Profiles in "Healthcare Systems" Expertise Area

  • Gur-Arie is an assistant professor with Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. Her expertise lies at the intersection of ethics, global health and policy.
  • Kyle is Assistant Director of Development at Fulton Schools of Engineering. He's a PhD Candidate in Social and Family Dynamics, researching healthcare among LGBTQ+ individuals in rural areas.
  • Peel's research is focused around the socioemotional development of healthcare professionals and medical education curriculum reform.
  • Dr. Peckham uses critical institutional theories to lead actionable research. She applies co-design approaches to promote effective health system (re)design efforts.
  • Dr. Hughes is an economist who researches the roles of technology, innovation, and incentives in the delivery and use of healthcare – with a focus on exploiting large-scale data to explore contemporary health policy issues.