Christine Lewis
Mail code: 7401Campus: Tempe
As a classically trained synthetic medicinal chemist that earned a doctorate studying microbial electrophotosynthesis, I now consider myself an interdisciplinary scientist. I currently focus on photosynthesis at the electron level. Much of my research involves the use of an electrode and small redox molecules to introduce exogenous electrons to photosynthetic cells. Other studies involve looking inside the cells with the help of specialized spectroscopy. Currently, many promising photosynthetic innovations are underutilized due to low photosynthetic turnover. It has been hypothesized that low turnover may be a result of low electron flux. I study the aspects of photosynthetic electron flux and discover new methods to predict, measure, control, and remove barriers to deliver electron flux to photosynthetic cells. In doing so, it also allows insight into the inner workings of photosynthesis so that we may be able to understand what makes it more or less efficient. This work contributes to the growing body of work dedicated to green energy innovation for the biosynthesis of fuels and complicated molecules used in health and wellness. For my work I employ a variety of skills including organic synthesis, electrochemical cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, microbial electro photo bio reactor design, high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectroscopy, pump-probe spectroscopy, flow cytometry, genetic engineering (including Crispr/Cpf-1), bioactivity assays, microscopy and cultivation of various photosynthetic microorganisms.
Ph.D. in Chemistry but during doctorate training was trained within the the fields of the seven principle investigators (PI's) that oversaw the doctorate project, including chemical environmnental engineering, photosynthetic biochemistry, photosynthetic electrochemistry, and the genetic engineering and cultivation of photosynthetic microbes and their relationship with small molecules redox chemicals.
Masters in Chemistry and Biochemistry with emphasis in organic medicinal chemistry synthesizing analogues for cancer, and photochemichemically cutting DNA
Undergraduate Bachelors degree in Microbiology where I worked within a medicinal chemistry lab testing funcational analogues within biochemical and microbiological assays.
I am a doctor of chemistry with over fifteen years of interdisciplinary experience. Currently, I serve as an ASU Postdoctoral Council and also maintain membership in: the International Society of Microbial Electro Technology, American Chemical Society, the Bioelectrochemical Society and the National Postdoc Association. I was formally a student government assembly representative and acted GPSA chair for the committee for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciencesco. GPSA member of External Affairs , Professional Development , COVID19 , and Innovation committees. I participated heavily in science policy advocacy and was a member in the foundational group of the Az Science Policy Network. I believe and advocate for innovation green energy research, and currently research small molecule delivery of electrons and photobioreactor design and efficiency. I am adept at academic curriculum development, mentorship, and leadership. I am practiced in analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, flow cytometry, spectroscopy, biochemistry, engineering, and microbiology. Additionally, I have the ability to work within interdisciplinary teams, public speaking and diplomacy.
- Torres lab - ASU Biodesign Institure Swette Center for Enviromental Biotechnology
- Fromme lab - ASU Biodesign Institute Center for Applied Structural Discovery
- Rittmann lab - ASU Biodesign Institure Swette Center for Enviromental Biotechnology
*Lewis, C. M.; Flory, J. D.; Moore, T. A.; Moore, A. L.; Rittmann, B. E.; Vermaas, W. F. J.; Torres, C. I.; Petra Fromme, Electrochemically driven photosynthetic electron transport in cyanobacteria lacking photosystem II.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022,1-9. DOI: 10.1021/jacs1c09291
Organic Chemistry: synthesis, rational design Microbiology: culturing pure-cell culture, assays, Western blot, Biochemistry: flow cytometry, Joliot-type spectroscopy, microscopy, Electrochemistry: cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, photochemistry, electron-transport studies, Engineering: anaerobic bio-electro reactor design, light delivery applications, constructing electrochemical wired system, reactor lamp construction Communication Teaching: Proficient in blackboard/Canvas or Web design for online teaching/communication, word, excel and one-note, data Analysis with Origin Pro, can do some simplistic coding Working skills: organized, speak moderate Spanish (not a native speaker), skilled at public speaking and science teaching outreach, and policy
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
Teaching Chemistry/Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
- ASU School of Molecular Sciences --TA, CHM 113: Chemistry I, CHM116: Chemistry II
- Phoenix College Adjunct Faculty--CHM250: organic chemistry, CHM 138: Bio/Org/Gen Chemistry, CHM101: Chemistry, BCH205, Biochemistry, CHM150: chemistry I, CHM151: Chemistry II
- ASU School of Molecular Sciences 2002-2006--TA Instructor, CHM 238: Organic Chemistry, CHM101, CHM150, CHM151
Presentations on Research
- Collaborative Grant Presentation, 2024, Univ. of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, Agae4IBD Summer School for Early Career
- Poster Presentation, 2024, Rice University, Intl. Society of Electrochem. Microbes
- Poster Presentation, 2024, Univ. of Arizona, 33rd Western Photosynthesis Conference
- Oral Presentation, 2023, Univ. of Utah, International Bioelectrochemical Society
- Poster Presentation, 2023, Univ. of Utah, Intl Bioelectrochemical Society Shedding New Light on Our MEPS project
- Poster Presentation, 2023, Cambridge UK, Inernational Photobioelectro microbial workshop. MEPS system
- Panel, 2022, Online, National Graduate Student Association Panel Speaker
- Oral Presentation, 2022, New Zealand, Intl. Photosynth. Conf., Driving Electron Flow into PSII-less Cyanobacteria
- Oral Presentation, 2022, Belgium, Bioelect. & Tech. Symp., Small molecule delivery of electron flow
- Oral Presentation, North American International Society of Electrochemical Microbes (Best Oral PresentationAward, November 2021
- Poster Exhibit, 2021 Intl. Symposium on Bioelectrochem. and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society
- Poster Exhibit, 2021 Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference—dynamic of electron flow (Best Poster Award)
- Poster Exhibit, 2019, Nature Conference on Functional Dynamics—Visualizing Molecules in Action (Energy award)
- Research and Oral Flash talk 2019, Nature Conference on Functional Dynamics—Visualizing Molecules in Action
- Research Poster and Oral Presentation, 2019, presented to 200 experts at Gordon Research Conference
- Poster Exhibit, 2019, Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis (won award)
- Poster Exhibit, 2019, presented research for Arizona Biophest Conference with 50 peers
- Research and Oral Presentation for lightning talk Competition (Fusion), 2018, presented in front of 300 peers/experts
- Poster Exhibit, 2018, presented research for Intl. Photosynthesis Conference for 200 peers
- Arizona Postdoctoral Conference, Best Poster Award, Sep 2024
- North American International Society of Electrochemical Microbes Conference Travel Award, April 2024
- Arizona State University Sun Award, Exemplary Service, Leadership and Social Embededness, Feb 2024
- North American International Society of Electrochemical Microbes Conference Best Oral Presentation Award,November 2021
- Eastern Regional Photosynthetic Conference Best Poster Award, April 2021
- ASU GPSA 2020-2021 Assembly person of the year, April 2021
- ASU GPSA College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Committee member of the year, April 2021
- ASU GPSA Omnibudsman Award, April 2021
- ASU GPSA Innovation Fellowship Award, Feb 2021
- ASU Badass Woman Nominee, March 2021
- Semi-finalist for Fulbright National Geographic research fellowship, April 2020
- ASU GPSA External Affairs award 2020
- Nature Conference Energy Award, Nov 2019
- Our Military Veteran Scholarship, June 2019
- Outreach Scholarship, 2019, School of Natural Sciences Outreach
- Photosynthesis Gordon Research Conference Presenter Award, Aug 2019
- Travel Grant Awards, 2018-2019, International and Western Photosynthesis Conference
- Madame Curie Award for Best in Chemistry, 2018, Fusion Biodesign Institute
- Outreach Scholarship, 2018, CLAS
- University Graduate Fellowship, 2016-2019, ASU SMS
- Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award 2012
- Humanitarian Service Medal
- Journal Publication Peer and Grant Review
- Joule -March 2022, Publication-Peer Reviewer
- Joule - October 2022, Publication-Peer Reviewer
- Joule - Feb 2023, Publication-Peer Reviewer
- ASU, Student Innovation, 2020-21, Grant Reviewer
- ASU, Child Care Scholarship, 2020-21, Grant Reviewer
- ASU, Grad Student Research 2020-21, Grant Revewer
- National Postdoc Association 2024-present
- ASU Postdoc Council 2024-present
- American Chemical Society, 2022-present
- Bioelectrochemical Society, 2020-present
- Internation Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, 2020-present
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)-2021-present
- US Army Veteran
- Principle Investigator for Megan Langella, 2023-present, Small molecule interaction Synechococcus stress
- Principle Investigator for Mohamad Alquir, 2024-present, Small molecule interaction in pyocyonin and related mediatorsCo Principle Investigator for Alex Fonseca, 2024-Present,Modeling Microbial Electrophotosynthesis
- Mentor for Ella Fitzpatrick, 2024-present, Cell differentiation and studying controlled light for photosynthesis
- Mentor for Sanjay Giridharan, 2022-present, Coding, programming and studying controlled light for photosynthesis
- Co Principle Investigator for Sachin Sahoo, 2022- 2023, Abiotic reactor modeling of microbial electro photosynthesis
- Co Principle Investigator for Rammy Rayes 2022-2023, Microanalysis of Cyanobacteria and Algae Related to Oxidative Stress
- Co Principle Investigator for Anna Mangus, 2019-2021, The effect of carbon source on electron delivery into the PETC Honors thesis and Fellowship project PI
- Co Principle Investigator and mentor for ASU FURI Undergraduate Fellowship, Aug 2019
- GPSA assembly mentor 2019-2021
- Mentor for Juong Dang, 2019, Pure culture cultivation in algae and cyanobacteria
- Mentor for Jennifer Lewis, 2018, Science grant writing
- Mentor for Aaron Bozukluoglu, 2018, Understanding organic chemistry and microbiological basics
- Mentor for Rashad Saleh, 2016-2018, Cyanobacterial growth rate analysis and dry cell biomass analysis
- Mentor for Michael Moran, 2016-2017, Microbial electro photo bioreactor builds and live cell growth rates
- Mentor for Corey Anders, 2016-2017, Microbiology and spectroscopy analysis of cyanobacterial glycogen content
- Mentor for Nolan Piper, 2016-2107, Microbial electro photo bioreactor build
- Mentor for Richard Thomas, 2016-2017, Design and build of anaerobic electro fuel cells
- Mentor for Matt Goode, 2016-2017, Cyanobacterial culture preparations for electro photo bioreactors
- Graduate Student Researcher, ASU SMS & Biodesign Institute CASD, Tempe, Az.--Organic chemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, bioreactor design, taught chemistry, several science outreach programs
- Science writer, ASU Biodesign Institute Communications, Tempe, Az. --All topics of science articles about the science completed at the Institute, public relations and media work
- Adjunct Faculty Phoenix College, Phoenix, Az. --Instruction in levels of general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, proficient in overlap courses that deal with medical fields, microbiology and biology, online and in-person formats
- High level Academic Tutoring Ed’s Logic (Owner), Phoenix, Az.--Tutored: science courses, college preparation, homework support/mentoring, math, chemistry, physics, biology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, AP classes, literature, English, history, and college entrance exams
- Master’s Student Researcher, ASU SMS, Tempe, Az. --Completed: organic chemistry studies and assay analysis, synthetic organic chemistry/synthesizing potential cancer drugs, DNA oxidative damage research for the benefit of cancer, photochemistry
- Teaching assistant: ASU Tempe, Az. chemistry, and organic chemistry, proficient on blackboard online program,
- Spanish interrogator/linguist US Army Psychological Operation Unit 1st Battalion--Stationed at Ft Bragg, NC, Graduate of Basic training in Fort Dix, NJ, Spanish language training at the Defense Language Institute at Presidio of Monterey, CA, interrogator training located at the US Army intelligence location, Ft Huachuca, Az. Joint Task Force operation, language immersion course in Antigua, Guatemala , US Army Paratrooper Jump School in Ft Binning, Georgia, managed media and education Haitians during the Haitian refugee crises Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Bolivian Embassy work in La Paz, Bolivia, Taught PR for Bolivian government in the area of cocaine drug trafficking/coca farms
Policy and Service to the Closer Community and Public
- Arizona Post Doc Council 2024-present
- GPSA: Covid-19 committee, CLAS chair, 2021
- Professional Development Award Reviewer, 2019-2021
- GPSA ASU LAD, 2020, online advocacy with legislature for higher education issues
- ASU College Portal, 2021, online outreach portal innovation
- NAGPS LAD, 2019, in Washington D.C attendance for advocacy with legislature
- GPSA, 2019, student government representative "At Large", ext. affairs
- GPSA, 2019, student government assembly member
- GPSA, 2019, student government committee member external affairs and CLAS
- Veteran & Family advocacy board, GPSA, 2018,
- Arizona Science Policy Network, 2018-2020, Arizona Science Day and policy outreach
- Chemistry student council newsletter editor 2005
STEM Outreach for Public and Science Community
- ASU Open Door Science Lead, 2016-present, Exhibiting Molecular Machines
- STEM outreach, 2022, presentation at the Barret-Jackson Car Auction with STEMfest
- Mind Full of Brilliance Website and Social media platform, 2020-2021 founder for educational resources
- Zoom in on science outreach, 2017-2019, lead developer and instructor
- Science writing outreach (Biodesign Communications), 2019, science articles
- Scientific art performance, 2018-2019, Seeing Science, “The Dance of the Electron"
- Science Olympiad, 2018-2019, Chemistry Event Lead•Chief Science Officer , 2017-2018, panel presenter for high school students•Book Drive for Phoenix Children’s Hospital library 2012
- Science Outreach, 2003-2005, Presenter at 4-6th grade school on science experiments
- Microanalysis of Cyanobacteria and Algae Related to Oxidative Stress, (thesis for ASU Barrett, Honors Thesis) written by Rammy Rayes, committee member and PI: Christine Lewis and Everette Eustance Director: Bruce Rittmann. School of Sustainability, ASU KEEP, 2023, 1-24
- Electrochemically Driven Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Cyanobacteria Lacking Photosystem II, Christine M. Lewis, Justin D. Flory, Thomas A. Moore, Ana L. Moore, Bruce E. Rittmann, Wim F.J. Vermaas, César I. Torres, and Petra Fromme Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022 144 (7), 2933-2942 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c09291
- Effects of Organic Carbon Source and Light Exposure on Glycogen Mitigation in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Mutant Lacking PSII for Microbial Electro Photosynthesis, (thesis for ASU Barrett, Honors Thesis) written by Anna Mangus, committee member, reader and PI: Christine Lewis, Director: Cesar Torres. School of Sustainability, ASU KEEP, 2020, 1-25,
- Cloth masks a worthy line of defense to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic, Christine Lewis, ASU NOW, 2020,
- Just follow the butterfly, Christine Lewis, ASU News, 2019,
- Biodesign receives $1.5 million to develop early warning system for flu outbreaks, Christine Lewis, ASU News, 2019,
- NASA awards grant to ASU researcher to study ways to protect water for space travelers, Christine Lewis, ASU News, 2019,
- Finding answers to cancer in the cosmos, Christine Lewis, ASU News, 2019,
- Pervasive polymers of the deep blue sea, Christine Lewis, ASU News, 2019,
- Biodesign researchers identify a new way to diagnose urinary tract infections, Christine Lewis, ASU Biodesign and ASU News, 2019, no longer in circulation but can provide on request
- Rittmann sounds a call to action for a more sustainable phosphorus supply Christine Lewis, ASU Biodesign and ASU News, 2019, no longer in circulation but can provide on request
- NASA and Biodesign scientists team up to protect astronauts’ health, Christine Lewis, ASU Biodesign and ASU News, 2019, no longer in circulation but can provide on request
PRESENTATIONS at Scientific Conferences and Consortiums
- Poster Presentation, 2024, Univ. of Arizona, Arizona Postdoctoral Conference
- Collaborative Grant Presentation, 2024, Univ. of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, Agae4IBD Summer School for Early Career Scientists
- Poster Presentation, 2024, Rice University, Intl. Society of Electrochem. Microbes
- Poster Presentation, 2024, Univ. of Arizona, 33rd Western Photosynthesis Conference
- Oral Presentation, 2023, Univ. of Utah, International Bioelectrochemical Society
- Poster Presentation, 2023, Univ. of Utah, Intl Bioelectrochemical Society Shedding New Light on Our MEPS project
- Poster Presentation, 2023, Cambridge UK, Inernational Photobioelectro microbial workshop. MEPS system
- Panel, 2022, Online, National Graduate Student Association Panel Speaker
- Oral Presentation, 2022, New Zealand, Intl. Photosynth. Conf., Driving Electron Flow into PSII-less Cyanobacteria
- Oral Presentation, 2022, Belgium, Bioelect. & Tech. Symp., Small molecule delivery of electron flow
- Oral Presentation, 2021, UCLA, North Am. Intl. Society of Electrochem. Microbes (Best Oral Presentation Award)
- Poster Exhibit, 2021 Online, Intl. Symposium on Bioelectrochem. and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochem. Society
- Poster Exhibit, 2021 Online, Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conf.—dynamic of electron flow (Best Poster)
- Poster Exhibit, 2020 Vancouver, West. Reg. Photosynthesis Conf.—Microbial electrophotosynthesis (Travel Award)
- Poster Exhibit, 2019, ASU, Nature Conf. on Functional Dynamics-Visualizing Molecules in Action (Energy award)
- Oral Flash talk, 2019, ASU, Nature Conference on Functional Dynamics—Visualizing Molecules in Action
- Oral Presentation, 2019, Maine, presented to 200 experts at Gordon Research Conference
- Poster Exhibit, 2019, Maine, Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis (Best Poster and Presentation Award)
- Poster Exhibit, 2019, U of A Biome, presented research for Arizona Biophest, Microbial electrophotosynthesis
- Oral Presentation, 2018, Biodesign Fusion Biodesign, Microbial electrophotosynthesis (Marie Curie Award)
- Poster Presentation, 2018, Intl. Photosynthesis Conference, Microbial electrophotosynthesis
- Oral Presentation, 2017, Biodesign Fusion Biodesign, Microbial electrophotosynthesis