Myla Vicenti Carpio is an associate professor and a citizen of the Jicarilla Apache Nation and also of Laguna and Isleta Pueblo heritage. She received her doctorate in history from Arizona State University. Her research areas include Indigenous history, urban issues, gender and sexuality, and decolonization. She teaches AIS 180 Introduction to American Indian Studies, AIS 360 Issues in Urban Indian Country, AIS 420 American Indian Studies Research Methods, AIS 480 Actualizing Decolonization and AIS 516 Concepts of Power and Indigeneity.
Professor Vicenti Carpio has published numerous articles and her book "Indigenous Albuquerque" was published by Texas Tech Press in 2011. She is currently working on two projects with Karen Leong. The first is an edited anthology, "Multiple Voices, Multiple Histories: Exploring the Intersections of the Japanese American and American Indian Experiences of Internment in Arizona during World War" and the second is a co-authored book, "American Movements: Understanding the Ideological and Institutional Reasoning for Japanese American and American Indian Relocations, 1940-1970," on the institutional intersections of Japanese Internment and American Indian urban relocation policy. In addition, Vicenti Carpio is also a co-editor with Jeffrey Shepherd (UTEP) of the "Critical Issues in Indigenous Studies" book series through the University of Arizona Press.
Leong, Karen J., and Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Carceral Subjugations: Gila River Indian Community and Incarceration of Japanese Americans on Its Lands."Amerasia Journal 42, no. 1 (2016): 103-120.
Vicenti Carpio, Myla. “(Un)disturbing Exhibitions: Indigenous Historical Memory at the National Museum of the American Indian.” Special Issue: National Museum of the American Indian. American Indian Quarterly. 30: 4 (2006).
Vicenti Carpio, Myla. “Lost Generation: Sterilization and American Indian Women.” Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict & World Order. 31:4 (2004).
Vicenti Carpio, Myla. “Urban Indians”. In Julie Cajune, ed. Our Way: A Parallel History. (Rowman & Littlefield, AltaMira Native North American Communities Series), Manuscript in preparation, to be submitted 2014.
Vicenti Carpio, Myla. “(Un)disturbing Exhibitions: Indigenous Historical Memory at the National Museum of the American Indian.” In Amy Lonetree and Amanda Cobb, Understanding the National Museum of the American Indian. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press) 2008.
Vicenti Carpio, Myla. "Reconnecting the Past and Present: My Thoughts on the 2004 Dakota Commemorative March," in Waziyatawin Angela Wilson, ed., In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors: The Dakota Commemorative Marches of the 21st Century (St. Paul: Living Justice Press, 2006).
Vicenti Carpio, Myla and Peter Iverson. “The Inalienable Right to Govern Ourselves: Wendell Chino and the Struggle for Indian Self-Determination in Modern New Mexico” in New Mexico Lives, Profiles and Historical Stories, ed. Richard Etulain. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2002).
Research Activity
Leong,Karen*, Vicenti Carpio,Myla Thyrza. Arizona Intersections: The Shared Histories of American Indians and Japanese Americans during World War II. Charles Redd Center(8/15/2011 - 6/30/2012).
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, CLAS-NS-SS-GRG, Seed Grant, “Re-conceptualizing Sustainability though Traditional Indigenous Knowledge” Co-Investigators, Myla Vicenti Carpio, Tennille Marley, John Tippeconnic, James Riding In, Eunice Romero-Little, Simon Ortiz. 2013
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Research Grant. Harry S. Truman Library Institute. Myla Vicenti Carpio and Karen Leong, 2011.
Institute for Humanities Research. Seed Grant. Arizona State University. Karen Leong and Myla Vicenti Carpio, 2011.
Arizona Humanities Council. “Beyond the Barbed Wire Fence: The Gila River Indian and Japanese American Experience of Internment at Gila River during World War II.” Co-PI and Lead Scholar Myla Vicenti Carpio and Co-PI and Project Director Barnaby V. Lewis (Gila River Tribal Historic Preservation Office), with scholars Dr. Karen Leong and Dr. J. Andrew Darling, (May 2009). AZHC Research Grant with matching funds from Japanese American National Museum.
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Indigenous and Critical Settler Geographies of Decolonial Pleasures and Futures". American Studies Association Annual Conference (Nov 2014).
Chair: Professor Karen Leong, Asia Pacific and American Studies, ASU Panel Members: Dean Hsinya Huang, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Regents Professor Simon Ortiz, Indigenous Studies and English, ASU; Professor Myla Vicenti Carpio, American Indian Studies, ASU; Professor Wendy Cheng, Asian Pacific American Studies and Justice and Social Inquiry, ASU. IHR Roundtable: Focusing on the intersections of American studies, Asia-Pacific American Studies, Indigenous Studies, and the Environmental Humanities. American Studies IHR Research Cluster Arizona State University, November 10, 2014 (Nov 2014).
Myla Vicenti Carpio and Karen Leong. Connecting American Indian Relocations and Japanese American Relocation: Understanding the Foreign and Domestic in US Policies of Removal Panel Title:Comparative Imaginings of Political Economy: Transnational Circulations of Race, Gender, and the State. 10th European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria (Apr 2014).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. Presidential Address. American Indian Studies Association Annual Conference (Feb 2014).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. Paak'u, Indigenous Albuquerque, Celebrations and Remembrance of Place. Historia de Nuevomexico, Histories of New Mexico (Oct 2012).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Contested Memories, Contested Claims: Indigenous perspectives on New Mexico". New Mexico State Museum Lecture Series (Apr 2012).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Indigenous Albuquerque". Native American Literature Symposium (Mar 2012).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Tracing current Tribal Economic Development issues to Indian Reorganization Act of 1934". Symposium at University of Waikato, Aotearoa/New Zealand (Oct 2011).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "We've Seen This Before: Native perspectives on Arizona state of Emergency". Symposium: Gender and States of Emergency Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies (Apr 2011).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Indigenous Albuquerque". "Indigenous Albuquerque" for Native American Studies Indigenous Research Group (NASIRG) and the Inst (Apr 2011).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Unsettling Alliances: Teaching, Theory, and Activism at Arizona State.". Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide Conference, University of California Riverside (Mar 2011).
Myla Vicenti Carpio and Karen J. Leong. "‘Grossly Unexceptional’: Assessing the Parallel Displacements and Relocation of Japanese Americans and American Indians, 1942-1952.". Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference (May 2010).
Myla Vicenti Carpio. "Publishing Panel,". American Indian Book Festival. University of New Mexico. April 13 and 14, 2012 (Apr 2010).
Carpio, Myla. Ethnic Communities in Transition. 34th Annual Conference of National Association of Ethnic Studies (Mar 2006).
Carpio, Myla. Reconnecting the Past and Present: My Thoughts on the 2004 Dakota Commemorative March. 34th Annual Conference of National Association of Ethnic Studies, "Ethnic Communities in Transition." (Mar 2006).
Carpio, Myla. Teaching Toward Leadership. World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (Nov 2005).
Carpio, Myla. Comment on "Gendering Native American Nations". The 13th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (Jun 2005).
Carpio, Myla. When Native Historians Come Together: Looking Back, Moving Beyond, and Shifting Perspectives. The 12th Annual Indigenous Nations and Dakota Studies Spring Conference (Apr 2005).
Carpio, Myla. Power, Publics, and Monuments: Petroglyphs as public, political, and sacred space. Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting (Mar 2005).
Carpio, Myla. Whose History Are You Telling? Decolonization and Indigenous History. The Next Millennium: New Directions in American Indian History (May 2004).
Carpio, Myla. HIS 362: American Indian History to Present (Apr 2004).
Carpio, Myla. American Indian Histories and the Decolonization Project. Many Voices One Center: Native American Literature Symposium (Apr 2004).
Carpio, Myla. Researching the Native. Indigenous Perspectives of Educational Research and Schooling in Global Contexts (Apr 2004).
Carpio, Myla. The Adamant of Time: Native American Land, Architecture, and Ethics. Ethics in Place: Architecture, Memory, and Environmental Poetics (Feb 2004).
Carpio, Myla. Are You Sovereign?. In-House Professor Lecture Series, American Indian Studies Student Organization (Feb 2004).
Carpio, Myla. Diversity, American Indians. UNI 100 (Oct 2003).
Carpio, Myla. Indians in the Urban environment. HIS 362: American Indian History to Present (Oct 2003).
Carpio, Myla. Colonization and American Indian Gender Roles. WSH 413: Lesbian Cultures and Communities (Sep 2003).
Carpio, Myla. American Indian Genders and Sexualities. Indigenous Women's Series (Apr 2003).
Carpio, Myla. Colonizing Politics? American Indian Women and Women of Color Discourse. Gathering at the River: Women of Color in the Arizona Academy Conference (Feb 2003).
Carpio, Myla. Native Art and Social Change - Sam English (Artist), and Phil Lucas, Film Producer. Fourth Annual American Indians Studies Consortium (Feb 2003).
Carpio, Myla. The Campus Climate: 'Goodness' in Cultures and the Clash of Values on Campus. Lincoln Center Annual Ethics Conference: Ethics When Cultures Clash (Feb 2003).
Carpio, Myla. Colonization of Gender roles. HIS 362: American Indian History to 1900 (Nov 2002).
Carpio, Myla. Reimagining Colony: Laguna Colony of Albuquerque. The Ninth Biennial Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference on North American Studies (Sep 2002).
Carpio, Myla. Research areas and methodology. GRA 481: Senior Studio in Graphic Design (Sep 2002).
Carpio, Myla. Paradise Hidden: Remaining Indigenous and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered in the City. Paradise Paved: Utopian Imaginations and the Southwestern City Conference (Apr 2002).
Carpio, Myla. Involuntary Sterilization in Indian Country. Native America Calling (Apr 2002).
Carpio, Myla. Multicultural Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, and Queer Histories. American Indian G/L/B/T/T Organization of American Historians (Apr 2002).
Carpio, Myla. AIS Faculty Panel/Challenges and Accomplishments. 3rd Annual American Indian Studies Consortium. "Protecting and Defending Tribal Sovereignty" (Feb 2002).
Carpio, Myla. Research and Community Organizing. HIS 590: American Indian History (Nov 2001).
Carpio, Myla. Urban Indian history. HIS 362: American Indian History 1900 to Present (Oct 2001).
Carpio, Myla. Urban Indians. Lecture Series for Native American History Month (Oct 2001).
Carpio, Myla. Laguna Colony of Albuquerque. American Society for Ethnohistory Conference (Oct 2001).
Critical Issues in Indigenous Studies Book Series Co-Editor (with Jeffrey Shepherd, UTEP)