Profiles in "Energy" Expertise Area
- Kannan specializes in fuel cells, solar cells and large-scale energy storage in batteries. He has been involved in fuel cell and battery research and development for more than 30 years.
- Pasqualetti is an energy geographer specializing in the societal aspects of energy, especially renewable energy.
- Dr Shane Johnson is a tenured Research Scientist at Arizona State University and has over 30 years of experience in the area of compound semiconductor materials and devices, including growth, fabrication, and design.
- Vice provost and professor in the School of Molecular Sciences. Jones' research interests are in bioinorganic chemistry, energy-relevant redox chemistry, and electrochemistry.
- Regents Professor, Milton D. Glick Distinguished Professor in Chemistry and Biochemistry and director of the Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics in the Biodesign Institute at ASU.
- Wang's research interests include thermal energy conversion, storage, and transport in nanostructured materials; thermoelectric power generation; thermal storage media; heat transfer, and phonon optics
- Cadillo-Quiroz studies how microbes drive ecosystem and applied processes to find climate solutions
- Okie is a biologist, complexity scientist, and astrobiologist interested in the fundamental laws and theories governing life’s distribution, organization, macroevolution, and metabolism on Earth and beyond.
- Tongay’s research focuses on the materials discovery, synthesis and application of the next-generation quantum materials and their related technologies
- I'm changing sustainability from scarcity and limitation to abundance and regenerative growth through biomimicry.