Profiles in "Ecocriticism" Expertise Area

  • Nadesan teaches courses that look at risk and crisis communications, bio-ethics, economic and corporate communication, propaganda and online social advocacy, and interpretive and critical methods.
  • Matsunaga holds a PhD in English Literature with an emphasis in British Romanticism and Digital Humanities. He is the Director of Digital Technology, Graduate Faculty, and an Academic Professional.
  • Adamson is President's Professor of environmental humanities in the Department of English. She directs Humanities for the Environment, North America & the BRIDGES Flagship Hub at ASU's Global Futures Laboratory.
  • Bate is an international leader in green thinking and applied humanities, with scholarly expertise in sustainability as well as in Shakespeare, life-writing, Romanticism, contemporary poetry, theatre, and visual culture.
  • PhD Student, English (Literature) -- Early modern literature // Environmental humanities // Sensory studies