Kewei Chen served as a senior scientist and a senior bio-mathematician at Banner Alzheimer's Institute (BAI) for 27+ years. During those years at BAI, He held the director of Core Resources, Neuroimaging Research and Analysis Lab, the director of Data Management and Statistical Core, Arizona ADRC. He has been a full research professor at the Neurology Department, College of Medicine-Phoenix, University of Arizona for 14+years and an adjunct professor with ASU's School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences for 30+ years. While still holding these two professorship positions and continuing his service to BAI as as scientific consultant, he became a parttime biostatistical research professor at College of Health Solutions, ASU since the beginning of 2023. He has wide long-term collaborations nationally in the US and internationally in Asia and Europe. He is well-known for developing and applying methodologies using his biomathematical, biostatistical, ML/AI and neuroimaging knowledge and expertise in various medical studies such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, obesity and others. During his 35 year research, he published several hundred papers with h-index of 109 by Google-scholar ( and 93 by ResearchGate ( ranks him in the field of Medicine 6741 world wide and 3663 in the US, 2024
Ph.D. Biomathmatics, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)
M.Sc. Biomathematics, UCLA
M.Sc. Biomathematics, Beijing Normal University, China
B.Sc. Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, China
methodology developments in 1) dynamic system, 2) medical imaging preprocessing, 3) medical image analysis,4) biostatistics, 5) biomathematics, 6) ML/AI
applicaiton of methodologies in studies of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and AD prevention using neuroimaging techniques, and methodology developments for the use of these neuroimaging techniques, also in diabetes, obesity, oncology