Profiles in "Policy" Expertise Area
- Morris is a member of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma. Her research focuses on Tribal Digital Sovereignty.
- Riding In is the editor of Wicazo Sa Review. His research, teaching, and service focus on sovereignty, repatriation, religious freedom, cultural resources laws, racism, colonization/decolonization, and Pawnee history.
- Chanley has taught a range graduate and undergraduate courses in the social sciences, with focus on public administration and political science, especially in public policy, women and gender, ethnic and racial studies.
- Katie Bernstein's work examines the language and literacy learning of linguistically diverse students and the contexts that shape their learning: from peer interactions to teacher beliefs to state-level language policy.
- Susan leads the Impact Water - Arizona program, part of the AZ Water Innovation Initiative, to foster community understanding and engagement in AZ’s water challenges and solutions.
- Suzanne Palmieri leverages her policy expertise and managerial background to supervise nearly all projects at the Swette Center.