Mary Davis received her bachelor's from University of Idaho, and her master's and doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh. Davis examines how social and emotional risk and resilience factors shape adaptation to stress. Her work includes developing and testing interventions designed to bolster resilience, such as mindfulness, in the face of ongoing challenges associated with chronic pain, trauma, and aging. She is also Research Council Chair of the Center for Mindfulness, Compassion, and Resilience at ASU.
Interests include social and emotional predictors of adaptation to chronic stress and pain; mindfulness-based approaches to promoting emotion regulation and resilience; genetic and environmental influences on risk for development of pediatric pain
Research Group
The Emotion Regulation and Health Lab works to understand how emotional and social aspects of life affect how people adapt to the challenges of chronic stressors, including chronic pain.
The research areas we are most interested in include:
Mindfulness-based approaches to improving emotion regulation in chronic pain
Can learning to simply pay attention to what’s happening in the moment, without judging it, help improve mood, coping, and day-to-day health?
The physical health effects of childhood trauma
Early adversity sets the stage for health problems later in life. What are the psychological, social, and physiological mechanisms driving the adversity-health relation?
Affectionate touch, mood, and stress responses
Touch can be one means of mitigating the effects of stress. How does that happen? Is it true for everyone?
Sources of resilience that offset the demands of stress
We are often inclined to focus on factors that make individuals vulnerable to stress. Yet vulnerable individuals also have strengths. What are key strengths, like feeling loved, that can protect individuals from the negative effects of adversity, like pain?
How is chronic pain transmitted from parents to children?
Having a parent with chronic pain increases the risk that a child will develop chronic pain as well. What are the psychological, environmental, and biological mechanisms that can explain these relations?
Davis, M.C., Okun, M.A., Kruszewski, D., Zautra, A.J., & Tennen, H. Sex differences in the relations of positive and negative daily events and fatigue in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Pain (2010).
Davis, M.C., Ventura, J.A., Wieners, M., Covington, S.N., Vanderhoff, V.H., Ryan, M.E., Koziol, D., Popat, V., & Nelson, L.M. The psychosocial transition associated with spontaneous 46,XX primary ovarian insufficiency: illness uncertainty, stigma, goal flexibility, and purpose in life as factors in emotional health. Fertility and Sterility (2010).
Finan, P.H., Okun, M.A., Kruszewski, D., Davis, M.C., Zautra, A.J., & Tennen, H. Interplay of concurrent positive and negative interpersonal events in the prediction of daily negative affect and fatigue for rheumatoid arthritis patients. Health Psychology (2010).
Finan, P.H., Zautra, A.J., Davis, M.C., Chalfont-Lemery, K., Covault, J., & Tennen, H. Genetic influences on the dynamics of pain and affect in fibromyalgia. Health Psychology (2010).
Finan, P.H., Zautra, A.J., Davis, M.C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Covault, J., & Tennen, H. COMT moderates the relation of daily maladaptive coping and pain in fibromyalgia. Pain (2010).
Nicolson, N.A., Davis, M.C., Kruszweski, D., & Zautra, A.J. Childhood traumatic experiences and cortisol levels in women with fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis. Psychosomatic Medicine (2010).
Zautra, A.J., Arewaksiporn, A., & Davis, M.C. Resilience: Promoting well-being through recovery, sustainability, and growth. Research in Human Development, (2010).
Zautra, A.J., Fasman, R., Davis, M.C., & Craig, A.D. (2010). The effects of slow breathing on affective responses to pain stimuli: An experimental study. Pain (2010).
Kent, M., & Davis, M.C. Resilience interventions: The emergence of capacity-building programs and models. Handbook of Adult Resilience (2010).
Davis, M.C., Luecken, L., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. Resilience in Common Life: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Personality (2009).
Finan, P., Zautra, A.J., & Davis, M.C. Daily Affect Relations in Fibromyalgia Patients Reveal Positive Affective Disturbance. Psychosomatic Medicine (2009).
Davis, M.C. Building emotional resilience to promote health. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (2009).
Davis, M.C., Zautra, A.J., Younger, J., Motivala, S.J., Attrep, J., & Irwin, M.R. (2008). Chronic stress and regulation of cellular markers of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis: Implications for fatigue. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (2008).
Irwin, M., Davis, M.C., & Zautra, A.J. Behavioral Comorbidities in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Psychoneuroimmunological Perspective. Psychiatric Times (2008).
Parrish, B., Zautra, A.J., & Davis, M.C. The role of positive and negative interpersonal events on daily fatigue in women with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Health Psychology (2008).
Younger, J.W., Finan, P., Zautra, A.J., Davis, M.C., & Reich, J.W. Personal mastery predicts general well-being and stress-reactivity in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Psychology and Health (2008).
Zautra, A.J., Davis, M.C., Tennen, H., Finan, P., Kratz, A., Nicassio, P.N., & Irwin, M. Comparison of cognitive behavioral and mindfulness meditation interventions on adaptation to rheumatoid arthritis for patients with and without history of recurrent depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2008).
Davis, M.C. Measuring adiposity in health research. Handbook of Physiological Research Methods in Health Psychology (2008).
Alex Zautra, Brendt Parrish, Tina VanPuymbroeck, Howard Tennen, Mary Davis, John Reich, Michael Irwin. Depression History, Stress, and Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2007).
Alex Zautra, Robert Fasman, Brendt Parrish, Mary Davis. Daily fatigue in women with Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia. Pain (2007).
Anna Kratz, Mary Davis, Alex Zautra. Pain acceptance moderates the relation between pain and negative affect in female osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine (2007).
Huebner, D.M., & Davis, M.C. Perceived anti-gay discrimination and physical health outcomes. Health Psychology (2007).
Davis, Mary C (Author) ,Zautra, A J (Author) ,Johnson, L M (Author) ,Murray, K (Author) ,Okvat, H (Author) . Psychosocial stress, emotion regulation, and resilience among older adults. Handbook of Health Psychology and Aging (2007).
J Reich, L Johnson, A Zautra, Mary Davis. Uncertainty of illness relationship with mental health and coping processes in fibromyalgia patients. Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2006).
L Johnson, Alex Zautra, Mary Davis. The role of illness uncertainty on coping with fibromyalgia symptoms. Health Psychology (2006).
Mary Davis, G Affleck, Alex Zautra, H Tennen. Daily interpersonal events in pain patients: Applying action theory to chronic illness. Journal of Clinical Psychology (2006).
A Zautra, G Affleck, H Tennen, J Reich, Mary Davis. Dynamic approaches to emotion and stress in everyday life: Bolger and Zuckerman reloaded with positive as well as negative affects. Journal of Personality (2005).
A Zautra, L Johnson, Mary Davis. Positive affect as a source of resilience to pain and stress for women in chronic pain. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2005).
Alex Zautra, R Fasman, J Reich, P Harakas, L Johnson, M Olmsted, Mary Davis. Fibromyalgia: evidence for deficits in positive affect regulation. Psychosomatic Medicine (2005).
D Huebner, C Nemeroff, Mary Davis. Do hostility and neuroticism confound associations between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms?. Journal of Social and Personality Psychology (2005).
D Huebner, Mary Davis. Gay and bisexual men who disclose their sexual orientations in the workplace have higher workday levels of salivary cortisol and negative affect. Annals of Behavioral Medicine (2005).
H Burke, Mary Davis, C Otte, D Mohr. Depression and cortisol responses to psychological stress: a meta-analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2005).
A Zautra, D Yocum, I Villanueva, B Smith, Mary Davis, J Attrep, M Irwin. Immune Activation and Depression in Female Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Journal of Rheumatology (2004).
A Zautra, L Johnson, Mary Davis. The role of positive affect in resilience following chronic pain and interpersonal stress for women with Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. Cognitive Therapy and Research (2004).
Mary Davis, Z Zautra, B Smith. Chronic pain, stress, and the dynamics of affective differentiation. Journal of Personality (2004).
Mary Davis, Z Zautra, B Smith. Chronic pain, stress, and the dynamics of affective differentiation. Journal of Personality (2004).
Z Zautra, Mary Davis, B Smith. Emotions, health, and personality. Journal of Personality (2004).
Davis, Mary C (Author) ,Zautra, A J (Author) . Autoimmune Diseases: Psychosocial Aspects. Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior (2004).
J Reich, Z Zautra, Mary Davis. Dimensions of affect relationships: Models and their integrative implications. . Review of General Psychology (2003).
D Huebner, Mary Davis, C Nemeroff, Leona Aiken. The impact of internalized homophobia on HIV preventive interventions. American Journal of Community Psychology (2002).
R Williams, Mary Davis, Roger Millsap. Development of the cognitive processing of trauma scale. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (2002).
. . Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology (2002).
Burke, H M (Author) ,Zautra, A J (Author) ,Schultz, A S (Author) ,Reich, J W (Author) ,Davis, Mary C (Author) . Arthritis: A biopsychosocial perspective. Chronic Medical Disorders: Behavioral Medicine's Perspective (2002).
Mary Davis, A Zautra, J Reich. Vulnerability to stress differs in older women with fibromyalgia vs osteoarthritis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine (2001).
A Zautra, J Reich, Mary Davis, N Nicolson, P Potter. The role of stressful events in the independence of affective states: Evidence from field and experimental studies. Journal of Personality (2000).
Mary Davis, K Matthews, C McGrath. Hostile attitudes predict elevated vascular resistance to interpersonal stress in both men and women. Psychosomatic Medicine (2000).
Research Activity
Davis,Mary C*, Zautra,Alex John. Emotional Resilience in Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study of Web-based Treatment. Inst. for Mental Health Res(7/1/2010 - 8/30/2012).
Burleson,Mary*, Davis,Mary C. Supplemental Funding: Effects of Affectionate Touch Between Spouses on Cardiovascular Stress Responses. HHS-NIH-NHLBI(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2012).
Burleson,Mary*, Burleson,Mary*, Davis,Mary C. Effects of Affectionate Touch Between Spouses on Cardiovascular Stress Responses. HHS-NIH-NHLBI(9/1/2008 - 6/30/2012).
Davis,Mary C*, Mackinnon,David Peter, Zautra,Alex John. Fibromyalgia: Interventions for Pain and Mood Regulation. HHS-NIH-NIAMS(8/1/2007 - 7/31/2014).
Zautra,Alex John*, Aiken,Leona S, Castro,Felipe G, Davis,Mary C, Hall,John Stuart, Hall,John Stuart, Lemery,Kathryn Sue, Luecken,Linda J, Pennak,Sara, Pennak,Sara, Reich,John William. Resilience and Health in Communities and Individuals Executive Level I. HHS-NIH-NIA(9/30/2005 - 8/31/2013).
Nemeroff,Carol Jill*, Aiken,Leona S, Davis,Mary C, Luecken,Linda J. Interpersonal Perceptions and the Placebo/Nocebo Effect. HHS-NIH-NCCAM(2/1/2005 - 1/31/2008).
Davis, M.C. Building resilience: A targeted intervention for chronic pain. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies annual meeting (Nov 2010).
Davis, M.C. Stress and emotional resilience: How affective complexity promotes adaptation to health challenges among women. Research Group Presentation, Reproductive Medicine Group, NICHD, NIH (Sep 2010).
Zautra, A.J. & Davis, M.C. Emerging emotion regulation interventions for chronic pain. American Psychosomatic Society Annual meeting (Feb 2010).
Davis, M.C., Zautra, A.J., Reich, J., & Finan, P. The effects of cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based interventions on resilience to chronic pain. Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (May 2009).
Davis, M.D. Social and emotional resilience to stress. Building Health Lifestyles Conference (Jan 2008).
Davis, Mary. Women's Health. First ASU Summer Institute on Community (Jun 2006).
Davis, Mary. Promoting resilience in women: Keys to social and emotional "fitness.". Annual Women's Mental Health Symposium (Apr 2006).
Davis, Mary. Stress and resilience in women. Annual Women's Mental Health Forum (Jan 2006).
Davis, Mary. Resilience in chronic pain. Women's Mental Health Forum (Apr 2005).
Davis, Mary, Zautra, A, Reich, J. Social Complexity and Adaptation to Chronic Pain. Western Psychological Association Annual Conference (Apr 2004).
Davis, Mary. Mechanisms of Chronic Pain: Emotional Resources and Social Environment. American Psychosomatic Society Annual Conference (Mar 2004).
Davis, Mary, Zautra, A, Reich, J. Vulnerability to stress among women in chronic pain from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society
Zautra, A, Reich, J, Davis, Mary. Adaptation in two dimensions: A dynamic model of affective health. Annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society
Appellate Lawyers National Conference, Speaker (2010 - Present)
Promotion to Full Professor, Outside Reviewer (2010 - Present)
Personnel Committee, Promotion Cheryl Conrad, Member (2009 - Present)
Search Committee-Phoenix Med Campus, member (2009 - Present)
Spirit of the Senses community group, Speaker (2009 - Present)
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Health Psychology, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Pain, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Psychosomatic Medicine, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Psychosomatic Medicine, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
Arthritis Care and Research, Ad hoc reviewer (2008 - Present)
Health Psychology, Ad hoc reviewer (2008 - Present)
Psychosomatic Medicine, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
Journal of Personality, Ad hoc reviewer (2004 - Present)
Planning and Advisory Committee, Member (2011 - 2012)
Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs, Secretary/Treasurer (2007 - 2012)
Undergraduate Studies Committee, Member (2010 - 2010)
Personnel Committee-Luecken Promotion, Member (2010 - 2010)
Personnel Committee-Tien promotion, member (2010 - 2010)
Undergraduate Studies Committee, Member (2009 - 2009)
Third Year Review Committee, Matt Newman, Member (2009 - 2009)
Planning and Advisory Committee (PAC), Member (2009 - 2009)