Deborah Strumsky is an assistant professor at Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, Arizona. Her research has focused on the study of innovation, invention and technological change, and their relationship to economic growth. More recent work has explored technological change in in renewable energy systems. She has a several longstanding collaborations with researchers at the Santa Fe Institute in Santa Fe, NM and a background in complex adaptive systems.
She received her BS in economic from the University of Southern Maine and her Masters and PhD in Regional Science from Cornell University. She worked as an Energy Market Analyst at Energy Security Analysis in Boston, Massachusetts before accepting as a position as a Statistical Analyst at the Harvard Business School. Deborah taught at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte before accepting a position at ASU in January, 2015.
Deborah was a co-author in Informs 2014 paper of the year “Mobility, skills, and the Michigan Non-compete Experiment” published in Management Science, and co-authored the “Patenting Prosperity: Invention and Economic Performance in the United States and its Metropolitan Areas” with the Brookings Institute. In 2013, she was awarded a $999,000 Department of Energy research grant, “Forecasting and influencing technological progress in solar energy.”
She currently has appointments in the ASU-SFI Center for the Study of Biosocial Complex Systems, the School for the Future of Innovation and Society and beginning in the summer of 2017 she will also have an appoinment with the School for Sustainability. In addition to ASU, she is also an External Faculty Fellow at the Jönköping International Business School in Jönköping, Sweden.