Profiles in "Insects" Expertise Area

  • Arianne Cease, associate professor and Director of the Global Locust Initiative, uses transdisciplinary approaches to study how human-plant-insect interactions affect agroecosystem and locust management sustainability.
  • Pratt studies the emergence of complex behavior in leaderless groups, especially social insects. He works with engineers to translate lessons from biology to artificial systems, and to develop new tools to analyze behavior.
  • Bang is a Teaching Professor and Associate Director for Instructional Faculty in SOLS. His main focus is teaching in person and online. Research interests are urban ecology, community ecology, and dragonflies.
  • Franz is an insect systematist who specializes weevil evolution. He directs the ASU Biocollections and the Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC).
  • Harrison is an environmental physiologist who studies how insects function, interact with their environment and evolve.
  • Pavlic works in interdisciplinary decision-making problems in natural and artificial autonomous systems. He was the founding associate director of research for The Biomimicry Center at ASU.
  • Research focuses on understanding the different physiological mechanisms that allow animals to live in challenging environments, and whether these are enough to help them survive in a changing world.
  • Rabeling is an evolutionary biologist who studies the speciation mechanisms and biological diversity of ants, as well as the evolutionary ecology of symbiotic interactions between ants and other organisms.