Md Ashiqur Rahman Laskar
Phone: 480-360-3096
551 E. Tyler Mall ERC 536 Tempe, AZ 85281
Mail code: 5706Campus: Tempe
Student Information
Graduate StudentElectrical Engineering
Ira A Fulton Engineering
Currently Mr. Ashiqur is working as a Research Associate at Semiconductor metrology lab in Arizona State University (ASU). His present research focuses on semiconductor materials and device characterization. Previously he served as a Graduate Research Assistant at ASU 'Nanoscience & Biotechnology Lab'; prior that worked in 'Center for Advanced Photovoltaics and Sustainable Energy' laboratory of South Dakota State University (SDSU).
Before joining ASU, Ashiqur worked on cost effective perovskite solar cells and heavy metal ion sensor. Later at ASU, he worked on solid-state nanopore sensor fabrication and biomolecule sensing. He was also engaged in developing the next-generation DNA based highly-secured memories through collaborative work. He has published several research articles in different prestigious Journals and also presented his works in international conferences.
- PhD (ongoing) - Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
- MS - Electrical Engineering, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota, USA.
- BS - Aeronautical Engineering, MIST, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Semiconductor metrology, Thin films, Biosensors, Nanomaterials, Nano-fabrication etc.
- Laskar, M. A. R., Luo, W., Ghimire, N., Chowdhury, A. H., Bahrami, B., Gurung, A., Reza, K. M., Pathak, R., Bobba, R. S., Lamsal, B. S., Chen, K., Rahman, M. T., Rahman, S. I., Emshadi, K., Xu, T., Liang, M., Zhang, W.‐H., Qiao, Q., Phenylhydrazinium Iodide for Surface Passivation and Defects Suppression in Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020, 30, 2000778.
- Gurung, A., Reza, K. M., Mabrouk, S., Bahrami, B., Pathak, R., Lamsal, B. S., Rahman, S. I., Ghimire, N., Bobba, R. S., Chen, K., Pokharel, J., Baniya, A., Laskar, M. A. R., Liang, M., Zhang, W., Zhang, W.‐H., Yang, S., Xu, K., Qiao, Q., Rear‐Illuminated Perovskite Photorechargeable Lithium Battery. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020, 30, 2001865.
- Rahman, Md T., Maruf, A. A., Faisal, S., Pathak, R., Reza, K. M., Gurung, A., Hummel, M., Gu, Z., Laskar, Md A. R., Rahman, S. I., Lamsal, B. S., Qiao, Q., Metallic 1T Phase Tungsten Disulfide Microflowers for Trace Level Detection of Hg2+ Ions. Advanced Sustainable Systems. 2020, 2000068.
- Rahman, S.I., Lamsal, B.S., Gurung, A., Chowdhury, A.H., Reza, K.M., Ghimire, N., Bahrami, B., Luo, W., Bobba, R.S., Pokharel, J. and Baniya, A.,Laskar, Md A. R., et al., Grain Boundary Defect Passivation of Triple Cation Mixed Halide Perovskite with Hydrazine-based Aromatic Iodide for Efficiency Improvement. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020.
- Emshadi, K., Ghimire, N., Gurung, A., Bahrami, B., Pathak, R., Bobba, R.S., Lamsal, B.S., Rahman, S.I., Chowdhury, A.H., Chen, K., Laskar, M.A.R., Luo, W., Elbohy, H. and Qiao, Q., Tailoring the Grain Boundaries of Wide‐Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells by Molecular Engineering. Sol. RRL. 2020, 202000384.
- Xia, P., Zuo, J., Paudel, P., Choi, S., Chen, X., Laskar, M.A.R., Bai, J., Song, W., Im, J. and Wang, C., Sapphire-supported nanopores for low-noise DNA sensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2020, 112829.
- Ghimire, N., Bobba, R.S., Gurung, A., Reza, K.M., Laskar, M.A.R., Lamsal, B.S., Emshadi, K., Pathak, R., Afroz, M.A., Chowdhury, A.H. and Chen, K., Mitigating Open-Circuit Voltage Loss in Pb–Sn Low-Band Gap Perovskite Solar Cells via Additive Engineering. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021.
- Mamun Reza, K., Gurung, A., Bahrami, B., Chowdhury, A.H., Ghimire, N., Pathak, R., Rahman, S.I., Laskar, M.A.R., Chen, K., Bobba, R.S. and Lamsal, B.S., Grain Boundary Defect Passivation in Quadruple Cation Wide‐Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL. 2021.
- Ghimire, N., Gurung, A., Bobba, R.S., Reza, K.M., Lamsal, B.S., Laskar, M.A.R., Pokharel, J., He, W., Baniya, A., Zhou, Y. and Qiao, Q., Interface Engineering of Pb‐Sn Low‐bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells for Improved Efficiency and Stability. Solar RRL 2022.
- Xia, Pengkun, Md Ashiqur Rahman Laskar, and Chao Wang. "Wafer-Scale Fabrication of Uniform, Micrometer-Sized, Triangular Membranes on Sapphire for High-Speed Protein Sensing in a Nanopore. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023.
- Laskar, MAR, and Celano U., Scanning probe microscopy in the age of machine learning. APL Machine Learning 1.4 (2023).
- Xie J, Patoary MN, Laskar MAR, Ignacio ND, Zhan X, Celano U, Akinwande D, Sanchez Esqueda I. Quantum Conductance in Vertical Hexagonal Boron Nitride Memristors with Graphene-Edge Contacts. Nano Letters 2024.
- Laskar, M. A. R., Leonetti, G., Milano, G., Novotný, O., Neuman, J., Tongay, S., & Celano, U., Adaptive Scalpel Scanning Probe Microscopy for Enhanced Volumetric Sensing in Tomographic Analysis. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2024.
Conference Abstracts:
- Laskar, M.A.R., Rahman, M.T., Maruf, A.A. and Qiao, Q., Instantaneous Colorimetric Visual Detection of Toxic Lead (II) ions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS April Meeting 2020.
- Rahman, M.T., Laskar, M.A.R., Maruf, A.A. and Qiao, Q., Silver Nanowires Functionalized Graphene Oxide Based Biosensor for Trace level Detection of Mercury Ions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS April Meeting 2020.
- Laskar, M.A.R., and Qiao, Q., Chemically Aromatic Novel Additive Material for Short Circuit Current Density Improvement in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells. Proc. SPIE 11474, Organic, Hybrid, and Perovskite Photovoltaics XXI. 2020.
- Laskar, M.A.R., Luo, W., and Qiao, Q., Ambient Stability Improvement of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Phenyl Ring Based Novel Halide Compound. ACS Fall National Meeting 2020.
- Laskar, M.A.R., and Qiao, Q., Sodium Hydroxide Assisted Work Function Tuning of Hole Transport Material for Efficient Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells. 238th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), PRiME 2020.
- Laskar, M.A.R., and Qiao, Q., Novel C6H5NHNH3I Additive for Efficiency Acceleration in Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2020.
- Laskar, M.A.R., Ghimire, N. and Qiao, Q., Dimethylamine Hydrochloride Passivated Perovskite Surface Towards Enhanced Solar Cell Performance. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS March Meeting 2021.
- Xia, P., Zuo, J., Paudel, P., Laskar, M.A.R., Im, J. and Wang, C., Fabrication of sapphire-supported nanopore sensors with reproducible micrometer membranes. 64th EIPBN International Conference 2021.
- Ghimire, N., Laskar, M.A.R., Qiao, Q. and Zhou, Y., Additive Assisted Growth of Pb-Sn Mixed Low-bandgap Absorber for Efficient Perovskite Solar cells. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS March meeting 2022.
- Laskar, M.A.R., Rahman, M.T. and Qiao, Q.; Visual Detection of Pb 2+ ions Using CH 5 in 2 Dissolved in N, N-Dimethylformamide. In 244th ECS Meeting (October 8-12, 2023). ECS 2023.
Fall 2022: EEE 202: Circuits I - Lab
- University Graduate Fellowship 2025 (Spring)
- SPS Chapter Research Award 2020-21
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Travel Grant 2020
- Sigma XI MS Research Paper Award 2020
- SDSU 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Award 2020
- Bangladesh-Sweden Trust Fund (BSTF) Travel Grant 2018
- Outstanding GRIST Conference Papers Award 2017
- American Physical Society (APS)
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
- Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
- The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT)
- Research Associate, Nanoelectronics Metrology & Failure Analysis Lab, ASU, Arizona
- Research Associate, Nanoscience & Biotechnology Lab, ASU, Arizona
- Teaching Assistant-Lab Instructor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, ASU, Arizona
- Research Assistant, Center for Advanced Photovoltaics, SDSU, South Dakota
- Teaching Assistant-Lab Instructor, Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering, SDSU, South Dakota