Hongmin Li
Phone: 480-965-2232
BA 428 TEMPE, AZ 85287
Mail code: 4706Campus: Tempe
Hongmin Li is a Professor of Supply Chain Management in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. She joined ASU in 2007. She holds a PhD in operations management from the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Professor Li conducts research on supply chain decisions in technology and pharmaceutical industries, focusing on operations decisions including demand forecasting, revenue management and pricing, capacity planning, and production and inventory control. She also studies incentive mechanisms and power structures in the supply chain. Her research considers the life cycle characteristics of technology and pharmaceutical products and addresses operational challenges unique to each supply chain. Her recent work studies firms’ product line design and pricing decisions, considering customer choices in product or service selection. Her current work in the pharmaceutical industry examines transaction schemes among parties such as manufacturers, retailers, insurers, pharmaceutical benefit managers, online discount platforms, client organizations, and patients.
Professor Li is the recipient of the 2022 W. P. Carey Dean’s Mid-Career Research Award. Her collaborative work with Intel won First Prize in the 2017 MSOM Practice-Based Research Competition, one of the most prestigious practice-based research awards in operations management. She has been the Principal Investigator or co-PI on four research grants from the semiconductor industry and worked extensively on applied research. She served on the Academic Committee of the 2021 and 2023 MSOM Practice-Based Research Competition, and the Committee of the 2023 POMS Excellence in Industry Engagement Award. She served and chaired, respectively, the committee for the 2022 and 2023 INFORMS Prize for Teaching OR/MS Practice. In addition, she served on the Organizing Committee for INFORMS 2012 Annual Conference and was the Program Co-Chair for POMS 2021 Annual Conference. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for Manufacturing and Operations Management (M&SOM) and had previously served as a Senior Editor at Production and Operations Management (POM).
- Ph.D. Operations Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2007
- M.E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002
- M.S. Syracuse University 1998
- M.S. University of Michigan 1997
- B.S. Peking University, China 1995
- Pricing and Revenue Managment
- Inventory Management
- Capacity and Production Planning
- Demand Forecasting
- Product Transitions and Product Line Design
- Incentive Design and Supply Chain Contracting
- Operations Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Healthcare and Humanitarian Supply Chains
- Xu, Liang, Hongmin Li, and Hui Zhao, “Outcome-based reimbursement: the solution to high drug spending?” forthcoming, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
- Huh, Woonghee T. and Hongmin Li, “Technical Note: Optimal pricing under multiple-discrete customer choices and diminishing return of consumption,” forthcoming, Operations Research
- Li, Hongmin, Woonghee T. Huh, *Matheus Carioca Sampaio, **Naiping Keng, “Planning production and equipment qualification under high process flexibility,” forthcoming, Production and Operations Management.
- Li Hongmin. “Optimal pricing under diffusion-choice models,” forthcoming, Operations Research, 68(1):115-133
- Li, Hongmin, Scott Webster, and Gwangjae Yu. “Product design under Multinomial Logit choices: optimization of quality and prices in an evolving product line,” forthcoming, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(5): 1011-1025
- Farahat, Amr, Woonghee T. Huh, and Hongmin Li (2019). “On the relationship between quantity pre-commitment and Cournot games,” 2019, Operations Research, 67(1):109-122
- Li, Hongmin, Scott Webster, Nicholas Mason, and Karl Kempf (2019). “Product-line pricing under discrete Mixed Multinomial Logit demand,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(1):14-28. (First-prize, 2017 M&SOM Practice-based Research Competition)
- Li, Hongmin, and Scott Webster (2017). “Optimal pricing of correlated product options under the Paired Combinatorial Logit model,” Operations Research, 65(5): 1215-1230
- Eftekhar, Mahyar, Hongmin Li, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, and Scott Webster (2017). “The role of media exposure on coordination in the humanitarian setting,” Production and Operations Management, 26(5): 802-816
- Huh, Woonghee T. and Hongmin Li (2015). “Technical Note: Pricing under the nested attraction model with a multi-stage choice structure,” Operations Research, 63(4): 840-850
- Yin, Rui, Hongmin Li, and Christopher S. Tang (2015). “Optimal pricing of two successive-generation products with trade-in options under uncertainty,” Decision Sciences, 46(3), 565-595
- Li, Hongmin, Stephen C. Graves, and Woonghee T Huh (2014), “Optimal capacity conversion for product transitions under high service requirements,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16(1):46-60
- *Navarro-Barrientos, Jesus-Emeterio, Dieter Armbruster, Hongmin Li, Morgan Dempsey, and Karl G. Kempf (2014). “Characterization and analysis of sales data for the semiconductor market: an expert system approach,” Expert Systems with Applications, 41:893-903
- *Adriaansen, Teun,Dieter Armbruster, Karl G. Kempf, and Hongmin Li (2013), “An agent model for the high-end gamers market,” Advances in Complex Systems, 16(7)
- Li, Hongmin, Dieter Armbruster, and Karl G. Kempf (2013), “A Population-growth model for multiple generations of technology products,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,15(3): 343-360
- Li, Hongmin, Hao Zhang, and Charles H. Fine (2013), “Dynamic business share allocation in a supply chain with competing suppliers,” Operations Research, 61(2) : 280-297
- Li, Hongmin and Woonghee T. Huh (2012), “Optimal pricing for short life-cycle products when customer price sensitivity varies over time,” Naval Research Logistics, 59(7): 552-576
- Li, Hongmin and Stephen C. Graves (2012), “Pricing decisions during inter-generational product transition,” Production and Operations Management, 21(1): 14-28
- Li, Hongmin, Yimin Wang, Rui Yin, Thomas J. Kull, and Thomas Y. Choi (2012), “Target pricing: demand-side versus supply-side approaches,” International Journal of Production Economics, 136 (1): 172-184
- Li, Hongmin and Woonghee T. Huh (2011), “Pricing multiple products with the Multinomial Logit and Nested Logit models: concavity and implications,”Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 13(4): 549-563
- Li, Hongmin, Stephen C. Graves, and Donald B. Rosenfield (2010), “Optimal planning quantities for product transition,” Production and Operations Management 19(2): 142-155
- Li,Hongmin*. Decision Solver. SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH CORP(12/1/2012 - 12/31/2014).
- Li,Hongmin*. Equipment Fungibility Decision Solver. SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH CORP(10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014).
- Armbruster,Hans Dieter*, Li,Hongmin. Agent-based Simulations for Market Forecasting. INTEL CORP(4/1/2010 - 6/1/2013).
- Li,Hongmin*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter. Forecasting Inter-generation Product Transitions. INTEL CORP(10/1/2008 - 6/30/2013).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Anlyt |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Anlyt |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
SCM 591 | Seminar |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Anlyt |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 799 | Dissertation |
SCM 792 | Research |
SCM 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
SCM 516 | Descrptv&Predctv Sup Chn Anlyt |
Runner-up, 2015 POMS College of Humanitarian Operations & Crisis Management Best Paper Award
Journal Referee
- Management Science
- Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
- Operations Research
- Production and Operations Management
- Decision Sciences
- International Journal of Production Economics
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- IIE Transactions
1. Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences 2. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society 3. Production and Operations Management Society
1. Arizona State University: 2007-present 2. Research Intern, Supply Chain Department, 3Com Inc., 2005-2006 3. Software Engineer, Open Market, Inc., 2000-2001 4. Software Engineer, Tickets.Com Inc., 1998-2000.
Department Committee Service
- Undergraduate Program Committee (2007-2009, 2011-present)
- Committee to implement a student knowledge acquisition assessment process required for AACSB accreditation (2010)
- Personnel Committee (2015-present)
- Communications Committee
- Analytics Committee (2016-present)
University Service
- Academic Senate Representative (2016-present)
Research Collaborations with
- Semiconductor Research Corporation
- Intel Corporation
- 3Com, Inc.
· Research Intern
3Com, Inc. Marlborough, MA, 2005 – 2006
· Software Engineer
Open Market Inc. Burlington, MA, 2000 – 2001
Tickets.Com Inc. Syracuse, NY, 1998 – 2000