Profiles in "Engagement" Expertise Area

  • A current doctoral student with research focused on the academic persistence of underrepresented undergraduate students.
  • Jeff LePine's research centers on (1) teamwork and team effectiveness, (2) performance behaviors involving teamwork, citizenship, voice, and adaptability, (3) leadership, and (4) engagement and occupational stress.
  • Dr. Carrie Robinson is the Executive Director of Graduate Student and Scholar Success at the Graduate College. Her team supports graduate student success, curriculum and format, and professional development and engagement.
  • Randall provides academic advising services to graduate students in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change.
  • Karen Stafford is a Faculty Associate with the W. P. Carey School of Business focused on coursework related to the Human Resources Management major degree program.
  • Dr. Gwiszcz's research and practice focuses on capacity building mechanisms for sustainability/sustainable development aimed at addressing socioecological justice, global environmental change, and human rights concerns.