Dr. Yung Chang is an immunologist who studies the development and function of the immune system. She and her research team investigate the genetic recombination process that is crucial to the establishment of adaptive immunity — the immune response the body makes to specific invaders. They also investigate how alterations of this genetic process can lead to immunodeficiencies and cancers of lymphoid cells.
In addition, Dr. Chang and her collaborators have developed a new methodology to modulate immune responses. Specifically, they use DNA nanostructure to design and construct more useful vaccines and immunotherapeutic agents. They also investigate other nanomaterials, focusing on the environmental impact of these synthetics and their adverse effect on aquatic organisms.
1. Liu., X., Y. Xu, T. Yu, C. Clifford, Y. Liu, H. Yan & Y. Chang. A DNA nanostructure platform for directed assembly of synthetic vaccines. Nano Letters (2012).
Wang, G., K. Dhar, P. C. Swanson, M. Levitus* & Y. Chang*. Real time monitoring of RAG-catalyzed DNA cleavage unveils dynamic changes in coding end association with the post-cleavage complex. Nucleic Acids Research (2012).
Wang, J., X. Zhu, Y. Chen & Y. Chang. Application of embryonic and adult zebrafish for nanotoxicity assessment. Methods in Molecular Biology: Nanotoxicity," Humana Press, Springer Publishing Group (2012).
Liu, X., H. Yan, Y. Liu & Y. Chang. Targeted Cell–Cell Interactions by DNA Nanoscaffold- Templated Multivalent Bispecifi c Aptamers. Small (2011).
Zhu, X, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Chang & Y. Chen. Trophic transfer of TiO2 nanoparticles from Daphina to zebrafish in a simplified freshwater food chain. Chemosphere (2010).
Zhu, X., Y. Chang & Y. Chen. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of TiO2 nanoparticle aggregates in Daphnia magna. Chemosphere (2010).
Zhu, X., Y. Chang* & Y. Chen. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of TiO2 nanoparticle aggregates in Daphnia magna. Chemosphere (2010).
Zhu, X., J. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Chang* & Y. Chen. Impact of ZnO nanoparticle aggregates on the embryonic development of Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Nanotechology (2009).
Research Activity
Chang,Yung*, Hecht,Sidney Michael, Kumar,Sudhir, Yan,Hao. Rational design and targeted selection of effective DNA-scaffolded nicotine vaccines (Chang). HHS-NIH-NIDA(4/15/2013 - 2/29/2016).
Chang,Yung*, Liu,Yan, Yan,Hao. Tunable DNA-nanostructure to Induce NK-mediated Killing of Tumor Cells. HHS-NIH-NCI(5/1/2010 - 4/30/2013).
Chang,Yung*. Overcoming Drug Resitance in Breast Cancer Stem Cells (BCSC). MAYO CLINIC SCOTTSDALE(1/1/2010 - 12/31/2010).
Chang,Yung*, Liu,Yan, Yan,Hao. Multi-Specific aptamer-nanoscaffolds to induce aptamer-dependent cellualr cytotoxicity (ApDCC) against breast cancer cells. DOD-ARMY-USAMRAA(9/15/2009 - 1/14/2011).
Chen,Julian J-L*, Chen,Julian J-L*, Chang,Yung. Development fo a fish model for dyskeratosis congenita and cancer research. HHS-NIH-NCRR(9/15/2008 - 6/30/2010).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Chang,Yung. Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2008 - 12/31/2010).
Chang,Yung*. Novel Cellular Model to Study Chromosome Abnormality. MAYO CLINIC SCOTTSDALE(1/1/2008 - 12/31/2009).
Jacobs,Bertram Lewis*, Chang,Yung. Disabling Vaccinia IFNr: A New Smallpox Vaccine. HHS-NIH-NIAID(7/1/2007 - 6/30/2010).
Tania Lebratti, Xiaowei Liu, Xianbin Yang, and Yung Chang. DNA Nanoparticles as Stable Programmable Carriers of siRNA. 2014 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) (Nov 2014).
Joseph Leal, Xiaowei Liu, and Yung Chang. Application of DNA-scaffolded Vaccines for Treatment of Nicotine Addiction and Cancer. 2014 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) (Nov 2014).
Yung Chang. Programmable DNA-Nanoscaffolds for Vaccine Design. 2014 National Biotechnology Conference (NBC), organized by American Association of Pharmaceutical Sc (May 2014).
Xiaowei Liu, Lili Wang, Joseph Leal, and Yung Chang. Development of DNA nanoscaffolded nicotine vaccine complex. 2014 National Biotechnology Conference (NBC), organized by American Association of Pharmaceutical Sc (May 2014).
Yung Chang. DNA-directed Programmable Vaccines. BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Vaccines (Apr 2014).
Xiaowei Liu, Joseph Leal, Hao Yan, Yan Liu & Yung Chang. Construction of DNA Nanoscaffolded Nicotine Vaccine Complex. B Cell Development and Function - Keystone Symposia (Feb 2013).
Kevin Bushway, Guannnan Wang, Katherine Noonan, Marcia Levitus & Yung Chang. Real time analysis of RAG-DNA interactions during normal and aberrant recombination reactions. B Cell Development and Function - Keystone Symposia (Feb 2013).
Liu, X. T. Yu, H. Yan, Y. Liu & Y. Chang. Exploring DNA nanostructures for vaccine development. DNA 17 17th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (Sep 2011).
Chang, Y., Liu, X. H. Yan, Y. Liu &. Targeted Cell-Cell Interactions by DNA Nanoscaffold-Templated Multivalent Bi-specific Aptamers. DOD Breast Cancer Research Program’s 2011 Era of Hope Conference (Aug 2011).
Yung Chang. Novel NIH DNA-origami nanovaccines. NIDA Avant-Garde Presentation as one of five candidates invited for full application (Jun 2011).
Wang, Ja, X. Zhua, X. Zhang, Z. Zhao, H. Liu, R. George, J. Wilson-Rawls. Y. Chang and Y. Chen. Are TiO2 nanoparticles safe? Disruption of zebrafish (Danio reior) reproduction upon chronic exposure to low concentrations of TiO2 nanoparticles. highlighted in a feature story Chemical & Engineering News, the weekly magazine of the American Chem (Mar 2011).
Wang, G. M. Levitus, P. C. Swanson & Y. Chang. Real-time Monitoring of Rag-catalyzed Recombination Cleavage. Keystone Symposia (Jan 2011).
Ananieva, Olga, Chang, Yung. Ribotoxic properties of an novel immunomodulatory compound sodium narcistatin. Signaling & Gene Expression in the Immune System (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia) (Apr 2006).
Zhi, Li, Zhong, Hanbing, Shuo, Lin, Chang, Yung. Initiation of V(D)J recombinaiton in Zebrafish Ovaries. Signaling & Gene Expression in the Immune System (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia) (Apr 2006).
Franco, Daniel, Chang, Yung. Accessibility of V(D)J recombination endsd during DNA break resolution. International Congress of Immunology (Jul 2004).
NIH-NIAID: Partnerships for Biodefense (RO1) RFA-A1-13-013, Reviewer (2013 - Present)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Reviewer (2013 - Present)
Journal of Immunology, Reviewer (2013 - Present)
Advances in Pharmacology, Reviewer (2013 - Present)