Ana Magdalena Hurtado
Phone: 480-604-9820
Matthews Center Office 201 School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Cady Mall TEMPE, AZ 85287
Mail code: 2402Campus: Tempe
Ana Magdalena Hurtado is a professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, and Affiliate Faculty member of the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation. In 1991, with funding from William T Grant career, she completed career development training in epidemiology at the School of Public Health, University of Michigan. After fifteen years of postdoctoral fieldwork, and faculty appointments at Emory University and the University of New Mexico, Hurtado moved to ASU to help build the first anthropology-based Global Health program. In 2012, Hurtado was inducted as fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She works on mortality reduction mechanisms in humans with emphasis on niche construction and on the ontology of regenerative population health. This work builds on decades of teaching interdisciplinary courses in anthropology and epidemiology and research on human ecology, cultural, immunological and epidemiological phenomena among Aché and Hiwi hunter-gatherers, and Machiguenga trekkers of Latin America.
- Public Health Program Postdoctoral Scholar. Training in Community- Based Participatory Research, MPH Program, University of New Mexico. Mentor: Professor Nina Wallerstein, 2002-2004
- Postdoctoral Fellowship: W. T. Grant Career Development Award. Social Epidemiology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Core Courses, School of Public Health, University of Michigan. Mentor: Professor Sherman James, 1991-1992
- Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Utah 1995. Dissertation: Women's Subsistence Strategies Among Ache Hunter- Gatherers of Eastern Paraguay. Advisor: Professor Eric Charnov
- Ph.D. 1st year at Columbia University (1980-1981), then transferred to the University of Utah
- B.A. Anthropology (High Honors), State University of New York-Purchase 1980
- Amanda VanSteelandt,1 Ana Magdalena Hurtado,1 Miriam Rolón,2 Antonieta Rojas de Arias,2 and Juan Carlos Jara3. High Tuberculosis Disease Burden among Indigenous People of the Paraguayan Chaco and Associated Community Characteristics, 2002–2004: An Ecological Study. Epidemiology Research International (2015).
- Cleaton J C, L Viboud, L Simonsen, A M Hurtado and G Chowell. Characterizing Ebola Transmission Patterns based on Internet News Reports - DOI: 10.1093/cid/civ748. Clinical Infectious Diseases (2015).
- Lindenau J D, Hurtado A M, Hill K R, Salzano FM and M Hutz. The Role of Variants from the Innate Immune System Genes in Tuberculosis and Skin Test Response in a Native American Population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2015).
- Ellsworth Ryan M., Drew H. Bailey, Kim R. Hill, Ana M. Hurtado, Robert S. Walker. Relatedness, Co-residence, and Shared Fatherhood Among Ache Foragers of Paraguay. Current Anthropology (2014).
- J. D. Lindenau1, L. S. P. Guimarães2, A. M. Hurtado3, K. R. Hill3, L. T. Tsuneto4, F. M. Salzano1, M. L. Petzl-Erler5 &M. H. Hutz1. Association between HLA-DR4 haplotypes and tuberculin skin test response in the Aché population. Tissue Antigens (2014).
- K. Hill, B. Wood, J. Baggio, A.M. Hurtado, R. Boyd. Inter-band Interaction among Hunter-Gatherers may Explain Cumulative Culture. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e102806. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102806 (2014).
- Lindenau, Juliana Dalri; Guimarães, Luciano; Friedrich, Deise C; Hurtado, A Magdalena; Hill, Kim; Salzano, Francisco M; Hutz, Mara Helena. Cytokine gene polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in an Amerindian population. Int J Tuberculosis Lung Dis 18(8):952–957. Cytokine gene polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in an Amerindian population. Int J Tuberculosis Lung Dis (2014).
- Bailey, Drew H., Robert S. Walker, Gregory E. Blomquist, Kim R. Hill, A. Magdalena Hurtado, and David C. Geary. Heritability and Fitness Correlates of Personality in the Ache, a Natural-Fertility Population in Paraguay. PloS one (2013).
- J. D. Lindenau, F. M. Salzano, L. S. P. Guimarães, S. M. Callegari-Jacques, A. M. Hurtado, K.R. Hill, M. L. Petzl-Erler, L.T. Tsuneto, M.H. Hutz. Distribution patterns of variability for 18 immune system genes in Amerindians – relationship with history and epidemiology. Tissue Antigens (2013).
- Hurtado AM, Invited Commentary Michael J. O’Brien and Kevin N. Laland, Genes, Culture, and Agriculture: An Example of Human Niche Construction. Gene-Culture Co-evolution and Niche Construction. (2012).
- 2010 Yang N., Mazières S., Bravi C., Excoffier L., Ray N., Wang S., Burley M., Gabriel Bedoya G., Rojas W., V. Parra M.V., Molina J.A., Gallo C., Poletti G., Hill K., Hurtado A.M., Petzl-Erler M.L., Tsuneto L.T., Klitz W., Barrantes R., Llop E., Rothhammer F., Labuda D., Salzano F.M., Bortolini M., Dugoujon J.M., & Ruiz-Linares A. Contrasting patterns of nuclear and mtDNA diversity in Native American populations. Annals of Human Genetics, (2011).
- 2011 Kim R. Hill, Robert S. Walker,Miran Božicevic, James Eder, Thomas Headland, Barry Hewlett, A. Magdalena Hurtado, Frank Marlowe, Polly Wiessner, Brian Wood. Co-Residence Patterns in Hunter-Gatherer Societies Show Unique Human Social Structure. Science. Science (2011).
- Baker J, Hurtado AM, Pearson OM, Hill KR, Jones T, Frey MA. Developmental Plasticity in Fat Patterning of Ache Children in Response to Variation in Interbirth Intervals: A Preliminary Test of the Roles of External Environment and Maternal Reproductive Strategies. American Journal of Human Biology (2009).
- Bourgeois S., V. Yotova, S. Wang, S. Bourtoumieu, C. Moreau, R. Michalski, J.P. Moisan, K. Hill, A.M. Hurtado, A. Ruiz-Linares and D. Labuda. X-Chromosome Lineages and the Settlement of the Americas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2009).
- Hill, K. and A.M. Hurtado. Cooperative Breeding in South American Hunter-Gatherers. Proceedings Royal Society Biological (2009).
- Hill, K., M. Barton, and A.M. Hurtado. The Origins of Human Uniqueness: The Evolution of Characters Underlying Behavioral Modernity. Evolutionary Anthropology (2009).
- Baker J, A M Hurtado, O M Pearson, K Hill, T Jones, M Frey. Developmental plasticity in fat patterning of Ache children in response to variation in interbirth intervals: A preliminary test of the roles of external environment and maternal reproductive strategies. American Journal of Human Biology (2008).
- Sijia Wang, Ana Hurtado, Beatriz Camrena, Humberto Nicolini, William Klitz, Ramiro Barrantes, Julio Molina, Nelson Freimer, Maria Bortolini, Francisco Salzano, Maria Petzl-Erler, Nicolas Ray, Luiza Tsuneto, Jose Dipierri, Emma Alfaro, Graciela Bailliet, Nestor Bianchi, Elena Llop, Francisco Rothhammer, Laurent Excoffier, Andres Ruiz-Linares, Winston Rojas, Maria Parra, Gabriel Bedoya, Carla Gallo, Giovanni Poletti, Guido Mazzotti, Kim Hill. Geographic patterns of genome admixture in Latin American Mestizos. PLOS Genetics (2008).
- . . Medicine and Evolution: Current Applications, Future Prospects (2008).
- Hurtado A M, M Frey, K Hill, I Hurtado, J Baker. The Role Of Helminths In Human Evolution: Implications For Global Health In The 21st Century. Medicine and Evolution: Current applications, future prospects (2008).
- A. Wilbur, L. Kubatko, J. Feurstein, Ana Hurtado, Kim Hill, Anne Stone. Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and susceptibility M. tuberculosis in Native Paraguayans. Tuberculosis (2007).
- J. Battilana, L. Cardoso-Silva, R. Barrantes, Kim Hill, Ana Hurtado, F. Salzano, S. Bonatto. Molecular Variability of the 16p13.3 Region in Amerindians and its Anthropological Significance. Annals of Human Genetics (2007).
- Kim Hill, Ana Hurtado, R. Walker. High adult mortality among Hiwi hunter-gatherers: Implications for human evolution. J. Human Evolution (2007).
- Sidia Callegari-Jacques, Shaiane Crossetti, Fabiana Kohlrausch, Francisco Salzano, Luiza Tsuneto, Maria Petzl-Erler, Kim Hill, Ana Hurtado, Mara Hutz. The Beta-globin Gene Cluster Distribution Revisited -Patterns in Amerindian populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2007).
- Wang S, Lewis CM, Jakobsson M, Ramachandran S, Ray N, Bedoya G, Rojas W, Parra MV, Molina JA, Gallo C, Mazzotti G, Poletti G, Hill K, Hurtado AM, Labuda D, Klitz W, Barrantes R, Bortolini MC, Salzano FM, Petzl-Erler ML, Tsuneto LT, Llop E, Rothhammer F, Excoffier L, Feldman MW, Rosenberg NA, Ruiz-Linares A, Hill K, Hurtado A M. Genetic Variation and Population Structure in Native Americans. PLoS Genetics (2007).
- A Magdalena Hurtado. My family, food and fieldwork. I should have stayed home: Tantalizing tales of extreme cuisine (2007).
- Baker J, Hurtado AM, Pearson OM, Jones T. 2008. Evolutionary medicine and obesity: developmental adaptive responses in human body composi¬tion. Evolutionary medicine and health: New Perspectives (2007).
- Ana Hurtado, C. Lambourne, Kim Hill, K. Kessler. The public health implications of maternal care trade-offs. Human Nature (2006).
- R. Walker, H. Kaplan, K. Kramer, W. Olliver, C. Valeggia, T. Yamauchi, M. Gurven, Kim Hill, A. Migliano, N. Chagnon, R. De Souza, G. Djurovic, R. Hames, Ana Hurtado. Growth rates and life histories in twenty-two small-scale societies. American Journal of Human Biology (2006).
- Tiago Pereira, Kim Hill, Dinorah Castro-de-Guerra, Wilson Silva, Maria-Catira Bortolini, Salzano Francisco, Adrianna Mostowska, Wieslaw Trzeciak, Andres Ruiz-Linares, Jose Chies, Carmen Saavedra, Cleusa Nagamachi, Ana Hurtado. Natural selection and molecular evolution in primate PAX9 gene, a major determinant of tooth development. PNAS (2006).
- Walker R, K Hill, O Burger, A M Hurtado. Life in the slow lane revisited: Ontogenetic separation between chimps and humans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2006).
- Ana Hurtado, C. Lambourne, Kim Hill, P. James, K. Cheman. Human rights, biomedical science and infectious diseases among South American indigenous groups. Annual Review of Anthropology (2005).
- D. Demarchi, M. Hutz, F. Salzano, M. Altuna, Kim Hill, M. Fiegenbaum, Kim Hill, Ana Hurtado, L. Tsunetto, M. Petzl-Erler. APOE polymorphism distribution among Native Americans and related populations. Annals of Human Biology (2005).
- F. Kohlrausch, S. Callegari-Jacques, L. Tsuneto, M. Petzl-Erler, Kim Hill, Ana Hurtado, F. Salzano, M. Hutz. Geography influences Microsatellite Polymorphism Diversity in Amerindians. American J. Physical Anthropology (2005).
- Sievert LL, Gonzales M C, Hurtado A M. The experience of menopause in Paraguay. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2005).
- T. Hunemeier, J. Chies, A. Neves, I. Nornberg, Kim Hill, Ana Hurtado, F. Carnese, A. Goicoechea, M. Hutz, F. Salzano. T-cell and chemokine receptor variation in South Amerindian populations. American Journal of Human Biology (2005).
- Hurtado A M. Fluctuating asymmetry and immune status: Implications for intrauterine growth in a population of South American natives. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement (2004).
- Tsuneto LT, Probst CM, Hutz MH, Salzano FM, Rodriguez-Delfin LA, Zago MA, Hill K, Hurtado AM, Ribeiro-Dos-Santos AK, Petzl-Erler. MLHLA-DQA1, -DQB1 and -DRB1 alleles in a Guarani Kaiowa population from Brazil. Human Immunology (2004).
- . . Review of: History of Paraguay (2004).
- Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. The ethics of research with remote tribal populations. Lost Paradises and the Ethics of Research and Publication (2004).
- Hurtado A M, Hill K R, Rosenblatt W, Bender J and T Scharmen. Longitudinal study of tuberculosis outcomes among immunologically naive Ache natives of Paraguay. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2003).
- Wilbur A K, Feurstein J R Hurtado A M et al. Variation in the vitamin D receptor and NRAMP1 loci in Ache of Paraguay: Implications for host susceptibility to tuberculosis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2003).
- Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. Gathering. Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History (2003).
- Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. Hunting. Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History (2003).
- Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. The ethics of research with remote tribal populations. Lost Paradises and the Ethics of Research and Publication (2003).
- Hurtado, Ana,Hurtado, I.,Hill, Kim. Public health and adaptive immunity among natives of South America. Lost Paradises and the Ethics of Research and Publication (2003).
- Hurtado, Ana,Salzano, F. Conclusions. Lost Paradises and the Ethics of Research and Publication (2003).
- Hurtado, Ana,Salzano, F. Introduction. Lost Paradises and the Ethics of Research and Publication (2003).
- Evans, A., Hurtado, Ana. Human Hierarchy Formation and Its Health Implications. (2003).
- Ana Hurtado, Kim Hill, H. Kaplan, J. Lancaster. Disease among indigenous South Americans. Anthropology Newsletter (2001).
- Wilbur, A., Feurstein, J., Hurtado, Ana, Stone, Anne, Wilbur, A., Feurstein, J., Hurtado, Ana, Stone, Anne. Involvement of vitamin D receptor and HLA loci in host susceptibility to tuberculosis in the Ache of Paraguay. The American Journal of Human Genetics (2001).
- Wilbur, A., Hurtado, Ana, Stone, Anne, Wilbur, A., Hurtado, Ana, Stone, Anne. Involvement of HLA loci in host resistance/susceptibility to tuberculosis in the Ache, a Native American Population from Paraguay. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2001).
- Mary Batten, writer; A M Hurtado and K Hill, photographers. Anthropologist: Scientist of the People. (2001).
- Kaplan, H.,Hill, Kim,Lancaster, J.,Hurtado, Ana. The Embodied Capital Theory of Human Evolution. Reproductive Ecology and Human Evolution (2001).
- . . Evolution, Culture and Behavior, Perspectives in Ethology (2000).
- Lancaster J, H Kaplan, K Hill and A M Hurtado. The Evolution of life history, intelligence and diet among chimpanzees and human foragers. Evolution, Culture and Behavior, Perspectives in Ethology (2000).
- Demarchi D A, K Hill, A M Hurtado and 12 other authors. Apoliprotein B signal peptide polymorphism distribution among Soutn Amerindian populaitons. Human Biology (1999).
- Hill K, A M Hurtado. Packer and colleagues' model of menopause for humans. Human Nature (1999).
- Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. The Ache of Paraguay. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers (1999).
- Hurtado, Ana,Hurtado, I.,Sapien, R.,Hill, Kim. The evolutionary ecology of childhood asthma. Evolutionary Medicine (1999).
- . . Review of: Mother Nature (1998).
- Hill, Kim, Hurtado, Ana. Ache Life History: The Ecology and Demography of a Foraging People. (1996).
- . . Human Nature: A Critical Reader (1996).
- Hurtado, Ana. My family, food, and fieldwork. I've Been Gone Far Too Long (1996).
- Ana Hurtado. Childhood asthma prevalence among Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans: Implications for behavioral intervention research. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (1995).
- . . Review of: Yanomamo: Fourth Edition (1995).
- . . Review of: Yanomamo: Fourth Edition (1994).
- Hill K R and A. M. Hurtado. The Evolution of Premature Reproductive Senescence and Menopause in Human Females: An Evaluation of the 'Grandmother Hypothesis'. Human Nature (1993).
- Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. Hunter-Gatherers of the New World. Exploring Animal Behavior: Readings from American Scientist (1993).
- Hurtado, Ana,Hill, Kim. Paternal Effect on Offspring Survivorship among Ache and Hiwi Hunter-Gatherers: Implications for Modeling Pair-Bond Stability. The Father Child Relationship (1992).
- Arvelo, N., Biord, H., Hurtado, Ana, Perozo DÃaz, A., Vidal Ontivero, S. Más allá del año 2000. Indios e indigenismo ante la expansión de fronteras hacia el eje fluvial Orinoco-Apure. (1990).
- Kaplan, H.,Hill, Kim,Hurtado, Ana. Risk, Foraging and Food Sharing Among the Ache. Risk and Uncertainty in the Food Supply (1990).
- . . Aspectos Antropológicos y Sociológicos de la Atención Primaria de Salud en el Territorio Federal Amazonas (1989).
- Hurtado,Ana Magdalena*. Visiting Scholars Program (For Dr A Magdalena Hurtado). YALE UNIV(6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016).
- Hurtado,Ana Magdalena*. The construction of human disease ecologies through cultural transmission: A Nivacle example. WENNER-GREN FDN(11/15/2011 - 8/31/2013).
- Hurtado,Ana Magdalena*. Doctoral Dissertation Research: Variation in the Socio-Economic Niche and Tuberculosis in the Nivacle of the Paraguayan Chaco. NSF-SBE(10/1/2010 - 12/31/2012).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
AML 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AML 792 | Research |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
AML 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
AML 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASM 401 | Health and Human Biology |
ASM 401 | Health and Human Biology |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AML 792 | Research |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
AML 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASM 401 | Health and Human Biology |
ASM 401 | Health and Human Biology |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 584 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASM 579 | Proposal Writing |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 100 | Introduction to Global Health |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASM 401 | Health and Human Biology |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 591 | Seminar |
ASB 494 | Special Topics |
ASB 584 | Internship |
- Ana Magdalena Hurtado. Is it feasible to compare human to social insect public health 'institutions'?. Weekly Seminar, Laboratory of Behavior and Evolutionary Neurobiology (Oct 2011).
- Ana Magdalena Hurtado. Niche construction and the public health origins of human uniqueness. 27th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology, "Cultural Niche Construction", Konrad Lorenz Institu (Sep 2011).
- A.M. Hurtado. Global Health in the 21st Century. Federacion Latinoamericana de Parasitologia, Asuncion, Paraguay (Nov 2009).
- A.M. Hurtado. Niche Construction Theory: A New Paradigm in Global Health. Federacion Latinoamericana de Parasitologia, Asuncion, Paraguay (Nov 2009).
- A.M. Hurtado. Evolutionary Global Health Sciences in the 21st Century. World Health Summit Berlin, Germany (Oct 2009).
- A M Hurtado. Surveillance, silent epidemics and indigenous peoples of Latin America: A call for action. Meeting,Coordinating Office of Global Health. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia (Nov 2008).
- Hurtado, Ana. Silent tuberculosis epidemics among indigenous peoples of South America. Tuberculosis among indigenous peoples of the Americas (Oct 2007).
- Hurtado, Ana. Health and economic productivity among indigenous populations of Paraguay. International Studies in Health and Economic Development Network meeting (Nov 2001).
- Hurtado, Ana, Urbina, C., McCabe, M., Mahony, M., Kessler, K., Saavedra, E., Jones, S. Childhood asthma and health outcomes among Hispanics. Medical Treatment Effectiveness Meeting (Aug 1994).
- Hurtado, Ana. Cultural relevance and cost-utility approaches in quality of life measurement. Seventh Annual Indian Health Service Research Conference (Apr 1994).
- Hurtado, Ana. Ethnicity, treatment effectiveness and childhood asthma: Why do we know so little?. Improving the Health of Latinos Conference (Sep 1993).
- Hurtado, Ana. What do we know about parental care behavior in the treatment of childhood asthma?. 23rd Annual Meeting, Human Evolutionary Ecology Symposium (Feb 1993).
- Hurtado, Ana, Hill, Kim. Costs and Benefits of Parental Care: An Asthma Example. Human Growth and Development: Modeling Relationships of Biology and Context. American Anthropological Association Meetings
- Gonzáles, M., Hurtado, Ana. Obstacles to health care in rural and indigenous communities of Paraguay.
- Gonzáles, M., Hurtado, Ana. Obstacles to health care in rural and indigenous communities of Paraguay. Ground Rounds
- Hill, Kim, Hurtado, Ana. How much food is enough? Nutrition and demographic outcomes in two South American foraging societies.
- Hurtado, Ana. Tradeoffs between childcare and work: Implications for epidemiological research. Evolution and Human Behavior Lecture Series
- Hurtado, Ana. Tuberculosis, multiples disease load and the absence of chronic diseases in indigenous populations of Lowland South America. Immunology Seminar
- Hurtado, I., Hurtado, Ana. The absence of allergies and pollen exposure among the Ache of Eastern Paraguay.
- Hurtado, Ana. Foraging behaviors among Ache women. Evolution and Human Behavior Lecture Series
- Hurtado, Ana. Land status and conservation in Ache communities. Press conference
- Hurtado, Ana, Hill, Kim, Kaplan, H., Lancaster, J. The epidemiology of infectious diseases among South American Indians. Panel on Research among the Yanomami, American Anthropological Association
- Hurtado, Ana, Lamphere, L. Policy and Fieldwork among natives of South America. Public Policy Seminar
- Wilbur, A., Feurstein, J., Hurtado, Ana, Stone, Anne. Involvement of HLA loci in host resistance/susceptibility to tuberculosis in the Ache, a Native American Population from Paraguay. Seventieth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists
- Wilbur, A., Feurstein, J., Smith, J., Hurtado, Ana, Hill, Kim, Stone, Anne. Involvement of vitamin D receptor and HLA loci in host susceptibility to tuberculosis in the Ache of Paraguay. 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Human Genetics
- Hurtado, Ana. Respiratory diseases in indigenous populations: Implications for understanding the prevalence of childhood asthma in urban centers.
- Hurtado, Ana. The behavioral ecology of childhood ashtma: Short term accomplishments and long-term objectives. Monthly Research Methods Committee Meeting
- Lancaster, J., Kaplan, H., Hill, Kim, Hurtado, Ana. The evolution of the life course and investment in human capital. Vth Biannual Symposium on the Science of Behavior: Behavior, Evolution and Culture
- Hurtado, Ana. Causes of morbidity and mortality among South American natives. American Anthropological Meetings
- Hill, Kim, Hurtado, Ana, Bywangi, M. A conservation management plan for the Kue Tuvy Aché community of eastern Paraguay.
- Hurtado, Ana. Infectious disease epidemiology among indigenous populations of South America.
- Hurtado, Ana. The cultural ecology of asthma and infectious diseases among indigenous populations of South America.
- Hurtado, Ana, Bywangi, M., Bepurangi, A., Krachogi, S., Bywangi, O., Krirogi, M., Urugi, P. Community-based conservation and land titling initiatives among the Aché of eastern Paraguay.
- Hurtado, Ana. Foraging behaviors among Ache and Hiwi women.
- Hawkes, K., Hill, Kim, Kaplan, H., Hurtado, Ana. Hunting, Gathering and Sharing: Male and Female Strategies Among the Ache. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association
- Hurtado, Ana. La Ecología del Comportamiento y estudios etnográficos.
- Hurtado, Ana. Estudios sobre los Ache del Paraguay Oriental: AspectosTeóricos y Metodológicos.
- Kaplan, H., Hill, Kim, Hawkes, K., Hurtado, Ana. Resource Redistribution Among the Ache of Eastern Paraguay: A Variance Reduction Model of Food Sharing. American Anthropological Association Meetings
- Hurtado, Ana, Hawkes, K., Hill, Kim, Kaplan, H. Female Foraging Strategies Among the Ache of Eastern Paraguay. American Anthropological Association Meetings
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow (2012 - Present)
- Journal of Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health, Editor (2012 - Present)
- Infusing Medical Education with Evolutionary Thinking, Competencies Working Group Member (2011 - Present)
- Evolutionary Global Health Sciences Concentration, Director (2010 - Present)
- Global Health PhD program, Director (2009 - Present)
- Global Health Program, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Director (2009 - Present)
- School of Human Evolution and Social Change Graduate Committee, Convenor, Global Health Program (2009 - Present)
- Aché Kue Tuvy Conservation and Health Management Program, Elected Council Member (2008 - Present)
- Centro para el Desarrollo de la Investigacion Cientifica, Indigenous health advisor (2007 - Present)
- Global Health (BA) program, Director (2007 - Present)
- Global health Program, SHESC, Arizona State University, Director (2007 - Present)
- Indigenous Health Sciences and Human Rights Group, Directory (2007 - Present)
- Undergraduate Program, SHESC, Arizona State University, Director (2007 - Present)
- Undergraduate Studies Program, Director (2007 - Present)
- Consortium for community-based participatory research, Consultant (2007 - Present)
- American Journal of Human Biology, Reviewer (2007 - Present)
- Asociacion de Comunidades Ache, Health advisor (2005 - Present)
- American Anthropological Association Commission on the Status of Indigenous Peoples of South America, Member (2002 - Present)
- Fundación PROSAM (Fundación Para la Salud de la Mujer), Co-director (2002 - Present)
- Ache communities, Tuberculosis control advisor (1997 - Present)
- Fundacion Moises Bertoni, Indigenous health advisor (1997 - Present)
- Journal of Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health, Associate Editor (2010 - 2015)
- Ache Health Care Worker program, 1997-present, Elected member (1997 - 2015)
- Kuna Women's Association, Tupile Island, Panama, Member of communal work group (2011 - 2011)
- Global Health, Convener (2011 - 2011)
- Faculty Awards Committee, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Member (2009 - 2010)
- Global Health Program, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Director, BA program (2009 - 2009)
- Undergraduate Committee, Director (2009 - 2009)
- Aché Kue Tuvy Conservation and Health Management Program,, Director (2006 - 2008)
- Theories of Health Course, Lecturer (2008 - 2008)
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Committee Member (2007 - 2007)
- Globalization Health Conference, Committee Member (2007 - 2007)
- Advisory Council, Committee member (2006 - 2006)
- Biological Anthropology Program, Convener (2006 - 2006)
- Grant writing committee, Globalization and Health Conference, Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, Committee Member (2006 - 2006)
- Biological Anthropology Program, University of New Mexico, Convener (2004 - 2006)
- Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Advisory Council Member (2004 - 2006)
- Public Anthropology Committee. Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Member (2003 - 2006)
- Long-Range Planning Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Member (2006)
- Aché Kue Tuvy Conservation and Health Management Program, Co-Director (2004 - 2006)
- Latin American and Iberian Institute Selection Committee, University of New Mexico, Member (2005 - 2005)
- Undergraduate Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Member (2005 - 2005)
- Undergraduate Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Member (2004 - 2004)
- Associate Editor (1990 - 2003)
- Minority Affairs Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Chair (2003 - 2003)
- American Anthropological Association Task Force on the Status of Indigenous Peoples: Fostering Partnerships with South American Indigenous Communities, Member (2001 - 2002)
- Graduate Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Member (2000 - 2002)
- University of New Mexico, Research Ethics Workshop, Centro Médico Bautista, Asunción, Paraguay, Organizer (2002)
- Development Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Chair (1998 - 1999)
- Instructional Resources Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Member (1997 - 1998)
- Development Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Chair (1996 - 1996)
- College of Arts and Sciences Improvements in Minority Education Committee, University of New Mexico, Member (1995 - 1996)
- Search committees for the Social and Cultural Health and Epidemiology positions, Masters in Public Health Program, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, Member (1995)
- Minority Student Affairs Coordinators and Friends Network. College of Arts and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Member (1994)
- American Lung Association, Moderator (1994)
- Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Chair (1994 - 1994)
- (Present)