Profiles in "Mathematics Education" Expertise Area
- Gary Bitter has researched emerging technologies for the last 50 years. He is interested in any approach that attempts to determine the feasibility of m-learning throughout education.
- Carlson is currently researching the teaching and learning of precalculus level mathematics.
- Thompson researches teaching and learning mathematics.
- Roh’s primary research interest is in undergraduate students’ cognitive development in advanced mathematics with particular attention to mathematical logic and argumentation in calculus, geometry, and advanced calculus.
- van de Sande is interested in how to increase student success by designing engaging resources in both face-to-face and online environments.
- Milner studies structured population models, including demography, epidemics, ecology, and tumor growth as well as how to dispel misconceptions in school mathematics.
- Catherine Hart has expertise in best practices in teaching math for specific contexts and incorporating relevant technologies and practical skills that will help students succeed in their courses and in the workforce.
- Barbara Kinach, Ed.D., is an associate professor of mathematics education. She teaches mathematics and mathematics methods courses and studies the role visualization plays in pre-service teacher learning of mathematics and inquiry mathematics teaching.
- Aurand has been a resident of Lake Havasu City since 2007.