Profiles in "Motivation" Expertise Area
- Neuberg's interests include evolutionary approaches to human sociality; stigma; prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination; motivation influences on cognition; and religion and conflict.
- Thomas is an experienced university teacher, management consultant and business executive.
- Dr. Ara Austin is the Director of Online Engagement & Strategic Initiatives at The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. She focuses on efforts that increase experiential learning opportunities for online students.
- Starting his journey with $18 in pocket and backpack loaded with integrity, aspiration & mindfulness, Pandya glanced in a rear view mirror with the mindset only to measure how far had he traveled to continue onward & upward.
- Karen Stafford is a Faculty Associate with the W. P. Carey School of Business focused on coursework related to the Human Resources Management major degree program.
- Instructional Designer Instructional Design and Training team Enterprise Technology, Product Engagement