Arunachala Mada Kannan
Engineering, The Polytechnic School
Phone: 480-727-1102
7418 E. Innovation Way South ISTB3 #109 Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus MESA, AZ 85212
Mail code: 2180Campus: Poly
Long Bio
Arunachala Mada Kannan is a professor in the Polytechnic School, one of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. He has been involved in fuel cell and battery research and development for more than 30 years. His areas of expertise and research interests include fuel cells (PEMFC, DMFC and AFC), batteries (SLA and Li-ion) and solar cells (DSSC and CSP). Kannan joined ASU in 2005 as an Associate Professor.
- M.B.A. Statistical Process Control, Madras University, India 1999
- Ph.D. Batteries and Fuel Cells, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 1990
- M.S. Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, India 1985
- B.S. Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, India 1983
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Research Interests
Kannan's area of expertise and research interests include:
1. Fuel cells: PEMFC, DMFC and AFC
2. Batteries: SLA and Li-ion
3. Solar: DSSC and CSP
4. Green Hydrogen Production
- Shuchi Sharma, Shahbaz Ahmad, Umesh Prasad, Harikrishna R. B., Keng Hsu, A.M. Kannan, and Ranga Rao Gangavarapu, Review of Laser-Based Surface Nanotexturing for Enhanced Light Absorption and Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, ACS Appl. Nano Materials. (in Press, 2024).
- Shuchi Sharma, R. Shanmugam, R.B. Harikrishna, Umesh Prasad, G. Ranga Rao, A.M. Kannan, Y2O3 electrodeposited TiO2 nanotube arrays as photoanode for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting, International Journal of H2 Energy, 52 Part A (2024) 1415-1427.
- S Ahmad, AS Alnaser, W Abuzaid, F Mustafa, AM. Kannan, AS Alnaser, Efficient medium entropy alloy thin films as bifunctional electrodes for electrocatalytic water splitting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 52 Part A (2024) 1428-1439.
- S Ahmad, M Egilmez, AM Kannan, AS Alnaser, Oxygen evolution reaction enhancement of copper electrodes in alkaline medium using ultrafast femtosecond laser structuring, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 52 Part D (2024) 2-13.
- S. Tuntithavornwat, C. Saisawang, T. Ratvijitvech, A. Watthanaphanit, M. Hunsom, A.M. Kannan, Recent development of black TiO2 nanoparticles for photocatalytic H2 production: An extensive review, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 55 (2024) 1559–1593.
- R. Ahmed, R. Kamalanathan, V. Kandasamy, A.M. Kannan, Optimized anode, cathode and coolant flow designs for enhanced performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Int. Journal of H2 Energy, 50 (2024) 1302-1313.
- L. Devaraj, S.V. Thummalapalli, N. Fonseca, H. Nazir, K. Song, A.M. Kannan, Comprehending Garnet Solid Electrolytes and Interfaces in All-Solid Lithium-Ion Batteries, Materials Today Sustainability, 25 (2024) 100614.
- Patiño, J.J.; Velásquez, C.; Ramirez, E.; Betancur, R.; Montoya, J.F.; Chica, E.; Romero-Gómez, P.; Kannan, A.M.; Ramírez, D.; Eusse, P.; et al. Renewable Energy Sources for Green Hydrogen Generation in Colombia and Applicable Case of Studies. Energies 2023, 16, 7809.
- Sayli Jambhulkar, Dharneedar Ravichandran, Yuxiang Zhu, Varunkumar Thippanna, Arunachalam Ramanathan, Dhanush Patil, Nathan Fonseca, Sri Vaishnavi Thummalapalli, Barath Sundaravadivelan, Allen Sun, Weiheng Xu, Sui Yang, Arunachala Mada Kannan, Yuval Golan, Jessica Lancaster, Lei Chen, Erina B. Joyee, and Kenan Song, Nanoparticle Assembly: From Self-Organization to Controlled Micropatterning for Enhanced Functionalities, Small, 2023, 2306394
- S Ahmad, Mehmet Egilmez, Ramasamy Shanmugam, Wael Abuzaid, Shuchi Sharma, Ranga Rao Gangavarapu, Faisal Mustafa, Sami El-Khatib, Hussain Alawadhi, and A.M. Kannan, Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Evaluation of CoNi(Cr/V) Medium-Entropy Alloys in an Acidic Environment, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 6 (2023)10652–10664.
- T. Nair, M. Ranjana, S. Mandal, X. Peng, S. Grage, V. Renugopalkrishnan, V. Thanvasi, A.M. Kannan, K.V. Pillai, J.W. Kang, D. Liepmann, J. Bhagavathsingh, Interlayer, gallery-engineered graphene oxide using selective protection of mono-Boc-ethylenediamine as anode for sodium ion batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, 73 (2023) 109237.
- Nathan Fonseca, Sri Vaishnavi Thummalapalli, Sayli Jambhulkar, Dharneedar Ravichandran, Yuxiang Zhu, Dhanush Patil, Varunkumar Thippanna, Arunchalam Ramanathan, Weiheng Xu, Shenghan Gua, Hyunwoong Ko, Arunchala M. Kannan, Qiong Nian, Amir Asadi, Miquelard-Garnier Guillaumee, Dmochowska Anna, Mohammad K. Hassan, Mariam Al AliAl-Maadee, Hassan M. El-Dessoukyh, Felicia Stan, Kenan Song, 3D Printing-Enabled Design and Manufacturing Strategies for Li-Ion Batteries: A Review, Small, 2302718 (2023).
- AT Hamada, MF Orhan, AM Kannan, Alkaline fuel cells: Status and prospects, Energy Reports 9, 6396-6418 (2023).
- U. Prasad, V. Kamavaram, G. Arumugam, A.M. Kannan, Failure Analysis of Lead-acid Batteries at Extreme Operating Temperatures, Battery Energy, 20230008 (2023).
- JM Linge, H Erikson, M Mooste, HM Piirsoo, T Kaljuvee, A Kikas, J Aruväli, A.M. Kannan, K. Tammeveski, Ag nanoparticles on mesoporous carbon support as cathode catalyst for anion exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (2023) 11058-11070.
- G Athanasaki, A Jayakumar, AM Kannan, Gas diffusion layers for PEM fuel cells: Materials, properties, and manufacturing–A review, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 48 (2023) 2294-2313.
- K Rajagopalan, B Ramasubramanian, S Velusamy, S Ramakrishna, A.M. Kannan, Examining the Economic and Energy Aspects of Manganese Oxide in Li-Ion Batteries, Materials Circular Economy 4 (2022) 1-22.
- A Jayakumar, DK Madheswaran, AM Kannan, U Sureshvaran, J Sathish, Can hydrogen be the sustainable fuel for mobility in India in the global context? International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (2022) 33571-33596.
- S Ahmad, T Nawaz, A Ali, MF Orhan, A Samreen, AM Kannan, An overview of proton exchange membranes for fuel cells: Materials and manufacturing, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 22 (2022) 19086-19131.
- MN Hossain, P Prslja, C Flox, N Muthuswamy, J Sainio, AM Kannan, Temperature dependent product distribution of electrochemical CO2 reduction on CoTPP/MWCNT composite, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 304 (2022) 120863.
- J Prakash, S Saxena, P Kumar, S Dass, AM Kannan, R Shrivastav, Bilayered nano-hetero-structured n/n junction thin-film electrodes, WO3/Yb-Mo-BiVO4, for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting, J. Applied Electrochemistry 52 (2022) 535-558.
- M Menisha, SLN Senavirathna, K Vignarooban, N Iqbal, H Pitawala, AM Kannan, Synthesis, electrochemical and optical studies of poly (ethylene oxide) based gel-polymer electrolytes for sodium-ion secondary batteries, Solid State Ionics 371 (2021) 115755.
- Ravi Nivetha, Kannan Gothandapani, Vimala Raghavan, George Jacob, Raja Sellapan, A.M.Kannan, Sudhagar Pitchaimuthu, Saravanan Pandiaraj, Aljawhara H. Almuqrin, Abdullah Alodhay, Muthumareeswaran Muthuramamoorthy, Quyet Van Leh, Soon Kwan Jeongi, Andrews Nirmala Grace, NH2-MIL-125(Ti) doped CdS/Graphene composite as electro and photo catalyst in basic medium under light irradiation, Environmental Research, 200 (2021), 111719.
- G. Athanasaki, N. Chauhan, R. Ahmad and A.M. Kannan, Accelerated stress testing of PUREBLACK® carbon-based gas diffusion layers with pore forming agent for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 31754-31763.
- Pavan Badami, Stefan Smetaczek, Andreas Limbeck, Daniel Rettenwander, Candace K. Chan and Arunachala Nadar Mada Kannan, Facile Synthesis of Al-Stabilized Lithium Garnets by Solution-Combustion Technique for All Solid-State Batteries, Materials Advances, 2 (2021) 5181.
- Umesh Prasad, James L. Young, Justin C. Johnson, Deborah L. McGott, Hengfei Gu, Eric Garfunkel and Arunachala M. Kannan, Enhancing interfacial charge transfer in WO3/BiVO4 photoanode heterojunction through gallium and tungsten co-doping and sulfur modified Bi2O3 interfacial layer, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9 (2021) 16137.
- A.M. Kannan, J. Prakash and D. Roan, Design and performance of an off-grid solar combisystem using phase change materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 164 (2021) 120574.
- N Tangaemsakul, A Kannan, N Tantavichet, NiCoS/carbon black based bifunctional air electrode for Zn-air secondary batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 873 (2021) 159749.
- Vinay Gupta, Fahad Alam, Pawan Verma, AM Kannan, Shanmugam Kumar, Additive manufacturing enabled, microarchitected, hierarchically porous polylactic-acid/Lithium iron phosphate/carbon nanotube nanocomposite electrodes for high performance Li-Ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 494 (2021) 229625.
- G.Athanasaki, Q.Wang, X.Shi, N.Chauhan, V.Vimala, L.Cindrella, R.Ahmad, A.M.Kannan, Design and development of gas diffusion layers with pore forming agent for proton exchange membrane fuel cells at various relative humidity conditions, International Journal of H2 Energy, 46 (2021) 6835-6844.
- Marek Mooste, Tinatin Tkesheliadze, Jekaterina Kozlova, Arvo Kikas, Vambola Kisand, Alexey Treshchalov, Aile Tamm, Jaan Aruväli, José H Zagal, Arunachala M Kannan, Kaido Tammeveski, Transition metal phthalocyanine-modified shungite-based cathode catalysts for alkaline membrane fuel cell, International J. of H2 Energy, 46 (2021) 4365-4377.
- Umesh Prasad, Jyoti Prakash, Xuan Shi, Sandeep K. Sharma, Xihong Peng and Arunachala M. Kannan, Role of alkali metal doping in BiVO4 for enhancing charge separation and diffusion length for photoelectrochemical water splitting, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 52808-52818.
- Sajid Hussain, Heiki Erikson, Nadezda Kongi, Ave Sarapuu, Jose Solla-Gullón, Gilberto Maia, A.M. Kannan, Nicolas Alonso-Vante, Kaido Tammeveski, Oxygen reduction reaction on nanostructured Pt-based electrocatalysts: A review, International Journal of H2 Energy, 45 (2020) 31775-31797.
- Hassan Nazir, Navaneethan Muthuswamy, Cindrella Louis, Sujin Jose, Jyoti Prakash, Marthe EM Buan, Cristina Flox, Sai Chavan, Xuan Shi, Pertti Kauranen, Tanja Kallio, Gilberto Maia, Kaido Tammeveski, Nikolaos Lymperopoulos, Elena Carcadea, Emre Veziroglu, Alfredo Iranzo, Arunachala M Kannan, Is the H2 economy realizable in the foreseeable future? Part III: H2 Usage and Application, International Journal of H2 Energy, 45 (2020) 28217-28239.
- Hassan Nazir, Navaneethan Muthuswamy, Cindrella Louis, Sujin Jose, Jyoti Prakash, Marthe EM Buan, Cristina Flox, Sai Chavan, Xuan Shi, Pertti Kauranen, Tanja Kallio, Gilberto Maia, Kaido Tammeveski, Nikolaos Lymperopoulos, Elena Carcadea, Emre Veziroglu, Alfredo Iranzo, Arunachala M Kannan, Is the H2 economy realizable in the foreseeable future? Part II: H2 storage, transportation, and distribution, International Journal of H2 Energy 45 (2020) 20693-20708.
- Hassan Nazir, Cindrella Louis, Sujin Jose, Jyoti Prakash, Navaneethan Muthuswamy, Marthe EM Buan, Cristina Flox, Sai Chavan, Xuan Shi, Pertti Kauranen, Tanja Kallio, Gilberto Maia, Kaido Tammeveski, Nikolaos Lymperopoulos, Elena Carcadea, Emre Veziroglu, Alfredo Iranzo, Arunachala M Kannan, Is the H2 economy realizable in the foreseeable future? Part I: H2 production methods, International Journal of H2 Energy, 45 (2020) 13777-13788.
- Umesh Prasad, Jyoti Prakash and Arunachala M. Kannan, Effects of yttrium, ytterbium with tungsten codoping on the light absorption and charge transport properties of bismuth vanadate photoanodes to achieve superior photoelectrochemical water splitting, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4 (2020) 1496-1506.
- Rehan Anwar, Naseem Iqbal, Saadia Hanif, Tayyaba Noor, Xuan Shi, Neelam Zaman, Daarain Haider, Syed Aunn M. Rizvi, A.M. Kannan, MOF Derived CuPt/NC Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Catalysts 10 (2020) 799-811.
- Ravi Nivetha, Kannan Gothandapani, Vimala Raghavan, George Jacob, Raja Sellappan, Preetam Bhardwaj, A.M. Kannan, Soon Kwan Jeong and Andrews Nirmala Grace, Highly porous MIL-100(Fe) for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) in acid and basic media, ACS Omega, 5, 2020, 18941−18949.
- V.Gupta, A.M.Kannan, S.Kumar, Graphene Foam (GF)/Manganese Oxide (MnO2) Nanocomposites for High Performance Supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 30 2020 101575-81.
- Badami, Pavan; Weller, Jon; Wahab, A.; Redhammer, Günther; Ladenstein, Lukas; Rettenwander, Daniel; Wilkening, H. Martin; Chan, Candace; Kannan, Arunachala Nadar, Highly Conductive Garnet-Type Electrolytes: Access to Li6.5La3Zr1.5Ta0.5O12 Prepared by Molten Salt and Solid-State Methods, ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2020, 12, 48580−48590.
- J Sriwannaboot, A Kannan, N Tantavichet, Pulse-reverse electrodeposition of Pt–Co bimetallic catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in acidic medium, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (2020) 7025-7035.
- K. Y. Perez‑Salcedo, S. Ruan, J. Su, X. Shi, A. M. Kannan, B. Escobar, Seaweed‑derived KOH activated biocarbon for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and supercapacitor applications, Journal of Porous Materials, 27 (2020) 959–969.
- N. Kanth, W. Xu, Umesh Prasad, Dharneedar Ravichandran, A.M. Kannan, and K. Song, PMMA-TiO2 Fibers for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Water Pollutants, Nanomaterials 10 (2020), 1279-1286.
- S Jambhulkar, W Xu, D Ravichandran, J Prakash, AN Mada Kannan, Kenan Song, Scalable Alignment and Selective Deposition of Nanoparticles for Multifunctional Sensor Applications, Nano Letters 20 (2020) 3199-3206.
- Saadia Hanif, Naseem Iqbal, Xuan Shi, Tayyaba Noor, Ghulam Ali, A. M. Kannan, NiCo-N-doped carbon nanotubes based cathode catalyst for alkaline membrane fuel cell, Renewable Energy, 154 (2020) 508-516.
- U. Prasad, J. Prakash, X. Shi, X. Peng, B. Azeredo and A.M. Kannan, Photoelectrochemical water splitting using lithium doped bismuth vanadate photoanode with near-complete bulk charge separation, Journal of Power Sources, 448 (2020) 227418.
- A Iranzo, CH Arredondo, AM Kannan, F Rosa, Biomimetic flow fields for proton exchange membrane fuel cells: A review of design trends, Energy, 190 (2020) 116435.
- Jyoti Prakash, U Prasad, R Alexander, J Bahadur and A.M. Kannan, Photoelectrochemical Solar water splitting: the role of the carbon nano materials in bismuth vanadate composite photoanodes towards efficient charge separation and transport, Langmuir, 35 (2019), 14492-14504.
- S. Hanif, X. Shi, N Iqbal, AM Kannan, ZIF derived Pt-Ni-Co/NC Cathode Catalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 258 (2019) 117947-117955.
- U. Prasad, J. Prakash, K. Gupta, P. Zuniga, Y. Mao, B. Azeredo and A.M. Kannan, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting with Er- and W-Codoped Bismuth Vanadate with WO3 Heterojunction-Based Two-Dimensional Photoelectrode, ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 11 (2019) 19029-19039.
- X. Shi, H. Zheng, A. M. Kannan, K. Pérez-Salcedo and B. Escobar, Effect of Thermally Induced Oxygen Vacancy of α‑MnO2 Nanorods toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ACS Inorganic Chemistry, 58 (2019), 5335-5344
- S. Ratso, M. Käärik, M. Kook, P. Paiste, J. Aruväli, S. Vlassov, V. Kisand, J. Leis, A.M. Kannan, K. Tammeveski, High performance catalysts based on Fe/N co-doped carbide-derived carbon and carbon nanotube composites for oxygen reduction reaction in acid media, Int. J. H2 Energy, 44 (2019) 1236-1248.
- J. Prakash, D. Roan, W. Tauqir, H. Nazir, M. Ali, A.M. Kannan, Off-grid Solar Thermal Water Heating System using phase-change materials: design, integration and real environment investigation, Applied Energy, 240 (2019) 73-83.
- K.Y. Pérez-Salcedo, X. Shi, A.M. Kannan, R. Barbosa, P. Quintana and B. Escobar, N-Doped Porous Carbon from Sargassum spp. as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for O2 Reduction in Alkaline FCs, Energies, 12 (2019) 1-15.
- U. Prasad, J. Prakash, B. Azeredo and A.M. Kannan, Stoichiometric and non- stoichiometric tungsten doping effect in Bismuth Vanadate based photoactive material for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Electrochimica Acta, 299 (2019) 262-272.
- H Nazir, M Batool, FJB Osorio, M Isaza-Ruiz, X Xu, K Vignarooban, Inamuddin and A.M. Kannan, Recent developments in phase change materials for energy storage applications: A review, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transf. 129 (2019) 491-523.
- M Hunsom, D Kaewsai, AM Kannan, Recent developments in bifunctional air electrodes for unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cells: A review, Int. J. H2 Energy, 43 (2018) 21478-21501.
- H Nazir, M Batool, M Ali, AM Kannan, Fatty acids based eutectic phase change system for thermal energy storage applns, App. Thermal Eng. 142 (2018) 466-475.
- R Vaidya, V Selvan, P Badami, K Knoop, AM Kannan, Plug‐In Hybrid Vehicle and Second‐Life Applications of Lithium‐Ion Batteries at Elevated Temperature, Batteries & Supercaps, 1 (2018) 75-82.
- B Laoun, HA Kasat, R Ahmad, AM Kannan, Gas diffusion layer development using design of experiments for the optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance, Energy 151 (2018) 689-695.
- A Verma, A Srivastav, S Sharma, P Badami, VR Satsangi, R Shrivastav, P. Badami and A.M. Kannan, MWCNTs and Cu2O sensitized TiFe2O3 photoanode for improved water splitting performance, Int. J. H2 Energy 43 (2018) 6049-6059.
- X Shi, N Iqbal, SS Kunwar, G Wahab, HA Kasat, AM Kannan, PtCo@ NCNTs cathode catalyst using ZIF-67 for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Int. J. H2 Energy 43 (2018), 3520-3526.
- AM Kannan, Nanocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells, Energy Procedia 138 (2017) 14-19.
- K Vignarooban, P Badami, M Dissanayake, P Ravirajan, AM Kannan, Poly- acrylonitrile-based gel-polymer electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries, Ionics 23 (2017) 2817-2822.
- P Badami, A Opitz, L Shen, R Vaidya, A Mayyas, K Knoop, A Razdan and A.M. Kannan, Performance of 26650 Li-ion cells at elevated temperature under simulated PHEV drive cycles, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 12396-12404.
- A. Opitz, P. Badami, L. Shen, K. Vignarooban, A.M. Kannan*, Can Li-Ion Batteries be the Panacea for Automotive Applications? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68 (2017), 685-692
- I Kruusenberg, D Ramani, S Ratso, U Joost, R Saar, P Rauwel, A.M. Kannan and Tammesveski, Cobalt–Nitrogen Co‐doped Carbon Nanotube Cathode Catalyst for Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells, ChemElectroChem 3 (2017), 1455-1465.
- P Badami, A Opitz, L Shen, R Vaidya, A Mayyas, K Knoop, A Razdan, A.M. Kannan*, Performance of 26650 Li-ion cells at elevated temperature under simulated PHEV drive cycles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017), 12396-12404
- K. Vignaroobanx, X. Chu, K. Chimatapu, P. Ganeshram, S.Pollat, A. Razdan, N. Johnson, D.S. Pelley, A.M. Kannan*, State of health determination of sealed lead acid batteries under various operating conditions, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 18 (2016), 134-139
- T. Uma*, T. Mahalingam, A. Kannan, L. Cindrella, PEG based hybrid composite membranes and their properties for H2/O2 fuel cells, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 10896-10906.
- Brahim Laoun*∞, Abdallah Khellaf, M.W. Naceur, A.M. Kannan, Modeling of solar photovoltaic-polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer direct coupling for hydrogen generation, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 10120-10135.
- Brahim Laoun*∞, Mohamed W. Naceur, Abdallah Khellaf, A. M. Kannan, Global sensitivity analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell model, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 9521-9528.
- K. Vignarooban∞, R. Kushagra, A. Elango, P. Badami, B.-E. Mellander, X. Xu,
- T.G. Tucker, C. Nam, A.M. Kannan*, Current trends and future challenges of electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 2829- 2846.
- X. Xux, K. Vignaroobanx, K. Hsu and A.M. Kannan*, Prospects and problems of concentrating solar power technologies for power generation in the desert regions, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53 (2016) 1106–1131. Impact Factor: 5.510.
- K. Vignaroobanx, Xinhai Xux, K. Wang, E.E. Molina, P. Li, D. Gervasio and A.M. Kannan*, Vapor Pressure and Corrosion of ternary metal-chloride molten-salt based heat transfer fluids for use in concentrating solar power systems, Applied Energy, 159 (2015) 206–213. Impact Factor: 5.597.
- A. Arvay, J. French, J.-C. Wang, X.-H. Peng and A.M. Kannan*, Modeling and simulation of biologically inspired flow field designs for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, The Open Electrochemistry Journal, 7 (2015) 1–9.
- K. Vignaroobanx, Xinhai Xux, Keng Hsu and A.M. Kannan*, Heat transfer fluids for concentrating solar power systems, Applied Energy, 146 (2015) 383–396. Impact Factor: 5.597.
- I. Kruusenberg*, S. Ratso, M. Vikkisk, P. Kanninen, T. Kallio, A.M. Kannan, K. Tammeveski, Highly active nitrogen-doped nanocarbon electrocatalysts for alkaline direct methanol fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources 281 (2015) 94-102. Impact Factor: 4.951.
- M. Patterson* and A.M. Kannan, A Study of PV, batteries and fuel cells system based hybrid microgrid model for intermittent Level 3 EV charging services, IEEE Trans.on Energy Conversion, 30 (2015) 359-366. Impact Factor 3.35
- K. Vignarooban**, J. Lin, A. Arvay, S. Kolli*, I. Kruusenberg, L. Munukutla and A.M. Kannan, Nano-electrocatalyst materials for low temperature fuel cells: a review, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 36 (2015) 458–472, Impact Factor 1.55
- D. Ramani, K. Hsu, A. M. Kannan, A. Mayyas*, T. Schwenn, Cooling Strategy for effective Automotive Power Trains: 3D Thermal Modeling and Multi-Faceted Approach for integrating Thermoelectric Modules into Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014) 17327-335. Impact Factor 2.93.
- K. Vignaroobanx, P. Pugazhendhi, C. Tucker, D. Gervasio and A.M. Kannan*, Stability of Hastelloys in Molten Metal-chloride Heat-transfer Fluids for Concentrating Solar Power Applications, Solar Energy, 103 (2014) 62-69. Impact Factor 3.54
- J. Dudzik, W.-C. Chang, A.M. Kannan, S. Filipek, S. Viswanathan, P. Li, V. Renugopalakrishnan and G.F. Audette*, Cross-linked Glucose Oxidase Clusters for Biofuel Cell Anode Catalysts, Biofabrication, 5 (2013) 35009. Impact Factor 4.302
- A. Mayyas*, M.A. Omar, P. Pierluigi and A.M. Kannan, Thermal Modeling & Analysis of an On-Board Internal Combustion Engine Based Powertrain, International Journal of Modern Engineering, 13 (2013) 17-24.
- A. Arvay, J. French, J.-C. Wang, X.-H. Peng and A.M. Kannan*, Nature inspired flow field design for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 3717-3726. Impact Factor 2.93
- T. Arikan, A.M. Kannan* and F. Kadirgan Development of binary Pt-Pd and ternary Pt-Pd-Ru nanocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 2900-2907. Impact Factor 2.93
- C.J. Hung*, C.H. Liu, T.H. Ko, W.H. Chen, S.H. Cheng, W.S. Chen, A.Y. Yu, and A.M. Kannan, Effect of diffusion layers fabricated with different fiber diameters on the performance of low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 221 (2013) 134-140. Impact Factor: 4.951.
- R. Villacorta and A.M. Kannan*, Development and characterization of Gas Diffusion Layer fabricated using carbon slurry with Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate for Proton Exchange Member Fuel Cells, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 59 (2012) 1357-1364. Impact Factor: 0.856
- A. Arvay, E. Yli-Rantala, C.-H. Liu∞, X.-H. Peng, P. Koski, L. Cindrella, P. Kauranen, P.M. Wilde, A.M. Kannan* Characterization techniques for gas diffusion layers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 213 (2012) 317-337. Impact Factor: 4.951.
- I. Kruusenberg∞, L. Matisen, Q. Shah, A.M. Kannan*, K. Tammeveski, Non- platinum cathode catalysts for alkaline membrane fuel Cells, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 4406-4412. Impact Factor: 2.93.
- A. Arvay, X.H. Peng, A.M. Kannan*, Convergence criteria establishment for 3D simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 2482-2489. Impact Factor: 2.93.
- C.Y. Jen, L.V. Munukutla, S. Radhakrishnan, A.M. Kannan*, A. Htun, Influence of Cell Fabrication Procedure on the Performance of the Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 (2011) 1–6.
- X. Liu, R. Villacorta, A. Adame and A.M. Kannan*, Comparison of Pt/MWCNTs nanocatalysts synthesis processes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 10877-10883.
- C. Mason and A.M. Kannan*, Study of carbon nanotube supported platinum nanocatalyst fabricated with sodium formate reducing agent in ethylene glycol suspension, ISRN Nanotechnology, Article ID 708045 (2011) 1-6, doi:10.5402/2011/708045.
- G.. Audette, S. Lombardo, J. Dudzik, T. Arruda, M. Kolinski, S.Filipek, Sanjeev Mukerjee, A.M. Kannan, V. Thavasi, S.Ramakrishna, M. Ching, P. Somasundaran, S. Viswanathan, R. Keles and V. Renugopalakrishnan*, Protein hot spots at bio- nano interfaces, Materials Today, 14 (2011) 360-365.
- Y.F. Huang, A.M. Kannan*, C.S. Chang, C.W. Lin, Development of gas diffusion electrodes for low relative humidity proton exchange membrane fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 221-220.
- J.F. Lin, A. Adame, R. Villacorta, J. Wertz, R. Ahmad, M. Thommes, A.M. Kannan*, Development of gas diffusion layer using water based carbon slurry for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Electrochim. Acta, 56 (2011) 1591-1596.
- M.G. Castañón, S. Velumani*, O.V. Kharissova, M.A. Jiménez and A.M. Kannan, CO adsorption in PdxCoyXz (X=Au, Mo, Ni) tertiary alloy nano-catalysts for PEMFCs – A theoretical analysis, International Journal of Energy Research, 35 (2010) 594-600.
- R. Aparna, A.M. Kannan* and L. Munukutla, Effect of surface modification for the growth of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on carbon paper for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Electrochem. Soc. Trans. 26 (2010) 107-116.
- L. Cindrella∞ and A.M. Kannan*, Development and evaluation of Gas Diffusion Layer using paraffin wax carbon for PEMFCs, Fuel Cells, 10 (2010) 563-566.
- J.F. Lin, C.W. Mason, A. Adame, X. Liu, X.H. Peng and A.M. Kannan*, Synthesis of Pt nanocatalyst with Micelle-encapsulated Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes as support for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 6496-6500.
- J.F. Lin, A. Adame, A.M. Kannan*, Development of durable platinum nanocatalyst on carbon nanotubes for PEMFCs, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157 (2010) B846-B851.
- P.A. Stuckey, A.M. Kannan* and M. Ghasemi-Nejhad, Gas diffusion layers for PEMFCs using in-situ grown multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanoforest on carbon papers, Fuel Cells, 10 (2010) 369-374.
- J.F. Lin, J. Wertz, R. Ahmad, M. Thommes, A.M. Kannan*, Effect of carbon paper substrate of the gas diffusion layer on the performance of PEMFCs, Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 2746–2751.
- J.F. Lin, V. Kamavaramx, A.M. Kannan*, Synthesis and Characterization of CNT supported Platinum Nanocatalyst for PEMFCs, Journal of Power Sources, 195 (2010) 466-470.
- F. Kadirgan, A.M. Kannan*, T. Atilan, S. Beyhan, S. S. Ozenler and S. Suzer, Carbon supported nano-sized Pt-Pd and Pt-Co electrocatalysts for PEMFCs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 9450-9460.
- L. Cindrella∞, A.M. Kannan*, R. Ahmad and M. Thommes, Surface modification of Gas Diffusion Layers by inorganic Nanomaterials for PEMFCs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 6377-6383.
- L. Cindrella∞, A.M. Kannan*, J.F. Lin, K. Saminathanx, Y. Ho, C.W. Lin and J. Wertz, Gas Diffusion Layer for PEMFCs – a Review, Journal of Power Sources, 194 (2009) 146-160.
- L. Cindrella∞ and A.M. Kannan*, Membrane Electrode Assembly with doped Polyaniline Interlayer for PEMFCs under Low RH Conditions, Journal of Power Sources, 193 (2009) 447-453.
- A.M. Kannan*, P. Kanagala and V. Veedu∞, Development of Gas Diffusion Layers using surface modified carbon paper by in-situ CVD Process for PEMFCs, Journal of Power Sources, 192 (2009) 297-303.
- K. Saminathanx, V. Kamavaramx, V. Veedu∞ and A.M. Kannan*, Electrodeposited Pt nanocatalyst on in-situ grown CNT based carbon paper for PEMFCs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 3838-3844.
- V. Kamavaramx, A.M. Kannan* and V. Veedu∞, Synthesis and characterization of platinum nanoparticles on in situ grown carbon, nanotubes based carbon paper for PEMFC cathode, Journal of Power Sources, 188 (2009) 51-56.
- Y.F. Huang, L.C. Chuang, A.M. Kannan*, C.W. Lin, Proton-conducting membranes with high selectivity from cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) for direct methanol fuel cell applications, Journal of Power Sources, 186 (2009) 22-28.
- A.M. Kannan*, V. Renugopalakrishnan, S. Filipek, P. Li, G.F. Audette and L. Munukutla, Bio-Batteries and Bio Fuel Cells: Leveraging on Electronic Charge Transfer Proteins, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (2009) 1665– 1678.
- V. Renugopalakrishnan* and A. M. Kannan, A Special Section on: Bio-Solar and Bio-Fuel Cells, J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (2009): 1663-1664.
- A.M. Kannan*, D. Parker, S. Sadananda, L. Munukutla and J. Wertz, Mass production process of Gas Diffusion Layer by wire rod coating for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Journal of Power Sources, 178 (2008) 231-237.
- A.M. Kannan*, L. Cindrella∞, and L. Munukutla, Functionally Graded Nano- porous Gas Diffusion Layer for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells under Low Relative Humidity Conditions, Electrochimica Acta, 53 (2008) 2416–2422.
- V. Renugopalakrishnan*, A.M. Kannan* and P.Li, Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion Applications – Biosolar and biofuel cells, Monograph series, American Scientific Publishers, 5 (2008) 155–178.
- A.M. Kannan* and L. Munukutla, Carbon Nanochain and Carbon Nano-fibers based Gas Diffusion Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Journal of Power Sources, 167 (2007) 330-335.
- C.W. Lin, Y. F. Huang and A. M. Kannan*, Semi-interpenetrating network based on crosslinked electrolytes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, Journal of Power Sources, 171 (2007) 340–347.
- A.M. Kannan*, V. Veedu∞, L. Munukutla and M.N. Ghasemi-Nejhad, Nano Structured gas diffusion and catalyst layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 10(3) (2007) B47-B50.
- C.W. Lin, Y. F. Huang and A. M. Kannan*, Semi-interpenetrating network based on crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(styrene sulfonic acid-co-maleic anhydride) as proton exchange fuel cell membranes, Journal of Power Sources, 164 (2007) 449–456.
- A.M. Kannan*, A. Menghal and I. Barsukov, Gas Diffusion Layer Using a New Type of Graphitized Nano-Carbon PUREBLACKÒ for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Electrochemistry Communications, 8 (2006) 887–891.
- A.M. Kannan and A. Manthiram*, Low temperature synthesis and electrochemical behavior of LiV3O8 cathode, J. Power Sources, 159 (2006) 140.Before ASU
- A.M. Kannanx, B. Yang and A. Manthiram*, Stability of the Dry Proton Conductor CsHSO4 in Hydrogen Atmosphere, Materials Research Bulletin, 38(2003) 691- 698.
- A.M. Kannanx and A. Manthiram*, Electrochemical and Structural Characteristics of LiNi0.85Co0.15O2 and LiNi0.85Co0.12Al0.03O2 Cathodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 150 (2003) A349-A353.
- A.M. Kannanx and A. Manthiram*, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of High Capacity V2O5 Cathodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 150 (2003) A990-A993.
- A.M. Kannanx and A. Manthiram*, Synthesis and Electrochemical Evaluation of High Capacity Nanostructured VO2 Cathodes, Solid State Ionics, 159 (2003) 265- 271.
- A.M. Kannanx, L. Rabenberg and A. Manthiram* High capacity surface modified LiCoO2 for Li-ion batteries, Electrochem&Solid State Lett, 6(2003) A16-A18.
- A.M. Kannanx, L. Xiong and A. Manthiram*, Pt-M (M = Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) Electrocatalysts Synthesized by an Aqueous Route for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Electrochemistry Communications, 4 (2002) 898-903.
- A.M. Kannanx and A. Manthiram*, Surface/Chemically Modified LiMn2O4 Cathodes for Li-ion Batteries, Electrochem & Solid State Lett, 5(2002) A1-A3.
- A.M. Kannanx, S. Bhavaraju, F. Pradox, A. Manthiram* Characterization of the Bismuth Modified Manganese Dioxide Cathodes in Rechargeable cells, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 149 (2002) A483-A492.
- R.V. Chebiam, A. M. Kannanx, F. Pradox and A. Manthiram*, Comparison of the chemical stability of the high energy density cathodes of lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 3 (2001) 624-627.
- A.M. Kannan, A.K. Shukla*, M.S. Hegde and J. Gopalakrishnan, Effect of counter cations on electroctalytic activity of oxide Pyrochlores towards oxygen reduction/evolution in alkaline medium: an electrochemical and spectroscopic study, Journal of Power Sources, 35 (1991) 163-169.
- A.M. Kannan and A.K. Shukla*, Rechargeable Iron/Air cells employing pyrochlore oxide based bifunctional oxygen electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 35 (1991) 113.
- A.M. Kannan, A.K. Shukla* and S. Sathyanarayana, Oxide-based bifunctional oxygen electrodes for secondary metal/air batteries, Bulletin of Electrochemistry, 6 (1990) 273.
- A.M. Kannan, A.K. Shukla* and S. Sathyanarayana, A lead-iridium pyrochlore- based bifunctional oxygen electrode, J. Electroanal Chemistry, 281(1990) 339.
- K.R. Kannan, A.M. Kannan and A.K. Shukla*, A low-cost, computer-aided electrochemical system for characterizing battery electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 32 (1990) 99.
- P. Vasudevan, S.N. Maan∞, A.M. Kannan and A.K. Shukla*, ORR on some novel cobaltphthalocycnine complexes, J. Power Sources, 28 (1989) 317.
- A.M. Kannan, A.K. Shukla* and S. Sathyanarayana Oxide-based bifunctional oxygen electrode for metal/air batteries, J. Power Sources, 25 (1989) 140.
- A.M. Kannan, A.K. Shukla* and A. Hamnett Fractional factorial design of porous carbon Fuel cell electrodes, J. Applied Electrochemistry, 8 (1988) 149.
- A.K. Shukla*, K.V. Ramesh and A.M. Kannan, Fuel cells: Problems and Prospects, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 97 (1986) 513.
- L. Munukutla, A. Htun, S. Radhakrishnan, L. Main and A.M. Kannan Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Solar Cell Nanotechnology, Wiley (2013), 161-184.
- DF Gervasio, H Elsentriecy, LP Da Silva, AM Kannan, X Xu, Materials challenges for concentrating solar power, Nanoscale Materials and Devices for Electronics, Photonics and Solar Energy, (2015) 127-148.
- X. Shi, K. Pérez-Salcedo, S. Hanif, R. Anwar, L. Cindrella, N. Iqbal, S. Jose, and A. M. Kannan, Progress on the Functionalization of Carbon Nanostructures for Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts , Chapter 6, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018, F. Rodríguez-Varela, T. W. Napporn (eds.), Advanced Electrocatalysts for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells, 99019-4_6
- J Vigneshwaran, Alexander Krimalowski, A M Kannan, Mukundan Thelakkat and Sujin P Jose, MXenes for solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors, in 2D Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, Chapter 7 (2021) Pages 1-34,
- V Raja, J Vigneshwaran, Kenan Song, A M Kannan, and Sujin P Jose, 3D-Printed MXene Composites for Batteries, in 3D Printing: Fundamentals to Emerging Applications, Chapter 12 (2023) Pages 177-198.
Research Activity
- Hsu,Keng Hao*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar. CREC SRP project: CO2 to useful fuel by electrochemical reduction using solar energy. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Mayyas,Abdel Ra'Ouf Turki, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC (SRP) project: EV Battery Performance in the Desert Area. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016).
- Rajadas,John N*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Rogers,Bradley Barney. CREC(SRP) Project: Continued Operation of the Solar Assisted Residential Hot Water Testing and Evaluation Facility at ASU Polytechnic. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016).
- Shumaker,John W*, Holman,Zachary Charles, Karady,George G, Kiaei,Sayfe, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Miller,Clark Anson, Sebold,Brent James, Tamizhmani,Govindasamy. Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy (PCASE). DOS - USAID(11/21/2014 - 11/20/2019).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Mayyas,Abdel Ra'Ouf Turki, Pollat,Scott Lewis, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Reliability and performance evaluation of batteries in HotDry Climates: Phase 3. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Rogers,Bradley Barney*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Rajadas,John N, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Development of a Solar Assisted On-Demand Residential Hot Water System Utilizing Phase-Change Materials for Energy Storage Phase1. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar. Guidance on Renewable Energy Curriculum Development through the IRENA Community. IRENA(6/1/2014 - 3/31/2015).
- Mayyas,Abdel Ra'Ouf Turki*, Mayyas,Abdel Ra'Ouf Turki*, Csavina,Kristine Rene, Csavina,Kristine Rene, Gaffar,Ashraf, Gaffar,Ashraf, Hristovski,Kiril D, Hristovski,Kiril D, Humble,Jane E, Humble,Jane E, Lande,Micah, Lande,Micah, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Ralston,Laurel, Redkar,Sangram S, Redkar,Sangram S, Robertson,John, Robertson,John, Whitehouse,Richard O, Whitehouse,Richard O. Advance Vehicle Technology Competition AVTC EcoCAR3. ARGONNE NATL LABORATORY(4/9/2014 - 6/24/2018).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Johnson,Nathan Gregory, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar. Implementation of a Regional Programme for Certification of Technicians in Renewable Energy Systems in Selected Regions. IRENA(1/6/2014 - 12/10/2015).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. CREC: Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Batteries in hotdry climate. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. Laboratory Proof of Concept of Kinetic Energy Atom Powered Engine. KEAP(7/1/2013 - 10/31/2013).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. Halide and Oxy-Halide Eutectic Systems for High Performance High Temperature Heat Transfer Fluids. UNIV OF AZ(10/1/2012 - 9/30/2017).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Peng,Xihong, Peng,Xihong, Pollat,Scott Lewis, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC: Reliability and performance Evaluation of batteries in hotdry climate. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(6/15/2012 - 6/30/2013).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Henderson,Mark Richard, Henderson,Mark Richard, Oneill,Gerald Daniel, Rogers,Bradley Barney, Rogers,Bradley Barney. The assessment of reliability and durability data for Photovoltaic (PV) arrays modules and the application to the design specification and installat. (3/1/2012 - 9/15/2015).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. ATIC Enhanced Power Density Fuel Cells via Activated Oxidants. EntroPlus(9/23/2010 - 11/15/2010).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. Investigation of the Kinetics of Oxygen Reduction on Nanostructured New Cathode Catalysts for Low Temp Fuel Cells. US CIV RSH & DEV FDN(8/1/2010 - 12/31/2012).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. ATIC - Super Performing Nanostructured Components for Fuel Cell Applications. OCEANIT LABS, INC(1/1/2008 - 12/31/2008).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. ATIC - ACME Electric Phase II. ACME ELECTRIC CORP(8/16/2007 - 9/15/2007).
- Gervasio,Dominic Francis*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar. Nitrided Metallic Bipolar Plates. OAK RIDGE NATL LAB (ORNL)(6/22/2007 - 9/30/2009).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. ATIC-SME: ACME PI. ACME ELECTRIC CORP(4/16/2007 - 7/15/2007).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*. Development of GDLs using Hollingsworth & Vose Carbon Paper. HOLLINGSWORTH & VOSE CO(8/22/2006 - 3/22/2007).
- Gervasio,Dominic Francis*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Zenhausern,Frederic, Zenhausern,Frederic. Development of a High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell Stack as Power Source for Airplanes. BOEING AERO DIVISION-SEATTLE(8/3/2006 - 11/15/2006).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MFG 593 | Applied Project |
MFG 599 | Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 522 | Stats Qulty Cntrl Manufact |
EGR 538 | Batteries and EV Technologies |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 484 | Internship |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 792 | Research |
MFG 480 | Advanced Stat for Manufacture |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 792 | Research |
MFG 599 | Thesis |
MFG 590 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 598 | Special Topics |
EGR 522 | Stats Qulty Cntrl Manufact |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 484 | Internship |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 280 | Engineering Statistics |
EGR 792 | Research |
MFG 480 | Advanced Stat for Manufacture |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
CHE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 598 | Special Topics |
EGR 522 | Stats Qulty Cntrl Manufact |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 484 | Internship |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 530 | Principles System Engineering |
EGR 792 | Research |
MFG 480 | Advanced Stat for Manufacture |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
EGR 494 | Special Topics |
EGR 598 | Special Topics |
EGR 522 | Stats Qulty Cntrl Manufact |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 530 | Principles System Engineering |
EGR 792 | Research |
MFG 480 | Advanced Stat for Manufacture |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 590 | Reading and Conference |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
EGR 494 | Special Topics |
EGR 598 | Special Topics |
EGR 522 | Stats Qulty Cntrl Manufact |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 595 | Continuing Registration |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 792 | Research |
EGR 280 | Engineering Statistics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MAE 599 | Thesis |
EGR 593 | Applied Project |
EGR 599 | Thesis |
EGR 792 | Research |
MFG 480 | Advanced Stat for Manufacture |
MAE 598 | Special Topics |
EGR 799 | Dissertation |
Honors / Awards
- Fulbright Specialist by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (Fulbright Scholarship), US Department of State, USA (2011 to 2015).
- ASU-CTI Dean’s award for Faculty Excellence in Service - 2013
- ASU-CTI Dean’s award for Faculty Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Activities - 2011
- Support of Student Leaders & Achievers” award in recognition of outstanding leadership in spring 2012 by the ASU-CTI Executive Dean
- Marquis WHO’s WHO in America 2009 Edition
- Best Employee Award - Exide Industries Limited (1998)
- University 2 nd Rank Award in M.S. Chemistry – Madurai University (1985)
Professional Associations
Professional Licensure/Certifications: Internal Quality Auditing and ISO 9000, 1992, British Standards Institution
Work History
- Professor and Engineering Graduate Program Chair, Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, since July. 2017 -
- Professor, Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, since Aug. 2014
- Associate Professor, Engineering Technology Department and Graduate Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, Arizona State University, Aug. 2005 - July 2014
- Technical Advisor, Hoku Scientific Inc., Honolulu, July 2005 to June 2006
- Chief Scientist, Hoku Scientific Inc., Honolulu, Oct. 2002 to June 2005
- Research Associate, University of Texas at Austin, July 1999 to Sept. 2002
- Head – Technical, Exide Industries, Madras, India, Nov. 1993 to June 1999
- Research Scientist, SPIC Science Foundation, Madras, India, Jan. 1991 to Oct. 1993