Ross-Blakley Hall 251 PO Box 871401
TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
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Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Richard G. Newhauser is a recipient of a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Senior Level Fellowship, and a fellowship at the National Humanities Center (through the Lilly Endowment). He is also a life member at Clare Hall, Cambridge University, and has directed two Summer Seminars funded by the NEH at Darwin College, Cambridge University, on "The Seven Deadly Sins as Cultural Constructions in the Middle Ages."
His major areas of research are focused on Middle English literature, especially the works of the Gawain-Poet and Chaucer, and intellectual history, in particular the moral tradition in medieval thought, and sensory studies (sensology). His most recent monographs include a translation of Peter of Limoges, "The Moral Treatise on the Eye" (2012); "A Supplement to Morton W. Bloomfield et al.," "Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, 1100-1500 A.D.'"(2008); "Sin: Essays on the Moral Tradition in the Western Middle Ages, Variorum Collected Studies Series" (2007); and "The Early History of Greed: The Sin of Avarice in Early Medieval Thought and Literature" (2000).
Newhauser has edited collections of scholarly essays, including "A Cultural History of the Senses in the Middle Ages" (2014); "The Seven Deadly Sins: From Communities to Individuals" (2007); "Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century" (2005); and "In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages" (2005). He has also contributed articles to R. M. Correale and M. Hamel, eds., "Sources and Analogues of The Canterbury Tales, I" (2002); D. Brewer and J. Gibson, eds., "Companion to the Gawain-Poet" (1997); The Review of English Studies, Medium AEvum; Studies in Philology; and numerous other journals.
Ph.D. English, University of Pennsylvania 1986
M.A. English and Creative Writing, University of Chicago 1972
B.A. English (Honors), University of Cincinnati 1970
The moral tradition in the intellectual history of the Middle Ages
Sensory Studies (Sensology)
Richard Newhauser. "Pride, the Prince, and the Prelate: Hamartiology and Restraints on Power". La pathologie du pouvoir: vices, crimes et delits des gouvernants (Antiquite, Moyen Age, epoque moderne) (2016).
Richard Newhauser. Review of: Der Sunder als Stilmodell. Schullekture im 13. Jahrhundert am Beispiel des Militarius. The Journal of Medieval Latin (2016).
Richard Newhauser. "The Senses, the Medieval Sensorium, and Sensing (in) the Middle Ages". Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages (2015).
Richard Newhauser, editor. A Cultural History of the Senses in the Middle Ages. (2014).
Richard Newhauser. "Introduction: The Sensual Middle Ages". A Cultural History of the Senses in the Middle Ages (2014).
Richard Newhauser, co-editor. The Book of Nature and Humanity in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (2013).
Richard Newhauser. "John Gower's Sweet Tooth". The Review of English Studies (2013).
Richard Newhauser. Review of: Two Middle English Translations of Friar Laurent's Somme le roi: Critical Edition. JEGP (2013).
Richard Newhauser, co-editor. Sin in Medieval and Early Modern Culture: The Tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins (2012).
Richard Newhauser, translator. Peter of Limoges. The Moral Treatise on the Eye (2012).
Richard Newhauser and William Bolton. "A Hybrid Life of John the Baptist: The Middle English Text of MS Harley 2250". Anglia (2012).
Richard Newhauser. Review of: Salvation and Sin. Augustine, Langland, and Fourteenth-Century Theology. Studies in the Age of Chaucer (2012).
Richard Newhauser. Review of: Speculum vitae. A Reading Edition. JEGP (2012).
Richard Newhauser. "Confession-Penance". The English Parish Church Through the Centuries (2010).
Richard Newhauser. "Manuals of Confession". The English Parish Church Through the Centuries (2010).
Richard Newhauser. "Vices and Virtues". The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010).
Richard Newhauser. "Foreword: The Senses in Medieval and Renaissance Intellectual History". The Senses & Society (2010).
Richard Newhauser. "Peter of Limoges, Optics, and the Science of the Senses". The Senses & Society (2010).
Richard Newhauser. Review of: Chaucer and the Culture of Dissent. The Lollard Context and Subtext of the Parson's Tale. JEGP (2010).
Richard Newhauser, co-editor. Pleasure and Danger in Perception: The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (2010).
Richard Newhauser. "Religious Writing: Hagiography, Pastoralia, Devotional and Contemplative Works". The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature, 1100-1500 (2009).
Richard Newhauser. "The Capital Vices as Medieval Anthropology". Laster im Mittelalter. Vices in the Middle Ages (2009).
Richard Newhauser. "Theory and Practice: The Senses in the Middle Ages". The Senses and Society (2009).
Richard Newhauser. "Preaching the 'Contrary Virtues' ". Mediaeval Studies (2008).
Richard Newhauser, Tiina Kala, and Meelis Friedenthal. "The Work of an English Scribe in a Manuscript in Estonia". Scriptorium (2008).
Richard Newhauser and Istvan Bejczy. A Supplement to Morton W. Bloomfield et al., 'Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, 1100-1500 A.D.' (2008).
Richard Newhauser. Sin: Essays on the Moral Tradition in the Western Middle Ages (2007).
Richard Newhauser, editor. The Seven Deadly Sins: From Communities to Individuals (2007).
Richard Newhauser. "Introduction: Cultural Construction and the Vices". The Seven Deadly Sins: From Communities to Individuals (2007).
Richard Newhauser. "On Ambiguity in Moral Theology: When the Vices Masquerade as Virtues". Sin: Essays on the Moral Tradition in the Western Middle Ages (2007).
Richard Newhauser. The Early History of Greed: The Sin of Avarice in Early Medieval Thought and Literature (2006).
Richard Newhauser and Istvan Bejczy. "Two Newly Discovered Abbreviations of Simon of Hinton's Summa Iuniorum, Concentrating on the Virtues and Vices". Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum (2005).
Richard Newhauser, co-editor. Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century (2005).
Richard Newhauser, editor. In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages (2005).
Newhauser, Richard. "Avaritia and Paupertas: On the Place of the Early Franciscans in the History of Avarice". In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages (2005).
Richard Newhauser. "Introduction". In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages (2005).
Richard Newhauser. "Justice and Liberality: Opposition to Avarice in the Twelfth Century". Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century (2005).
Richard Newhauser and Nigel Harris. "Visuality and Moral Culture in the Late Middle Ages: The Emblematic Conflictus and its Literary Representatives, the Etymachia, 'Qui vicerit dabo', and 'In campo mundi'". In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages (2005).
Richard Newhauser. "Sensing Chaucer: Articulating Perception in The Canterbury Tales". 17th Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society (Jul 2010).
Richard Newhauser. "The Optics of Ps-Grosseteste: Peter of Limoges's Tractatus moralis de oculo". Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the Twenty-First Century (May 2010).
Richard Newhauser. "The Nature of Morality / The Morality of Nature: Peter of Limoges on Seeing the World Rightly". 16th Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe, AZ (Feb 2010).
Richard Newhauser. "Blood and Commandments: Symmetry and Morals". Blood: Dynasty, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA (Feb 2010).
Richard Newhyauser. " 'These seaven devils': The Capital Vices on the Way to Modernity". Lecture, National University, La Jolla, CA (Nov 2009).
Richard Newhauser. "The Transmission of William Peraldus' Summa de vitiis: Some Preliminary Findings". annual meeting of the Medieval Academy of America (Mar 2009).
Richard Newhauser. "Intention, Perception, and the Science of the Senses". Annual ACMRS conference (Feb 2009).
Richard Newhauser. "Senses, Sins, and the Legitimacy of Sensory Perception". "The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Pleasure and Danger in Perception" (Jan 2009).
Newhauser, Richard. "Women and Religion". First Annual Undergraduate Conference, Discipuli Juncti, ASU, West (Nov 2008).
Newhauser, Richard. "Sir Gawain and the Ambiguity of Judgment". conference on "Medieval Relativism and its Legacy, 1230-1450" (Jun 2008).
Newhauser, Richard. "Revisiting the Seven Deadly Sins: Medieval Ethics and Aesthetics". 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI (May 2008).
Newhauser, Richard. "Marriage, Sovereignty, and Community in the Book of Margery Kemp". Fourteenth Annual ACMRS Conference, Tempe (Feb 2008).
Newhauser, Richard. " 'The Miller's Tale': Sinful Curiosity and Anti-Intellectualism". Guest Presentation (Mar 2007).
Newhauser, Richard. "Sinful Continuities: The Seven Vices – Medieval to Early-Modern". 2007 Sewanee Medieval Colloquium (Mar 2007).
Newhauser, Richard. "Conflicting Faith: John, Nicholas, and the Sin of Curiosity in 'The Miller's Tale' ". Medieval Graduate Doctoral Conference (Feb 2007).
Newhauser, Richard. "The Seven Deadly Sins: Past and Present". Invited Lecture, Darwin College, University of Cambridge (Aug 2006).
Newhauser, Richard. "Editing Peter of Limoges". Invited Lecture at the University of Tartu, Estonia (May 2006).
Newhauser, Richard. "Preaching the 'Contrary Virtues' ". "Preaching the Virtues in the Middle Ages (13th-15th Centuries)" (Apr 2006).
Newhauser, Richard. "Die Hauptlaster als mittelalterliche Anthropologie". Freiburger Colloquium 2006: "Laster im Mittelalter" (Feb 2006).
Newhauser, Richard. "Curiosity, Anti-Intellectualism in The Miller's Tale, and the Legacy of Thales". Graduate Conference in History and Classics (Mar 2005).
National Humanities Center, Application Evaluator (2010 - Present)