Profiles in "Electrochemistry" Expertise Area
- Chan's research group works on synthesis and evaluation of engineered nanomaterials to address critical issues in lithium batteries, electrochemical energy conversion and storage, photocatalysis and water treatment.
- Azeredo's research focuses on designing advanced manufacturing systems that integrate ideas from mechanical engineering, material science and chemistry.
- As an organic bio electro chemist studying microbial electrophotosynthesis, I study how to interface electricity with the photosynthetic electron transport chain to understand what allows it to be more or less efficient.
- Milcarek's current research focuses on micro-tubular Flame-assisted Fuel Cells (FFCs) and system-level hybrid combustion/FFC applications including micro cogeneration and two-stage combustors.
- Fan's current research is in the areas of semiconductors and phase-change materials for electronics and photonics such as neuromorphic devices and tunable photonic devices; nanomaterials for electrochemical energy storages.
- Xu is an assistant professor in The Polytechnic School. His research at ASU aims to advance material understanding and design for clean energy technologies.