Katie Cramer
Mail code: 4501Campus: Tempe
Katie Cramer is an Associate Research Professor at the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University, an Ocean Science Fellow at the Center for Oceans at Conservation International, and a National Geographic Explorer. Katie is a marine conservation ecologist whose work reconstructs long-term change in marine ecosystems and predicts their future states to motivate and inform conservation. Her current research is focused on improving the health of coral reef ecosystems by pinpointing the social and ecological mechanisms of recent declines and identifying strategies that can improve the sustainability of coral reef fisheries and the food security of reef-dependent communities. Her work is interdisciplinary, spanning the fields of marine ecology, paleobiology, marine policy, and fisheries science.
Katie received her Ph.D. in Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Prior to joining ASU, she was a Knauss Marine Policy Fellow in the U.S. Senate, an ecologist at Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Smithsonian Institution and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
- PhD, Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- MS, Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- BS, Ecology, Behavior, Evolution, UC San Diego
- marine conservation ecology
- coral reef conservation
- fisheries ecology
- ocean policy
- conservation paleobiology
Waldock C, Maire E, Albouy C, Andreoli V, Beger B, Claverie T, Cramer KL, Feary DA, Ferse SCA, Hoey A, Loiseau N, MacNeil MA, McLean M, Mellin C, Montcho SA, Palomares ML, de la Puente S, Tupper M, Wilson S, Velez L, Zamborain-Mason J, Zeller D, Mouillot D, Pellissier L. Micronutrient mismatch of fisheries catch and potential availability in tropical reef fish assemblages. In review, People and Nature.
Staples TL, Blois J, Cramer KL, Cunningham ET, Dornelas M, Haberle SG, Heger T, Kiessling W, Magurran AE, O’Dea A, Penny AM, Radeloff VC, Smith JA, Thuiller W, Williams JW, Pandolfi JM. A unifying framework for the measurement of ecological and environmental novelty. Submitted, Science Advances.
Muraoka WT*, Cramer KL*, O’Dea A, Zhao J, Leonard ND, Norris RD. 2022. Historical declines in parrotfish on Belizean coral reefs linked to shifts in reef exploitation following European colonization. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:972172. (*equal authorship)
Andrachuk M, Peckham H, Box S, Campbell S, Cramer KL, Darling E, Dougherty D, Geers T, Hicks C, Kleisner K, Mangubhai S, Mason J, Matthews E, Rife A, Rivera A, Robinson J, Wabnitz C. 2022. The role of coral reef small-scale fisheries for addressing malnutrition and avoiding biodiversity loss. A Vibrant Oceans Initiative Whitepaper.
Cramer KL, Donovan MK, Jackson JBC, Greenstein BJ, Korpanty CA, Cook GM, Pandolfi JM. 2021. The transformation of Caribbean coral communities since humans. Ecology and Evolution 11:10098-10118.
Cramer KL, Kittinger JH. 2021. Reef conservation off the hook: Can market interventions make coral reef fisheries more sustainable? Frontiers in Marine Science 8:675274.
Cramer KL, Murphy E, Bernard M, Sangolqui P, Gutierrez L, Bernat I, Surrey K, Gerber LR. 2021. The present and future status of ecosystem services from coral reefs. In: Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Cramer KL, Jackson JBC, Greenstein BJ, Donovan MK, Korpanty CA, Cook GM, Pandolfi JM. 2020. Widespread loss of Caribbean acroporid corals was underway before coral bleaching and disease outbreaks. Science Advances. [recommended in Faculty Opinions as being of special significance in its field by Mark Hay; 10.3410/f.738253948.793578481]
Cramer KL, O’Dea A, Leonard-Pingel JS, Norris RD. 2019. Millennial-scale change in Caribbean coral reef ecosystem structure and the role of human and natural disturbance. Ecography 43:283-293.
Łukowiak M, Cramer KL, Madzia D, Hynes MG, Norris RD, O’Dea A. 2018. Historical change in a Caribbean reef sponge community and long-term loss of sponge predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 601:127–137.
Cramer KL, O’Dea A, Carpenter C, Norris RD. 2018. A 3,000 year record of Caribbean reef urchin communities reveals causes and consequences of long‐term decline in Diadema antillarum. Ecography 41:164–173
Cramer KL, O’Dea A, Clark TR, Zhao J, Norris RD. 2017. Prehistorical and historical declines in Caribbean coral reef accretion rates driven by loss of parrotfish. Nature Communications 8
Sibert EC, Cramer KL, Hastings PA, Norris RD. 2017. Methods for isolation and quantification of microfossil fish teeth and elasmobranch dermal denticles (ichthyoliths) from marine sediments. Palaeontologia Electronica 20:1–14.
Cramer KL, Leonard-Pingel JS, Rodríguez F, Jackson JBC. 2015. Molluscan subfossil assemblages reveal the long-term deterioration of coral reef environments in Caribbean Panama. Marine Pollution Bulletin 96:176–187
Cramer KL. 2014. Historia del impacto humano sobre los ecosistemas costeros del Caribe panameño. In: Rodríguez F, O’Dea A, editors. Historia Natural del Istmo de Panamá. Panama: Albacrome S.A.
Robertson DR, Cramer KL (equal authorship). 2014. Defining and dividing the Greater Caribbean: insights from the biogeography of shorefishes. PLoS ONE 9(7):e102918.
Jackson JBC, Donovan MK, Cramer KL, Lam VYY (editors). 2014. Status and trends of Caribbean coral reefs: 1970-2012. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Cramer KL. 2013. History of human occupation and environmental change in western and central Caribbean Panama. Bulletin of Marine Science 89:955-982.
Cramer KL, Jackson JBC, Angioletti C, Leonard-Pingel J, Guilderson TP. 2012. Anthropogenic mortality on coral reefs in Caribbean Panama predates coral disease and bleaching. Ecology Letters 15:561-567.
Robertson DR, Cramer KL (equal authorship). 2009. Shore fishes and biogeographic subdivisions of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 380:1-17 (feature article).
Cramer KL, Perryman W, Gerrodette T. 2008. Declines in reproductive output in two dolphin populations depleted by the tuna purse-seine fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:273-285.
Cramer KL. 1998. Trace element characterization of San Diego bay invertebrates. Journal of Undergraduate Research, University of California, San Diego.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
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