Rocco Pagano grew up in New Jersey and migrated out west where he earned a BS in Physics in 2011. He is currently employeed as the night shift supervisor for University Common Computing for ASU's UTO, and holds the job title Instruct Tech Specialist.
That involves supervising students, performing repairs and installations to classroom technology, supporting faculty during evening classes and special events; as well as night supervisor to the Computing Sites and Learning Studio’s, which serve thousands of students weekly and managing general technology support in all classrooms on the Tempe campus.
Rocco’s long-term plan: “I want to figure something out that forever changes humanity and the world. A new discovery that alters the fundamental nature of what humans can do or changes what we are.” Rocco’s short-term plan: “I’d like to at least build something that will outlive me by a century or more.”
He has a special talent for taking things apart and quickly figuring out how they work. His claim to fame, (as if all the above isn’t enough!), is if you give him a piece of technology or an idea to take apart, he’ll give you back something that works better.