During her tenure at ASU, Joanna Lucio has been integrally involved in hands-on learning opportunities and promoting student success through undergraduate research, curriculum development and her work as an Honors faculty member.
She is associate professor in the School of Public Affairs, and was named associate dean of academic affairs in 2018. She is also affiliated faculty with the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center.
Lucio joined ASU in 2006. Her research explores how urban governance, planning and policy impacts diverse groups in society. She works to advance the rights of disenfranchised residents through the evaluation and analysis of housing and neighborhood policies and programs, particularly for low-income residents.
The work has had an impact on the local community. In a recent project with one of her doctoral students, city of Phoenix housing officials made program changes based on the findings by encouraging housing managers to seek resources they did not know existed and to collaborate with resident service coordinators to deliver more resident-focused services. In one of her service-learning classes, her students developed a policy white paper for redeveloping brownfields in downtown Phoenix into spaces for the arts.
In 2016, she was recognized as the college’s Emerging Community Solutions Scholar.
Lucio holds a doctorate in urban and public administration from the University of Texas at Arlington
Ph.D. Urban and Public Administration, University of Texas-Arlington
Chris Herbst and Joanna Lucio (joint first authors). Happy in the Hood? The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness. Journal Of Regional Science (2016).
Deirdre Pfeiffer and Joanna Lucio. Foreclosures and Section 8 Vouchers: Implications for Residential Mobility. Housing Policy Debate (2016).
Deirdre Pfeiffer and Joanna Lucio. An Unexpected Geography of Opportunity in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis: Low-Income Renters in Investor-Purchased Foreclosures in Phoenix, Arizona. Urban Geography (2015).
Erica McFadden and Joanna Lucio. Aging in (Privatized) Places: Subsidized Housing for Seniors. Journal of Housing for the Elderly (2014).
Joanna Lucio, Laura Hand, and Flavio Marsiglia. Designing HOPE: Social Constructions of Housing Dispersal Policy. Journal of Urban Affairs (2014).
Joanna Lucio. Public Administration and Noncitizens. Administration & Society (2013).
Lucio, J., Auer, J, and E. Johnston. Neighborhood Diversity: Framework for Municipalities. State and Local Government (2013).
Lucio, J. and E. Ramirez de la Cruz. Affordable Housing Networks: A Case Study in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region. Housing Policy Debate (2012).
Lucio, J. and W. Wolfersteig. Political and social incorporation of public housing residents: challenges in HOPE VI community development. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society (2012).
Peck, L., Kim, Y., and Lucio, J. An Examination of Validity in Evaluation: Reflections Inspired by House (1980). American Journal of Evaluation (2012).
Lucio, J., Ramirez de la Cruz, E., and Denham, S.C. Liberty for Whom? The Effect of Gated Communities on Urban Spaces. Gestión y Política Pública (2011).
Duke, J. (2010). Exploring Homeowner Opposition to Public Housing Developments Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 37(1): 49-74. Exploring Homeowner Opposition to Public Housing Developments. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (2010).
Duke-Lucio, J., Peck, L. R.; and Segal, E. A. The Latent and Sequential Costs of Being Poor: An Exploration of Housing. Poverty & Public Policy (2010).
Lucio, J. and E. Barrett. Community Lost and Found: Satisfaction and Collective Efficacy Among Relocated Public Housing Residents. Journal of Poverty (2010).
Joanna Lucio and Edgar Ramirez. What is the impact of urban redevelopment on the price of housing? A hedonic pricing model for the housing area of "Las Granadas" in Mexico City?. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2016).
Joanna Lucio and Erica McFadden. Co-Production of Public Housing: Evidence from Public, Private, and Hybrid Management Models. Public Management Research Association (Jun 2015).
Joanna Lucio. Managing Programs for Food Insecurity and Resilience in Public Housing,. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2015).
Pfeiffer, D and Lucio, J. Section 8 Housing and the Foreclosure Crisis in Phoenix. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning conference (Nov 2014).
Pfeiffer, D and Lucio, J. Low-Income Renters in the Phoenix Foreclosure Crisis. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2014).
Lucio, J. and Herbst, C. Happyhoods: The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (Nov 2013).
Lucio, J. Community resilience and low-income families. Community resilience conference (Jul 2013).
Lucio, J. and Herbst, C. Happyhoods: The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2013).
Herbst, C. and Lucio, J. Happyhoods: The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness. Center for Population Dynamics (Mar 2013).
Lucio, J. (2013). " Webinar , March. The Political and Social Incorporation of Public Housing Residents. Webinar for Community Development Society and the Heartland Center for Leadership Development (Mar 2013).
Herbst, C. and Lucio, J. Happyhoods: The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness. School of Public Affairs Colloquium (Feb 2013).
Lucio, J. Who are the Citizens?. Alliance for Innovation "Big Ideas" (Nov 2012).
Mcfadden, E. and Lucio, J. Social equity and the Privatizations of Public Housing Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (Nov 2012).
Lucio, J. and Warnicke, M. Citizens Enforcing Administrative Accountability: Bureaucratic Oversight as a New Form of Civic Engagement in State Immigration Policy. Public Administration Theory Network (May 2012).
Lucio, J. (2012). , Pittsburgh, PA. The Right to the City of HOPE VI Residents. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2012).
Lucio, J. and Warnicke, M. (2012). Las Vegas, Nevada. The Citizen Enforcer. American Society for Public Administration,. American Society for Public Administration (Apr 2012).
Lucio. J. (2012). Designing HOPE: Social Constructions of Mixed Income Housing. Conference, October, 2012, Phoenix, AZ. Designing HOPE: Social Constructions of Mixed Income Housing. Korean Qualitative Research in Public Administration (Mar 2012).
Lucio, J. and Wolfersteig, W. Economic Development and HOPE VI. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2011).
Lucio, J. and Wolfersteig, W. The Rights of Dispersed Public Housing Residents. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2011).
Lucio, J and Warnicke, M. (. Intersectionality Theory and Citizenship. Western Political Science Association (Mar 2011).
Lucio, J. The promise of a New Home. Urban Affairs Association (Apr 2010).
Lucio, J. HOPE VI and Foucault. Public Administration Theory Network (Apr 2010).
Lucio, J and Wolfersteig, W. (2010) Public Housing Resident Social Networks and Health Outcomes. Poster presentation at the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Public Housing Resident Social Networks and Health Outcomes. Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center Annual Conference (Mar 2010).
Urban Affairs Review, Editorial Board Member (2016 - 2018)
Faculty Advisory Committee, Chair (2016 - 2017)
Undergraduate Committee, Member (2016 - 2017)
Urban Affairs Association Membership Committee, Committee member (2016 - 2017)
Faculty Honors Advisor, Advisor (2010 - 2017)
Service Con, Taught a class (2016 - 2016)
Nelson Mandela Leadership Program, Instructor (2016 - 2016)
Barrett Honors, Faculty Advisor (2014 - 2016)
Undergraduate Committee, Member (2006 - 2016)
National Housing Conference, Key note speaker (2016 - 2016)
Public Administration Review, Reviewer (2015 - 2015)
Poverty & Public Policy, Reviewer (2015 - 2015)
Downtown Policy Assembly, Advisor (2014 - 2015)
Student of Public Affairs Network, Advisor (2006 - 2015)
Journal of Public Administration, Research, and Practice, Reviewer (2014 - 2015)