Julieta Paulesc
Durham Hall, 402 F TEMPE, AZ 85287-0202
Mail code: 0202Campus: Tempe
Julie Paulesc is a Teaching Professor of Romanian Studies and the Coordinator of the Romanian Language Program. Paulesc has been teaching Romanian language and culture at Arizona State University since 2003. She also serves as Barrett Honors Faculty, Affiliate Faculty at the The Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies, and the Associate Director of the Central European Cultural Collaborative. Her research interests include language and identity, migration studies, digital storytelling, and Eastern European film.
- Ph.D Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University, 2019.
- M.A. French and Comparative Literature, Arizona State University 2005.
- B.A. Philology (French Language and Literature, Romanian Language and Literature), Universitatea de Vest, Timişoara, Romania 1994
Romanian language and culture, language and identity, migration studies and Eastern European film, Romanian diaspora
School of International Letters and Cultures Migration Research Cluster
- Julieta Paulesc. "Jacques ou la Soumission: A Quest for Sexual Liberation". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti (2009).
- Julieta Paulesc. "The Sound of Passion and Madness: Musical Ekphrasis in Liviu Rebreanu’s novel Ciuleandra". Alloquor, Studia Humanitatis Iassyensia, Iasi, nr. 4, ISSN: 1844-6191, 2010 (0).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
FRE 101 | Elementary French I |
FRE 102 | Elementary French II |
FRE 101 | Elementary French I |
ROM 102 | Elem Romanian Lang & Cultr II |
ROM 202 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltr II |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
FRE 101 | Elementary French I |
ROM 313 | Romanian Comp/Conversation |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FRE 101 | Elementary French I |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
ROM 201 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltre I |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 102 | Elem Romanian Lang & Cultr II |
ROM 202 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltr II |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
ROM 201 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltre I |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 412 | Adv Spoken&Written Romanian II |
ROM 310 | Migration and Identity |
SLC 310 | Migration and Identity |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 102 | Elem Romanian Lang & Cultr II |
ROM 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 313 | Romanian Comp/Conversation |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 411 | Adv Spoken&Written Romanian I |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
ROM 201 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltre I |
ROM 494 | Special Topics |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 310 | Migration and Identity |
ROM 102 | Elem Romanian Lang & Cultr II |
SLC 310 | Migration and Identity |
SLC 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
ROM 442 | Dracula and Vampire Lore |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 313 | Romanian Comp/Conversation |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 411 | Adv Spoken&Written Romanian I |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 590 | Reading and Conference |
ROM 201 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltre I |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 101 | Elem Romanian Lang & Culture I |
SLC 201 | Introduction to Linguistics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 101 | Elementary Romanian |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 101 | Elementary Romanian |
ROM 310 | Migration and Identity |
SLC 310 | Migration and Identity |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 101 | Elementary Romanian |
ROM 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ROM 201 | Intermediate Romanian |
SLC 394 | Special Topics |
- "Teaching Romanian and Arizona State University, " conference presentation, The Romanian Language Worldwide Congress at ASU, Oct. 10-18, 2014
- "L'écriture de la décomposition: les voix du bonheur conjugal dans « Les Chaises » d'Eugène Ionesco. « L’écrire et l’écriture des écrivains d’expression française de l’Europe de Sud-Est », Bucharest (Nov 2010).
- Julieta Paulesc. "The Sound of Passion and Madness: Musical Ekphrasis in Liviu Rebreanu’s novel Ciuleandra". American Comparative Literature Association Conference, New Orleans, 2010 (Apr 2010).
- Julieta Paulesc. "From Housewives to Phallic Women: The Feminine Voices of Ionescoland". Southern Comparative Literature Association, Phoenix, AZ (Oct 2009).
- Julieta Paulesc. "Between Eastern Roots and Western Wings: (Re)mapping the Pursuit of Happiness in Cristian Mungiu’s movie Occident". American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Harvard 2009 (Mar 2009).
• American Comparative Literature Association • Southern Comparative Literature Association • ASU Barret, The Honors College – Honors Disciplinary Faculty • ASU Faculty Women’s Association • Society for Romanian Studies (2015)
Second reader on Alin Toader's Honor's Committee; Honors Thesis title : "The Colectiv Nightclub Tragedy: A Case Study of the Broken Mechanism" (2017) Member of Allie Farnlof’s MA Committee; thesis title “Subjunctive and Infinitive Modes in Romanian Verbal and Written Exchanges.”(2011) Taught and mentored future recipients of Flinn, NSEP (Megan McGinnity, Bailey Edgell) , Fulbright ( Elyssa Ford and James Deyo), FLAS (Michael McIntyre), Marshall (Megan McGinnity) and ASU School of Social and Family Dynamic's Wilde Family Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Romania (Kayla Dunaway) (2003-present).
University Service:
Participated in University graduation ceremonies (Commencement, Barrett and CLAS and convocation ceremonies) (spring, 2017)
First Annual Exploring Communism Panel organized by ASU Global Business Association and ASU Global Council of Diplomats – guest speaker, March, 2016
Hosted The Romanian Language Worldwide Congress at ASU, Oct. 10-18, 2014
Represent each semester the Romanian Studies Program to the ASU’s Study Abroad Fair (spring and fall), ASU Language Fair, Night of the Open Door, and Homecoming (fall) .
Organized the 35th Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference in Phoenix (Oct. 2009).
Hosted and provided event logistics for:
"Amalia Takes a Deep Breath”, performance by Anca Hanu from the National Theater in Cluj, Romania (January 2016)
"The Chairs" and "The Lesson", performance by the National Academy of Theatre and Cinema (UNATC) of Bucharest, Romania, as part of the International Artist series (November 2014)
"Killed by Friendly Fire: a never ending story," a performance by actors from the National Theater in Cluj, Romania, as part of the International Artist series, Government (October, 2014)
“How to Become a Good Writer in a Foreign Language” and “Metaphor and Political Theatre: Between East and West”, lectures by Romanian playwright Matei Visniec (November 2011).
“Eternal Longing, Impossible Love: Mihai Eminescu, Europe’s Last Great Romantic Poet”, a presentation by Adrian George Sahlean. (December 2008).
“Black Humor as Form of Political Resistance in Totalitarian Societies” by Romanian playwright Matei Visniec (October 2008).
“Between Myth and History: Dracula as Transylvanian Monster”, a presentation by Professor Radu Ardevan from the Babes Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania (October 2008).
student-actor open forum with visiting Romanian theatre group from National Theatre from Cluj. (2008)
“Human Beings and the Human Condition” lecture by Romanian playwright Matei Visniec (October 2007).
Event logistics for “Travesties” (2006, Lyceum Theatre), “Old Clown for Hire” (2007, Neeb Hall), “How to Explain the History of Communism to Mental Patients” (2008, ASU Recital Hall), “The Body of a Woman as a Battlefiled in the Bosnian War” (2009, PURL, ASU Downtown Campus), Walk in Harmony” (2009, PURL, ASU Downtown), “The Book of Apolodor” (2010, ASU Recital Hall) and “Paris – Bucharest Express” (2010, ASU Recital Hall), The Brave Little Taylor” (2008, Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church) and “The Might Rooster” 2009, Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church), puppet shows presented by the Puck Theatre of Cluj.
SILC Service:
· Member of SILC Language Pedagogy Advisory Committee.
Member of the Evaluations Subcommittee of the SILC Language Pedagogy Advisory Committee.
· Member of the Annual Review Working Group.
Member of the Migration Research Cluster
· Faculty Advisor for the Romanian Students Organization.
Community Service
Phoenix Country Day School “Communism in Eastern and Central Europe: the Case of Romania, ” co-presenter (January 2016)
Represented ASU Romanian Studies Program at the first Romanian Festival, St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church (November 2016)
Attestation of official documentation for members of the Romanian Community in the metropolitan Phoenix area. Ongoing
Volunteer interpreter for Angels on Patrol (an organization providing resources to families and children in need as identified by Tempe & Phoenix Police Officers). Ongoing
ASU Stardust Center for Affordable Homes & the Family – Romanian Language Translator and Interpreter