Anthony M. Garcy is a sociologist and a visiting associate research professor at Arizona State University, College of Education. He was recently associate professor of public health at Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Between 2005 and 2008, he was an American Educational Research Association/Institute of Education Sciences postdoctoral fellow at Arizona State University in the College of Education.
His research is focused on the overlapping relationships between health, work, and education. He is especially interested in the extent to which social selection (e.g., pre-existing poor health status) and determinants (e.g., education quality) related to social causation help to explain these relationships. Garcy has conducted research on educational policy and health outcomes in the U.S. and in Sweden. He has also worked within the field of the social determinants of health.
Prior publications have discussed the effects of health on academic achievement and school attendance in Yuma County, Arizona. Other publications have utilized Swedish register data to study the effects of educational mismatch and unemployment on all cause and cause specific mortality. In 2014, he was awarded a large grant by the Swedish Research Council to undertake the expansion of two large Swedish cohort study databases. Garcy recently led the successful effort to obtain Swedish archival and contemporary register data on school quality. Detailed information about the cohort member's teachers and resources available to their schools has been linked to each individual’s (n≈2 million) birth, social characteristics, and health information over the life course.
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)/Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Postdoctoral Fellow: Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College (Educational Leadership and Policy Studies), 2005-08
- Ph.D. Sociology, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 2002. Dissertation: Part-time and contingent academic employment.
- M.A. Sociology, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 1996. Thesis: Occupational skill changes and the issue of over-education: A measurement and analysis.
- B.A. Sociology, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 1992
Garcy, A. M. (2023). Theorizing the Use of Performance Enhancing Substances and Methods in Sport as Four Different Types of Deviant Behavior. Deviant Behavior. 45(3):1-18. Google Scholar article citations – 1.
Garcy, A. M. (2018). Extending the Uppsala birth cohort multigenerational study database with a new collection from archival sources: Collection and error correction strategies when problems arise. SAGE Research Methods Cases. P2.
Garcy, A. M. & Berliner, D. C. (2018). A critical review of the literature on the relationship between school quality and health inequalities. Review of Education. 6(1):40-66. Google Scholar article citations – 35.
Yu, B. & Garcy, A. M. (2018). A longitudinal study of cognitive and educational outcomes of those born small for gestational age. Acta Pediatrica. 107(1):86-94. *Acta Pediatrica Impact Factor – 2.043. Google Scholar article citations – 25.
Vågerö, D., & Garcy, A. M. (2016). Does unemployment cause mortality? Evidence from the 1992–1996 mass unemployment episode in Sweden. European Journal of Public Health. 26 (5):778-783. *EJPH 5 year Impact Factor – 2.664. Google Scholar article citations – 61.
Dunlavy, A. C., Garcy, A. M. et al., (2016). Educational mismatch and health status among foreign-born workers in Sweden. Social Science & Medicine. 156:36-44.*Social Science and Medicine 5 year Impact Factor – 3.505. Google Scholar article citations – 57.
Garcy, A. M. (2015). Educational mismatch and mortality among native-born workers in Sweden. A nineteen-year longitudinal study of 2.5 million individuals,1990-2008. Sociology of Health and Illness. 37:1314-1336. *Sociology of Health and Illness Impact Factor –1.89 . Google Scholar article citations – 27.
Garcy, A. M. (2013). The effects of health insurance coverage on the math achievement trajectories of schoolchildren in Yuma County, Arizona: Implications for education accountability policy. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 21:1-28.*EPAA SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) – .553. Google Scholar article citations – 5.
Garcy, A. M. & Vågerö, D. (2013). Unemployment and suicide during and after a deep recession: A longitudinal study of 3.4 million Swedish men and women. American Journal of Public Health. 103:1031-1038. *AJPH Impact Factor – 4.138. Google Scholar article citations – 95.
Garcy, A. M. & Vågerö, D. (2012). The length of unemployment predicts mortality, differently in men and women, and by cause of death: A six-year mortality follow- up of the Swedish 1992–1996 recession. Social Science & Medicine. 74:1911-1920. *Social Science and Medicine 5 year Impact Factor – 3.505. Google Scholar article citations – 170.
Garcy, A. M. (2010). High expense: Disability severity and charter school enrollment in Arizona. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 19:1-30. *EPAA SJR – .553. Google Scholar article citations – 40.
Garcy, A. M. (2009). The longitudinal link between student health and math achievement scores. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk. 14:283-310. *JESPAR SJR – .806. Google Scholar article citations – 14.
Johnson, T. P., Fendrich, M., Shaligram, C., Garcy, A. M. & Gillespie, S. (2000). An evaluation of the effects of interviewer characteristics in an RDD telephone survey of drug use. Journal of Drug Issues. 30:77-102. *Journal of Drug Issues SJR – .534. Google Scholar article citations – 88.
Dunlavy, A., Garcy, A. M., et al. 2014. Occupational mismatch and health status among foreign born workers in Sweden. American Public Health Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Garcy, A. M. 2014. Education quality and educational mismatch. Social Mobility/SIMSAM seminar. CHESS, Stockholm.
Garcy, A. M. 2014. The relationship between school quality, educational quality, and health inequalities: A critical, synthetic review. Education Systems Conference. Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Garcy, A. M. 2014. Mortality among native born workers in Sweden: The effect of educational mismatch. Scottish, Finnish, Swedish Conference. Biennial Meeting, Arith, Scotland.
Garcy, A. M. 2014. Excessive mortality among the unemployed. The role of social causation and social selection: Evidence from the Swedish recession of the mid-1990s. FORTE meetings, Stockholm, Sweden.
Garcy, A. M. 2012. Unemployment and suicide during and after a deep recession: A longitudinal study of 3.4 million Swedish men and women. European Society for Health and Medical Sociology. Biennial Meeting, Hannover, Germany.
Garcy, A. M. 2010. Does unemployment cause mortality? Evidence from the 1992-1996 mass unemployment episode in Sweden. European Society for Health and Medical Sociology. Biennial Meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
Garcy, A. M. 2010. Unemployment and excessive mortality in Sweden. Scottish, Finnish, Swedish Conference. Biennial Meeting, Mariefred, Sweden.
Garcy, A. M. 2008. Insurance coverage gaps and mathematics achievement in Yuma County, Arizona public schools: A longitudinal analysis 1999 to 2003. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. 2007. Panelist, post-doctoral experiences of sociologist of color: The role of mentoring. Association of Black Sociologists Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. 2007. The impact of high cost: Disability severity and charter school enrollment in Arizona. AERA Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. 2007. A longitudinal analysis of health status and math achievement in Yuma County, Arizona public schools: 1999 to 2003. AERA Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. 2006. Health status and achievement in Yuma County, Arizona public schools: 1999 to 2003. AERA Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M., Aleksic, M., & Ziker, C. 2005. A comparison of exceptional student characteristics, school attendance, and academic achievement in charter and traditional public schools. AERA Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. 2004. Students with disabilities: Achievement test score differences and charter school attendance. American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. & Aleksic, M. 2004. Do students with disabilities in charter schools outperform those in traditional public schools on the Arizona AIMS test? AERA Annual Meeting.
Garcy, A. M. 2003. Disability, achievement test score differences and school attendance. Paper session. Arizona Education Research Organization (AERO) Annual Meeting.
Johnson, Timothy P., Michael Fendrich and Anthony M. Garcy. 1997. “A Comparison of Interviewer Effects Models in an RDD Telephone Survey on Drug Use.” Presented to the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Norfolk, VA. May, 1997.
Garcy, A. M. 2009. Health insurance coverage and scholastic performance in a high poverty context. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, U.S.A. Invited talk.
Garcy, A. M. 2008. The digital divide. Faculty Development Day Talk. Central Arizona College. Apache Junction, Arizona, U.S.A. Invited talk.
Garcy, A. M. 2008. The qualitative/quantitative debate. Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington, U.S.A. Invited talk.
Garcy, A. M. 2004. A regression approach to Arizona’s measure of academic progress. Presentation at the (NAAAC) National Assessment Accountability Advisory Committee Meeting. Scientific presentation.
Garcy, Anthony M. and William P. Bridges. 1997. “Occupational Skill Changes and the Issue of Over-education: A Measurement and Analysis.” Invited departmental seminar. Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago.
2005 President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness. ASU.
2005 AERA Distinguished Paper Award. Title, A comparison of exceptional student characteristics, school attendance, and academic achievement in charter and traditional public schools. Award amount, $500.
2004 AERO Best Paper Award. Title, A comparison of exceptional student characteristics, school attendance, and academic achievement in charter and traditional public schools.
1995-97 University Diversity Fellowship, UIC. Award amount, $15,000.
1992 Summa cum laude (Sociology).
1989-90 Illinois General Assembly Scholarship. Award amount, $1,000.
2020-25 American Sociological Association
1998-08 American Sociological Association
2002-08 American Educational Research Association
2007-08 Association of Black Sociologists
2002-04 Arizona Education Research Organization
2016 Bing Yu, M.A.
2016 Andrea Dunlavy, Ph.D.
2012 Emma Mårtensson, M.A.
2017/12-Present Associate Research Professor. Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.
2016/09-2018/08 Associate Professor of Public Health. Stockholm University/ Karolinska Institute, Department of Public Health Sciences.
2009/02-2016/09 Assistant Professor. Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute/Center for Health Equity Studies (CHESS).
2005-08 American Educational Research Association (AERA)/Institute of Education
Sciences (IES) Post-Doctoral Fellow, Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton
College of Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.
2004-05 Senior Management Research Analyst/Project Director, Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Business, School of Health Management and Policy.
2002-04 Education Research Associate, State of Arizona Department of Education, Research and Policy Division.
2004 Consultant, Litchfield School District, Litchfield, Arizona.
2004 Consultant, WESTAT.
1998 Social Statistician, Demographic Surveys Division, Bureau of the Census, Suitland, Maryland.
1997 Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago.
1994-96 Research Assistant, Survey Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago.
2017 Examiner Karolinska Institute - Chantelle Murley and Olof Mogard.
2017 Examiner CHESS - Sha Di.
2015 Reviewer for internal CHESS seminar series.
2012 Reviewer for internal CHESS seminar series.
2011-13 Coordinator for the internal CHESS seminar series.
2009 Reviewer for internal CHESS seminar series.
- European Journal of Public Health
- International Journal of Epidemiology
- European Sociological Review
- Sociology of Health and Illness
- Journal of School Choice
- Journal of Public Health
- Journal for General Social Issues
- American Educational Research Journal
- Archives of Suicide Research
- AERA Education, Health, and Human Services SIG