Charles Lee
Mail code: 4308Campus: Tempe
Charles T. Lee is Associate Professor of Justice and Social Inquiry in the School of Social Transformation. Working across the fields of political theory, critical theory, cultural studies, and critical citizenship studies, his research is broadly concerned with innovative formations of political agency and cultural resistance from within the global circuits of neoliberal capitalism. His first book, Ingenious Citizenship: Recrafting Democracy for Social Change (Duke University Press, 2016), investigates the everyday practices of abject subjects such as migrant domestic workers, global sex workers, and transgender people as alternative enactments of citizenship, and examines the unconventional lessons of these improvisations of citizenship for social movement activism. The book received the 2017 Transdisciplinary Humanities Book Award from the Institute for Humanities Research.
He is currently working on a new project that combines political and cultural theorizing with fieldwork interviews in the Asian restaurant industry in Southern California to investigate how immigrant entrepreneurs, workers, and consumers bypass conventional juridical-political channels to improvise citizenship through the everyday cultural production and consumption of ethnic food. Drawing from the perspectives of food studies, affect studies, and posthumanism, this project articulates and advances an unconventional and surprising form of cultural resistance and political strategy vis-à-vis state power and capital power in the evolving landscape of neoliberalism.
He also has a sustained interest in mindfulness and contemplative practices, and his future project will investigate the cultural politics of contemplative mind-body practices in the landscape of global capitalism.
Lee's writings have appeared in journals such as Theory & Event; Women's Studies Quarterly; Critical Studies on Terrorism; Peace Review; Perspectives on Politics; Contemporary Political Theory; Social Inclusion; Politics, Groups, and Identities; The Arrow: A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics; Journal of Contemplative Inquiry; as well as the edited volumes, Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies, Core Concepts in Sociology, and The Global Citizenship Nexus: Critical Studies. He currently serves on the editorial board of the journal Citizenship Studies and the Social Justice Council at ASU's Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience. Previously, he has served as the Chair of the Status Committee of Asian Pacific Americans in the Profession and Co-Chair of the Asian Pacific American Caucus at the American Political Science Association; Graduate Director of Justice Studies at the School of Social Transformation; and on the Governance Grievance Committee at the University Senate.
- Ph.D. Political Theory and Cultural Studies, University of Southern California
- B.A. Political Science and Mass Communication, University of California-Berkeley
Political theory, critical theory, and cultural theory; cultural politics of globalization, migration, and neoliberalism; critical citizenship studies; identity/difference (race, gender, queer, trans theory); food studies; neo-materialism; affect studies; mindfulness
- "Ethnic Restaurants, Immigrant Lives, and Elastic Citizenship in Neoliberal Times." Theory & Event (2022)
- "Transformative Nonattachment: Unraveling the Prison of Perfection in the Neoliberal Academy." Journal of Contemplative Inquiry (2022)
- "Between Racial Stranger and Racial Underling: Elastic Racialization of Asian Pacific Americans across White and Multiracial Academic Spaces." Journal of Political Science Education (2022)
- "Neoliberal University, Institutional Diversity, and Pedagogy of Nonattachment for the Left." The Arrow: A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics (2021)
- "Global Capitalism, Immanent Borders, and Corporeal Citizenship." In The Global Citizenship Nexus: Critical Studies, eds. Debra D. Chapman, Tania Ruiz-Chapman, and Peter Eglin (Routledge, 2020)
- "Commentary on Fred Lee's 'Contours of Asian American Political Theory: Introductions and Polemics." In Asian Pacific American Politics: Celebrating the Scholarly Legacy of Don T. Nakanishi, eds. Andrew Aoki and Pei-te Lien (Routledge, 2020)
- "Improvising 'Nonexistent Rights': Immigrants, Ethnic Restaurants, and Corporeal Citizenship in Suburban California." Social Inclusion (2019)
- "Recalibrating Oppositional Politics." Contemporary Political Theory (2019)
- "Citizenship." Wiley-Blackwell's Core Concepts in Sociology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018)
- "Commentary on Fred Lee's 'Contours of Asian American Political Theory: Introductions and Polemics." Politics, Groups, and Identities (2018)
- "Critical Dialogue" with Deva Woodly (Ingenious Citizenship and The Politics of Common Sense). Perspectives on Politics (2017)
- Ingenious Citizenship: Recrafting Democracy for Social Change (Duke University Press, 2016)
- "Decolonizing Global Citizenship." In Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies, eds. Engin F. Isin and Peter Nyers (Routledge, 2014)
- "Multiculturalism." In Anti-Immigration in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia, ed. Kathleen Arnold (Greenwood Press, 2011)
- "Bare Life, Interstices, and the Third Space of Citizenship." Women's Studies Quarterly (2010)
- "Suicide Bombing as Acts of Deathly Citizenship? A Critical Double-Layered Inquiry." Critical Studies on Terrorism (2009)
- "Undocumented Workers' Subversive Citizenship Acts." Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (2008)
- "Tactical Citizenship: Domestic Workers, the Remainders of Home, and Undocumented Citizen Participation in the Third Space of Mimicry." Theory & Event (2006)
- Review of New Asian Marxisms, ed. Tani E. Barlow. New Political Science (2004)
- "Roundtable: Toward Theorizing Asian American Politics." American Political Science Association (September 2024)
- "Ethnic Restaurants, Strategic Posthumanism, and the Cultural Politics of Happy Objects." Cultural Studies Association (June 2024)
- "Roundtable: Anti-Racism Movements, Coalition-Building, and Intersectional Empowerment." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (October 2021)
- “Ethnic Restaurants, Elastic Instrumentality, and Posthumanist Politics in Global Capitalism.” International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (June 2021)
- "Improvising 'Nonexistent Rights': Immigrants, Ethnic Restaurants, and Corporeal Citizenship in Suburban California." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (April 2021)
- "Global Capitalism, Immanent Borders, and Corporeal Citizenship." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 2020)
- "Roundtable: Introducing Asian Pacific American Politics: Celebrating the Scholarly Legacy of Don T. Nakanishi." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (April 2020)
- "Roundtable: Politics and Popular Culture." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (April 2020)
- "Moving Sideways: Food, Intra-Action, and Elastic Politics." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 2018)
- "Ethnic Food and Traveling Citizenship: Affective, Biosocial, and Neo-material." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 2017)
- "Mindfulness and Social Justice." Research Cluster Support Grant, Institute for Humanities Research (2017-2018)
- "Roundtable: Political Theory and Interdsiciplinarity: Transforming the Boundaries in Research and Pedagogy" (with Jinee Lokaneeta, Mary Hawkesworth, Kennan Ferguson, and Farah Godrej). Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (April 2017)
- "Joint Book Panel Discussion on Charles Lee's Ingenious Citizenship and Sangay Mishra's Desis Divided" (Commentators: Ange-Marie Hancock Alfaro and Anna Sampaio). Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (April 2017)
- "Transformation is in the Details: Food, Neo-materialism, and the Politics of Informal Citizen-Making." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 2016)
- "Social Transformation is in the Details: Ethnic Food, Immigrants, and Traveling Citizenship in Neoliberal Times." Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University (March 2016)
- "Culinary Citizenship: Ethnic Food, Racial Agency, and Cultural Politics in Neoliberal Times." Institute for Humanities Research Seed Grant Project, Arizona State University (2015-2016)
- "Ethnic Food, Racial Agency, and Early Chinese Immigrants' Informal Citizen-Making in the Pre-Civil Rights United States." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (March 2016)
- "Roundtable: State of Research and Scholarship on Asian Americans in Political Science" (with Jane Junn, Sangay Mishra, and Pei-te Lien). Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (March 2016)
- "Culinary Citizenship: Ethnic Food, Racial Agency, and Cultural Politics in Neoliberal Times." American Studies Association Annual Meeting (October 2015)
- "Food, Race, and Agency: Cultural Objects and Citizen-Making." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 2015)
- "Culinary Citizenship: Ethnic Food, Racial Agency, and Cultural Politics in Neoliberal Times." Cultural Studies Association Annual Meeting (May 2015).
- "Ethnic Food, Immigrants, and Culinary Citizenship in Neoliberal Times." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting (April 2015).
- "The Global (Hidden) Live Sex Acts of Citizenship: Trafficking Assemblages, Calculated Abjection, and Tainted Citizenship." National Women's Studies Association (November 2012).
- "The Global Live Sex Acts of Citizenship: Counter-Democratic Political Life in Transnational/Migrant Sex Work." International Studies Association (April 2012).
- "The Cultural Materiality of Sex Work: the Global Live Sex Acts of Citizenship." Cultural Studies Association (March 2012).
- "Local to Global Feminisms and the Politics of Knowledge." Research Cluster Support Grant, Institute for Humanities Research (2011-2014)
- "Migrant Domestic Workers, Abject Subjects, and the Third Space of Citizenship." Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide Conference (March 2011).
- "Bare Life, Interstices, and the Third Space of Citizenship." Western Political Science Association annual conference (April 2010).
- "Suicide Bombers' Traveling Narratives: 9/11, Lethal Travelers, and Deathly Citizenship." American Political Science Association annual conference (August 2007).
- "Tactical Citizenship: Domestic Workers, Sweatshop Seamstresses, and Undocumented Citizen Participation in the Third Space of Mimicry." American Studies Association annual meeting (October 2006).
- "Of Tainted Bodies and Cosmopolitanism: Sexual Traveling of Global Sex Workers, and Tainting Citizenship from the Bodily Lower Stratum." American Political Science Association annual conference (August 2006).
- "Tactical Citizenship: Domestic Servants, Sweatshop Seamstresses, and Undocumented Citizen Participation in the Third Space of Mimicry." American Political Science Association annual conference (September 2005).
- "Deviant Cosmopolitanism: the Liberal Gaze of Suspicion and Making-Do of the Traveling Agents." American Political Science Association annual conference (September 2004).
- "Deviant Cosmopolitanism: the Liberal Gaze of Suspicion and Making-Do of the Traveling Agents." Midwest Political Science Association annual conference (April 2004).
- "Bodies in Motion: the Liberal Gaze of Suspicion and Making-Do of the Traveling Agents." Western Political Science Association annual conference (March 2004).
- "Sexual Diaspora: Transsexuality, Border Theory, and the Politics of ‘In-Between’ Third-Spacing." National Association for Ethnic Studies annual meeting (April 2002).
- "Against Politics: Sexuality, Humanist Liberation, and Postmodern Anarchy in Zhang Yimou’s Chinese Cinema." Western Political Science Association annual conference (March 2002).
- "In the Name of ‘Women’ or in the Name of “Human’: the Problematic ‘We’ Construction in the Feminist of Color Movement and a Proposition for Post-Identity Humanist Coalition." Southwestern Political Science Association annual meeting (March 2002).
- "Melodramatic Politics: Symbolic Neo-Conservatism on TV in the People’s Republic of China." Western Political Science Association annual meeting (March 2001).
- "Shifting Borders: Transsexuality, Morphing Technology, and the Politics of Identity." Annual "Thinking Gender" Conference (March 2001).
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 691 | Seminar |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 501 | Justice Theory |
JUS 370 | Cultural Diversity and Justice |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 799 | Dissertation |
JUS 438 | Human Diff:Dilemmas of Justice |
JUS 303 | Justice Theory |
SST 493 | Honors Thesis |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 799 | Dissertation |
JUS 303 | Justice Theory |
JUS 370 | Cultural Diversity and Justice |
SST 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 438 | Human Diff:Dilemmas of Justice |
JUS 691 | Seminar |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 640 | Theoretical Perspect/Justice |
JUS 370 | Cultural Diversity and Justice |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 792 | Research |
JUS 799 | Dissertation |
JUS 438 | Human Diff:Dilemmas of Justice |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 799 | Dissertation |
JUS 640 | Theoretical Perspect/Justice |
JUS 370 | Cultural Diversity and Justice |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
JUS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
JUS 493 | Honors Thesis |
JUS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
JUS 590 | Reading and Conference |
JUS 592 | Research |
JUS 599 | Thesis |
JUS 792 | Research |
JUS 438 | Human Diff:Dilemmas of Justice |
JUS 593 | Applied Project |
JUS 691 | Seminar |
- Winner, Transdisciplinary Humanities Book Award, Institute for Humanities Research (2017)
- Seed Grant Award, "Culinary Citizenship: Ethnic Food, Racial Agency, and Cultural Politics in Neoliberal Times" (PI), Institute for Humanities Research (2015)
American Political Science Association; Western Political Science Association; American Studies Association; Cultural Studies Association; National Women's Studies Association; International Studies Association
- Graduate Programs Committee, Justice Studies (2022-present)
- Editorial Board, Citizenship Studies (2022-present)
- Committee on the Status of Asian Pacific Americans in the Profession, American Political Science Association (2020-present)
- 7-Year Academic Program Review Committee, School of Social Transformation (2021-2022)
- Sexuality Studies Search Committee, School of Social Transformation (2021-2022)
- Editorial Team, Citizenship Studies (2021-2022)
- Bylaws Committee, School of Social Transformation (2020-2021)
- Governance Grievance Committee, University Senate, member (2019-2022)
- American Studies Working Group/Steering Committee, member (2019-2020)
- Social Justice Council, member, Center for Mindfulness, Compassion & Resilience (2018-present)
- Asian Pacific American Caucus, American Political Science Association, co-chair (2016-2018)
- Graduate Programs Director, Justice Studies (2017-2018)
- Graduate Programs Committee, Justice Studies (2016-2017)
- Structural Inequality Search Committee, member (2015-2016)
- SST Faculty Panel for Graduate Students, Invited Panelist, "The Psychology of Writing" (September 2015)
- Graduate Student Recruitment Panel, Invited Panelist, "Incorporating Social Justice in Research" (March 2015)
- SST Faculty Panel for Graduate Students, Invited Panelist, "Dissertation and Book" (February 2015)
- Undergraduate Committee, Justice Studies (2014-2015)
- IHR Jenny Norton Research Cluster - "Local and Global Feminisms and the Politics of Knowledge", Co-Facilitator (2011 - 2014)
- Graduate Programs Committee, Justice Studies (2012 - 2013)
- Graduate Programs Committee, Justice Studies (2010 - 2011)
- Invited Faculty Panel Discussant for “To be Rendered Powerless: Politics of Exclusion and Dependence,” First Annual Graduate Student Conference "(En)Gendering Social Inquiry: Critical Feminist Concerns" (February 2010)
- Policy Work Group, Justice Studies (2008 - 2009)
- Undergraduate Committee, Justice Studies (2007 - 2008)