Profiles in "Biomarker Discovery for Personalized Diagnosis" Expertise Area

  • Yamashiro is an Associate Clinical Professor and Program Coordinator for the MS Biomedical Diagnostics program. He researches technology assessment and development in the healthcare field with a core strength in diagnostics.
  • Dr. Murugan studies epigenetic changes to environmental exposures and develops epigenetic-biomarker based diagnostic tests to detect exposures to toxic chemicals, pathogens, explosives and radiological agents.
  • Strong in biomath/biostats/ML/AI/neuroimage/AD methodology research. Dr. Chen has >600 papers w/ h-index 109 in Google scholar and 93 in ResearchGate. ranks him in Medicine 6741 worldwide and 3663 in US, 2024
  • The Smith group specializes in developing novel imaging technologies and multiomic biomarker discovery towards applications in women’s health and mental illness.
  • Yu completed MSN/PhD at Penn and postdoc at Penn State and is a Fellow of Gerontological Society of the America and American Academy of Nursing. Her research focus on interventions to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.
  • Klein’s research combines computational and experimental studies of protein structure, dynamics and function with particular emphasis on membrane proteins.