Kyle Messner is a senior lecturer currently in her ninth year at Arizona State University. Previously she was at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC for nine years. She has bachelor's of arts in French and a master's of education in special education-mildly handicapped. She earned her doctorate in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in bilingual/multicultural education in 1994 from ASU.
Besides teaching courses in BLE and SPE, she worked with the NEXT grant for four years. During that time, her work focused on improving the retention and graduation rates in at several of the rural PDS/iTeach sites. She worked extensively with the cohort in the Gadsden Elementary School District for two years to help improve the level of English proficiency among the preservice teachers. She also worked with students in San Carlos, Chinle and Douglas. Her present work focuses on the AEPA test preparation and remedial classes and she has conducted multiple workshops both in rural and urban settings.