Profiles in "Anthropology - Social and Cultural" Expertise Area
- Hegmon's research focuses on the archaeology of the U.S. Southwest, particularly the Mimbres region of southwest New Mexico. She has a long-standing interest in social theory and is known for her theoretical work.
- Alexander Henn works on the cultural and religious encounter between Europe and India, in particular Catholicism and Hinduism. He also specializes on the study of rituals and the current debate about the history and theory of the concept of 'religion'.
- Holman teaches a variety of courses, ranging from true crime, domestic violence and human rights, to alternative tourism. She also leads a Holocaust/Human Rights focused study abroad program to Europe each May.
- Woodward is affiliated with the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University. His research focuses on Islam, religion-state-society relations and religion and conflict in Southeast Asia.
- Randall provides academic advising services to graduate students in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change.
- Abby Loebenberg received a doctorate in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Oxford University. Her interests are the material culture of space; play and games.
- Bernard is a cultural anthropologist specializing in technology and social change; language death; and social network analysis.
- Brown is the director of ASU’s Melikian Center. His research and teaching focus on the Western Balkans in global context.