Profiles in "Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Politics" Expertise Area

  • Huntington specializes in continental philosophy, avidly engages in comparative (East-West) philosophy with an emphasis on Buddhism, and aims to globalize as well as decolonize philosophy.
  • Hoyt teaches a variety of composition and literature courses, with specialties in business writing and Arab-American women's literature.
  • Bebout has authored two books: "Mythohistorical Interventions: The Chicano Movement and Its Legacies" and "Whiteness on the Border: Mapping the US Racial Imagination in Brown and White."
  • Osburn is an ethnohistorian focusing on gender, race, political activism, and identity in North America.
  • Eisen-Cohen has held leadership positions in many nonprofit and public organizations for 25 years. She teaches courses in management, public policy, program evaluation, leadership, and women and politics.
  • Keahey is a development sociologist who studies social justice in food and agriculture, post-authoritarian transitions to sustainability, multi-paradigmatic and participatory methods, and development ethics.
  • Behl studies inequalities in liberal democracies. Her book received the APSA 2021 Lee Ann Fujii Award. She was awarded ASU's Outstanding Teaching, Mentoring, Leadership Excellence, and Social Impact Awards.
  • Dr. Keon M. McGuire's research agenda focuses on the status and experiences of racially minoritized students across postsecondary educational settings.
  • Chanley has taught a range graduate and undergraduate courses in the social sciences, with focus on public administration and political science, especially in public policy, women and gender, ethnic and racial studies.
  • Gemelli teaches graduate and undergraduate sociology courses. Her research interests include women, work, and motherhood framed within a class context.