Cindi SturtzSreetharan
Phone: 480-965-6170
SHESC 266 TEMPE, AZ 85287-2402
Mail code: 2402Campus: Tempe
Cindi SturtzSreetharan earned a bachelor's in international relations from Willamette University; her master's in Asian studies from the University of Oregon; and a doctorate in Anthropology from University of California at Davis. To date, her interests have centered on a language-in-interaction approach to the construction of masculinity; specifically, most of her work has focused on how Japanese men use language as a resource for creating, maintaining, or refuting a masculine identity. More recently she has turned her attention to the intersection of language, the body, and medicine. Her current work investigates metabolic syndrome in Japan. She is currently investigating the everyday language of weight stigma in the US and in Japan. This project attends to the way that mundane interactions around language create moments of acute attention to the size, shape, and expression of body sizes as well as discipline of the body.
- Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California-Davis
- M.A. Asian Studies, University of Oregon
- B.A. International Relations, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon
Christensen, P., C. SturtzSreetharan, C. Crabtree, C.T. McClean. Selective Development Goals: Examining Japan’s SDG Implementation Gaps. Social Science Japan Journal (Forthcoming)
Ruth, A., M. Beresford, A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, L. Gleason**, C. SturtzSreetharan, M.V. du Bray, P. Cruz y Celis Peniche**, K. Harper, K. Mayfour, O. Medina-Ramírez, M. Moghaddam, R. Negrón, R.G. Nelson, S. Renkert, A.D. Roque, and B. Yagüe**. Value Propositions Provide a Roadmap for Teaching Doctoral Students How to Develop Research Proposals: Results from the National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program (NSF CAMP). Teaching Anthropology (Forthcoming)
Nelson, R. G., Connors, C., SturtzSreetharan, C., *Gleason, L., Bernard, H. R., &Dillon, S. J. Launching New Research: Highlights From Faculty-Fellow Collaborations at CAMP. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 88–90. (2024)
du Bray, M. V., Negrón, R., Krause, K. C., SturtzSreetharan, C., & Mayfour, K. Mentorship to Support Mental Health for Students in Applied Anthropology. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 128–130. (2024)
Ilboudo Nébié, E. , A. Wutich, H. Bernard, K. Harper, A. Crittenden, M. Beresford, L. Radonic, A. Brewis, J. Luque. A. Ruth, C. Mitchell, A. Roque, C. L. SturtzSreetharan, T. Rhiney. New Teaching in Participatory Methods for Practicing Anthropology. Practicing Anthropology 46(2), 104–107. (2024)
Negrón, R., A. Ruth, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Gunderson, E. Ilboudo Nébié, *s. n. hussein, M. Beresford, H. R. Bernard, R. Nelson, and A. Wutich. Building an Inclusive Big Tent for Methods: Invitation to a Community of Practice Where the Methods Belong to All of Us. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 84–87. (2024)
Ruth, A., M. du Bray, *L. Gleason, M. Beresford, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, R. Negrón, A. Roque, R.G. Nelson, and A. Wutich. The New NSF CAMP Feedback Method for Research Mentorship. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 119–123. (2024)
DuBois, L.Z., A. Brewis, *R.C. Burson, *S.J. Dillon, *J. Gibb, *L. Gleason, L., *s.n. hussein, *D. Jolly, *S. Montañola, Nelson, *G. Olmos Rosas, *E. Bingham Thomas, C.L. SturtzSreetharan. From gender and sex to gender/sex: reconceptualizing critical research categories. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 108–111. (2024)
SturtzSreetharan, C.L. They think I’m fat and lazy: The large body as social failure in Japan. In Heidi Altman (ed) Agency and Autonomy in Systems of Care, pages 63-82. Lexington Books. (2024)
SturtzSreetharan, C.L. Transcription: Understanding its analytic power. In The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors, edited by A. Ruth, A. Wutich, and H.R. Bernard. Oxford, England: Routledge. (2024)
Gleason, L* & C.L. SturtzSreetharan. Identifying variation. In The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors, edited by A. Ruth, A. Wutich, and H.R. Bernard. Oxford, England: Routledge. (2024)
Brewis, A, K. Knudson, C. Stojanowski, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, & A. Wutich. The Human Story: An Introduction to Anthropology. Norton Press. 2024.
Snodgrass, J.B., M.G. Lacy*, A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, K.S. Oths, M. Beresford, S. Bendeck*, J.R. Branstrator*, H.J.F. Dengah II, R.G. Nelson, A. Ruth, S.I. Sagstetter*, C. L. SturtzSreetharan, & K. Xinyi Zhao*. Deep Hanging Out, Mixed Methods Toolkit, or Something Else? Current Ethnographic Research Practices in U.S. Cultural Anthropology. Annals of Anthropological Practice. (2024)
L. Zachary DuBois, Jae A. Puckett, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, Dee Jolly*, Brenna R. Lash, T. Zachary Huit, Natalie Holt, Allura Ralston, Debra A. Hope, Richard Mocarski, Tian Walker**, Makinna Miles**, Sage Volk, A. Capannola, Clover Tipton, & Robert-Paul Juster. Mental health, coping, and resilience among transgender and gender diverse people through the 2020 US presidential election. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (2024)
Negrón, R., A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, A. Brewis, A. Ruth, K. Mayfour, B. Piperata, M. Beresford, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, P. Mahdavi, J. Hardin, R. Zarger, K. Harper, J. Holland Jones, C.C. Gravlee, B. Brayboy. Ethnographic Methods Training Norms and Practices and the Future of American Anthropology. American Anthropologist (2024).
Ulian, Mariana Dimitrov, Unsain, Ramiro Fernandez, Franco, Ruth Rocha, Santo, Marco Aurélio, Brewis, Alexandra, SturtzSreetharan, C.L., Wutich, Amber, Trainer, Cindi, Gualano, Bruno, & Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza. More than meets the eye: a qualitative investigation about the complex construction of a higher body weight of Brazilian women who underwent bariatric surgery. Journal of Psychological Research 5:4. (2023) DOI:10.30564/jpr.v5i4.5981
SturtzSreetharan, C.L., M. Ghorbani**, A. Wutich, A. Brewis. Deny, Reassure, and Deflect: Evidence and Implications of Forms and Norms of Fat Talk. Cross Cultural Research (2024) DOI:10.1177/10693971231199373
Schuster, R., A. Wutich, K. Wachter, A. Brewis, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, and G. Boateng. Design for longitudinal cross-cultural mixed methods research. ISSBD Bulletin, 1(83): 6-9. Supplement to International Journal of Behavioral Development 47(3): May. (2023)
Ruth A., A. Brewis, M. Beresford, M.E. Smith, C.M. Stojanowski, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Wutich. Lab-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (LUREs): Evidence of Effectiveness from the Social Sciences. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (2023) DOI:10.18833/spur/7/1/3
Choudhary, N., C.L. SturtzSreetharan, S. Trainer, A Brewis, A Wutich, K Clancy, U Fatima*, & MJ Hossain*. Managing menstruation with dignity: Worries, Stress and Mental Health in two water-scarce urban communities in India. Global Public Health. (2023)
Dimitrov Ulian, M., R. Fernandez Unsain, R. Rocha Franco, M. Aurélio Santo, A Brewis, S. Trainer, C. L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich, B. Gualano, & F. Baeza Scagliusi. Weight stigma after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study with Brazilian women. PLoSOne (2023) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287822
Schuster, R., A. Brewis, A Wutich, C. Safi, T. Elegido Vanrespaille, G. Bowen, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, & P. Ochandarena. Individual interviews versus focus groups for evaluations of international development programs: Systematic testing of method performance to elicit sensitive information in a justice study in Haiti. American Journal of Evaluation, 97. (2023)
Ruth, A., K. Woolard, J. Hardin, T. Sangaramoorthy, A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, B. Brayboy, H. Dengah II, C.C. Gravlee, G. Guest, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, S.M. Mattison, M. Moritz, R. Negrón, B.A. Piperata, J.G. Snodgrass & R. Zarger. Teaching Ethnography: The State of the Art. Human Organization 81(4): (2022)
DuBois, L.Z., SturtzSreetharan, C.L., MacFife, B*., Puckett, J.A., Jagielski, A. Dunn, T., Anderson, T., Hope, D.A., Mocarski, R., Juster, R.P. Trans and Gender diverse people’s experience wearing face masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary findings from data across 4 States in the U.S. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. (2022).
Ruth, A., A. Brewis, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich & C. Stojanowski. Effectiveness of Online Social Science UREs: Exploratory Evidence. Frontiers in Education (2022).
Beresford, M, Wutich, A., Brewis, A., du Bray, M., Stotts, R., Ruth, A., SturtzSreetharan, CL. Coding Qualitative Data at Scale: Guidance for Large Coder Teams Based on 18 Studies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. (2022)
Ruth, A., K Woolard, T. Sangaramoorthy, B. McKinley Jones Brayboy, M. Beresford, A. Brewis, H. R. Bernard, M. Z. Glegziabher , J. Hardin, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, J. G. Snodgrass, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich. Teaching Ethnographic Methods for Cultural Anthropology: Current Practices and Needed Innovation. Teaching Anthropology (2022)
Trainer, S, SturtzSreetharan, C.L., Wutich, A., Brewis, A, & Hardin, J. Fat is all my fault: Globalized metathemes of body self-blame. MAQ DOI: 10.1111/maq.12687 (2021)
SturtzSreetharan, C.L., A.A. Brewis, J. Hardin, S. Trainer, A. Wutich. Fat-in-Four-Cultures: A Global Ethnography of Weight. University of Toronto Press. (2021).
SturtzSreetharan, C.L., S. Trainer, A. Brewis. The Harm Inflicted by Polite Concern: Language, Fat, and Stigma. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1007/s11013-021-09742-5 (2021)
Wutich, A., Beresford, M., C.L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, S. Trainer, J. Hardin. Metatheme analysis: A qualitative method for cross-cultural research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. (2021)
Ruth, A., A. Brewis & C.L. SturtzSreetharan. Effectiveness of Social Science Research Opportunities: A Study of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). Teaching in Higher Education. (2021)
Mitchell*, C., E. Ore, A. Wutich, C. L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, & O. Davis. Sister-girl talk: A community-based method for group interviewing & analysis. Field Methods 34(2). 2022.
SturtzSreetharan, C.L. ‘My body doesn’t hinder me, so I’m satisfied’: Enacting a Japanese life through lingual life histories. Journal of Anthropological Research. (2021)
King*, S., Y. Ren*, K. Idemaru, & C.L. SturtzSreetharan.Sounding like a father: The influence of regional dialect on perceptions of masculinity and fatherhood. Language in Society. (2021)
Scagliusi, F.B., M. D. Ulian, B. Gualano, O. J. Roble, U. Fernandez, P. de Morais Sato, C. L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, A. Wutich. “Before I saw a gas canister, now I see a person”: Post-intervention qualitative differences in body acceptance and response to weight stigma in everyday lives among Brazilian ‘gorda’ women living with obesity. Human Organization, 79(3): 176-191. (2020)
Ruth, A., C.L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, A. Wutich. Structural Competency of Pre-Health Students: Can a Single Course Lead to Meaningful Change? Medical Science Educator. 10.1007/s40670-019-00909-9 (2020)
Trainer, S., J. Hardin, C.L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis. Worry-nostalgia: Anxieties around the felt fading of local cuisines and foodways. Gastronomica 20(2). (2020)
SturtzSreetharan, C.L. and J. Shibamoto-Smith. Fathers of Massan: What an NHK asadora tells us about Japanese Fatherhood. Japanese Studies. (2020)
SturtzSreetharan, C.L. Citizen Sociolinguistics: A data collection approach for hard-to-capture naturally-occurring language data. Field Methods 32(3). (2020)
Swami, V., U. Tran, D. Barron, . . . C.L. SturtzSreetharan, et al. The breast size satisfaction survey (BSSS): Breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations. Body Image 32: 199-217. (2020)
Ruth, A., C.L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis, A. Wutich. Structural Competency of Pre-Health Students: Can a Single Course Lead to Meaningful Change? Medical Science Educator, (), 1-7. 10.1007/s40670-019-00909-9 (2020)
Agostini, G., C. L. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich, D. Williams, A. Brewis. Citizen Sociolinguistics: A new method to understand fat talk. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0217618. (2019)
SturtzSreetharan, C.L., G. Agostini, A. Wutich, A. A. Brewis, C. Mitchell*, O. Rines*, B. Romanello*. I need to lose some weight”: Masculinity and body image as negotiated through fat talk. Psychology of Men and Masculinitites. (2019)
SturtzSreetharan, CL. With G. Agostini, A.A. Brewis, A. Wutich. Fat talk: A citizen sociolinguistic approach. Journal of Sociolinguistics 23(3):263-283. DOI:10.1111/josl.12342. (2019)
SturtzSreetharan, CL and A.A. Brewis. Rice, men, and other everyday anxieties: Navigating obesogenic urban food environments in Osaka, Japan. In Vojnovic, I., A. Pearson, A. Gershim, G. Deverteuil, and A. Allen (eds), Handbook of Global Urban Health, pp. 545-564. Routledge. (2019)
SturtzSreetharan, CL. With S Trainer, A. Wutich, and AA Brewis. Moral Biocitizenship: Discursively managing food and the body after Bariatric Surgery. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28(2): 221-240. (2018)
SturtzSreetharan, CL. With SY Han and AA Brewis. Employment and weight status: The extreme case of body concern in South Korea. Economics and Human Biology 29:115-121. (2018)
SturtzSreetharan, CL. With AA Brewis, A Wutich. Obesity Stigma as a Global Health Challenge. Globalization and Health 14:20. (2018)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Language and masculinity: The role of Osaka dialect in contemporary ideals of fatherhood. Gender and Language 11(4): 552-574. (2017)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Academy of Devotion: Performing status, hierarchy, and masculinity on reality TV, Gender and Language 11(2): 176 - 203. (2017)
SturtzSreetharan, CL. With AA Brewis, SY Han. Weight, gender, and depression in South Korea. American Journal of Human Biology. DOI:10.1002/ajhb.22972. (2017)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Resignifying the Japanese father: Mediatization, commodification, and dialect. Language and Communication. DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2016.09.003. (2017)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Na(a)n ya nen! Making Masculinity and Making Curry in Kansai. Journal of Japanese Language and Literature 49(2): 429-452. (2015)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. With Janet S. Shibamoto Smith and Debra J Occhi. Finding Mr. Right: New looks at gendered modernity in Japanese Televised Romances. Published as part of the Special Issue: Language in Public Spaces in Japan Journal of Japanese Studies 30(3): 409-17 (2010)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. "Ore" and "Omae": Japanese men's use of first- and second-person pronounsPragmatics 19(2): 253-278. (2009)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Osaka Aunties: Negotiating Honorific Language, Gender, and Regionality. In Brown, Amy & Josh Iorio (eds.) Proceedings of SALSA XVI: 2008 Texas Linguistic Forum 52: 163 – 173. (2008)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. I read the Nikkei, too: Crafting positions of authority and masculinity in Japanese Conversations, the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 16(2): 173 – 193. (2006)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Gentlemanly Gender? Japanese Men’s Politeness in Casual Conversations, Journal of Sociolinguistics: 10(1): 70-92. (2006)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Japanese Men’s Linguistic Stereotypes and Realities: Conversations from the Kansai and Kanto regions. In Okamoto, Shigeko and (Shibamoto)Smith, Janet. (eds.) Japanese Language, Gender, and Ideology: Cultural Models and Real People, Oxford University Press: 275 – 289. (2004)
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi. Students, Sarariiman (pl.), and Seniors: Japanese men’s use of “manly” speech register. Language in Society 33: 81-107. (2004)
Sturtz(Sreetharan), Cindi. “Uwaki tte iu no wa attemo ii n janai ka?”: Japanese men’s conversations up-close an personal. (“It’s alright to have a mistress/affair, isn’t it?”), Japanese Studies 22(1): 49-63. (2002)
**denotes undergraduate student co-author; *denotes graduate student co-author
Project: Everyday Language of Weight (or Body) Stigma: Regimenting bodies through mundane interactions
(2023 - ongoing)
Daily life includes mundane interactions that, while seemingly boring and innocuous, socialize us into thinking about bodies in particular ways. At a healthcare encounter, the medical assistant told me to "get the worst part of my day over" and then asked me to stand on the weighing scale. Ordering a drink in a cafe, the customer next to me asked for a large sized blended coffee drink with extra syrup noting that "I shouldn't have this but it's been a week." And, one evening while in Japan doing fieldwork, I listened to a mother tell her son to watch his diet as he is "getting fat." These seemingly mundane interactions that happen in the family, in public with strangers, or in healthcare settings (among other location) remind us to be aware of our bodies -- what we are eating, how we look, and what size we are. This project seeks to capture these mundane instances of language and investigates the social actions of these interactions.
Abe Fellow: 2020-2023 (extended due to COVID-19)
Project: Obesity anxieties: Comparing the lived experience of weight-related policy for Japanese and US men
Obesity rates are on the rise globally. Sentiment around obesity is shifting from positive associations of health and wealth to negative associations of laziness and a lack of self-control. Policies meant to address obesity are designed and developed by public health experts who may not recognize the effect the policies have on the emotional well-being of individual laypeople including depression and social exclusion. At the same time, social messages address issues of health and size. While public health policies address overweight and obesity, social messaging around health tends to focus on a thin ideal. The ways in which Japan and the US approach public health policies around obesity present a valuable opportunity to ask: How do explicit health policies, in comparison to implicit policies contribute to fat shaming and fat stigma? Using qualitative ethnographic methods, this research will characterize the lived experience of fat in Japan versus the US with specific focus on Japanese and US men. Does the Japanese annual health (metabo) exam contribute to worsening fat stigma because it is mandatory (explicit health policy) or do social messages from health agencies and peers (implicit health policy) have a similar effect?
Despite long-standing efforts at reducing the rates of obesity in Japan and the US, both countries continue to see increases, especially among men (30.7% in Japan and 73.7% in the US). Experts may perceive a lack of exercise and poor diet to be the main cause of these increasing rates, while laypeople may explain their increasing waistline through narratives of a lack of discipline or stress. Increasingly, scholars are investigating the role of emotional health and the role it plays in weight, finding that shame and stigma around weight can have the opposite effects on people trying to reduce or maintain their weight. That is, fat shame and stigma can lead to weight gains, rather than reductions.
This research moves beyond thinking about diet and exercise and instead focuses on the ways that explicit and implicit health policies may contribute to weight gain by encouraging and enforcing strict body vigilance which can be internalized as anti-fat sentiment or fat stigma which can also put people at risk for social exclusion. Japanese and US men are understudied in qualitative research on topics of weight and stigma.
Ethnographic methods and qualitative analyses have been widely used in research to study lived experiences of highly personal and often sensitive topics. Participant observation combined with semi-structured interviews can elucidate how people characterize and organize their experiences of fat, health policy, and stigma. The semi-structured interview will probe along five domains including (1) food and eating; (2) body ideals, body capital, and bodies in society; (3) disease and health of large bodies; (4) health policy; and (5) body concerns and stigma. Narrative and thematic analyses will identify the experiences and sentiment which are particular and shared within and across sites. We will gain fundamental understandings into the ways that explicit and implicit health policies impact men’s lives in Japan and the US.
Project: Trans Resilience & Health in Sociopolitical Contexts
To learn about this project, check out this infographic.
You can watch our recent conference presentation Resilience and health amidst COVID-19: Experiences of trans and gender diverse people.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 443 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
ASB 443 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
SSH 403 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
SSH 403 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 370 | Ethics of Eating |
ASB 370 | Ethics of Eating |
ASB 302 | Ethnographic Field Study |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 394 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 443 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
ASB 443 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
SSH 403 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
SSH 403 | Cross-Cultrl Studies Glbl Hlth |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 300 | Food and Culture |
ASB 370 | Ethics of Eating |
ASB 370 | Ethics of Eating |
ASB 302 | Ethnographic Field Study |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
LIN 516 | Pragmatics/Discourse Analysis |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 591 | Seminar |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 484 | Internship |
ASB 484 | Internship |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 591 | Seminar |
ASB 584 | Internship |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 584 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 592 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
ASB 380 | Language, Culture & Gender |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 493 | Honors Thesis |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 592 | Research |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 790 | Reading and Conference |
ASB 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ASB 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ASB 591 | Seminar |
ASB 584 | Internship |
Sixth Cohort of the U.S.-Japan Network for the Future, Member 2022 - 2024, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
Associate Editor, Social Science & Medicine, Medical Anthropology Desk
American Anthropological Association (AAA) International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Kobe College Corporation Japan Education Exchange, Graduate Fellowship Program Chair (2012 - Present)
Community Publications
On the Quad College: How to Arrive, Survive, and Thrive in College with Heidi van Beek. Available on Amazon Kindle. Published in 2014, On the Quad: How To Arrive, Survive and Thrive at College is a no-nonsense approach to making good decisions and achieving real success in your college career. With just a little help, you can make your college experience fun, exciting and successful. You’ll gain the confidence to ask the right questions and get the right answers from day-one of your college search, right through the first semesters of your new college life.
Check out our blog at:
2023 大阪弁が醸す愛情深さ、「男っぽさ」 外国人が感じる日本語の不思議 [Osaka dialect exudes affection and masculinity; a foreigner explores the mystery of the Japanese language.] Interview in Asahi Shinbun (conducted in Japanese), Feb 14. Evening Edition.
2023 大阪弁は標準語より愛情深い? 日本語に魅せられ、アメリカで研究[Is Osaka dialect more affectionate than Standard Japanese? Exploring Japanese language from the United States.] Podcast in English (recorded in English)
Study: Life experiences as valuable as training when collecting some scientific data, Interview, ASU News, Feb 14, 2022.
Framing and shaming body size in Japan with Claire Maree, Ear to Asia podcast, August 23, 2021.
People around the world agree: Too busy to lose the weight Interview, ASU Now, July 9, 2021.
‘Sharking’ and ‘Zoom Bombing’: Which new words will survive the pandemic? Interview, 91.5 KJZZ ‘The Show’ April 23, 2021
‘Mandemic’: Inventing new words to capture the moment Interview with AZ NPR Affiliate, KJZZ ‘The Show’, April 14, 2020
ASU research on talking about our bodies Interview, Arizona PBS, Arizona Horizon, April 25, 2019
Chewing the fat: Understanding how we talk about our bodies Interview, ASU Now, April 22, 2019
Language Study Explores What Society Values - And Doesn't - In Each Gender Interview with AZ NPR Affiliate, KJZZ, August 21, 2018.
How Pivotal Moments Change Our Language, Culture Interview with Dr. Neal Lester for AZ NPR Affiliate, KJZZ, February 8, 2018.
Generational Shift, Reflections Of Technologies Change How We Use Words Interview with AZ NPR Affiliate, KJZZ, September 25, 2017.
Interdisciplinary Committee on Linguistics (ICOL): a group of people at ASU studying language