Profiles in "Culture" Expertise Area

  • DePinto's primary professional experience has been in school social work and he has more than 30 years of experience working with chemically-dependent adolescents.
  • Berkel studies health equity and the dissemination & implementation of evidence-based preventive interventions
  • Boyd is one of the world's leading minds on cultural evolution. He studies the mechanisms that produce human culture and how they interact with population dynamic processes to shape cultural variation.
  • Shirley-Ann Behravesh's research focuses on strategies to encourage adoption of sustainability and innovation practices within organizations and communities.
  • Adegoke Oke's research focuses on understanding innovation management practices in manufacturing, service and supply chain organizations. He is also a visiting professor with University of Pretoria and Lagos Business School.
  • Dr. Renee Bhatti-Klug (she/her) serves as a leadership and culture consultant to ASU departments and offices. She can be reached at
  • Varnum runs the Culture and Ecology Laboratory at ASU.
  • Mathew is an evolutionary anthropologist studying the origins of human cooperation and warfare. She conducts field research among Turkana pastoralists in Kenya.
  • Brown's teaching philosophy is to engage and encourage students to work collaboratively, and guide them towards a core understanding of the course work and its most fundamental principles.
  • Till is an Anthropology PhD graduate whose research focuses on Human Migration Decision Making in relation to Environmental Perspectives and Change.