Profiles in "Statistics" Expertise Area

  • Michael Todd is a collaborating statistician who works primarily on externally-funded research projects aimed at testing models of psychological well-being, health behaviors, and health outcomes.
  • Broatch is a statistician who specializes in mixed models and the application of those models to educational data, the development of statistics education, and plays a key role in a number of interdisciplinary projects.
  • Field teaches both in-person and online courses in the Sanford School. He also conducts research on children and adolescents’ social cognitions.
  • Stufken’s primary research area is in statistical design and analysis of experiments.
  • Dr. Yi Zheng studies theories and practices in educational and psychological testing and assessment.
  • Mark Reiser has been a faculty member at Arizona State University since 1988. His research interests are in the areas of multivariate analysis, latent variable models, and mixed models.
  • Gerkin investigates how smell perception, learning and behavior are represented in the brain. He also pursues neuroinformatics, development of tools and standards to facilitate analysis of neuroscience models and data.
  • Sabo studies the importance of water in determining the viability and resilience of animal and plant populations in river and riparian ecosystems. He is director of the ByWater Institute at Tulane University.
  • Kao’s research focuses on the development of high-quality designs for functional neuroimaging experiments where pioneering brain mapping technologies are used to improve knowledge about the brain's inner workings.