Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray
699 S. Mill Ave Brickyard Engineering Building M1-12 Tempe, AZ 85281
Mail code: 8809Campus: Tempe
Computing and engineering educator and researcher in the Academic and Student Affairs unit and in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence under the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University.
My research area of interest is focused on user, customer, and learner experience, human computing interaction, affective computing, educational technology, engineering education, intelligent tutor systems, and software engineering. I collaborate within interdisciplinary and cross-departmental research teams with renown public and private companies and educational institutions. My research is enhanced by the usage of biometric systems to generate data-based insights and assessments.
My current work includes the development and assessment of learner-centered educational programs to support, mainly, first-year engineering students both in the transition to college as well as in learning computing and engineering fundamentals. Besides this, I support research projects and initiatives for both undergrad and grad students in areas such as affective computing, augmented reality, human-computing interaction, and web-based applications.
Along the years at ASU, I have collaborated within the Motivational Environment Research Group led by Dr. Winslow Burleson (2009), the Data and Information and Artificial Intelligence Group led by Dr. Kurt VanLehn (2009 – 2013), and the Advanced Next Generation Learning Environments (ANGLE) Lab and innovative Learning and User Experience (iLUX) Lab led by Dr. Robert Atkinson (2010 – Present).
My collaboration at ASU also includes participating as committee member for undergraduate and graduate students research projects, as well as capstone team cordinator and mentor.
Prior to coming to ASU, for eight years (2001 – 2008), I collaborated within the Tecnológico de Monterrey, where I taught courses in areas such as programming, software engineering, computer architecture, and networking. Beside my teaching experience at this institution, I had the opportunity to collaborate as academic program chair for two and a half years, while I developed and established university-industry liaison programs that, due to their success, established a solid foundation for other similar programs to follow. Also, I led the effort to successfully open four new academic programs in the area of information technology and electronics that successfully recruited nearly 100 students in their first year.
- PhD in Computer Science with an Art, Media, and Engineering concentration. Arizona State University. USA (2018)
- Master’s in Science, Computing. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Guadalajara, México (2000)
- B.S. in Computer Systems. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Guadalajara, México. (1998)
- user, customer, and learner experience,
- human computing interaction,
- affective computing,
- educational technology,
- engineering education,
- intelligent tutor systems,
- software engineering.
2025 Spring
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 110 | Principles of Programming |
CSE 110 | Principles of Programming |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 240 | Intro to Programming Languages |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
ASU 101-CAI | The ASU Experience |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 110 | Principles of Programming |
CSE 110 | Principles of Programming |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 240 | Intro to Programming Languages |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 240 | Intro to Programming Languages |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
2022 Fall
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
ASU 101-CSE | The ASU Experience |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
ASU 101-CSE | The ASU Experience |
ASU 101-CSE | The ASU Experience |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
ASU 101-CSE | The ASU Experience |
ASU 101-CSE | The ASU Experience |
ASU 101-CSE | The ASU Experience |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
CSE 485 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
CSE 486 | Computer Sci Capstone Proj II |
- 2021 - Engineering Unleashed Fellowship Grant Award. Granted by The Kern Family Foundation to advance entrepreneurial mindset within engineering education to impact undergraduate engineering students. $10,000 USD.
- 2014 - ACM Senior Member. Granted by Association of Computer Machinery. It recognizes those ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience who have demonstrated performance that sets them apart from their peers.
- Member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Professional Membership.
- Member of the IEEE Computer Society. Professional Membership.
- Member of the “Red temática CONACyT en Inteligencia Computacional Aplicada (RedICA)”
- Member of Chicano/Latino Faculty and Staff Association
Graduate Supervisor Committee Member - Barrett, The Honors College
May 2020
- Rushikesh Bapu Sargar, Master of Science, Computer Science – Recommender System Using Reinforcement Learning
Mentor for the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative
- Gil Ruiz, Engineering Robotics – Providing comprehensive therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder by using a riveting virtual reality application
May 2021
- Gautam Sethi, Computer Science – Understanding the Impact of the Frequency of Distractions on Cognitive Ability
Dec 2020
- Anish Agarwal, Computer Science – Determining the Effect of Stimuli Frequencies and Periodicities as Patterned Distractions on a Student’s Cognitive Ability
Thesis Director for Undergraduate honors students - Barrett, The Honors College
Present (graduating Dec 2022)
- Courtney Anne Dozier, Computer Science – Enabling Natural Language Instruction through Machine Learning. Member: Victor Benjamin, Assistant Professor at W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University
- Henry Nolan OScannlain Miller, Computer Science – Creating Powerful and Predictable Agents through Reinforcement Learning. Member: Victor Benjamin, Assistant Professor at W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University
- Peter Moore & Michael Ross, Computer Science – Adding Observability to the Girard Training Stables Scheduling Tool. Member: Greg Vannoni – Ohack
Present (graduating May 2022)
- Matteo Bergsagel, Computer Science – Harnessing Natural Language Understanding to Aid Human Resources Contact Centers. Member: Christopher Burns – Common Spirit
- Jan Daniel De Waard, Mathematics – Automation of Unstructured Case Intake Using Artificial Intelligence. Member: Christopher Burns – Common Spirit
- Shefali Deosthali, Computer Science – PayPal - Social Injustice Index. Member: Nicolle Mathews, SRCE Actionable Insights – Software Engineer at PayPal
- Yumeng Ma, Computer Science – Assessing Exhibit Interaction through Biometrics. Member: Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Lecturer at School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence – Arizona State University
Dec 2021
- Henry Zhao, Computer Science – Sizing-Up in the Cyber Space: Large Scale Cyber Exercises in the 21s Century. Member: Colonel Brad E. Rhodes, Head of Cybersecurity – Zvelo
May 2021
- Zachary Christian Hoffmann, Computer Science – Creating Reliable Software System for the DORA CubeSat. Member: Daniel C. Jacobs, Assistant Professor at the School of Earth and Space Exploration – Arizona State University