Profiles in "Geographic Information Science" Expertise Area
- Fotheringham is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea whose work focuses on the analysis of spatial data in relation to a variety of problems such as in voting and health.
- Aldrich served ASU as a faculty member at ASU from 1969 to 2000. He pioneered the field of GIS at ASU, acquiring the university’s first geographic information systems software and developing coursework in this area.
- Watkins’ research focuses on the relationship between social vulnerability, individual experiences with extreme heat, and heat interventions. He also supports Arizona's Building Resilience Against Climate Effects efforts.
- Geo-genomics, speciation, Earth-life coevolution
- Dr. Saul's research interests include using quantitative tools and a systems-based approach to support natural resource management.
- Gall is a hazards geographer and studies how natural hazards and society interact. She utilizes geospatial analytics and disaster metrics (vulnerability indices, losses, etc.) to capture these interactions.
- Matthew Toro is a broadly trained geographer serving as the director of maps, imagery, and geospatial services at ASU Library. He oversees the Map and Geospatial Hub, a traditional map library fused with a modern GIS center.