Profiles in "Rhetorical Studies" Expertise Area

  • Raena Quinlivan is the Director of the Online M.A. in Communication Program.
  • Robert Mack's research generally examines the text-audience interface in U.S. American popular culture. He draws widely on rhetorical, reception, critical, and psychoanalytic approaches in order to analyze this relationship.
  • Elizabeth Hamm enjoys her students, reading, writing, knitting, and calligraphy.
  • Ratcliffe's research focuses on intersections of rhetoric, feminist theory, and critical race studies.
  • Dr. Steven Hartman is Founding Executive Director of the BRIDGES Sustainability Science Coalition in UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations programme.
  • Kelly McElwain earned her BA from the University of San Diego and her MA from ASU. She teaches ENG 101 in the Writers' Studio, a fully online first-year composition program in the College of Interactive Sciences and Arts.
  • Cedric Burrows researches Black rhetoric and its reception by mainstream audiences.