Profiles in "Conservation Biology" Expertise Area

  • Philip promotes effective use and re-use of research data and leads research data management initiatives across ASU's research community to achieve this goal.
  • Kinzig looks at how humans shape and influence their natural environments and what this means for human health and Earth's ecosystems. Her work focuses on ecosystem services and the resilience of natural-resource systems.
  • Minteer is an environmental ethicist and conservation scholar who writes about wilderness, wildlife conservation, and the history of environmental thought, especially in the American West.
  • Senior vice provost and dean of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor in the School of Life Sciences. Kusumi's research focuses on vertebrate genomics.
  • Langergraber studies the behavior and genetics of wild chimpanzees.
  • Sterner uses methods from philosophy and social science to investigate how knowledge systems can better address wicked problems. His current projects focus on biodiversity data, modeling, governance, and philosophy.
  • Program Manager for the Earth Systems Science for the Anthropocene (ESSA) initiative and the USEL lab.
  • With a research emphasis in applied ecology, Lewis' research incorporates the principles of wildlife biology, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.