Gillian Osborne is an assistant teaching professor and director of curriculum for the Educational Media Innovation Studio. Previously, she was an associate researcher in English and director of curriculum for the Center for Public Humanities.
Trained as a poet and scholar of 19th-c. American and environmental literature at UC-Berkeley, she has held teaching appointments at ASU, the Harvard Extension School, Bard College, UC-Santa Barbara, and elsewhere, and specializes in exploratory writing-based pedagogies, reading and writing in place, and supporting nontraditional students in arts and interdisciplinary humanities.
Her publications include a chapbook of poems and drawings, basic research (Oxeye Press, 2023), a collection of essays, Green Green Green (Nightboat, 2021), the co-edited scholarly anthology, Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field (University of Iowa Press, 2018), and a range of creative and academic work appearing in such places as The Boston Review, LARB Quarterly Journal, The New Republic, The New Emily Dickinson Studies and The New Melville Studies (Cambridge UP, 2019).