Student Information
Graduate Student
Geological Sciences
The College of Lib Arts & Sci
Long Bio
I think about systems. Some of my favorites are
- atmospheric chemistry of Saturn's moon Titan
- surface aeolian processes that create dunes on Titan
- conversations and discourse mechanics on social media
- diverse planetary chemistries capable of making complex molecules
- the glittering of Enceladus' ice plumes
- Arizona State University School of Earth and Space Exploration (g. 2028) - Ph,D., geological sciences, ELIFE Lab
- University of Central Arkansas (g. 2023) - B. S., physics, B.A., linguistics, minors in mathematics and interdisciplinary studies
- Physics/chemistry thesis: Investigating interactions between meteoric metal ions and Titan’s atmospheric organics
- Linguistics thesis: Membranes: Imagining online communication as biological exchange
- University of Arkansas at Hope-Texarkana (g. 2019) - A. A., general education