Elizabeth J. Donaldson is a scholar of disability, madness, the history of psychiatry, and American literature. She has published essays on LSD-inspired disability-immersion experiences of schizophrenia, mental illness in film, antipsychiatry in Lauren Slater’s memoirs, the depiction of psychosis in comics, and physiognomy and madness in Jane Eyre. She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disabilities Studies and is co-editor (with Catherine J. Prendergast) of the special issue, “Emotion and Disability” (2011). She co-edited the essay collection The Madwoman and the Blindman: Jane Eyre, Discourse, Disability (2012) and currently co-edits the Palgrave Macmillan book series Literary Disability Studies with David Bolt and Julia Miele Rodas. She edited Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health (2018) and is currently working on a monograph which focuses on psychiatry and American literature and co-editing a collection on neurodiversity.