Zachary G. Baker’s career is devoted to understanding former caregivers of those with dementia so he can help them garner the psychosocial resources and technological tools to thrive. A methodologically uninhibited researcher, Dr. Baker enjoys digging into complex quantitative data, nuanced qualitative data and rich theory alike. Paramount in his research are community ties: those with lived experience oversee and advise his work to ensure it addresses the needs of those whom he seeks to help.
My aim is to better understand, develop, evaluate, and disseminate technological tools and psychosocial resources that help caregivers and persons with dementia to thrive during and after the dementia caregiving process. This is accomplished through the use of advanced methods (e.g., interventions, longitudinal studies, event momentary assessment, dyadic data collection), statistics (e.g., multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, response surface analysis), and psychological theory/perspectives (e.g., self-determination theory, attachment theory, positive psychology). I also consider collaborating with my community partners an essential part of the work I do and convene the Supporting Dementia Caregivers After Death Community Advisory Board.