Nancy Grimm
Phone: 480-965-4735
WCPH 448 TEMPE, AZ 85287-4501
Mail code: 4501Campus: Tempe
NANCY B. GRIMM is an ecosystem ecologist who studies the interactions of climate change, human activities, resilience, and biogeochemical processes in urban and stream ecosystems. In the urban realm, Grimm was founding director of the Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-term Ecological Research program and co-directed the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network from 2015–2022. She now co-directs the international network of networks, NATURA (NATure-based solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene) and the graduate scholars network, Earth Systems Science for the Anthropocene (ESSA).
Professor Grimm’s collaborative research in urban social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) centers on nature-based, technological, and governance solutions that can build resilience to a future with increased frequency and magnitude of extreme events. In streams, Grimm and her students and colleagues study how hydrologic and climatic variability influence ecosystem processes such as stream metabolism and nutrient dynamics, and more recently, the impacts of a novel desert disturbance (wildfire) on stream processes through hydrologic connectivity of upland to stream-riparian corridor. Along with her colleagues and students, Grimm has made >230 contributions to the scientific literature.
Professor Grimm is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, the Ecological Society of America, the Society for Freshwater Science. She is a past president of the Ecological Society of America and the North American Benthological Society (now Society for Freshwater Science), past program director for the U.S. National Science Foundation and senior scientist for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. She was lead author for two chapters of the third U.S. National Climate Assessment (2014), member of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Committee to Advise the U.S. Global Change Research Program, member of the Advisory Committee for the Australian CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, and Editor for the AGU journal, Earth’s Future, among many other editorial and advisory boards. Current service includes two NASEM committees, Editor for Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and the International Scientific Committee for OneWater (France).
PhD, Arizona State University, 1985
Global environmental change; biogeochemistry; stream ecosystem structure and function; urban ecosystem structure and function; nitrogen cycling in streams and cities; interactions between surface and ground waters; terrestrial-aquatic linkages; disturbance and succession; effects of global climate change and human activities on stream ecosystems; climate-change adaptation in urban social-ecological-technological systems
Urban and Stream Ecosystems Laboratory (USE-Lab)
- Web of Science ResearcherID D-2840-2009
Past five years
- Allen, D. C., B. A. Gill, A. Metcalf, S. Bonjour*, S. Starr, J. Wang*, D. Valentin, and N. B. Grimm. 2023. Taxonomic identity, biodiversity, and antecedent disturbances shape the dimensional stability of stream invertebrates. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. doi: 10.1002/lol2.10303
- Berbés-Blázquez, M., E. M. Cook, N. B. Grimm, D. M. Iwaniec, L. M. Manetti, T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, and D. Wahl. 2023. Assessing resilience, equity, and sustainability of future visions across two urban scales. Sustainability Science 2023 (1):1–18.
- Chester, M. V., T. R. Miller, T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, A. M. Helmrich, D. M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, E. M. Cook, N. B. Grimm, and S. A. Markolf. 2023. Sensemaking for entangled urban social, ecological, and technological systems in the Anthropocene. Npj Urban Sustainability, 3(1), 39.
- Grimm, N. B., Y. Kim*, J. R. Sauer*, and S. R. Elser*. 2023. Chapter 2: Nature-based solutions and climate change resilience. Pages 13-28 in T. McPhearson, N. Kabisch, and N. Frantzeskaki, editors. Nature-based solutions for cities. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Halpern, B. S., C. Boettiger, M. C. Dietze, J. A. Gephart, P. Gonzalez, N. B. Grimm, P. M. Groffman, J. Gurevitch, S. E. Hobbie, K. J. Komatsu, K. J. Kroeker, H. J. Lahr, D. M. Lodge, C. J. Lortie, J. S. S. ALowndes, F. Michelli, H. P. Possingham, M. H. Ruckelshaus, C. Scarborough, C. L. Wood, G. C. Wu, and L. Lancaster. 2023. Priorities for synthesis in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere 14:e4342.
- Helmrich*, A., A. Kuhn*, A. Roque*, A. Santibanez*, Y. Kim*, N. B. Grimm, and M. Chester. Interdependence of social-ecological-technological systems in Phoenix, AZ: consequences of an extreme precipitation event. Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience 4(1): 19.
- Krause, S., D. M. Hannah, and N. Grimm, editors. 2023. Ecohydrological interfaces. Wiley.
- Sauer, J., A. Pallathadka, I. Ajibade, M. Berbés-Blázquez, H. Chang, E. M. Cook, N. B. Grimm, D. M. Iwaniec, R. Lloyd*, G. C. Post*. 2023. Relating social, ecological, and technological vulnerability to future flood exposure at two scales in four U.S. cities. Sustainable Cities and Society 99: 104880.
- Shaw*, J.A., S. L. Collins, T. J. Ohlert*, H. Heavenrich, E. Cook, M. M. Wheeler, N. B. Grimm, and S. J. Hall. 2023. Seasonal rainfall, shrub cover and soil properties drive production of winter annuals in the northern Sonoran Desert. Ecosystems.
- Wang*, J., N. B. Grimm, S. Lawler, and X. Dong. 2023. Novel climatic niches and reorganized biotic interactions amplify community sensitivity to warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 120 (39): e2218501120.
- Andersson, E., N. B. Grimm, T. Elmqvist, J. A. Lewis, C.L. Redman, S. Barthel, and J. Colding. Urban climate resilience through hybrid infrastructure. 2022. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 55: 101158.
- Bernhardt, Emily S., Phil Savoy, Michael J. Vlah, Alison P. Appling, Lauren E. Koenig, Robert O. Hall, Jr., Maite Arroita, Joanna R. Blaszczak, Alice M. Carter, Matt Cohen, Judson W. Harvey, James B. Heffernan, Ashley M. Helton, Jacob D. Hosen, Lily Kirk, William H. McDowell, Emily H. Stanley, Charles B. Yackulic, and Nancy B. Grimm. 2022. Light and flow regimes regulate the metabolism of rivers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 119 (8).
- Blaszczak, J. R., L. E. Koenig, F. H. Mejia, L. Gómez-Gener, C. L. Dutton, A. M. Carter, N. B. Grimm, J. W. Harvey, A. M. Helton, and M. J. Cohen. 2022. Extent, patterns, and drivers of hypoxia in the world's streams and rivers. Limnology and Oceanography Letters
- Grimm, N. B., D. Quattrochi, C. Clark, C. Boone, C. Rosenzweig, S. Pincetl, A. de Sherbenin, W. Solecki, M. Susman, B. Bornstein, M. Shepherd, and B. Stone. 2022. Urban systems and climate change in context. Pages 15-78 in W. D. Solecki and C. Rosenzweig. Climate change and US cities: urban systems, sectors, and prospects for action. Island Press.
- Handler, A. M., A. K. Suchy*, and N. B. Grimm. 2022. Denitrification and DNRA in urban accidental wetlands in Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006552.
- McPhearson, T., E. Cook, M. Berbés-Blázquez, C. Cheng, N.B. Grimm, E. Andersson, O. Barbosa, D.G. Chandler, H. Chang, M. Chester, D. Childers, S. Elser, N. Frantzeskaki, Z. Grabowski, P. Groffman R.L. Hale, D.M. Iwaniec, N. Kabisch, C. Kennedy, S.A. Markolf, A.M. Matsler, L.E. McPhillips, T.R. Miller, T.A. Muñoz-Erickson, E. Rosi, T.G. Troxler. 2022. A social-ecological-technological systems approach to urban ecosystem services. One Earth, DOI 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.04.007
- Pallathadka, A., J. Sauer, H. Chang, and N. B. Grimm. Urban flood risk and green infrastructure: Who is exposed to risk and who benefits from investment? A case study of three U.S. cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 223.
- Ribot, Miquel, Nancy B. Grimm, Lindsey D. Pollard, Daniel von Schiller, Amalia Handler and Eugènia Martí. 2022. Consequences of an ecosystem state shift for nitrogen cycling in a desert stream. Limnology & Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.12706.
- Sauer J. R., O. Barbosa, E. M. Cook, N. Grimm, C. Lamarca, J. Maira, A. Schueftan, and D. M. Iwaniec. 2022. Envisioning future scenarios to manage pluvial flooding in social-ecological-technological systems. 18 pp In V. Shandas, and D. Hellman, editors. Collaborating for climate equity: Researcher–practitioner partnerships in the Americas (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Verelli, B. C., M. Alberti, S. Des Roches, N C. Harris, A. P. Hendry, M. T. J. Johnson, A. M. Savage, A. Charmantier, K. M. Gotanda, L. Govaert, L. S. Miles, L. R. Rivkin, K. M. Winchell, K. I. Brans, C. Correa, S. E. Diamond, B. Fitzhugh, N. B. Grimm, S. Hughes, J. M. Marzluff, J. Munshi-South, C. Rojas, J. S. Santangelo, C. J. Schell, J. A. Schweitzer, M. Szulkin, M. C. Urban, Y. Zhou, and C. Ziter. A global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.07.012.
- Berbés-Blásquez, M. N. B. Grimm, E. M. Cook, D. M. Iwaniec, T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, V. Verduzco, and D. Wahl. 2021. Assessing future resilience, equity, and sustainability in scenario planning. Pages 113–127 in Z. A. Hamstead, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázques, E. M. Cook, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, editors. Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer-Nature.
- Chang, Heejun, Arun Pallathadka, Jason Sauer, Nancy Grimm, Rae Zimmerman, Chingwen Cheng, David Iwaniec, Yeowon Kim, Robert Lloyd, Timon McPhearson, Bernice Rosenzweig, Tiffany Troxler, Claire Welty, Ryan Brenner, and Pablo Herreros-Cantis. 2021. Assessment of urban flood vulnerability using the social-ecological-technological systems framework in six US cities. Sustainable Cities and Society. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102786
- Cook, E. M., M. Berbés-Blázquez, L. M. Mannetti, N. B. Grimm, D. M. Iwaniec, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson. 2021. Setting the stage for co-production. Pages 99–111 in Z. A. Hamstead, D. M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázques, E. M. Cook, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, editors. Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer-Nature.
- Des Roches, S., K. I. Brans, M. R. Lambert, L. R. Rivkin, A. M. Savage, C. J. Schell, C. Correa, L. De Meester, S. E. Diamond, N. B. Grimm, N. C. Harris, A. P. Hendry, L. Govaert, M. T. J. Johnson, J. Munshi-South, E. P. Palkovacs, M. Szulkin, M. C. Urban, B. C. Verrelli, and M. Alberti. 2021. Socio-eco-evolutionary dynamics in cities. Evolutionary Adaptations. doi: 10.1111/eva.13065.
- Elmqvist, T, E. Andersson, T. McPhearson, X. Bai, L. Bettencourt, E. Brondizio, J. Colding, G. Daily, C. Folke, N. Grimm, D. Haase, D. Ospina, S. Parnell, S. Polasky, K. C. Seto, and S. Van Der Leeuw. 2021. Urbanization in and for the Anthropocene. Nature Urban Sustainability 1:6.
- Iwaniec, D. M., M. Berbés-Blázquez, E. M. Cook, N. B. Grimm, L. M. Mannetti, T. McPhearson, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson. 2021. Positive futures. Pages 85–97 in Z. A. Hamstead, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázques, E. M. Cook, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, editors. Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer-Nature.
- Iwaniec, D. M., N. B. Grimm, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázquez, E. M. Cook, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson. 2021. A framework for resilient urban futures. Pages 1–9 in Z. A. Hamstead, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázques, E. M. Cook, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, editors. Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer-Nature.
- Kim, Y., M. V. Chester, N. B. Grimm, and C. L. Redman. 2021. Capturing practitioner perspectives on infrastructure resilience using Q-methodology. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 1: 025002.
- Kim, Y., L. M. Manetti, D. M. Iwaniec, N. B. Grimm, M. Berbés, and S. Markolf. 2021. Social, ecological, and technological strategies for climate adaptation. Pages 29–45 in Z. A. Hamstead, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázques, E. M. Cook, and T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, editors. Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer-Nature.
- McPhearson, T., D. M. Iwaniec, Z. A. Hamstead, M. Berbés-Blázquez, E. M. Cook, T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, L. Mannetti, and N. B. Grimm. 2021. A vision for resilient urban futures. Pages 173-186 in Z. A. Hamstead, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M. Berbés-Blázques, E. M. Cook, and T. Muñoz-Erickson, editors. Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer-Nature.
- Muñoz-Erickson, T. A., S. Meerow, R. Hobbins, E. Cook, D. M. Iwaniec, M. Berbés-Blázquez, N. B. Grimm, A. Barnett, J. Cordero, C. Gim, T. R. Miller, F. Tandazo-Bustamante, and A. Robles-Morua. 2021. Beyond bouncing back? Comparing and contesting urban resilience frames in US and Latin American contexts. Landscape and Urban Planning 214:104173.
- Wheeler, M. M., S. L. Collins, N. B. Grimm, E. M. Cook, C. Clark, R. A. Sponseller, and S. J. Hall. 2021. Water and nitrogen shape winter annual plant diversity and community composition in near-urban Sonoran Desert preserves. Ecological Monographs 00(00):e01450. doi: 10.1002/ecm.1450.
- Alberti, M., E. P. Palkovacs, S. Des Roches, L. De Meester, K. I. Brans, L. Govaert, N. B. Grimm, N. C. Harris, A. P. Hendry, C. J. Schell, M. Szulkin, J. Munshi-South, M. C. Urban, and B. C. Verrelli. 2020. The complexity of urban eco-evolutionary dynamics. BioScience 70:772-793.
- Dong, X., N. B. Grimm, J. B. Heffernan, and R. Muneepeerakuhl. 2020. Interactions between physical template and self-organization shape plant dynamics in a stream ecosystem. Ecosystems: doi: 10.1007/s10021-019-00444-z
- Grimm, N. B. 2020. Urban ecology: what is it and why do we need it? Chapter 1, pp 1-14 in Barbosa, P. (editor). Urban ecology: its nature and challenges. CAB International.
- Guardaro, M., M. Messerschmidt, D. Hondula, N. B. Grimm, and C. L. Redman. 2020. Building community heat action plans story by story: a three-neighborhood case study. Cities 107: 102886. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102886
- Helmrich, A. M., M. V. Chester, S. Hayes, S. A. Markolf*, C. Desha, N. B. Grimm. 2020. Using biomimicry to support resilient infrastructure design. Earth’s Future 8.
- Hobbie, S. E., and N. B. Grimm. 2020. Nature-based approaches to managing climate change impacts in cities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375: 20190124.
- Hoover, D. L., B. Bestelmeyer, N. B. Grimm, T. E. Huxman, S. C. Reed, O. Sala, T. R. Seastedt, H. Wilmer, S. Ferrenberg. 2020. Traversing the wasteland: a framework for assessing ecological threats to drylands. BioScience: doi:10.1093/biosci/biz126.
- Iwaniec, D. M., E. M. Cook, M. Davidson, M. Berbés Blázquez‡, M. Georgescu, E. S. Krayenhoff, A. Middel, D. A. Sampson, and N. B. Grimm. 2020. The co-production of sustainable future scenarios. Landscape and Urban Planning 197: 103744.
- Iwaniec, D. M., M. J. Davidson, E. M. Cook, M. Berbés Blásquez, and N. B. Grimm. 2020. Integrating existing climate adaptation planning into future visions: a strategic scenario for the central Arizona–Phoenix region. Landscape and Urban Planning 200: 103820.
- Sampson, D. A., E. M. Cook, M. J. Davidson, N. B. Grimm, and D. M. Iwaniec. 2020. Simulating alternative sustainable water futures. Sustainability Science, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s11625-020-00820-y
- Corman, J. R., S. L. Collins, E. Cook, X. Dong, L. A. Gherardi, N. B. Grimm, R. L. Hale, T. Lin, J. Ramos, L. G. Reichmann, and O. E. Sala. 2019. Foundations and frontiers of ecosystem science: legacy of a classic paper (Odum 1969). Ecosystems 22:1160-1172.
- Dong, X., N. B. Grimm, J. B. Heffernan, and R. Muneepeerakuhl. 2019. Interactions between physical template and self-organization shape plant dynamics in a stream ecosystem. Ecosystems: doi: 10.1007/s10021-019-00444-z
- Hobbie, S. E., and N. B. Grimm. 2019. Nature-based approaches to managing climate change impacts in cities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: 20190124.
- Iwaniec, D. M., E. M. Cook, O. Barbosa, and N. B. Grimm. 2019. Criteria for urban sustainability transformations. Sustainability 11:573. doi:10.3390/su1103057.
- McPhillips, L. E., S. Earl, R. L. Hale, and N. B. Grimm. 2019. Urbanization in semi-arid United States watersheds results in decreased stream flashiness. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2019WR025835.
- Solecki, W., N. B. Grimm, P. Marcotullio, C. G. Boone, A. Bruns, J. Lobo, A. E. Lueke, P. Romero-Lankao, A. F. Young, R. Zimmerman, R. Breitzer, C. Giffith, A. Aylett. 2019. Extreme events and climate adaptation-mitigation linkages: understanding low-carbon transitions in the era of global urbanization. Wires Climate Change. doi:10.1002/wcc.616
- Zimmerman, R., N. B. Grimm, and A. Brawley-Chesworth. 2019. “Planning robust 21st century US urban infrastructure: socially driven transitions from pre-industrial, carbon-intensive and carbon-sensitive infrastructure,” Pages 252-269 in U.S. infrastructure: challenges and directions for the 21st century, edited by Aman Khan and Klaus Becker. Routledge.
Active projects in bold. * denotes PD or co-director
(PAST 10 years only)
- Childers*, D. L., B. Ball, N. B. Grimm, K. Larson, and B. L. Turner ($7.65M). "CAP V: Investigating how relationships between urban ecological infrastructure and human-environment interactions shape the structure and function of urban ecosystems.” National Science Foundation (2224662), 2012-2028.
- Grimm*, N. B., M. Berbés Blázquez, E. M. Cook, M. Feagan ($292K). “IRES Track 1: Nature-Based Solutions Research in Urban Latin America: International Research Experience for Students (NBS-RULA-IRES).” Office of International Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation (2107545), 2021-2024.
- Grimm*, N. B., M. Bogan, and T. K. Harms ($333,000). “RAPID: Indirect impacts of a novel wildfire on a well-studied desert stream: connectivity, carbon, and communities.” Ecosystem Studies Program, National Science Foundation (2040194, 2135491, 2220497), 2020-2024.
- Chester*, M. V., Cook, E. M., Iwaniec, D. M., McPhearson, T. M., and Muñoz-Erickson, T. A., Grimm, N. B. ($1.6M). “GCR: Convergence: Converging social, ecological, and technological infrastructure systems (SETS) for urban resilience.” National Science Foundation, 2020-2025.
- Grimm*, N. B., McPhearson*, T. M., and Cook, E. M. ($1.03 M to ASU, $2M total). “Collaborative: Accel-Net: Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene (NATURA).” National Science Foundation (1927468), 2019-2024.
- Childers*, D. L. PI and Director; Co-PIs N. B. Grimm, B. Ball, B. L. Turner, and A. York ($4.5M). “LTER: CAP IV - Investigating urban ecology and sustainability through the lens of urban ecological infrastructure.” National Science Foundation (1832016), 2018-2022.
- Redman*, Charles L, Chester, Mikhail, Grimm*, Nancy B, Miller, Clark Anson, Swindell, David, Vivoni, Enrique. Urban Resilience to Extreme Weather Related Events. NSF-SBE(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2022).
- Grimm*, N. B., T. A. Muñoz-Erickson*, C. L. Redman, and E. Vivoni ($250K). “IRES: Interdisciplinary student research on urban resilience in Latin America.” Office of International Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation (1658731), 2017-2022.
- Grimm*, Nancy B., Feagan, M. Muñoz-Erickson, T. A., Troxler, T. and Welty C. ($100K). “SCC-Planning: Building resilient coastal cities through smart and connected communities.” National Science Foundation, 2017-2019.
- Grimm, N. B., Hondula, D. (ASU sub); “Nature’s cooling systems: participatory action planning to address landscape vulnerability to heat.” The Nature Conservancy (lead) PI M. Messerschmidt; ASU co PIs Maricopa County Department of Public Health co-PIs V. Berisha, J. White; Desert Botanical Garden co-PI S. Buete ($125K). Vitalyst Foundation, 2017-2019.
- Childers, D. L. PI and Director; Co-PIs N. B. Grimm, S. J. Hall, B. L. Turner, and A. York. LTER: CAP IV: “Design with nature” infrastructure in Phoenix: A research framework for exploring urban ecology and sustainability.” (~$2M). National Science Foundation, 2016-2018.
- Grimm,Nancy B*. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Defining Stream Biomes to Better Understand and Forecast Stream Ecosystem Change. NSF-BIO (Macrosystems) (9/15/2015 - 8/31/2021).
- Georgescu, Matei*, Grimm, Nancy B, Harlan, Sharon, Mack, Elizabeth Anne, Mahalov, Alex, Moustaoui, Mohamed, Wang, Zhihua. SRN: Urban Water Innovation Network (U-WIN): Transitioning Toward Sustainable Water Systems. COLORADO STATE UNIV(8/1/2015 - 7/31/2018).
- Grimm, Nancy B*, Sabo, John L. LTREB Renewal: Multiscale effects of climate variability and change on hydrologic regimes ecosystem function and community structure in a desert stre. NSF-BIO-DEB(3/15/2015 - 2/29/2021).
- Seager, Thomas Payson*, Anderies, John M, Chester, Mikhail, Darnall, Nicole, Grimm, Nancy B, Janssen, Marcus Alexander, Johnson, Nathan Gregory, Lai, Ying-Cheng, Miller, Clark Anson. Collaborative Research: RIPS Type 2: Resilience Simulation of Water Power and Road Networks. NSF-ENG(9/15/2014 - 8/31/2017).
- Grimm, N. B*, Boone, C. G., Childers, D. L (*sub PI 2010-2012), Redman, C. L, Turner II, B. L. CAP3: Urban Sustainability in the Dynamic Environment of Central Arizona USA. NSF-ENG-BCS(12/1/2010 - 11/30/2016).
- Abbott, Joshua K, Boone, Christopher, Childers, Daniel L, Grimm, Nancy B, Hall, Sharon, Redman, Charles L, York, Abigail. Collaborative Research: Land and Water Use Decision-Making and Ecosystem Services along a Southwestern Socio-Ecological Gradient. NSF-SBE(10/1/2010 - 3/31/2013).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 592 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 494 | Special Topics |
BIO 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 592 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
BIO 592 | Research |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SOS 592 | Research |
BIO 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
SOS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SOS 792 | Research |
SOS 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SOS 592 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
SOS 591 | Seminar |
ELS 591 | Seminar |
Nancy B. Grimm, Charles L. Redman, Elizabeth M. Cook, Mikhail V. Chester, David M. Iwaniec, Timon McPhearson, Thaddeus Miller, and Tischa Muñoz-Erickson. 2017. A social-ecological-technical systems approach to understanding urban complexity and building climate resilience. PECS-II Conference. Oaxaca, México (November 2017; contributed).
Nancy B. Grimm, Mikhail V. Chester, Yeowon Kim, Lauren McPhillips, and Charles L. Redman. 2017. When is safe-to-fail safe? Resilience 2017 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (August 2017; contributed).
Nancy B. Grimm, Marta Berbés Blásquez, Chingwen Cheng, Elizabeth Cook, Timon McPhearson, Lauren McPhillips, and Monica Palta. 2017. Assessing urban aquatic services in the face of climate-driven extreme events. Symposium: Aquatic Ecosystem Services in a Changing World, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (August 2017; invited).
Nancy B. Grimm. 2017. “Climate change and urbanization: colliding threats to desert streams,” Ignite Session: What Is the Single Greatest Threat to Dryland Ecosystems in a Changing World? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (August 2017; invited).
Nancy B. Grimm, Charles L. Redman, Elizabeth M. Cook, Mikhail V. Chester, David M. Iwaniec, Lauren McPhillips, Timon McPhearson, Thaddeus Miller, and Tischa Muñoz-Erickson. 2017. Building resilience to extreme weather-related events in urban environments through social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) infrastructure. HydroEco2017. Birmingham, UK (June 2017; keynote)
Nancy B. Grimm, Mikhail Chester, Elizabeth Cook, Melissa Davidson, David Iwaniec, Yeowon Kim, Lauren McPhillips. A SETS perspective on green infrastructure and its services. Green Infrastructures: Nature Based Solutions for sustainable and resilient cities. Orvieto, Italy (April 2017; invited)
Nancy B. Grimm, Charles L. Redman, David Chandler, Elizabeth M. Cook, Mikhail V. Chester, David M. Iwaniec, Timon McPhearson, Thaddeus Miller, and Tischa Muñoz-Erickson. Designing social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) to build resilience to extreme weather-related events in urban environments. AGU Chapman Conference: Extreme events. San Juan, PR (January 2017; invited).
Elizabeth M. Cook, Olga Barbosa, Melissa J. Davidson, Nancy B. Grimm, and David M. Iwaniec. Envisioning future urban sustainability and resilience through co-developed social-ecological-technological scenarios. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (April 2017; contributed).
Grimm, Nancy B., Stevan Earl, Rebecca Hale, Mengdi Lu, John Sabo, and Amalia Handler. Long-term variability in storm-driven hydrologic and nutrient export from urban and native desert streams in Arizona, USA. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Dec 2016; contributed).
Grimm, N. B. Extreme events call for a resilient infrastructure. Seminar, MISTRA Urban Futures, Chalmers University, Gothenberg, Sweden (May 2016).
Grimm, N. B. Extreme events call for a resilient SETS infrastructure. Stockholm Seminar, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden (May 2016).
Grimm, N. B. The future of cities: addressing challenges from the collision of urbanization and climate change. 2016 EnviroDay Keynote Speaker, Environmental Sciences Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (February 2016; keynote).
Chester, M.V., Nancy B Grimm, Charles Redman, Thaddeus Miller, Timon McPherson, Tischa Munoz-Erickson, and David G Chandler. Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Dec 2015; contributed).
Hopkins, K., A. York, and N. B. Grimm. What planning documents indicate about shifting approaches to water management in U.S. cities. Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (November 2015; contributed).
Grimm, N. B. The future of cities: addressing challenges from the collision of urbanization and climate change. 2015 Distinguished Scientist Seminar, Semester in Environmental Science, MBL Ecosystems Center, Woods Hole, MA (October 2015).
Grimm, N. B. Urban resilience to extremes: a new Sustainability Research Network. Urban Systems Workshop, Complex Systems Symposium, Tempe, AZ (October 2015; invited).
Grimm, N. B., C. L. Redman, M. Chester, D. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, T. Miller, and T. Muñoz-Erickson. Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events. Complex Systems Symposium, Tempe, AZ (September 2015; contributed).
Grimm, N. B. Ecosystem dynamics in desert streams and cities (the only certainty is change). Inaugural William Mitsch Lecture, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (September 2015).
Grimm, N. B. Ecosystem dynamics in desert streams and cities (the only certainty is change). Institute Seminar: Australian Rivers Institute, Griffiths University, Brisbane, Australia (September 2015).
Grimm, N. B. Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events. 2nd Water Sensitive Cities Conference, Brisbane, Australia (September 2015, keynote).
Grimm, N. B. Desarollo teorético de SETS (social–ecosistémica–tecnológica) para la caracterización de la resiliencia urbana y infrastructural ante los eventos climáticos extremos. CEDEUS Conference, Santiago, Chile (August 2015, plenary).
Grimm, N. B. The future of cities: addressing challenges from the collision of urbanization and climate change. Departmental Seminar: Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile (August 2015).
Elizabeth M. Cook, David M. Iwaniec, Olga Barbosa, and Nancy B. Grimm. Maximizing urban services provided by green and gray infrastructure to increase future urban sustainability. ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Aug 2015; contributed).
Hale, R. L., N. B Grimm, S. T. A. Pickett, and M. L. Cadenasso. Disturbance in urban ecosystems. Organized Oral Session: "The Emergence, Rise, and Future of Urban Ecology in the United States." Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Aug 2015; invited).
Grimm, N. B., C. L. Redman, M. Chester, D. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, T. Miller, and T. Muñoz-Erickson. Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events. Symposium: “An ecology in, of, and for cities.” Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Aug 2015; invited).
Kristina G. Hopkins, N. B. Grimm, A. M. York. Replumbing cities from gray to green: Socio-political controls on stormwater infrastructure transitions. ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Aug 2015; contributed).
David Iwaniec, Elizabeth Cook, Melissa Davidson, and Nancy B. Grimm. Sustainable future scenarios for the central Arizona–Phoenix region. ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Aug 2015; contributed).
Grimm, N. B. The future of cities: addressing challenges from the collision of urbanization and climate change. Eminent Ecologist Lecture #1, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI (June 2015).
Grimm, N. B. The only certainty is change: reflections on a stream, a city, and a public university. Eminent Ecologist Lecture #2, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI (June 2015).
Grimm, N. B. The only certainty is change: reflections on a stream, a city, and a public university. 30th Eugene and William Odum Lecture, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (April 2015).
Grimm, N. B. The only certainty is change: reflections on a stream, a city, and a public university. Jenner Memorial Lecture, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (April 2015).
Grimm, N. B., J. L. Sabo, X. Dong, and A. Ruhí. Spatial and temporal stream ecosystem dynamics in response to short- and long-term hydrological regime shifts. HydroEco 2015, Vienna, Austria. (Apr 2015; plenary).
- Grimm, N. B., X. Dong, A. Ruhí, and J. L. Sabo. Spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient limitation, plant biomass and productivity, and stream metabolism vary in response to short- and long-term hydrological regime shifts. Special Session, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA (Dec 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Stream ecosystem dynamics in deserts and cities. Biogeochemistry Seminar, Cornell University (Nov 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. How shall we compare urban and urbanizing watersheds globally? Concepts and case studies. International Workshop: "Urbanization in watersheds..." Xiamen, China (Oct 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Urban social-ecological-technological systems: prospects for resilient urban water. Botany Department Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia (Oct 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Adding the "techno" into urban socioecological systems. Departmental Seminar, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, San Juan, PR (Sep 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Global change effects on riverine hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes. International Workshop, Abisko, Sweden (Sep 2014).
- Grimm, N. B., J. N. Galloway, W. H. Schlesinger, C. M. Clark, R. B. Jackson, B. E. Law, P. E. Thornton, and A. R. Townsend. Adding the "techno" into urban socioecological systemsClimate change, ecosystem services, and biogeochemical cycles. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA (Aug 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Desert perspectives on interfaces. Lectures, Interfaces Summer School, IGB, Berlin, Germany (Jul 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Ecosystems, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. National Climate Assessment Webinar (Jun 2014).
- Grimm, N. B., and K. L. Jacobs. Climate assessment as a boundary activity. Special session, Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR (May 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Biogeochemical cycles; ecosystems, biodiversity, and ecosystem services; interdisciplinary assessment. National Climate Assessment Rollout Information Session, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (May 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. The impacts of climate change in the Southwest. Conservation Alliance Monthly Luncheon Seminar Series, Phoenix, AZ (Mar 2014).
- Grimm, N. B. Prospects for resilience and sustainability of urban socio-techno-ecological systems to evolving stressors at global, regional, and local scales. Special Session, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA (Dec 2013).
- Palta, M. M. and Grimm, N. B. Pathogen and nutrient pulsing and attenuation in "accidental" urban wetland networks along the Salt River in Phoenix, AZ. Special Session, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA (Dec 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Adding the "techno" into urban socioecological systems. Symposium of the Syracuse Center of Excellence, "Urban Reinvention and Resilience." (Oct 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Urban socio-techno-ecological systems: Prospects for resilient urban water systems. CIGMA 2013: Conferencia International de Geographía y Medio Ambiente, Mexico City, Mexico (Oct 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Stream ecosystem dynamics in deserts and cities. Departmental Seminar, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University (Oct 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Adding the "techno" into urban socioecological research. Departmental Seminar, Biology, University of Texas at Arlington (Oct 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Urban socio-techno-ecological systems and the new normal. International Society of Ecology and British Ecol. Society, London, UK (Aug 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Overview of the 2013 US National Climate Assessment, with special reference to impacts of climate change on ecosystems, hydrology, and urban areas of the Southwest. Organized Oral Session, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (Aug 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Urban stormwater and the new normal. IGNITE Session, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (Aug 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. Understanding urban socio-techno-ecological systems. Symposium; First International Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology, Berlin, Germany (Jul 2013).
- Grimm, N. B. A global perspective on urban streams and rivers. Arizona Riparian Council Annual Meeting, Tempe, AZ (Apr 2013).
- van der Pluijm, B., and N. B. Grimm. Sustainable Future. Symposium, American Geophysical Union (Dec 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. Global environmental change and the water challenges of cities. Georgetwon University Seminar Series (Nov 2012).
- Grimm, N. B., R. L. Hale, L. Turnbull, S. Earl, and D. Childers. Modulation of storm-driven water and nutrient loads by infrastructure in an arid urban ecosystem. Symposium: "Urban Biogeochemistry" at EcoSummit 2012, COlumbus, OH (Oct 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. Interdisciplinary research: a view from two perches. LTER Triennial Graduate Student Symposium, Estes Park, CO (Sep 2012).
- Grimm, N. B., F. S. Chapin, S. L. Carter, P. M. Groffman, M. D. Staudinger, and A. Staudt. Current and future impacts of climate and global change on the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Symposium, "The National Climate Assessment", Ecologica Society of America, Portland, OR (Aug 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. Global environmental change and the water challenges of cities. Annual Meeting, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Lake Biwa, Japan (Jul 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. Hydrogeomorphic drivers and resilience to climate change of stream ecosystem structure and function in deserts and grasslands. Duke University Ecology Seminar (Apr 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. The challenges of global environment change for ecosystems, people, and the Southwe. Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Arizona State University (Mar 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. Global change challenges and ecosystems: future research needs, trends, and opportunities. University of Maryland Geology Seminar series (Feb 2012).
- Grimm, N. B. Hydrogeomorphic drivers of stream ecosystem structure and function in deserts and grasslands. International Conference, "Grasslands in a Global Context." (Sep 2011).
- Grimm, N. B. Ecosystem processes and services in catchments undergoing rapid urbanization: can designed ecosystems be resilient and adaptable?. Gordon Research Conference in Watershed Hydrology (Jul 2011).
- Grimm, N. B. Global change and the ecology of cities. Teale Lecture Series, University of Connecticut (Apr 2011).
- Grimm, N. B. Nutrient retention and transport in arid urban landscapes. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Colloquium Series (Mar 2011).
- Grimm, N. B. Challenges in water provisioning, delivery, and quality for urban populations: analysis of global patterns and an aridland case study. "Xiamen Urban Environmental Forum," Xiamen, China (Dec 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Challenges in water provisioning, delivery, and quality for urban populations: analysis of global patterns and an aridland case study. "SCARCE," an International Conference of the Institut Catalan Reserches Aquatic, Girona, Spain (Dec 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Central Arizona - Phoenix LTER: Social-ecological dynamics in an arid, rapidly urbanizing region. Special symposium on urban ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Dec 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Como es el medioambiente en el mundo de cemente?. Community lecture series, Sentmenat, Spain (Dec 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Opportunities and challenges for sustainability in aridland cities. "Urban Sustainability in Arid Regions." Global Land Project Meeting, Tempe, AZ (Oct 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Sustainability-related programs at the National Science Foundation. Sustainability Roundtable, National Academy of Science, Washington, DC (Oct 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Interannual variability in hydrologic regimes leads to shifts in nutrient availability and vegetative biomass in a desert stream. Organized Oral Session: "Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology." Ecological Society of America (Aug 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Central Arizona - Phoenix LTER: Urbanization and global environmental change. Meeting with the Global Change Research Program, US Environmental Protection Agency, Crystal City,VA (Jul 2010).
- Grimm, N. B. Desert streams and cities: long-term studies of open, dynamic ecosystems. National Science Foundation, colloquium (Mar 2010).
- Grimm, Nancy. Climate-change impacts and the role of ecosystem services in mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: a case study from an aridland city. Annual meeting, American Geophysical Union (Dec 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Introduction and welcome: Water-ecosystem services, drought and environmental justice. Ecological Society of America First Millennium Conference (Nov 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Global change in the urban century. Out on a limb: sustainability of urban ecosystems under changing climates (Sep 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Transitioning to sustainability: the challenge of developing sustainable urban systems. The National Academies’ Second Sustainability R&D Forum (Sep 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecosystem processes associated with human settlements at local, regional, and continental scales. Human macroecology: Symposium of the Ecological Society of America (Aug 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Coupled biogeochemical cycles. Couple Biogeochemical Cycles - Ecological Society of America special symposia (Aug 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Phoenix LTER: urbanization and global environmental change. Climate change impacts and integrated assessment, Snowmass Annual Conference (Jul 2009).
- Grimm, N. B. Central Arizona – Phoenix LTER: Social-ecological dynamics in a rapidly urbanizing, arid region. Implementing the ISSE in regional LTER research, a workshop of the Israel LTER network (Jun 2009).
- Grimm, N. B. Central Arizona – Phoenix LTER: Social-ecological dynamics in a rapidly urbanizing, arid region. Developing a bi-national or collaborative long-term ecological research platform in the Arava Valley (Jun 2009).
- Grimm, N. B. Global change in the urban century. Cornell University Biogeochemistry Seminar Series (May 2009).
- Marti, E., and N. B. Grimm. Advances in stream biogeochemistry: the legacy and promise of 30 years of the nutrient spiralling concept. Special Session, North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (May 2009).
- Grimm, N. B. Global change in the urban century. Brown University Colloquium Series (Apr 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Drivers and consequences of interannual variability in nitrogen transport and retention in aridland stream–riparian ecosystems. Dynamic Deserts (Feb 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Global change in the urban century. Urban futures: the challenge of sustainability. Alliance for Global Sustainability Conference (Jan 2009).
- Grimm, Nancy. Urbanization across gradients: testing hypotheses on effects of land change at multiple scales. AGU Annual Mtg - Symposium, "Urban areas and global change." (Dec 2008).
- Grimm, Nancy. Combined influences of climatic and anthropogenic drivers on nitrogen transport and retention in aridland stream-riparian systems. Inaugural Freshwater Biology Summit - "Multiple stressors in aquatic ecosystems." (Sep 2008).
- Grimm, Nancy, Larson, E. Ecosystem function in urban streams. Second Symposium on Urban Stream Ecology (May 2008).
- Grimm, Nancy. First Minshall Lecturer, research and public lectures. (Oct 2007).
- Sponseller, R, Grimm, Nancy, Hall, S, Kaye, J, Allen, J. Ecosystem response to atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in the Sonoran Desert. LTER All-Scientists Meetin (Sep 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy, Redman, C, Briggs, John, Gries, C, Elser, M, Bolin, R, Allen, J, Harlan, S, Faeth, S, Anderies, M, Stutz, J, Martin, C, Westerhoff, P, Arrowsmith, J, Zehnder, J, Wu, J, Kinzig, A. Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) Project. LTER All Scientist Meeting, "Next 25 Years of LTER" (Sep 2006).
- Larson, E, Graham, K, Grimm, Nancy. Comparison of soil biogeochemical characteristics in grassy and xeriscaped stormwater retention basins in the Phoenix metropolitan area. LTER All-Scientists Meeting (Sep 2006).
- Lohse, K, Hope, D, Allen, J, Grimm, Nancy. Spatial and temporal patterns of wet and dry deposition of nutrients in a desert city. LTER All-Scientists Meeting (Sep 2006).
- Bang, C, Briggs, J, Bills, R, DiIorio, M, Dugan, L, Erickson, R, Earl, S, Faeth, S, Grimm, Nancy, Feldner, M, Holmes, E, Hope, D, Kaye, J, Kinzig, A, Kochert, C, Majumdar, A, Redman, C, Shock, E, Stewart, Q, Walker, J, Stutz, J, Tseng, M, Whitcomb, S, Zhuo, X, Gries, C. Survey200: CAP LTER's approach to extensive field monitoring CAP. LTER All Scientist Meeting, "Next 25 Years of LTER" (Sep 2006).
- Bills, R, Briggs, J, Dugan, L, Holmes, E, Hope, D, Feldner, M, Gries, C, Grimm, Nancy, Kinzig, A, Landrum, L, Stewart, Q, Whitcomb, S. Ecological transformation via urbanization CAP. LTER All Scientist Meeting, "Next 25 Years of LTER" (Sep 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Urbanization Interactions with Biogeochemistry and Climate. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (Sep 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Chinese Academy of Sciences (Aug 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Casagrande, D, Yabiku, S, Farley-Metzger, E, Hope, D, Gries, C, Larson, K, Grimm, Nancy, Redman, C. Effects of landscape manipulation on human behavior, knowledge, and social organization in an urban ecosystem. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Graham, K, Larson, E, Grimm, Nancy. Retention basin age and denitrification potential in Phoenix, AZ. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Lohse, K, Hope, D, Sponseller, R, Grimm, Nancy. Atmospheric deposition of nutrients in a desert city: Spatial patterns of wet deposition, throughfall, and runoff. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Larson, E, Graham, K, Grimm, Nancy. Inorganic nitrogen profile of xeriscaped stormwater retention basins in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Hall, S, Grimm, Nancy, Kaye, J, Allen, J. Ecosystem response to the urban atmosphere in the Sonoran Desert. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Wong, C, Grimm, Nancy, Sponseller, R. Desert crusts in an urban landscape: responses of N2 fixation to anthropogenic C and N deposition. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- McCrackin, M, Harms, T, Grimm, Nancy. The sky is falling: soil microbial responses to deposition from the urban atmosphere. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy, Edmonds, J, Hope, D, Baker, L, Westerhoff, P. Understanding the response of southwestern rivers to urbanization using long-term records of conservative and reactive constituents. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2006).
- Harms, T, Grimm, Nancy. Influences of variability in the hydrologic cycle on stream and groundwater chemistry in a large semi-arid basin. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2006).
- Helton, A, Poole, G, Meyer, J, Arango, C, Ashkenas, L, Dahm, C, Dodds, W, Gregory, S, Grimm, Nancy, Hall, R, Hamilton, S, Johnson, S, McDowell, W, Mulholland, P, Peterson, B, Tank, J, Valett, H, Webster, J. Patterns of nitrate loading and removal in stream networks: An interbiome comparison. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2006).
- Martin, R, Harms, T, Grimm, Nancy. Nutrient retention in agricultural and natural reaches of a large desert river. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2006).
- Hall, S, Grimm, Nancy, Kaye, J, Allen, J, Lewis, D. Ecosystem responses to urbanization across the Central Arizona-Phoenix (CAP) LTER site. Urban Biogeochemistry. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting (May 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. (May 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Urbanization of the desert: Patterns of change in biodiversity, biogeochemistry, and socio-ecological interaction. Carnegie Institution: Department of Global Ecology -Seminar (May 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Urban Ecosystems: A Challenge for Sustainability Science. (May 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecology in an era of globalization. (Opening and closing comments). Special Ecological Society of America themed meeting (Jan 2006).
- Grimm, Nancy. Urban ecosystems and the challenge to sustainability science. The circular economy and sustainable development (Nov 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. CAP - LTER: Instrument of Phoenix. The China Ministry of Land Resources: Sustainable Land Use and Planning Training - Phoenix (Sep 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. Introductory and synthesis comments. Ecological sustainability in a world of constant change: Developing a new research agenda for ESA (Aug 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. Opening remarks. Building an ecological observatory network for regional- to continental-scale research: NEON (Aug 2005).
- Harms, T, Grimm, Nancy. Plant assemblages indicate hot spots of N dynamics in semi-arid riparian zones. ESA 90th Annual Meeting (Aug 2005).
- Kaye, J, Majumdar, A, Gries, C, Hope, D, Zhu, W, Grimm, Nancy, Jenerette, D, Baker, L. The spatial distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen in a regional matrix of urban, agricultural, and desert ecosystems. ESA 90th Annual Meeting (Aug 2005).
- Larson, E, Grimm, Nancy. Distribution and denitrification potential of water features in the Phoenix, USA Metropolitan Area. American Society of Limnology & Oceanography ASLO Summer Meeting 2005 (Jun 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. Sorting out mechanisms from syndromes in the study of human-altered streams. American Society of Limnology & Oceanography ASLO Summer Meeting 2005 (Jun 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. Sorting out mechanisms from syndromes in the study of human-altered streams. School of Life Sciences, Science Studio (Jun 2005).
- Beaulieu, J, Hamilton, S, Bohm, S, Tank, J, Bernot, M, Ashkenas, Linda, Crenshaw, C, Dahm, Cliff, Dodds, Walter, Findlay, S, Gregory, S, Grimm, Nancy, Hall, R, Johnson, S, McDowell, W, Merriam, J, Mulholland, P, Peterson, B, Sheibley, R, Thomas, S, Valett, H, Webster, J. Dissolved O2, CO2, CH4, and N2O as indicators of biogeochemical processes in headwater streams. 2005 Joint Assembly American Geophysical Union -North American Benthological Society (May 2005).
- Helton, A, Poole, G, Meyer, J, Arango, C, Ashkenas, L, Dahm, C, Dodds, W, Gregory, S, Grimm, Nancy, Hall, R, Hamilton, S, Johnson, S, McDowell, W, Mulholland, P, Peterson, B, Tank, J, MValett, H, Webster, J. Simulating Nitrate Retention Patterns in Stream Networks: An Interbiome Comparison. 2005 Joint Assembly American Geophysical Union -North American Benthological Society (May 2005).
- Mulholland, P, Ashkenas, Linda, Bernot, Melody, Dahm, Cliff, Dodds, Walter, Findlay, Stuart, Gregory, Stan, Grimm, Nancy, Hall, Robert, Hamilton, Steve, Johnson, Sherri, McDowell, William, Merriam, Jeff, Peterson, Bruce, Tank, Jennifer, Thomas, Suzanne, Valett, Maury, Webster, Jack. Denitrification rates determined from an intersite N15 addition study. 2005 Joint Assembly American Geophysical Union -North American Benthological Society (May 2005).
- Roach, W, Grimm, Nancy. Denitrification in an Urban Greenbelt: Contrasting Aquatic and Terrestrial Patches. 2005 Joint Assembly American Geophysical Union -North American Benthological Society (May 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Apr 2005).
- Grimm, Nancy. Hydrologic controls on nitrogen dynamics in riparian ecosystems of semi-arid landscapes. Riparian biogeochemistry in semi-arid ecosystems (Oct 2004).
- Harms, T, Grimm, Nancy. Impacts of fluctuations in groundwater table elevation on soil microbial nitrogen transformations in. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting (Aug 2004).
- Hope, D, Gries, C, Kaye, J, Zhu, W, Stuart, G, Oleson, J, Katti, M, Warren, P, Grimm, Nancy. How do humans restructure the biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert?. Organized Oral Session, Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting (Aug 2004).
- Lewis, D, Schade, J, Grimm, Nancy. Resistance and resilience in a fluvial ecosystem: variability compared among patch types. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting (Aug 2004).
- Grimm, Nancy, Kaye, J, Hall, S, Allen, J, Lewis, D. A distinct urban biogeochemistry?. Biogeoscience Symposium, Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting (Aug 2004).
- Grimm, Nancy, Pickett, S. Urban disturbance. LTER Coordinating Committee Science Meeting, "Disturbance and Climate Change" (Aug 2004).
- Roach, W, Arrowsmith, R, Eisinger, C, Grimm, Nancy, Heffernan, J, Rychener, T. Anthropogenic modifications influence the interactions between the geomorphology and biogeochemis. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting (Aug 2004).
- Roach, W, Grimm, Nancy. Management changes interact with flash floods to flip nutrient limitation from P to N in a series of. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2004).
- Sheibley, R, Grimm, Nancy, Crenshaw, C, Dahm, C, Pershall, A, Zeglin, L, Van Vleck, H. Methods of measuring nutrient spiraling in urban streams. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2004).
- Grimm, Nancy, Sheibley, R, Crenshaw, C, Dahm, C, Roach, W, Zeglin, L. Nitrogen retention efficiency in highly modified urban streams of the desert Southwest. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2004).
- Pershall, A, Crenshaw, C, Sheibley, R, Grimm, Nancy, Dahm, C. Nitrogen Dynamics in Human Impacted Stream Ecosystems in the Southwestern United States. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2004).
- Crenshaw, C, Pershall, A, Dahm, C, Sheibly, R, Grimm, Nancy, Zeglin, L. Nitrate dynamics in stream hyporheic zones assessed using 15N-NO3 tracer. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (Jun 2004).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Mar 2004).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecosystem interactions with land-use change. Chapman Conference (Jun 2003).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Apr 2003).
- Grimm, Nancy. National Science Foundation (Feb 2003).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Jan 2003).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Sep 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. Interactions between Vegetation and Hydrological Processes in Semiarid Landscapes. Chapman Conference (Sep 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy, Redman, C. Interactions between Vegetation and Hydrological Processes in Semiarid Landscapes. Special Symposium, "Cities of Resilience", Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America (Aug 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting (Aug 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. Physical forcing and pelagic-benthic interactions in aquatic systems. Special Session, Annual meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (Jun 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. American Society of Limnology & Oceanography Annual Meeting (Jun 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting (May 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. National Science Foundation (Feb 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Jan 2002).
- Grimm, Nancy. (Oct 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. First Annual Conference, Global Nitrogen Enrichment Program (Sep 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecological Society of America (Aug 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. North American Benthological Society (Jun 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. Arizona Riparian Council (May 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. (May 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. 16th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Chapter of International Association of Landscape Ecology (Apr 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. International Association of Landscape Ecology, U.S. Chapter (Apr 2001).
- Grimm, Nancy. Special Symposium, Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America (Aug 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. American Meteorological Society, Third Symposium on the Urban Environment (Aug 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. All-Scientists' Meeting, US LTER Network (Aug 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. North American Benthological Society (Jun 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. North American Benthological Society. Annual Meeting (May 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. American Geophysical Union (May 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. Southwest River Management and Restoration: Non-Structural Approaches (Apr 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecology: Achievement and Challenge. British Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of America (Apr 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy. Ecology: Achievement and Challenge. Joint symposium of the British Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of America (Apr 2000).
- Grimm, Nancy.
- Grimm, Nancy. Gordon Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry
- Larson, E, Grimm, Nancy. Nitrogen Dynamics in Urban Man-Made Lakes: Denitrification Potential of Sediments. CAP LTER annual poster presentation (7th); International Institute for Sustainability
- Grimm, Nancy. A Long-Term Perspective on Biogeochemistry of Desert Streams. 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation
- Grimm, Nancy. Anthropogenic Modifications Influence the Interactions Between the Geomorphology and Biogeochemistry. American Geophysical Union - Chapman Conference
- Grimm, Nancy. Nitrogen retention and transformation in urban streams. Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology
- Grimm, Nancy. Effects of human modification of hydrology and nutrient balance on biogeochemical pattern and proces. Arizona Hydrological Society
- Grimm, Nancy. Effects of land-use change from urbanization on nutrient dynamics in arid-land streams. American Geophysical Union - Chapman Conference
- Grimm, Nancy. Integration of geosciences and social science within the LTER program: progress and prospects. 3rd Annual NSF Mini-Symposium, National Science Foundation
- Grimm, Nancy. Mechanisms of nutrient export in storm water runoff from catchments. American Geophysical Union/European Geophysical Society Joint Symposium
- Grimm, Nancy. Nitrogen cycling rates and carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry in streams. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting
- Grimm, Nancy. Nitrogen retention in stream-channel and riparian hotspots of semi-arid watersheds. Departmental seminar, Hydrology and Water Resources
- Grimm, Nancy. Nitrogen retention in stream-channel and riparian hotspots of semi-arid watersheds. Distinguished Ecologist Series, Research Seminar
- Grimm, Nancy. Nutrient retention in stream-channel and riparian hotspots of semi-arid catchments. American Geophysical Union/European Geophysical Society Joint Symposium
- Grimm, Nancy. The urban ecology of Central Arizona-Phoenix. Distinguished Ecologist Series, Public Lecture
- Grimm, Nancy. The urban ecology of Central Arizona-Phoenix overview and progress. Long Term Ecological Research Network All Scientists Meeting
- Grimm, Nancy, Redman, C. Reorganizing research teams into Integrated Project Areas (IPA) for CAP2. CAP LTER annual poster presentation (7th); International Institute for Sustainability
- Coleman P. Burke Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, Yale School of the Environment, 2023
- Award of Excellence, Society for Freshwater Science, 2023
- Alfred C. Redfield Lifetime Achievement Award, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2023
- Regents Professor, ASU, 2019
- Member, National Academy of Sciences, elected 2019
- Fellow, Society for Freshwater Science, elected 2019
- Sustainability Science Award, Ecological Society of America, 2019
- H. J. Oosting Lecturer, Duke University, 2019
- Virginia M. Ullman Chair in Ecology, ASU, 2018
- Fellow, American Geophysical Union, elected 2017
- Distinguished Ecologist, Marine Biological Laboratory Ecosystems Center, 2015
- Inaugural William Mitsch Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, 2015
- Eminent Ecologist, Kellogg Biological Station, 2015
- Jenner Lecturer, University of North Carolina, 2015
- Eugene and Bill Odum Lecturer, University of Georgia, 2015
- Director’s Award for Collaborative Integration, NSF, 2012
- Fellow, Ecological Society of America, elected 2012
- Distinguished Scientist Award (LTER network), American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2011
- Founders’ Day Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, ASU Alumni Association, 2010
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, elected 2008
- Editorial Board Member: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA (2023–)
- Editorial Service, ad hoc: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA (2019–)
- Editorial Board Member: Perspectives in Earth and Space Science (2019– )
- Editorial Board Member: Watershed Ecology & the Environment (2018– )
- Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Urban Ecology (2015– )
- Editorial Board Member: Sustainability (2018–2022)
- Editor: Earth’s Future (2014–2022)
- Associate Editor: Frontiers in Built Environment, Urban Science (2017–2020)
- Guest Editor: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA (2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014)
- Editor: Ecohydrology (2007–2020)
American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Geophysical Union; American Institute of Biological Sciences; Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography; Arizona Riparian Council; Ecological Society of America; Society for Freshwater Science; Society for Urban Ecology; Societas Internationalis Limnologiae; The Nature Conservancy
Biology, Environmental Life Science, Sustainability Graduate Faculties Mentored 38 post-doctoral scholars, 25 graduate students, 58 undergraduate students; on 34 graduate committees
2019–present Regents Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; 2018–present Virginia M. Ullman Professor of Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; 2023 (fall) Coleman P. Burke Distinguished Lecturer, Yale School of the Environment; 2003–2018 Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; 2010–present Senior Sustainability Scientist, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; 2010–present Teaching Faculty, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University; 2011–2012 Senior Scientist for the National Climate Assessment, US Global Change Research Program (on detail from the National Science Foundation); 2010–2012 Program Director and Interdisciplinary Liaison, National Science Foundation (on detail from Arizona State University); 2007–2009 Faculty Leader, Faculty of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Science, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; 2007, January–June Visiting Professor, Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (Spain); 2005–present Adjunct Professor of Biology, University of New Mexico (UNM); 1999–2003 Professor, Department of Biology, Arizona State University; 1997–1999 Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Arizona State University; 1994–1997 Associate Research Scientist, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University; 1990–1994 Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University; 1989–1990 Faculty Research Associate, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University; 1987–1989 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Arizona State University; 1985–1987 Faculty Research Associate, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University
- Advisory Board Member: Team TERRA Graduate Training Program, University of Connecticut (2022, 2023)
- International Scientific Advisory Board Member: OneWater (Eau Bien Commun), France (National Programme), Paris, France (2022–2026)
- Member: Standing Committee for the Gulf Scholars Program, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (2022–2023)
- Panelist: Integrated Field Laboratories Program, US Department of Energy (2022)
- Member: Centre des Estudis Avançats de Blanes (Blanes Center for Advanced Studies), CSIC, Spain (2021–2022)
- Panel Member: National Research Traineeship Program, NSF (2021)
- Panel Member: Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems, NSF (2021)
- Reviewer: Next Generation Earth Systems Science report for the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (2021)
- Advisory Board Member: H2O'Lyon: School of Integrated Watershed Sciences (2019– )
- Vienna Science and Technology Fund, “Environmental Systems Research: Urban Environments”, Jury Member (2017)
- Premi Ramón Margalef (Margalef Prize), Jury Selection Committee member (2016–2018 )
- National Academy Standing Committee to advise the United States Global Change Program, Member (2014 - Present)
- Research Advisory Sub-Committee, Program B in the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Australia, Member (2013 - 2016)
- INTERFACES Training Network, European Commission, Network Advisory Board member (2013 - 2017)
- CAP LTER Executive Committee, Member (2010 - Present)
- Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE), Advisory Board, Member (2010 - 2014)
- Ecological Society of America’s Rapid Response Team, Member (2009 - Present)
- Catalan Institute for Water Research, Member: Scientific Committee (2007 - 2013)
- CLAS Dean's Faculty Advisory Committee, Member (2016 - 2017)
- CLAS Dean's Faculty Advisory Committee, Member (2013 - 2015)
- Search Committee/SoLS Macrosystems Biology, Member (2014 - 2015)
- The Royal Society, Working group member, policy project (2013 - 2014)
- Search Committee/SOS Environmental Science & Sustainability, Member (2013 - 2014)
- Conservation Alliance, Speaker (2014 - 2014)