Profiles in "Physiology" Expertise Area

  • Camacho co-directed summer undergraduate research programs; research in mathematics applied to biology and sociology. She's received mentoring, research, and service awards from AAAS, PAESMEM, SACNAS, HENAAC, and ASU
  • Sweazea is a physiologist who specializes in diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Ferry's research is centered on questions relating to the evolution of jaws and their function in the aquatic realm, as well as the performance of skeletal materials such as cartilage.
  • Okie is a biologist, complexity scientist, and astrobiologist interested in the fundamental laws and theories governing life’s distribution, organization, macroevolution, and metabolism on Earth and beyond.
  • DeNardo has been a faculty member with the School of Life Sciences since 1998 and has published more than 100 scientific papers in the field of environmental physiology.
  • Harrison is an environmental physiologist who studies how insects function, interact with their environment and evolve.
  • Professor Chandler’s research focuses on the amphibian protein allurin. Peptides that mimic allurin attract both amphibian and mammalian sperm and are being studied for possible uses in assisted reproduction.
  • Gerkin investigates how smell perception, learning and behavior are represented in the brain. He also pursues neuroinformatics, development of tools and standards to facilitate analysis of neuroscience models and data.