Jessica Early
Phone: 480-965-0742
Fax: 480.965.0605
Ross-Blakley Hall 163 PO Box 871401 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
Mail code: 1401Campus: Tempe
Jessica Early, Professor of English at Arizona State University, is a scholar of English education and secondary literacy. She is the director of the Central Arizona Writing Project, a local site of the National Writing Project, at ASU. She initially began her career in the field of education as a high school English language arts teacher. Her research combines qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the teaching of writing and writing practices in ethnically and linguistically diverse secondary English Language Arts classrooms as well as the preparation and professional development of urban English Language Arts teachers.
Early has published widely. Her recent book, Next Generation Genres (Norton, 2022) provides an alternative framework for a secondary writing curriculum that places a central emphasis on helping students gain the experience they need to write with confidence in academic and civic life. Her previous co-authored book, "Creating Literacy Communities as Pathways to Success: Equity and Access for Latina Students" offers a concrete model for researchers and teachers to create literacy communities of practice for students to explore their future selves in connection to a specific content area or discipline (Routledge, 2018). Her second book, "Real World Writing for Secondary Students" (Teacher College Press, 2012) presents theoretical grounding and concrete strategies for teaching writing to ethnically and linguistically diverse secondary students. She is also the author of "Stirring up Justice: Reading and Writing to Change the World" (Heinemann, 2006) a classroom-based examination of a literacy curriculum revolving around issues of activism within an urban secondary English classroom and she is a co-editor of "Advances in International Writing Research: Cultures, Places, and Measures" (Parlor Press, 2012).
Early's research appears in numerous scholarly journals including Research in the Teaching of English, English Journal, Educational Leadership, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Journal of Reading & Writing, International Journal of Writing Research, Literacy Today, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Rethinking Schools. Early serves on Editorial Review Boards for the Journal of Teacher Education and Voices from the Middle and she is on the conference committee for the innagural Writing Through the Lifespan Research Conference.
She is the director of the Central Arizona Writing Project (CAWP), located in the Department of English at Arizona State University. The CAWP is part of the National Writing Project network, the oldest and largest professional development project in the United States. In addition to working with K-12 teachers throughout the greater Phoenix area, Early teaches Research Methods in English Education, Methods of Teaching Composition in Secondary Classrooms, and Teaching Texts and Critical Literacy in Secondary Classrooms. Her current research focuses on the writing at the secondary level and on finding successful ways of shifting curriculum to better prepare ethnically and linguistically diverse students for the kinds of writing tasks they will need in college, the work place, and the community.
- Ph.D. Education, University of California-Santa Barbara 2007
- M.A. Teaching (English Education), Lewis & Clark College 1998
- B.A. English, Whitman College, WA 1994
Writing Research
English Education
Secondary Literacy
National Writing Project
Books (Refereed)
Early, J. S. & Saidy, C. (2018). Creating Literacy Communities as Pathways to Success: Equity and Access for Latina Students. New York, NY: Routledge. Word count: 50,000.
Early, J. S. & DeCosta, M.* (2012). Real world writing for secondary students: Teaching the college admission essay and other gate-openers for higher education. New York, NY:Teachers College Press.
Early, J. S. (2006). Stirring up justice: Writing and reading to change the world. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 146 pages
Books (Edited):
Bazerman, C., Dean C., Early J., Lunsford, K., Null S., Rogers P. & Stansell A. (Eds.) (2012). Advances in international writing research: Cultures, places, and measures. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press & WAC Clearinghouse. 559 pages. DOE: 14% among each editor.
Special Issues of Journals Edited:
Graham, S., Early, J. & Wilcox, K. (2014). Writing Instruction in the Secondary Schools. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 27(6), 969-1117. DOE: 33% among each editor. Reading and Writing is one of the most highly cited journals in Education and Educational Research according to Thomson/ISI. Impact factor 3.85.
Scholarly Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Baker, T. & Early, J.S. (2021). The Things They Carried: Teaching Writing to Tibetan Buddhist Monks & Nuns in India. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 64(5), 491- 496. Word count: 4,000.
Early, J. S. (2019). A Case for Teaching Biography-Driven Writing in ELA Classrooms. English Journal,108 (3), 89-94. Word count: 3,000.
Early, J. S. & Flores, T. T*. (November, 2017). Escribiendo Juntos: Toward a Collaborative Model of Multiliterate Family Literacy in English-Only and Anti-Immigrant Contexts. Research in the Teaching of English. 52(2), 156-180. Word count: 10,000.
Alford, K.* & Early, J. S. (2017). Taking Time to Write!: A Teacher’s Story of Writing Within a Community of Teacher Writers. English Leadership Quarterly, 40(2), 2-5. Word count: 3,000. Awarded 2018 Best Article Award for ELQ.
Early, J. S. (2017). This is Who I Want to Be!: Exploring Possible Selves by Interviewing Women in Science. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61(1), 75-83. Word Count: 6,000.
Early, J. S. & Saidy, C. (2016). Wrestling with the Cat Lady: Teaching Writing in an Era of Assessment. English Journal. 105(6), 104-106. Word count: 1,500.
Early, J. S. & Baker, T. (2016). Partners in Learning: Engaging the Families of English Learners. Literacy Today, 34(1), 12-13. Word count: 993.
Saidy, C. & Early, J. S. (2016). “You Need More Organization Bro”: Relationship Building in Secondary Writing and Revision. The Clearinghouse. 29(2), 54-60. Word count: 3,601.
Early, J. S. & Flores, T. T.* (2015). Cuentos del Corazón (Stories from the Heart): An After School Writing Project for Bilingual Students and their Families. Rethinking Schools. 30(1), 12-19. Word count: 4,094.
Early, J. S. & Saidy, C. (2014). Uncovering Substance: Teaching Revision in High School Classrooms. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 58(3), 209-218. Word count: 6,428.
Early, J. S. (2014). Imagining the Possibilities: Improving the Teaching of Writing Through Teacher-Led Inquiry. English Leadership Quarterly, 36(4), 11-15. Word count: 3,085. Award: 2015 Conference on English Leadership Honorable Mention Article.
Early, J. S. & Saidy, C. (2014). A Study of a Multiple Component Feedback Approach to Substantive Revision for Secondary ELL and Multilingual writers. Reading & Writing, 27(6), 995-1014. Word count: 9,530.
Graham, S., Early, J. & Wilcox, K. (2014). Adolescent Writing and Writing Instruction: Introduction to the Special Issue. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 27(6), 969-972.
Early, J. S., & DeCosta-Smith, M.* (2011). Making a Case for College: A Genre-Based College Admission Essay Intervention for Underserved High School Students. Journal of Writing Research, 2(3), 299-329.
Early, J. S. (2010). ‘Mi Hija, You Should Be a Writer’: The Role of Parental Support and Learning to Write. Bilingual Research Journal, 33(3), 277-291.
Early, J. S., DeCosta-Smith, M.*, & Valdespino, A.* (2010). Write Your Ticket to College: A Genre-Based College Admission Essay Workshop for Ethnically diverse, Underserved Students. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 54(3), 209-219. Word Count: 6,955.
Early, J. S. & DeCosta-Smith, M.* (2010). Demystifying College. Educational Leadership, 68. Word Count: 2,588, Circ. 160,000.
Early, J. S. & Shagoury, R. (2010). What Supports New Urban Teachers? Educational Leadership, 67(8). Word Count: 1,898.
Early, J. S. & Shagoury, R. (2010). Learning from the Lived Experiences of New Language ArtsTeachers Working in Diverse, Urban Schools. Teaching and Teacher Education an International Journal of Research and Studies, 26 (4), 1049-1058.
Early, J. S. (2010). Character Connections: A Multi-Genre Approach to Studying Hamlet. Classroom Notes Plus, 27(3), 9-13.
Early, J. S. & DeCosta, M.* (2009). Inviting in the Life World: Illness Narratives and Personal and Creative Writing in Medical Education. The Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine. Word count: 6,040.
Singer, J. & Shagoury, R. (2006). Stirring up Justice: Adolescents Reading, Writing and Changing the World. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 49(4), 318-339.
Singer, J. (2005). Finding and Framing Teacher Research Questions: Moving From Reflective Practice to Teacher Research. Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry & Reflective Practice, 19(3), 144-155.
Singer, J. & Hubbard, R. (2003). Teaching from the Heart: Guiding Adolescent Writers to Literate Lives. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 46(4), 326-338.
Singer, J. (2002). Getting Students Off the Track. Rethinking Schools, 17(1), 16-17.
Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed & Editorial Board Reviewed):
Early, J.S. (2021). Conducting Research in K-12 Settings: A Review of Approaches. In K. B. Blewett, T. Donahue, & C. Monroe (Eds.). The Expanding Universe of Writing Studies: Higher Education Writing Research (pp. 169-182). Peter Lang.
Flores, T. T.* & Early, J. S. (2017). Cuentos del Corazón (Stories from the Heart): An After-School Writing Project for Bilingual Students and their Families. In. E. Barbian, G. Cornell Gonzales, & P. Mejía, Chapter 5 (pp. 209-219), Rethinking Bilingual Education. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools. Word count: 6,300.
Early, J. S. (2010). Getting students off the track. In T. Burant, L. Christensen, K. D. Salas, & S. Walters. The new teacher book: Finding purpose, balance, and hope during your first years in the classroom, 2nd Edition, 331-338. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Singer, J. & Singer, G. (2007). Writing as physical and emotional healing: Findings from clinical research. In C. Bazerman (Ed.) Handbook of writing research: History, society, school, individual, text, 485-499. Mahwah, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Singer, J. (2000). Looking through layers: A study of Guatemala. In A. Makler and R. Hubbard (Eds.) Teaching for social justice in the social studies classroom: Millions of intricate moves, 43-56. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Book Reviews (Refereed)
Early, J. S. (2019). Review of The Lifespan Development of Writing. Writing & Pedagogy, 10(3), 453 455. Word count 1,051.
Early, J. S. (2014). Empowering Young Writers. Review of Empowering Young Writers: The “Writers Matter Approach.” Teachers College Record. ID Number: 17584. Word count: 1,000.
Singer, J. (Fall, 2004). A review of Cyberactivism: Online activism in theory and practice. Kairos.9.1
Book Chapters (Invited):
Early, J. S. (2012). Joining a conversation in progress: Teaching the literature review to doctoral students. In R. Shagoury and B. M. Power (Eds.). Living the questions: A guide for teacher researchers, 180-185. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
Singer, J. (2007). Preparing students for life after high school: An interview writing Project. In T. Newkirk and R. Kent (Eds.) Teaching the neglected R: Rethinking writing instruction in secondary classrooms, 198-213. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Book Reviews (Invited)
Early, J. S. (2009). A so-called vacation [Review of the book A so-called vacation]. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53 (1). 80-81.
Early, J. S. (2009) Mexican white boy [Review of the book Mexican white boy]. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 52 (6), 540-541.
Early, J. S. (2008). Under the bridge: Stories from the border [Review of under the bridge: Stories from the border], Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 52 (3), 259.
Public Facing Essays (Edited)
Gamber-Thompson, L. & Early, J.S. (September 25, 2020). “Screen-time in the age of Covid-19: Reports from the Front Lines Part III. Henry Jenkins WeBlog.
Gamber-Thompson, L. & Early, J.S. (September 23, 2020). “Screen-time in the age of Covid-19: Reports from the Front Lines Part II. Henry Jenkins WeBlog.
Gamber-Thompson, L. & Early, J.S. (September 21, 2020). “Screen-time in the age of Covid-19: Reports from the Front Lines Part I. Henry Jenkins WeBlog.
Nelson, T. & Early, J. S. (April 28, 2020). “Covid-19 and the Academic Parent.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Early, J.S. & Nelson, T. (March 8, 2020). “How to Work Well With Graduate Students.” The Chronicle of Higher Education
Nelson, T. & Early, J. S. (February 2, 2020). “How to Counter the Isolation of Academic Life.” The Chronicle of Higher Education
Nelson, T. & Early, J. S. (October 29, 2019). “4 Ways to Have More Fun as a Faculty Member.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Early, J. S. & Nelson, T. (November 21, 2019). “3 Ways to Survive Academe with Kids. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Early,Jessica Singer*, Saidy-Hannah,Christina N. Yr2: Intersections. NATL WRITING PROJECT(10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015).
- Early,Jessica Singer*. NWP 2014-2015 Writing Our Future. NATL WRITING PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Early,Jessica Singer*. NWP 2014-2016 SEED Teacher Leadership Development. PHOENIX UNION HS DISTRICT(6/6/2014 - 5/31/2015).
- Early,Jessica Singer*. NWP 2014-2016 SEED Teacher Leadership Development. NATL WRITING PROJECT(5/1/2014 - 8/31/2016).
- Early,Jessica Singer*, Saidy-Hannah,Christina N. Intersections. NATL WRITING PROJECT(10/1/2013 - 9/30/2014).
- Early,Jessica Singer*. National Writing Program Title II SEED Program: Teacher Leadership Development. NATL WRITING PROJECT(7/1/2012 - 9/30/2014).
- Early,Jessica Singer*, Blasingame,James Bryan. Central Arizona Writing Project. NATL WRITING PROJECT(2/1/2009 - 6/30/2013)
- Early,Jessica Singer*, Blasingame,James Bryan. Central Arizona Writing Project. NATL WRITING PROJECT(2/1/2009 - 6/30/2013)
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 594 | Conference and Workshop |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
LIA 194 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
LIA 394 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 594 | Conference and Workshop |
LIA 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 594 | Conference and Workshop |
ENG 507 | Methods/Issues Teaching Comp |
LIA 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 594 | Conference and Workshop |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 594 | Conference and Workshop |
ENG 507 | Methods/Issues Teaching Comp |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 507 | Methods/Issues Teaching Comp |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 507 | Methods/Issues Teaching Comp |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 594 | Conference and Workshop |
National and International
Second Generation Leadership: A Writing Project Director’s Workshop. Invited Speaker and Facilitator. National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015.
How Narrative Matters. Invited Panelist Panel for National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. November 2014.
Building, Sustaining, and Expanding University Partnerships and Support. Invited Panel for NationalWriting Project Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. November 2013.
What is College-Ready Writing, Anyway? Keynote Address for National Writing ProjectSpring Meeting, Washington D.C. March 2013.
Investing in Your Site’s Connection to the University Foundation and Development Office. Invited presentation for the National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. November 2012.
Online Learning Experiences: Upcoming Opportunities. Invited presentation for National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. November 2012.
‘Mi Hija, You Should Be a Writer’: The Importance of Sponsorship in Learning to Write. South Coast Writing Project Guest Consultant at the University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA. July 2008.
Invited Introduction for CCCC’s Featured Speaker James W. Pennebacker, Ph.D. Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA. April 2008.
Students Succeeding Against the Odds. South Coast Writing Project Guest Consultant at the University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA. June 2007.
Writing to Beat the Odds: ESL College Writers. South Coast Writing Project Guest Consultant at the English Language Learners Institute University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA. June 2006.
Tools of the Trade: Journals as a Path to Understanding your Classroom.” Invited presentation for the Teacher Research Conference. Texas State University, San Marcus, TX. October 2001.
What are You Drawn To?:Finding and framing Teacher Research Questions.” Invited presentation at the Teacher Research Conference. Texas State University, San Marcus, TX. October 2001.
Stirring up Justice. Invited presentation to Texas State University’s Phi Delta Kappa Meeting. Texas State University, San Marcus, TX. October 2001.
Local and Regional:
Teaching Argument Writing Using a Writing Workshop Approach. Invited Workshop Mesa Public Schools. Mesa Curriculum & Instruction Center, May 15, 2015.
Writing the College Admission Essay. Invited workshop for ASU Preparatory Academy. ASU Downtown Campus, November 2014.
The Power of Words: Literacy as a Human Right. Invited Panel Presentation for National Day of Writing. ASU Downtown Campus, October 2014.
Literacy Sponsorship and Academic Success. Keynote Address for Rancho Salado Preparatory Academy National Honors Society Induction Ceremony. Scottsdale, AZ. April 2013.
University Colloquia:
ASU American Education Research Association Division G Student Group. Developing a Framework: Conceptualizing Your Ideas Before the Writing Process Begins. January 26, 2015.
Teleconference question and answer session on teaching for social justice in the secondary English Language Arts curriculum as a guest faculty for MA students in secondary English Language Arts at University of Minnesota Deluth. December 2013.
Stirring up Justice: Writing and Reading to Change the World. Invited public lecture for Social Justice Series: Writing for Social Change. Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA. November 1, 2012.
Notes: *indicates collaborators who are graduate students and **indicates collaborators who are local or national secondary teachers
Refereed Conference Papers: International and National
Writing Our Future: Creating Biliterate After-School Writing Spaces for Multilingual Families. Tracey Flores* 2015 Literacy Research Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. November 2015.
Teachers as Change Makers! Using Teacher Research to Impact Positive Change in the Teaching of Writing (Chair). April McNary** Heidi Udall** National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015.
Moving On and Beyond: Preparing High School Students for College Writing. Shawn Towner,* Katie Alford* National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015.
Writing Our Future: Engaging Families in After-School Literacy Spaces. Tracey Flores,* Autumn Warntjes,** Amy Lierman** National Council of Teachers of English Convention.
Youth and Community: Extending the Reach and Relevance of Writing Project Programs Roundtable. National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. November 2014.
Intersections: Building Informal Science Education and Literacy Partnerships. Association of Science and Technology Centers. Raleigh, NC. October 2014.
An Intervention Study of Three Revision Strategies in a Secondary Writing Classroom. International Conference of Writing Research. Amsterdam, Netherlands. August 2014.
Reexamining Revision: A Study of Substantive vs. Surface Level Writing in a U.S. Secondary Classroom. Writing Research Across Borders International Conference. Paris, France. February
Think! Write! Take Action!: Making Writing Public in Secondary Classrooms (Chair). National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Boston, MA. Funk, K**. November 2013.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know!: Teacher Research for Transformative Teaching in Grades K-12. National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Boston, MA. Czerwinski, K.**& Hayes, A*. November 2013.
Real World Writing for Secondary Students: Teaching the College Admission Essay and Other Gate Openers for Higher Education (SIG-Writing & Literacies). Roundtable Session. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. April 2013.
Too Legit to Quit: Refiguring “Writing Transitions” on a Spectrum of Public Engagement. Conference of College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV. March 2013.
Opening the gates: Creating Real World Writing Opportunities for Diverse Secondary Students. Annual Conference of the Literacy Research Association. San Diego, CA. November 2012.
Writing as a Gateway: Demystifying Real-World Writing for Secondary Students. National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Las Vegas, NV. Williams, W.*, November 2012.
Teachers as Writers: Making Professional Connections and Igniting Change in an Urban Elementary School. National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Las Vegas, NV. Flores, T.**, Warntjes, A.** November 2012.
Gettin’digi with it: Using Digital Storytelling in the Classroom. Sponsored by the CEE/CEL Joint Commission on Assessment. National Council of Teachers of English Convention. Las Vegas, NV. November 2012, Discussant.
Opening the Gates: Creating Real-World Writing Opportunities for Diverse Secondary Students(Research Roundtable). National Council of Teachers of English Convention, Chicago, IL. DeCosta-Smith, M.*, Powell, M.*, Williams, W.* November 2011.
Early, J. S., Writing the Threads of Our Lives: A Multigenerational Family Writing Project for Third and Fourth Grade Students and Their Families (rainbow strand). National Council of Teachers of English Convention, Chicago, IL. Flores, T.**, LaPlante, D**. November 2011.
Early, J. S. "Write Your Ticket to College: An Essay Workshop for College-Bound Multi-Ethnic High School Classrooms.". National Conference of Teachers of English Convention 2009 (Nov 2009).
Early, J. S. New Language Arts Teachers Working in Urban Under-Performing Schools: An Interview Study. National Conference of Teachers of English Convention (Nov 2009).
Early, J. S. Supporting Students’ Voices as Writers: Media Toys, Expository Writing, and Parental Involvement. National Conference of Teachers of English Convention 2008 (Nov 2008).
Research and Teaching Awards and Recognition
2015 Conference on English Leadership English Leadership Quarterly Honorable Mention Article for “Imagining the Possibilities: Improving the Teaching of Writing through Teacher-Led Inquiry” (Vol. 36, No. 4, April 2014).
2015 CLAS Research Incentive Award
2014 CLAS Undergraduate Summer Enrichment Award, funded faculty-undergraduate research.
2012-2013 Arizona State University Centennial Professor Award (nominee), ASU
2011-2012 Faculty Women’s Association Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award (nominee), ASU
2010-2011 Graduate Scholars of English Faculty Mentor Award, ASU
2009-2010 Graduate Scholars of English Faculty Mentor Award, ASU
2005-2006 Graduate School of Education Award for Excellence in Education and Service to Children, Lewis & Clark College
1998 Mary Stuart Rogers Scholar for Excellence in Education Teaching Award, Lewis & Clark College
American Educational Research Association, Literacy Research Association, National Council of Teachers of English, National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy, The National Writing Project, International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research, Arizona English Teachers Association
Arizona State University: Associate Professor, Department of English, Tempe, Arizona 2013- present; Assistant Professor, Department of English, Tempe, Arizona 2007-2013
Appointments to Editorial Boards:
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Teacher Education, (2013-present)
Editorial Review Board, Voices From the Middle, (2015-present)
Manuscript Reviewer for Scholarly Journals and Books:
Research in the Teaching of English (2015-present)
Journal of Educational Research, (2015-present)
International Journal of Writing Research, (2013-present)
Learning Disability Quarterly (2014-2015)
Elementary School Journal (2013-present)
Journal of Teacher Education, (2010-2013)
Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice (2010-present)
Teachers College Press, (2013-present)
Conference Proposal Reviewer:
Scientific Committee Member, 2017 Writing Research Across the Borders International Conference
Stage I Reviewer Conference on College Composition and Communication (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Division C-Section 1A (Literacy), (2013) (2015)
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Division C-Section
1A (Literacy), (2012)
Literacy Research Association Conference (2012)
Grant Reviewer:
National Writing Project SEED Professional Development in a High-Need School Grant, (2014, 2015)
National Writing Project 2013 Annual Site Report, (2013-present)
National Writing Project SEED Leadership Teacher Leadership Grant, (2014)
National Writing Project SEED Professional Development in a High-Need School Grant, (2013-2014)
National Writing Project SEED Professional Development in a High-Need School Grant, (2012)
University Service
Member, Institute for Humanities Research Director Search Committee (Spring 2016)
Elected Member, Search Committee for ASU Department of English Chair (Spring 2016)
Member, Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (Spring 2013)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Service
Panelist, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching at ASU panel for new junior faculty (November 13, 2015)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Early Start Program Planning and Instructor (Spring/Summer 2015, Spring/Summer 2016)
Member, First Year Forward Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Science (Fall 2014)
Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Humanities Research Nexus Lab (2013-Fall 2015)
Author, Proposal for New Ph.D. Concentration in English Education for the Department of English (Approved Spring 2012)
Department Service
Current Committees
Member, Ph.D. English Education Admissions (2012-present)
Member, English Education Area Committee (2007-present)
Member, School Model Taskforce (Fall 2015)