, Civic Grace, and the Role of Education” AMINTAPHIL conference 10/20
- Keynote lecture Stegner Symposium University of Utah College of Law “Food Justice” March 2020 (postponed)
- “Food and Identity” Vital Voices: Food, Identity, and Politics, Chandler, October 2019
- “Developing Civil Discourse in Universities” National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Conference, September 2019
- “Dignitary Harms with Specific Wrongdoing: The Structural Injustice of the Food System” IVR, University of Lucerne, July 2019
- “The Intersection of Environmental, Climate, and Food Justice,” Loyola University, April, 2019
- “Contextualizing Flourishing” Religion and the Environment conference, ASU March 2019
- “Free Speech, Universities, and the Development of Civic Discourse” AMINTATPHIL conference, Boston University, August 2018
- “Racial, Ethnic, and Tribal Classifications in Bio-Medical Research with Biological Samples and Group Harm”, Loyola University, Chicago, April 2018
- “The Intersection of Environmental, Climate, and Food Justice”, invited paper Imagining a Different Future: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice Conference, Hobart, Tasmania February 2018
- “Urban ethic: Thinking like a Food Shed” Philosophy of the City conference, USF, November 2016
- “Property in Land?: Different Epistemologies Relating to the Land, Intercultural Values, and the Law” University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany. September, 2016
- “Dinner 2040: The Future of Food in Africa” YALESI conference Dakar Senegal, March 2016
- “Governing Monsters Bioethics, Human Monsters, and Frankenfoods: Global Monster Narratives and Emerging Technologies” IHR Conference on Monsters, April 2016
- Commentary on Guy Bennett’s “How (not) to read Pope Francis Encyclical on Climate Change” SHPRS February 2016
- Panelist, Mary Evelyn Tucker and Environmental Humanities, February 2016
- Faculty Women’s Association Panelist Successful Promotion to Full, February 2016
- OKED Panel on external Funding, February, 2016
- “Evolving Ethics: Food, Sex, and Death” Panelist, The Origins Project October 16, 2015 ASU
- “Infectious Disease: Culture, Science, and the Other” October 6, 2015 Panelist, Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics
- “Why Just outcomes aren’t enough: Public Interest and ‘Sovereignty’ of our Food System”, IVR Georgetown Law Center July 2015
- “Successes and Challenges in doing embedded or engaged work in STEM” and “Barriers and Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Collaboration and the Role of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Collaboration” SRPoiSE conference, Michigan State University, Detroit, March 2015
- “The Ethics of Food” Spirit of the Senses, Biodesign, February 2015
- Joan McGregor. Ethics and Indigenous Sustainability. ASU Indigenous Sustainability Conference (Nov 2014).
- Joan McGregor. "Why Food Citizenship?". AMINTAPHIL conference (Oct 2014).
- Joan McGregor. Conversation with Vandana Shiva. Conversation with Vendana Shiva (Oct 2014).
- Joan McGregor. "The Ethics of Tranplantation". NATCO (National Association of Transplant Professionals) (Nov 2013).
- Joan McGregor. "Ethical Eating and Sustainability". "Climate change, sustainability, and an ethics for an open future" Netherlands (Aug 2013).
- Joan McGregor. "Eating Right: Local or Global". NASSP Conference at Quinnipiac University (Jul 2013).
- Joan McGregor. "Conceptual and Practical Connections between Feminist Ethics and TEK" paper presentation seminar on. "Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Sustainability" at the Amerind Museum (Apr 2013).
- Joan McGregor. What Feminist Ethics can teach us about Leopold’s Land Ethic. ISSRNC (Aug 2012).
- Joan McGregor and Jamey Wetmore. "Ethics in the Lab". Congress on Teaching Social and Ethical Implications of Research (Nov 2011).
- Joan McGregor. Genetic and Narrative Understanding of Identity". Origins Conference IHR (Apr 2011).
- Joan McGregor. "Aldo Leopold and Contemporary Ideas of Sustainability" Panel (organizer and commentator). ASEH (Apr 2011).
- Joan McGregor. "Emerging Technologies and Sustainability: Are Transhumanists thinking like Mountains?. Texas Tech University (Feb 2011).
- Joan McGregor. Duty to Rescue, Organ Donation Policy, and Takings by the Government" Presentation. ASBH, San Diego (Oct 2010).
- Joan McGregor. Series of lbioethics ectures, University of Padua. Erasmus Mundus MA Bioethics (May 2010).
- Joan McGregor. Comments on "A Hybrid View of the Ontology of Consent". Pacific Division, San Francisco (Apr 2010).
- Joan McGregor. Healing and the Humanities, "The ‘R" Word: The Ethics of Rationing in Health Care". NAU (Mar 2010).
- Joan McGregor. Commentary on "Organ Donation without the Dead Donor Rule". Central Division Meetings of the APA, Chicago, Illinois, (Feb 2010).
- Joan McGregor. "The Ethics of Rationing in Health Care". Conference on the Rationing, St Lukes Health Initiatives, Phoenix, Arizona, 9/09 (Sep 2009).
- joan McGregor. World Wide View on Global Climate Change. WWV meeting ASU (Sep 2009).
- joan McGregor. Commentary on Von Platz and Reidy "The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices". Berger Prize, APA Pacific Division, 4/09 (Apr 2009).
- Joan McGregor. "Human Embryos Stem Cells: The Ethical and Legal Issues in the United States". Conference: Present and Future of Stem Cell Research, hosted by Korean Ministry for Health, Welfare (Nov 2008).
- Joan McGregor Jamey Wetmore. "Researching and Teaching the Ethics and Social Implications of Emerging Technologies". Gordon Research Conference, Governance of Emerging Technologies, Big Sky, Mt 8/08 (Aug 2008).
- Joan McGregor. Genome Justice: Genetics and Group Rights,. Translating Ethical, Legal, Social Implications of Genomic Research, Cleveland Ohio (May 2008).
- Joan McGregor. Ethical and Legal Issues with infectious diseases. Public Health Ethics Workshop APPA (Feb 2008).
- McGregor, Joan. What is Research Integrity and why should I care. Nursing Faculty Research lecture series (Nov 2007).
- McGregor, Joan. Undue Influence as Coercive Offers in Clinical Trials. AMINTAPHIL meeting in Washington University, Saint Louis, Mo (Nov 2006).
- McGregor, Joan. The Ethics of Face Transplantation. Grand Rounds, Maricopa County Hospital (Oct 2006).
- McGregor, Joan, Dreifuss-Netter, Frédérique. France and the United States: The Legal and Ethical Differences in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). International Conference on Health Law, Toulouse France, 8/06 (Aug 2006).
- McGregor, Joan. What is Research Integrity and why should I care. Wisconsin Medical College, Milwaukee, WI (Apr 2006).
- McGregor, Joan. Ethical issues in conducting research on tribal members. Intertribal Council of Arizona Conference on Research with Tribes (Oct 2005).
- McGregor, Joan. A New Form of Colonialism? Exploitation of Human Subjects in Developing Nations. IVR International meetings of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy Madrid Spain (May 2005).
- McGregor, Joan. Is it the new colonization: Research Exploitation in the Developing World. IVR (May 2005).
- McGregor, Joan. Exploitation of Research Subjects in the Developing World. American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings (Apr 2005).
- McGregor, Joan. Genetics and Groups. Genetics and Group Rights (Oct 2004).
- McGregor, Joan. What's wrong with Consent to Sexual Relations?. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (Feb 2004).
- McGregor, Joan. does Art Incite?. Ethics and the Arts Conference, Joan and David Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics, Arizona State University (Oct 2001).
- McGregor, Joan. Is Morality in Decline?. Spirit of the Senses (Nov 2000).
- McGregor, Joan. Is Pornography Harm to Women?. Spirit of the Senses (Apr 2000).
- Wetmore, Jameson, McGregor, Joan. Teaching the Ethics and Social Implications of Emerging Technologies to Graduate Level Students. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting
- McGregor, Joan. Recovery of Transplantable Organs after Cardiac or Circulatory Death: The Ethical Issues". American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
- McGregor, Joan. Bioethics lectures. Classes in American Indian Studies, Nursing, and Neuroscience
Dinner 2040: The Future of Food…
Slow Food Phoenix Chair