Dave White
Phone: 480-727-9234
Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation Arizona State University PO Box 878204 Tempe, AZ 85287-8204
Mail code: 8204Campus: Tempe
Dave White has been a driving force behind Arizona State University’s transformation into a global leader in sustainability research and impact since joining in 2001. As Associate Vice President of Research Advancement within ASU Knowledge Enterprise, White shapes research strategies for the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory (GFL), an institution dedicated to envisioning and realizing a thriving future on a healthy planet. In addition, he directs the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation, orchestrating the efforts of over 30 dynamic research centers, programs, and projects to deliver use-inspired solutions for people and the planet. White leads the Arizona Water Innovation Initiative, a $45 million effort led by ASU working with industrial, municipal, agricultural, tribal and international partners to rapidly accelerate and deploy new approaches and technology for water resilience.
A Professor in the School of Community Resources and Development within the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, White’s leadership has been pivotal in advancing ASU’s mission. He served as Interim Director of the Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Service (2020–2022) and was the Principal Investigator and Director of the NSF-funded Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC) from 2012 to 2021, where his work shaped critical water policy and decision-making frameworks for arid regions. Additionally, White’s innovative approaches to interdisciplinary research have informed public-private partnerships, including collaborations with Starbucks to advance sustainability through the Center for the Future of People and the Planet.
Internationally recognized for his contributions to sustainability science, White has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed articles across diverse fields, including water policy, decision science, sustainability science, and natural resource management. His research, supported by more than $110 million in grants, bridges theory and practice, and has been featured in outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and NPR. In 2021, he appointed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy as Chapter Lead Author for the Southwest in the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment, following his role as co-author for the complex systems chapter of the Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (2018).
White’s commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation is exemplified by his roles as an inaugural fellow of the PLuS Alliance—holding appointments across ASU, King’s College London, and the University of New South Wales Sydney—and as a Senior Global Futures Scientist in GFL. He was also among the inaugural fellows of ASU’s Global Security Initiative.
White’s contributions have earned him accolades such as the Arizona Forward Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence, ASU’s President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness, and the Celebrating Natural Resources Award from the University of Idaho. His career embodies a passionate dedication to advancing science and shaping solutions for a sustainable and resilient future.
White is a faculty affiliate in ASU's School of Sustainability, School of Public Affairs, School for the Future of Innovation and Society, Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems.
He is a member of the Graduate Faculty for the following ASU degrees:
- Community Resources and Development PhD (Endorsed to Chair)
- Sustainability PhD (Endorsed to Chair)
- Environmental Social Science PhD (Endorsed to Chair)
- Urban Planning PhD (Endorsed to Chair)
- Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology PhD (Endorsed to Chair)
- Geological Sciences PhD
White is a faculty affiliate for School of Sustainability, School of Public Affairs, School for the Future of Innovation and Society, Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems.
- Ph.D. Forestry, Virginia Tech
- M.S. Resource Recreation and Tourism, University of Idaho
- B.A. History, George Mason University
Obringer, R., & White, D. D. (2024). Simulating socio‐hydrological responses to climatic conditions in Phoenix, Arizona. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.13191
Sullivan, A., Turner, V.K. & White, D.D. Framing uncertainty in water policy discourse: Insights from Arizona’s Project ADD Water. J Environ Stud Sci (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-023-00868-z
Ojeda-Matos, G., Jones-Crank, J. L., Roque, A. D., & White, D. D. (2023). Using Media Framing to Explore the Food-Energy-Water Nexus: The Case of the Rio Negro Basin in Uruguay. Society & Natural Resources, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2023.2286646
Whitney, K. M., Vivoni, E. R., Wang, Z., White, D. D., Quay, R., Mahmoud, M. I., & Templeton, N. P. (2023). A stakeholder-engaged approach to anticipating forest disturbance impacts in the Colorado River basin under climate change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(7), 04023020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129125
Whitney, K. M., Vivoni, E. R., & White, D. D. (2023). Enhancing the accessibility and interactions of regional hydrologic projections for water managers. Environmental Modelling & Software, 105763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105763
Whitney, K. M., Vivoni, E. R., Bohn, T. J., Mascaro, G., Wang, Z., Xiao, M., ... & White, D. D. (2023). Spatial Attribution of Declining Colorado River Streamflow under Future Warming. Journal of Hydrology, 129125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129125
Obringer, R., & White, D. D. (2023). Leveraging unsupervised learning to develop a typology of residential water users’ attitudes towards conservation. Water Resources Management, 37(1), 37-53. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-022-03354-3
Jones, J. L., White, D. D., & Thiam, D. (2022). Media framing of the Cape Town water crisis: Perspectives on the food-energy-water nexus. Regional Environmental Change, 22(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-022-01932-0
Shortridge, A., VI, W. W., White, D. D., Guardaro, M. M., Hondula, D. M., & Vanos, J. K. (2022). HeatReady Schools: A novel approach to enhance adaptive capacity to heat through school community experiences, risks, and perceptions. Climate Risk Management, 100437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2022.100437
Jones-Crank, J. L., White, D. D., Aggarwal, R., & Melnick, R. (2022). An assessment framework for integrated food-energy-water nexus governance: Application to the cases of Phoenix and Cape Town. Society & Natural Resources, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2022.2063463
Quay, R., Sternlieb, F., Rauh, E., Andrade, R., Bartholomew, A., White, D., ... & Rugland, E. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of land and water integrative practices for achieving water sustainability within the Colorado River Basin: Perceptions and indicators. Water International, 47(2), 257-277. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2022.2041281
Jones, J. L., & White, D. D. (2022). Understanding barriers to collaborative governance for the food-energy-water nexus: The case of Phoenix, Arizona. Environmental Science & Policy, 127, 111-119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2021.10.025
Srinivasan, J., Lorenzo, T. E., Schoon, M. L., & White, D. D. (2021). Resilient organizations for river restoration: The case of two Colorado River sub-basin recovery programs. Frontiers in Water, 164. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2021.733117
Jones, J. L., & White, D. D. (2021). A social network analysis of collaborative governance for the food-energy-water nexus in Phoenix, AZ, USA. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-021-00676-3
Wild, T. B., Khan, Z., Zhao, M., Suriano, M., Bereslawski, J. L., Roberts, P., ... White, D.D. & Ojeda‐Matos, G. (2021). The Implications of global change for the co‐evolution of Argentina’s integrated energy‐water‐land systems. Earth's Future, e2020EF001970. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EF001970
Iribarnegaray, M. A., Sullivan, A., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. S., Brannstrom, C., Seghezzo, L., & White, D. D. (2021). Identifying diverging sustainability meanings for water policy: a Q-method study in Phoenix, Arizona. Water Policy. https://doi.org/10.2166/wp.2021.033
Nyaupane, G. P., Prayag, G., Godwyll, J., & White, D. (2021). Toward a resilient organization: analysis of employee skills and organization adaptive traits. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2020.1822368
Wutich, A., DeMyers, C., Bausch, J., White, D., & Sullivan, A. (2020). Stakeholders and social influence in a shadow network: Implications for transitions toward urban water sustainability in the Colorado River basin. Ecology and Society, 25(1). https://ecologyandsociety.org/vol25/iss1/art28/
Sullivan, A., & White, D. D. (2020). Climate change as catastrophe or opportunity? Climate change framing and implications for water and climate governance in a drought-prone region. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 10, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-019-00573-w
Gartin, M., Larson, K. L., Brewis, A., Stotts, R., Wutich, A., White, D., & du Bray, M. (2020). Climate change as an involuntary exposure: A comparative risk perception study from six countries across the global development gradient. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1894. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/6/1894
Opejin, A. K., Aggarwal, R. M., White, D. D., Jones, J. L., Maciejewski, R., Mascaro, G., & Sarjoughian, H. S. (2020). A Bibliometric Analysis of Food-Energy-Water Nexus Literature. Sustainability, 12(3), 1112. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/3/1112
Mounir, A., Mascaro, G., & White, D. D. (2019). A metropolitan scale analysis of the impacts of future electricity mix alternatives on the water-energy nexus. Applied Energy, 256, 113870. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306261919315570
Stotts, R., Rice, J., Wutich, A., Brewis, A., White, D., & Maupin, J. (2019). Cross-cultural Knowledge and Acceptance of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Processes across Select Sites. Human Organization, 78(4), 311-324. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2370382529
Hondula, D. M., Sabo, J. L., Quay, R., Chester, M., Georgescu, M., Grimm, N. B., ... & White, D. (2019). Cities of the Southwest are testbeds for urban resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(2), 79-80. https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/fee.2005
Sullivan, A., & White, D. D. (2019). An assessment of public perceptions of climate change risk in three western US cities. Weather, Climate, and Society, 11(2), 449-463. https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/WCAS-D-18-0068.1
Sullivan, A., White, D. D., & Hanemann, M. (2019). Designing collaborative governance: Insights from the drought contingency planning process for the lower Colorado River basin. Environmental Science & Policy, 91, 39-49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2018.10.011
Rice, J., Stotts, R., Wutich, A., White, D., Maupin, J., & Brewis, A. (2018). Motivators for treated wastewater acceptance across developed and developing contexts. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. https://doi.org/10.2166/washdev.2018.285
White, D. D., Lawless, K. L., Vivoni, E. R., Mascaro, G., Pahle, R., Kumar, I., ... & Asfora, M. (2018). Co‐Producing interdisciplinary knowledge and action for sustainable water governance: Lessons from the development of a water resources decision support system in Pernambuco, Brazil. Global Challenges, 1800012. https://doi.org/10.1002/gch2.201800012
Bohn, T. J., Vivoni, E. R., Mascaro, G., & White, D. D. (2018). Land and water use changes in the US–Mexico border region, 1992–2011. Environmental Research Letters, 13(11), 114005. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aae53e/meta
du Bray, M., Wutich, A., Larson, K. L., White, D. D., & Brewis, A. (2018). Anger and sadness: Gendered emotional responses to climate threats in four island nations. Cross-Cultural Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069397118759252
Werth, S., White, D., & Bliss, D. W. (2017). GRACE detected rise of groundwater in the Sahelian Niger River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 10,459-10,477. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JB014845
White, D. D., Jones, J. L., Maciejewski, R., Aggarwal, R., & Mascaro, G. (2017). Stakeholder analysis for the food-energy-water nexus in Phoenix, Arizona: Implications for nexus governance. Sustainability, 9(12), 2204. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/12/2204/htm
du Bray, M. V., Wutich, A., Larson, K. L., White, D. D. & Brewis, A. (2017). Emotion, coping, and climate change in island nations: Implications for environmental justice. Environmental Justice, 10(4), 102-107. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/env.2016.0025
Sullivan, A., White, D. D., Larson, K. L., & Wutich, A. (2017). Towards water sensitive cities in the Colorado River basin: A comparative historical analysis to inform future urban water sustainability transitions. Sustainability, 9(5), 761. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/5/761/htm
Sullivan, A., York, A., White, D., Hall, S., & Yabiku, S. (2017). De jure versus de facto institutions: trust, information, and collective efforts to manage the invasive mile-a-minute weed (Mikania micrantha). International Journal of the Commons, 11(1). https://www.thecommonsjournal.org/articles/10.18352/ijc.676/print/
Gober, P., White, D. D., Quay, R., Sampson, D. A., & Kirkwood, C. W. (2017). Socio-hydrology modelling for an uncertain future, with examples from the USA and Canada. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 408(1), 183-199. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP408.2
Rice, J., Wutich, A., White, D. D., & Westerhoff, P. (2016). Comparing Actual De Facto Wastewater Reuse and its Public Acceptability: A Three City Case Study. Sustainable Cities and Society. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2016.06.007
Gober, P., Sampson, D. A., Quay, R., White, D. D., & Chow, W. T. (2016). Urban adaptation to mega-drought: Anticipatory water modeling, policy, and planning for the urban Southwest. Sustainable Cities and Society, 27, 497-504. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2016.05.001
Larson, K. L., Stotts, R., Wutich, A., Brewis, A., & White, D. (2016). Cross-cultural perceptions of water risks and solutions across select sites. Society & Natural Resources, 29(9), 1049-1064. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08941920.2015.1122132
Moreno, H. A., Gupta, H. V., White, D. D., & Sampson, D. A. (2016). Modeling the distributed effects of forest thinning on the long-term water balance and streamflow extremes for a semi-arid basin in the southwestern US. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(3), 1241-1267. doi:10.5194/hess-20-1241-2016
Sampson, D., Quay, R., & White, D. D. (2016). Anticipatory modeling for water supply sustainability in Phoenix, Arizona. Environmental Science & Policy, 55, 36-46. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2015.08.014
Mascaro, G., White, D. D., Westerhoff, P., and Bliss, N. (2015), Performance of the CORDEX-Africa regional climate simulations in representing the hydrological cycle of the Niger River basin, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 120(24), 12425-12444. doi:10.1002/2015JD023905.
Larson, K. L., White, D. D., Gober, P., & Wutich, A. (2015). Decision-making under uncertainty for water sustainability and urban climate change adaptation. Sustainability, 7(11), 14761-14784. doi:10.3390/su71114761
Keeler, L. W., Wiek, A., White, D. D., & Sampson, D. A. (2015). Linking stakeholder survey, scenario analysis, and simulation modeling to explore the long-term impacts of regional water governance regimes. Environmental Science & Policy, 48, 237-249. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2015.01.006
White, D. D., Wutich, A. Y., Larson, K. L., & Lant, T. (2015). Water management decision makers’ evaluations of uncertainty in a decision support system: The case of WaterSim in the decision theater. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(4), 616-630. DOI:10.1080/09640568.2013.875892
White, D. D., Keeler, L., Wiek, A., & Larson, K. L. (2015). Envisioning the future of water governance: A survey of central Arizona water decision makers. Environmental Practice, 17(01), 25-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1466046614000489
Bausch, J. C., Eakin, H., Smith-Heisters, S., York, A. M., White, D. D., Rubiños, C., & Aggarwal, R. M. (2015). Development pathways at the agriculture–urban interface: The case of Central Arizona. Agriculture and Human Values, 32(4), 743-759. DOI:10.1007/s10460-015-9589-8
Wutich, A., White, A. C., White, D. D., Larson, K.L., Brewis, A., & Roberts, C. (2014). Hard paths, soft paths or no paths? Cross-cultural perceptions of water solutions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(1), 109-120. doi:10.5194/hess-18-109-2014
White, D. D. (2013). Framing water sustainability in an environmental decision support system. Society & Natural Resources, 26(11), 1365-1373. doi:10.1080/08941920.2013.788401
Taff, D., Newman, P., Pettebone, D., White, D. D., Lawson, S. R., Monz, C., & Vagias, W. M. (2013). Dimensions of alternative transportation experience in Yosemite and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Journal of Transport Geography, 30, 37-46. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.02.010
Childs, C., York, A. M., White, D. D., Schoon, M. L., & Bodner, G. S. (2013). Navigating a murky adaptive comanagement governance network: Agua Fria Watershed, Arizona, USA. Ecology and Society, 18(4):11. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol18/iss4/art11/
Quay, R, Larson, K. L., & White, D. D. (2013). Enhancing water sustainability through university policy collaborations: Experiences and lessons from researchers and decision-makers. Water Resources IMPACT, AWRA 15(2), 17-19.
White, D. D., Tschuor, S., & Byrne, B. (2012). Assessing and modeling visitors’ evaluations of park road conditions in Yosemite National Park. George Wright Forum, 29(3), 308–321.
Cutts, B. B., White, D. D., & Kinzig, A. P. (2011). Participatory geographic information systems for the co-production of science and policy in an emerging boundary organization. Environmental Science and Policy, 14(8), 977–985. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2011.05.012
Larson, K. L., Wutich, A., White, D. D., Muñoz-Erickson, T. A., & Harlan, S. L. (2011). Multifaceted perspectives on water risks and policies: A cultural domains approach in a southwestern city. Human Ecology Review, 18(1), 75-87. http://www.humanecologyreview.org/pastissues/her181/larson.pdf
Larson, K. L., Ibes, D. C., & White, D. D. (2011). Gendered perspectives about water risks and policy strategies: A tripartite conceptual approach. Environment and Behavior, 43(3), 415-438. doi:10.1177/0013916510365253
White, D. D., Aquino, J. F., Budruk, M., & Golub, A. (2011) Visitors’ experiences of traditional and alternative transportation in Yosemite National Park. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 29(1), 38-57. http://js.sagamorepub.com/jpra/article/view/19
White, D. D., Wutich, A., Larson, K. L., Lant, T., Gober, P., & Senneville, C. (2010). Credibility, salience, and legitimacy of boundary objects: Water managers’ assessment of a simulation model in an immersive decision theater. Science & Public Policy (SPP), 37(3), 219-232. doi:10.3152/030234210X497726
Wutich, A., Lant, T., White, D. D., Larson, K. L., & Gartin, M. (2010). Comparing focus group and individual responses on sensitive topics: A study of water decision-makers in a desert city. Field Methods, 22(1), 88-110. doi:10.1177/1525822X09349918
Larson, K. L., White, D. D., Gober, P., Harlan, S., and Wutich, A. (2009). Divergent perspectives on water resource sustainability in a public–policy–science context. Environmental Science and Policy, 12, 1012-1023. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2009.07.012
White, D. D., Virden, R. J., & van Riper, C. J. (2008). Effects of place identity, place dependence, and experience-use-history on perceptions of recreation impacts in a natural setting. Environmental Management, 42, 647-657. doi:10.1007/s00267-008-9143-1
Youngs, Y. L., White, D. D., & Wodrich, J. A. (2008). Transportation systems as cultural landscapes in national parks: The case of Yosemite. Society & Natural Resources, 21(9), 797-811. doi:10.1080/08941920801942065
Budruk, M., White, D. D., Wodrich, J. A., & van Riper, C. J. (2008). Connecting visitors to people and place: Visitors’ perceptions of authenticity at Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona. Journal of Heritage Tourism 3(3), 1-18. doi:10.1080/17438730802139004
White, D. D. (2008). A structural model of leisure constraints negotiation in outdoor recreation. Leisure Sciences, 30, 342-359. doi:10.1080/01490400802165131
Hall, T. E. & White, D. D. (2008). Representing recovery: Discourses of science and local control in the framing of U.S. Pacific Northwest salmon policy. Human Ecology Review 15(1), 32-45. http://ajph.humanecologyreview.org/pastissues/her151/hallandwhite.pdf
White, D. D., Corley, E. A., & White, M. S. (2008). Water managers’ perceptions of the science-policy interface in Phoenix, Arizona: Implications for an emerging boundary organization. Society & Natural Resources 21(3), 1-14. doi:10.1080/08941920701329678
White, D. D. (2007). An interpretive study of Yosemite National Park visitors’ perspectives toward alternative transportation in Yosemite Valley. Environmental Management, 39(1), 50-62. doi:10.1007/s00267-006-0061-9
Nyaupane, G., White, D. D., & Budruk, M. (2006). Motive-based tourist market segmentation: An application to Native American cultural heritage sites in Arizona, USA. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 1(2), 81-99. doi:10.2167/jht010.0
White, D. D., Waskey, M. T., Foti, P. E., & Brodehl, G. (2006). A comparative study of impacts to mountain bike trails in five common ecological regions of the southwest United States. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 24(2), 21-41. http://js.sagamorepub.com/jpra/article/view/1406
White, D. D., & Hall, T. E. (2006). Public understanding of science in Pacific Northwest salmon recovery policy. Society & Natural Resources, 19(4), 305-320. doi:10.1080/08941920500519172
White, D. D., Virden, R. J., & Cahill, K. L. (2005). Visitor experiences in National Park Service cultural sites in Arizona: Implications for interpretive planning and management. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 23(3), 63-81. http://js.sagamorepub.com/jpra/article/view/1428
Caulkins, M. C., White, D. D., & Russell, K. C. (2006). The role of physical exercise in wilderness therapy for troubled adolescent women. Journal of Experiential Education 29(1), 18-37. doi:10.1177/105382590602900104
White, D. D., Hall, T. E., & Farrell, T. A. (2001). Influence of ecological impacts and other campsite characteristics on wilderness visitors’ campsite choices. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 19(2), 83-97.
Farrell, T. A., Hall, T. E., & White, D. D. (2001). Wilderness campers’ perception and evaluation of campsite impacts. Journal of Leisure Research, 33(3), 229-250. http://search.proquest.com/docview/201195302
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPD 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
CRD 683 | Fieldwork |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
EPD 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
SOS 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPD 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 590 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
CRD 683 | Fieldwork |
EPD 792 | Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPD 792 | Research |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
EPD 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
SOS 494 | Special Topics |
CRD 494 | Special Topics |
CRD 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 792 | Research |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 590 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
CRD 683 | Fieldwork |
EPD 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPD 792 | Research |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EPD 792 | Research |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 590 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 394 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
SOS 790 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 590 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 493 | Honors Thesis |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 799 | Dissertation |
CRD 683 | Fieldwork |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SOS 590 | Reading and Conference |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
- Society & Natural Resources, Book Review Editor (2010 - Present)
- Personnel Commitee, Member (2008 - Present)
- Graduate Curriculum Committee, Member (2002 - Present)
- International Association for Society and Natural Resources, IASNR Council (2014 - 2018)
- Journal of Leisure Research, Associate Editor (2008 - 2013)