Kathleen Puckett
7271 E Sonoran Arroyo Mall Santa Catalina Hall 350 D Mesa, AZ 85212
Mail code: 5411Campus: West
Kathleen S. Puckett is embedded in the Arizona educational community through her work as special education program coordinator of the at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers. One of several responsibilities in this role is to work with the partner school districts in the college's iTeach program, teaching preservice teachers and coordinating with school district personnel. She is active in statewide special education leadership activities, serving as a State Board of Education appointee on the special education advisory panel, a member of Arizona's CEEDAR intensive support activities for special education program improvement, and an active member of the Arizona Council for Exceptional Children. She served as University Senate President and chair of the University Academic Council during the 2016-17 academic year, where she also served as the chair of the Arizona Faculties Council, representing the three state universities as an ex-officio member of the Arizona Board of Regents. Her contributions to educational research are centered around access to and success in the general education curriculum for students with disabilities.
Professor Puckett has partnered with other researchers in the areas of language arts, technology, and other academic areas to inspire pre-service and in-service teachers to promote successful inclusive practices. She has extensive experience in services for special education students, assistive technology, and special education teacher development. Puckett has successfully directed grant activities requiring collaboration with school district personnel in four teacher recruitment and training grants in Arizona and Tennessee. She was the 2009 president of the Council for Exceptional Children. Professor Puckett is working with the Arizona Department of Education Office of Exceptional Education Services, the CEEDAR Center and representatives from state universities and community colleges to improve teacher training in inclusive practices and improved achievement in the areas of literacy and data-based decision making.
- Ph.D. Education, University of Tennessee 1992. Dissertation: Teacher Thinking in Special Education: Longitudinal Differences in the Expression of Expertise.
- Ed.S. Educational Administration and Supervision, University of Tennessee 1988. Thesis: The Knoxville City Schools Proficiency Project: An Effective Schools Approach.
- M.S. Special Education, University of Tennessee 1975. Thesis: The Modified Dale-Chall Formula: A Statistical Comparison with Two Other Readability Formulas on Intermediate Level Basal Readers.
- B.S. Social Studies Education, University of Tennessee 1970
Guiding Research Questions:
- How do we develop teachers who are committed to inclusive practices that are optimal for all students, including those with disabilities?
- In what ways can assistive and instructional technologies be used to promote successful achievement of academic standards and appropriate social skills for students with disabilities?
Current Research Projects:
- Dr. Puckett is working with the Arizona Department of Education Office of Exceptional Education Services, the CEEDAR Center and representatives from state universities and community colleges to improve teacher training in inclusive practices and improved achievement in thee areas of literacy and data based decision making.
- As the University Senate President, Dr. Puckett named a special task force to develop a policy for Arizona State University on Open Access for research and creative works. Puckett appointed faculty and academic professionals from across the campuses and disciplines to this task force, and convened an advisory panel for experts from OKED, the Provost office, and the Library to assist with background research. The task force will be making a recommendation for ACD policy change in Spring, 2017.
Hansen, C., Buczynski, S., & Puckett, K. (2015). Curriculum and Teaching for the 21st Century. San Diego CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Puckett, K. (2013) Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Approach. San Diego CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
O’Bannon, B. & Puckett, K. (2010). Preparing to use Technology: A Practical Guide to Curriculum Integration, 2nd edition. New York: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.
Puckett, K. & Brozo,W. (2008) Supporting Content Area Literacy through Technology. New York: Allyn and Bacon.
O’Bannon, B. & Puckett, K. (2007). Preparing to use Technology: A Practical Guide to Curriculum Integration. New York: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.
Chapters in Books:
Puckett K. and Fisher, K. (2018) in Ellen B Braaten (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders. Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483392271
Puckett, K. (2015). Technologies for persons with physical disabilities. In Spector, J. Michael. (Ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, Volume 2. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 714-715.
Puckett, K. (2015). Technologies for persons with visual impairments. In Spector, J. Michael. (Ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, Volume 2. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 716-718.
Puckett, K. & O’Bannon, B. (2011) Technology Applications for Students with Dyslexia. In Wendling, B. & Mather, N., Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention, Hoboken,NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Puckett, K. & O’Bannon, B. (2011) Technology applications for students with special needs: Unlocking the potential, opening a world of possibilities. In S. Abramovich, Ed., Computers and Education, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Journal Articles
Puckett, K., Mathur, S., & Zamora, R. (2017) Implementing an Intervention in Special Education to Promote Social Skills in an Inclusive Setting. Journal of International Special Needs Education, 20, (1)
Gerhke, R., Harris, P. & Puckett, K. (2014). Field Experiences and Perceptions of Inclusion: Varying Contexts, Structures, and Interpretations. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 15 (2), 85-93.
Sandberg, H., Hansen, C., Puckett, K. (2013) Increasing Engagement through Music and Movement. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 17 (4).
Puckett, K.S. & McCoy, K.M. (October, 2013) Parents as Teachers of Children with Autism in the Peoples' Republic of China. Journal of International Special Needs Education 16 (2), 68-81. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.9782/2159-4341-16.2.68
Amrein-Beardsley, A., Zambo, D., Moore, D. W., Buss, R. R., Perry, N. J., Painter, S. R., Carlson, D. L., Foulger, T. S., Olson, K., & Puckett, K. S. (2012, April). Graduates respond to an innovative educational doctorate program. Journal of Research on Leadership in Education, 7(1), 98-122. doi: 10.1177/1942775112440630
Tovar, A., Hansen, C.C., & Puckett, K. (2011). From Paper to Pocket: Using Technology to Inform Literacy Intervention in a Kindergarten Classroom. The Journal of Literacy and Technology, 12(2) (2-27). http://www.mendeley.com/research/paper-pocket-using-technology-inform-literacy-intervention-kindergarten-classroom/
Puckett, K., Shea, C., & Hansen, C. (2011). Discourse + Technology/Collaborative Learning = Fraction Success. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 5(1) (68-84)
Puckett, K., Judge, S., & Brozo, W. (2009). Integrating Content Area Literacy and Assistive Technology: a Teacher Development Institute. Southeastern Teacher Education Journal, 2(2) 27-38.
Puckett, K. (2006) An Assistive Technology Toolkit: Type II Applications for Students with Mild Disabilities. In C. D. Maddux &d.L. Johnson, Eds. Classroom Integration of Type II Uses of Technology in Education. 107-117.
Wilhelm, L., Puckett, K., Beisser, K. Merideth, E., Sivakumaran, T., and Wishart, W. (2006, August) Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Electronic Portfolios at Three Universities. Tech Trends, 50 (4) 62-71.
Judge, S., Puckett, K., & Bell, S. M. (2006). Closing the Digital Divide: An Update from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, The Journal of Educational Research, 100(1), 52-60.
O’Bannon, B., Puckett, K. and Rakes, G. (2006). Using Technology to Support Visual Learning Strategies. Computers in Education, 23 (1/2) p. 125-137.
Puckett, K. (2005) An Assistive Technology Toolkit: Type II Applications for Students with Mild Disabilities. Computers in the Schools, 22(3/4).
Puckett, K., Bell, S., Turner, T., Long, V., Winters, J. (2005). Alternative Routes to Teacher Certification: One University’s Response to Meeting the Needs of the Profession. Tennessee Education, 35 (1) 5-14
Puckett, K & Brozo, W. (2004). Using Assistive Technology to Teach Content Area Literacy for Students with Disabilities. College Reading Association Yearbook 26, 462-479.
Puckett, K. (2004) Project ACCESS: Field Testing an Assistive Technology Toolkit for Students with Mild Disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 19.(2).
Judge, S., Puckett, K., & Burcu C. (2004). Digital Equity: New Findings from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36, (4).
Bell, S.M., Threatt, P. T., Schindler, W.J., & Puckett, K. (2004) Current themes in educational action research at a university teacher training program. Tennessee Education, 33(2)5-14.
Puckett, K. (2002) Final Report of Project ACCESS: Accessing Curriculum content for Special Education Students. Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
Brower,J., Warren-Kring,B., Puckett, K., Hardaway,J., Davidson, L., Tanner, M., Bibler, T., Donahoo, D., Stewart, C. & Childs, K. (2000) .Alternative Certification Program: A Collaborative Effort Between Hamilton County Department of Education and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Mid-South Educational Research Association, Bowling Green, Kentucky. November 14, 2000 ERIC document TM032134.
Gettys, C., Ray,B., Rutledge, V., Puckett, K. & Stepanskie, J. (1999) The Professional Development School Experience Evaluation. ERIC document: ED 437 357.
Gettys, C., Puckett, K., Stepanske, J. & Ray, B. (1998). Collaboration on the Teacher Education Scene: An Academic Year in the Classroom. ERIC document ED428041.
Puckett, K. (1996). Practice what you preach: Integrating technology into your instruction. ED 401 691.
Puckett, K. & Littleton, M. (1996). Creating multimedia: An effective way to demonstrate the power of assistive technology. Closing the Gap, 15(4) 9-18.
McClam, T. & Puckett, K. (1992). Qualities of Effective Supervision: Changes in Novices’ Perceptions. Human Services Educator, 12(1) 13-22.
Puckett, K. & McClam, T. (1991). Qualities of Effective Supervisors: The expectations of prospective student teachers. The Teacher Educator, 26 (4): 2-8.
McClam, T. & Puckett, K. (1991). Preservice students speak: what we expect of our supervisors. Tennessee Education, 20 (3): 14-18.
McClam, T. & Puckett, K. (1991) Pre-Field Human Service Major’s Ideas About Supervisors. Human Services Educator, 11(1) 23-29.
Conference Proceedings:
Puckett, K., & Mruczek, C., Fox, A. (2015) Perceptions of Inclusive Practices and Principles among Teacher Educators in India. International Association of Special Education Conference Proceedings, Wroclaw, Poland.
Tian, Huiping & Puckett, K. (2015). Supporting Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in China. International Association of Special Education Conference Proceedings, Wroclaw, Poland.
Puckett, K. & Zamora R. (2014). Friends with Autism. Division of International Special Needs Education Conference Proceedings, Braga, Portugal.
Puckett, K. (2011) Technology Applications for Students with Disabilities: Tools to Access Curriculum Content. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lisbon Portugal, 3046-33899.
Puckett, K. and Maldonado, C. (2009). Recruiting special education teachers for high need geographic areas. International Association of Special Education Conference, Alicante, Spain. July, 2009
Puckett, K., Sivakumaran, T., & Wishart, W. (2004) Integrating an assistive technology toolkit with content literacy strategies: A model for teacher support and training. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Italy.
Puckett, K., Davis, A., Heinrick, K., McDaniel, K., & Rosen, L. (2004) Technology as a tool to enhance K-3 standards-based learning: Successful applications from Project Impact. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, 2004, 3582-3586.
O'Bannon, B. & Puckett, K. (2003). A web-based interactive module that promotes learning. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Honolulu HI, 1354-1356.
O'Bannon, B. & Puckett, K. (2003). Online lesson library: Vital link in training of new teachers. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, 2003, 3740-3743.
O'Bannon, B., Nonis, A., Skuda, S., Puckett,.K. (2002) Facilitating Systematic Change in Teacher Education: A Model for Technology Infusion. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, March 2002.
Littleton, M. & Puckett, K. (1998). Comparing Communication Systems: Some Important Questions to Consider. Southeast Augmentative Communication Conference Proceedings October 31, 1998. Birmingham, Alabama
Puckett, K. & Littleton, M. (1997) Empowering people with disabilities for inclusion through technology today. Southeast Augmentative Communication Conference Proceedings. October 3-4, 1997. Birmingham, Alabama.
- Koerner,Mari, Puckett,Kathleen S, Ridley,Dale Scott. Professional Development School Teaching Excellence Network through Educational Technology with Indian Nations (PDS-TENET-WIN). ED(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2013).
- Puckett,Kathleen S*, Puckett,Kathleen S*, Ridley,Dale Scott, Ridley,Dale Scott. ASPIRE: Arizona Special Initiative to Recruit and Retain Educators. ED(9/1/2007 - 12/30/2013).
- Puckett,Kathleen S*, Bergeron,Bette S, Greenes,Carole E., Greenes,Carole E.. Enhancing the Career Pipeline for Hispanic in Education. CENTRAL AZ COLLEGE(10/1/2005 - 9/30/2011).
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPE 791 | Seminar |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 792 | Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
SPE 780 | Practicum |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
SPE 791 | Seminar |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 710 | Innov Disseminating Res |
TEL 792 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SPE 791 | Seminar |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
SPE 780 | Practicum |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 792 | Research |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
DCI 784 | Internship |
SPE 555 | Inclusive Pract Diverse Learn |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 784 | Internship |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 792 | Research |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 780 | Practicum |
TEL 799 | Dissertation |
SPE 791 | Seminar |
Ellis, Raquel (2017). EdD, Leadership and Innovation. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Building Content Knowledge in Elementary English Language Arts: How a Shift in Curriculum Affects Teacher Perception of Reading. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Lippincott, Dianna (2017). EdD, Leadership and Innovation. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Accountability Groups to Enhance Language Learning in a University Intensive English Program. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Rausch, Kyle (2017). EdD, Leadership and Innovation. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. First-Generation Strength: Supporting First-Generation College Students in Study Abroad. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Yanez, Lisa (2017). EdD, Leadership and Innovation. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Active Engagement in Medical Education. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Yonnie, Tammy W. (2016) Traditional Navajo Storytelling as an Educational Strategy: Student Voices. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Cawthorne, Janine. (2016) Examining Post-School Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: A Continuous Improvement Process for Post-Secondary Transition Practices, Melanie Bertrand, Chair, Kathleen Puckett, Committee member.
Hecht Jr., John. (2015). Supporting Special Education Teachers and Increasing Student Achievement within the Valley School District. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Crawford, Steven (2015) Flipped and Blended: Using Blended Faculty Development to Increase the Use of Technology Among Health Science Faculty. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Bartanen, Peter. (2015). Kids Rule: Supporting the Individual Needs of Frequent Classroom Disruptors. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Aska, Cassandra (2015). Transfer Students Integration Experiences: A Study of Their Initial Six Weeks at a Receiving Institution. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Veach, Paula (2015). Negotiating Identity: Who Does She Think She Is? Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Zamora, R. N. (2013). Friends with Autism: A Comprehensive Approach to Building Social Skills among Students with Autism and an At-Risk Peer in the General Education Classroom. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Voller, J. (2013). FaculTea: Professional Development for Learning Centered Academic Advising. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Roggeman, P. (2013) Empowering Apprentice Teachers: Tracking Instructional Practices with MyiLogs. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Koan, M. (2011). Collaboration Across Organizational Boundaries: Developing an Information Technology Community of Practice. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Morgenthal, J. (2011). The Effects and Implications of Online Collaboration on a Developing Community of Practice Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Tseunis, P. (2011). Tseunis Transformative Teacher Induction Plan, T3IP: TTTIPing the Scale in Favor of Reform. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Richman, B. (2011). Efficacy, Community, and Aspiring Principals. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Sandberg, H. (2009). Get Moving! The Effects of Movement and Music on Attention and Engagement. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Tovar, A. (2009) mTechnology: A Teacher Tool for Growing a Community of Practice. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Shea, C. (2009). Discourse + Technology/Collaboration = Fraction success. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
Mendez, J. (2009). Mexican American Women as School Superintendents: Voices from the Field and Hope for the Future. Doctoral Dissertation, Arizona State University. Kathleen Puckett, Chair.
2004- Present: Associate Professor, Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. During academic year 2009-2010, served as the Interim Associate Dean.
2000-2004: Associate Professor, University of Tennessee. Responsibilities include teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Special Education methods for mild/moderate disabilities, assistive technology, assessment, and research. Served as faculty advisor for Project Impact, a PT3 Grant. Coordinated the Individualized Instruction Program and led the cross training of elementary and special education interns. Directed Teacher Recruitment Initiative in Tennessee (TRI-IT) a Title II teacher recruitment grant.
1992-2000: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Assistant Professor, 1992-1997. Named UC Foundation Associate Professor, 1997. Responsibilities included teaching courses in awareness and accommodation of students with disabilities to prospective general education teachers, classroom methods and assessment techniques in mild and severe disabilities, assistive technology, instructional design, classroom use of computers, multi-media, and other technology. Redesigned components of methods courses for the cross training of Special and General Education majors in Professional Development Schools. Appointed to the Graduate Faculty. Coordinator of the Moderate/Severe Disabilities Program of Study at the Master’s level.
1974-1989 Special Education Supervisor, Knoxville City and Knox County Schools. Supervised over 70 teachers in thirty-five elementary, middle and high schools and was responsible for evaluation, inservice training, and the development of policies and procedures in response to state and federal regulations governing the education of children with disabilities. Activities also included coordination with general education curriculum and membership on the Adopt-A-School Advisory Board.1973-1974 Support Team Teacher, Prevention Intervention Project, Knoxville City Schools. Developed support systems for teachers and parents of high-risk elementary students using the Re-Ed model.
1970-1973: Special Education Teacher, Anderson County (Tennessee) Schools. Taught vocational and academic skills to students with exceptionalities at Norwood Junior and Clinton Junior High Schools. Coordinated student needs with Vocational Rehabilitation services.
2014-2018 Arizona Board of Education Special Education Advisory Committee, member
2017-2019 Chair, Non Tenure Eligible Personnel Evaluation Committee, MLFTC
2016-2017 Arizona Faculties Council Representative to the Arizona Board of Regents
2016-2017 University Senate President and Chair of the University academic council
2012-2015 Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, Member
2013-2014 University Senate, President Elect Polytechnic Campus
2009 Council for Exceptional Children, President